Jaime Pressly & Estella Warren Get Into A Fight
Apparently Estella Warren is still getting invited to parties and this weekend when she got invited to one she stole the purse belonging to Jaime Pressly's assistant. Hang on. Jaime has an assistant? For what? I can maybe maybe see her needing someone to come in and help her once a week, but to bring her along to a party? That seems like someone who wants to feel really important about themselves so they can tell the world they need to have their assistant with them 24/7. Of course since her assistant's purse had a big pile of drugs in them, maybe that is why Jaime needs her with her. I am getting ahead of myself though. Jaime and Estella went to a birthday party. The purse turned up missing. Later that same night, Estella and Jaime showed up at a club and Jaime saw Estella with the purse and confronted Estella. Estella said the purse was hers even though it was filled with the assistant's belongings. The police were called. Drugs were found in the purse Estella was holding. Jaime and her assistant claimed they were not their drugs. Estella has had huge substance abuse issues and has been to rehab. Jaime has been arrested for DUI so is no saint when it comes to abuse. No arrests were made. How can there be no arrests made? You have a fight, possible theft and drugs. This is Lindsay Lohan's kind of night.