Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Is Heidi Klum Vacationing With Bethenny Frankel? - Drowning Story Not Quite What It Seems

Yesterday, Heidi Klum released a statement that says that she saved her son from drowning in Hawaii. Dramatic stuff right? Her 7 year old son Henry being dragged out to sea with two of Heidi's nannies. Yes, that last part is correct. Two of Heidi's nannies. That implies there are more than two she hires because goodness knows it is tough to care for three kids without multiple full-time nannies, especially when the kids are in school 8 or 9 hours of each day. Anyway, Heidi says she rescued her son, but witnesses say that Henry managed to swim to shore himself and did not need any help so I'm wondering how exactly Heidi saved him from drowning. Heidi says that she and her bodyguard/boyfriend were able to get everyone out safely. The nannies? Who? There was no pulling of anyone or dragging them to shore, so I'm a little confused. I don't think they were filming a reality show, but if they are, I'm pretty sure Bethenny "we almost were lost at sea" Frankel is probably a producer.


  1. She gave birth to him! Isn't that enough?

  2. She has 4 children.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Even if it really did happen, what's with the press release?

  5. I'm sick of Heidi. Yes, she's beautiful, but I think she's beyond the over saturation point.

  6. Likely exaggerating the story to get a little press, perhaps?

  7. Who releases a statement on how their child almost died? A cautionary tale is nice as to warn other parents but this doesn't seem legit.

  8. If I had the $ I would have a nanny. My youngest is wild and only knows 1 speed at the moment-TURBO! A second set of legs during the day would be great help. If you see a lady at the park running 1 way and then the other, it's me.

    1. I hear you, Della. My youngest son loves running off in public...I'm usually running after him the whole time. LOL!

  9. I confess - I was raised by a nanny and I was an only child. It was way better than having my mother tend to me.

    Sounds like a bragging story more than a warning to others story. Technically haven't we all saved out kids at some point from something? My #3 lack of fear, water loving child would have drowned several times....

  10. I have just decided that I would like to have a cook as well. It's not that I hate cooking, I am just no good at it. The rice is always soggy and the macaroni is always stiff. The meat is always dry. I can't be good at everything.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. have you ever went over a friends house to eat
      and the food just aint no good
      i mean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed
      and the chicken tastes like wood

    3. ...so you try to play it off like you think you can
      by saying that you're full
      And then your friend says momma he's just being polite
      He ain't finished, uh-uh that's bull!

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I saw this yesterday on dlisted, he was making the same joke but then the quote from Heidi was something along the lines of "the tide was really strong, but my son is a good swimmer so he made it back in fine". Not sure where the saving her son part came in but I assume the most damning quote would be used.

  12. She is such an attention whore. I believe that the child could have been pulled into a riptide and was in considerable distress. Why does she feel the need to release a statement on it?

    What, is she reading the Tom Cruise book of P.R.?

  13. I just heard about this on the radio, that no, she did not release a statement that she saved her son. It was a pap who was there taking pics. Heidi has clarified that her son was not drowning, but needed a little help. If anything, she's humbly downplaying this.

  14. I heard that she was papp'd during the trip but that they were not around during this incident.

    I am very inclined to believe that if any pap with a one-step were around there would be a pic.

    Many people have asked why she felt the need to release a statement and I believe the back pedaling could be in response to that.

  15. I saw pics yesterday of her dragging two women in. They weren't that far out, but there was pics.

  16. Enty is totally wrong on this. The statement was because there *were* pap photos released, which showed Heidi pulling an out-of-it looking nanny back to shore and her BF gasping for breath on the beach. Also, Heidi specifically said that her son was a strong swimmer and saved himself. The story is still on people... It's not like it's hard to check before posting this.

  17. Heidi's statement:

    "We got pulled into the ocean by a big wave. Of course, as a mother, I was very scared for my child and everyone else in the water," Klum, 39, says in a statement. "Henry is a strong swimmer and was able to swim back to land. We were able to get everyone out safely."

    See: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20687216,00.html

  18. Pictures here: http://www.etonline.com/news/132326_Exclusive_Pics_Heidi_Klum_s_Dramatic_Beach_Rescue/index.html?page=Ng==&a=0

  19. We're not rich and we travel with our childcare. Two if we can swing it. It's not really a vacation if you have to keep tabs on kids. That's what we do at home.

  20. Yeah, I understood what she was saying, didnt get wrong impression. let is go, enty. And della, I hear ya!! I have a 2 year old granddaughter who moves at warp speed. We babysit her, and are thinking of buying her a harness!!!! We cant chase her! She took off in target one slow morning, like a flash as usual, and the other moms and grandparents helped my husband get her, lol. They understand!

    1. @auntliddy, I just usually get dirty looks when my 2 year old bolts and I have to chase after.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Those dirty looks dont help catch the kid, lol. You wont be getting any from me!!!!!!

  21. Della - reminds me of a joke: Mom told me to be a good wife I'd have to be a maid in the house, a wizard in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. I figured I'll hire a housekeeper and a chef and do the rest of the work myself.

    Auntliddy: YES! get one of those harnesses. People may give you weird looks but at least your child won't dart into traffic. I babysat for a child like that and it was a lifesaver.

    Sounds like someone didn't accurately report what Heidi did here (side eye to Enty).

  22. GMA said besides being a super model Heidi was a super hero. I thought that was a little over the top.

  23. Dayum, Enty does NOT like Jennifer Aniston and Heidi Klum. They both must have grabbed the last bacon wrapped scallop at some Hollywood event right out from under his nose.

    Wait, neither of them eat.

    Heidi probably just wanted to control what was being reported about the event instead of the tabloids having a field day.

  24. Dayum, Enty does NOT like Jennifer Aniston and Heidi Klum. They both must have grabbed the last bacon wrapped scallop at some Hollywood event right out from under his nose.

    Wait, neither of them eat.

    Heidi probably just wanted to control what was being reported about the event instead of the tabloids having a field day.

  25. When I had my oldest I never needed a harness. I remember seeing people use them and thinking how cruel. Now 10 years later with my youngest I will strap it on her in a heartbeat. But she always gets away when we are at the park. Right when she comes down that slide zoooom she is gone!

    1. It is completely amazing how fast they are!!! And i am usually right on top of her, but she gets away anyway!!!!!!!

  26. Della, I initially read your second comment as you wanted a 'cock' as well.

  27. When my son was little I told people we didn't need a nanny so much as a handler.

  28. I was 15 I saved my baby brother from a rip tide. They are no joke. Why my mother would take us to the beach with no lifeguards on duty and she couldn't swim still boggles my mind. This story makes my skin chill. Even if Heidi didn't save kid who cares? The child is alive.
