Monday, April 01, 2013

Freddie Mercury & Princess Diana Walk Into A Gay Bar...

Princess Diana always seemed like she was up for anything. You know Freddie Mercury was. According to a new book, back in the late 1980's Freddie dressed Princess Diana as a man, complete with army jacket, black cap and sunglasses and smuggled her into a gay bar where she ordered drinks at the bar and was not recognized at all. Apparently Freddie got most of the attention and Diana was free for the 20-30 minutes they spent at the club. Freddie said she looked like a very beautiful man with pert buttocks. I could totally see both of them doing something like this. If she got caught doing it, no one would care, but she didn't and apparently loved that she was able to not be recognized.


  1. Ha.. incredible story, and reminds me once again of how sorry I am that her life was cut short.

  2. This is so awesome. Freddie Mercury is one of my favorites, and I love Princess Diana. The 80s were such an awesome time. I was only a child then, but I would've loved to be in my 20s to fully experience the 80s. Today just seems so blah by comparison.

    1. You should watch Midnight In Paris! Great movie and based in that sentiment exactly! :-)

  3. Didn't she do something similar with Fergie when they were getting along?

  4. I disagree - it would have been a huge deal if she was caught doing it back in the 80's. I am not sure if this story rings true to me.

    I was a huge Diana fan when I was a little girl. I wrote her a letter after she got married and received a letter back from her lady-in-waiting. I was beyond thrilled. As an adult, it is hard to comprehend my Princess Diana obsession. I would cut every newspaper article about her out.

  5. I think Freddie and I would be besties..two lives cut so short!

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I would LOVE to go to a gay bar with Freddie Mercury!

  7. I've never been a Diana fan and really don't get all the love, but this is a cool thing for her to have done. And I would follow Freddie Mercury ANYWHERE.

  8. I loved Diana, so I hope this story is true. It's just too cute. And good on Mr. Mercury for helping his buddy have a fun night out on the town. RIP to both of them.

  9. Cute story. Last night I was watching A Knight's Tale - Queen songs and Heath Leger. Good times. Strange to see this post today.

  10. LOVE this story! Hope they had fun! Gives me the sads a little, to think that someone has to go out in drag in order to not get mobbed.

  11. I love this story.

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Freddie Mercury is my favorite person ever. Great story Enty.

  13. Great story! I'll bet she loved the 30 minutes she was free. Agreed...Two lives cut too short.

  14. Camilla wouldn't even have needed a disguise.

  15. @Ethorne *snort*

    I love this story and hope it is true. Sounds like loads of fun for Diana.

  16. Care bear, is that your daughter or you in your new pic? STUNNING!
    Don't let Mel Gibson get a glimps of her. She's a looker!

  17. I too love this story. Such a nice one.

    Oh yeah - and I agree - I would've loved to go to a gay bar with Freddie Mercury too!

  18. @ Syko - me too!!!

  19. What a great story! Both are truly missed. :-(

  20. Awww .. I'm on the Freddy Mercury wagon. Love and miss his talent! I bartend a couple of nights a week and one night is karaoke and someone did Bohemian Rhapsody .. It was amazing and the entire bar stood up and started singing. When music can impact generations years later to that degree? It's something epic to behold!

    The idea of Di in drag makes me smile .. I choose to 100% believe this story.

  21. Although Brian May was my big crush, Freddie would be my dream best friend. His talent was amazing, although he was super shy IRL.. .I miss them!

  22. Also a Diana fan and can see this and hope it's true, but even if it isn't, will still chuckle!

  23. Freddie was an amazing guy and always seemed so great to be around. He could be extroverted beyond belief in public and then at home be this sweet, shy guy who loved his cats like children. I think the people who truly knew him were so lucky.

    He's still very much loved and very much missed.

    Diana was kind of a hot neurotic mess but she also seemed like a good person beneath all the bullshit. It's stories like these that make me think she'd have been totally different if not for having the royal family in her life.
