Friday, April 19, 2013

Four For Friday - She Doesn't Talk About It

It is Friday. This has been a very long week. Constant news coverage of events just saps energy like nothing else because you are constantly wondering what is going on and discussing it and work gets pushed to the side so then you have to catch up and it has been an exhausting week. last week I mentioned a forum/message board that has been set up by some readers. That site is It turns out there is another site that has been set up by readers to discuss in more length, topics that have been brought up on the site and it is However they are in the process of moving to a new site but give instructions on how to follow them, so hurry over there before it is too late. I will be blogging all weekend and will have some reveals from the archives tomorrow. For the past few weeks there have been some on Sundays and I see no reason why that won't continue. This week I have not been up to tweeting very much because of all the sad news. Felt wrong to clog up a timeline with gossip and jokes when there was so much tragedy, but hopefully next week will be better and if you would like to follow me, I am @entylawyer

This actress is A list. I would say until a few years ago she was A+ list. Mostly movies. Now, as she gets a little older, she might even be close to dropping down to the B's. It is not that she won't always be the top lead in whatever movie she stars in, because she will be. She is not a big fan of being a supporting actress, but maybe that is something she needs to look into. Our actress has kind of faded from the spotlight that she was basked in for years. Although she has been around a long time, her experience does not really reflect her age. She is not a big fan of discussing her personal life so she has been very good about hiding her growing substance abuse issues. Normally this would be quick blind perhaps, but with this actress any abuse is scary. First it was a glass of wine and then a bottle. Just once a week she said. Soon it was just once a week that she was not getting drunk. People who came into contact with her were shocked she was drinking and watching her get drunk before their eyes. They always thought she had stopped. Nope. Wine became pot because she told people that pot was not a real drug and it was about the same as wine, but with less calories. Of course since she usually ingested hers in brownies, I'm not sure about the calorie thing. This was not an overnight process. This was a years long process. Well, one day she was with some friends and buzzed on wine and pot and she did something she vowed she would never do and that was a line of coke. One became two which became staying up for three days straight doing coke like she never had before. She thought she could handle it. She couldn't. There was a very very silent trip to rehab and for 30 days she was gone. Since then, she has been less about work and more about life and as much as she would be celebrated for becoming sober again, she just won't talk about it.


  1. I'm going to go with Julia Roberts :)

  2. Makes me sad to say it, but first thought was Drew Barrymore

  3. Drew came to my mind too, since she was so famously drug dependent at a very young age. Hope not, she's so nice!

  4. Yes, VIP & Chris, add me to your guess, and sadness. The Barrymore curse with the Barrymore gift.

  5. If it were Drew, wouldn't it say that she had vowed to never do coke AGAIN?

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    So, she did coke, presumably for the first time since it was something "she vowed she would never do" but then spent three days doing it "like never before"? So had she done coke before or not? Because if yes then I think that eleminates Drew.

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I mean if not. Hasn't drew said she's done coke?

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Also, that's one thing, not 4. It's x person doing coke now and....... What brand of wine she likes? What rehab she went to? Are we guessing the husband and baby too? Oh! A dealer?

  9. people, why don't you just join up with the people? Having two sites is just going to make a mess.

    1. And join the dark side?

    2. I find the forums sorta boring. No one posts on the forums. It's a dead zone there.

    3. I tried to read something on the forum this morning and it just froze up. No thanks.

    4. Because its hard to navigate, and obviously was set up for revenue, rather than reading.

    5. I'm not clear on how it's gonna be a mess.

  10. I read this as someone who BEGAN having a problem, so my guess is that it would NOT be Drew or Melanie.

    And that said, I have no guess. Between Boston, Texas, bad weather, grad school stress, and having my car stolen (with my grad school projects IN it), my brain is toast.

    1. @AKM
      Sorry to hear about your car and projects. That sucks.
      Take a day or two off, relax, breath deep and have some fun.
      Keep a notebook by your bedside, and just take 20 to 30 minutes every morning to lie in bed and write everything you think of (unedited thoughts) into the notebook before doing anything else in the day.
      You'll get a new perspective, new ideas, and perhaps a better spin on any of the grad school project you need to redo.
      Please trust me, it's totally ninja.
      You'll get lots of work done and free your brain to relax at the same time.

    2. @AKM. Crap. I'm really sorry to hear about your car. I hope you get it back.

  11. I read this as Julia Roberta. I certainly hope it's not Drew.

  12. Sandra bullocks fallen off the radar. or maybe meg ryan?

  13. I thought of Cameron Diaz.

  14. "Like she never had before." "Sober again" - Drew.

  15. I would guess Drew Barrymore. She's been promoting that wine all over the place, and I thought that's not a good thing for her to be around all the time, and sip on a show, with the family background.

    Maybe Enty meant she swore she would never do coke .. AGAIN... but did.

    The older you are when you have a kid, the more erratic the post-partum recovery changes, and the toll the lack sleep takes on the mind and body while also trying to keep up a work schedule. I think it's best for whoever this is that she's keeping it private while recovering.

  16. Drew said in an interview years ago that she did drink alcohol. She said she could drink without wanting to do drugs (something like that).

  17. Drew. And I swear I saw her on The Chew last week and she was drinking a glass of wine.

  18. Rene Z? The mostly movies part - could be theatre too.......

  19. Going with Sandra...hard few years with whats his nuts...but it makes me like her more, people without overcoming adversity are snooze fests!

  20. Michelle Pfeifer

  21. Renee Zellwegger. She's definitely faded out of the spotlight and very guarded about her personal life.

  22. ScarJo, just for shits and giggles.

  23. Faded A list- a little older from blind. Sounds like a Meg Ryan or someone like that.

  24. Don't think Julia Roberts fits- given the crowd she hung out with in early years tI would be very surprised if she wasn't into pot/coke in her twenties.

    Got to go back to Meg Ryan- good girl image until the Crowe debacle.

  25. drew seems like a good guess. she is more behind the camera now, so that gives her more privacy (i.e. she's able to spend 30 days away and people won't notice).

    and she has her vineyard, or her brand of wine, right? something like that.

    meg ryan could also be a good guess but i don't know anything about her substance abuse struggles.

  26. Same with Melanie Griffith as Julie Roberts - would be shocked if she wasn't into pot/coke when with DonJ.

  27. I agree with @Anna - if drew blind would have said she vowed to not to coke AGAIN. Not Drew.

  28. I read this as Helen Hunt.

  29. Scratch that. "Sober again."


  30. Charlize Theron? I guess she hasn't faded that much...but I feel she used to be in spotlight more. She had a crazy upbringing, is guarded about private life, maybe that haircut was a "fresh start" after rehab?

  31. @Mooshki, the cdan forum is NOT user friendly.

    In addition if Enty was paying attention to the comments he would remove the massive TROLL's that have joined this site. Thats enough to make me leave. It's obvious his traffic has already gone down.

  32. +1 Renee Z. I really like her :-(

  33. There are tons of pictures out there of Drew drinking. I never thought she didn't drink.

  34. Thanks, Xander. Unfortunately, it's a group project and we're meeting in the morning. Fortunately, it's a group project so I'm not on the hook for the whole thing. Pissed about my textbooks, which I rent and which may or may not be in the car and which may or may not be ruined from water damage. (The interior is probably ruined because the thieves left all the windows down and we had BAD storms here yesterday.)

    Ah, well. I'll have my car back and it wasn't a violent crime. Could be worse. I'll bitch and whine a bit for a few days and move on. :-)

  35. What about Rene Zellwican'teverspellherlastnameright?

  36. For some reason, Kate Winslet came to mind.

  37. So sorry @AKM - that sucks!! Hope your next week is better :)

  38. I hope it's not Drew. She has a little baby. Hope she didn't use when pregnant.

  39. I read this as Jennifer Aniston until the 1st line of coke. Weren't there rumors that her and COurtney Cox did a lot of coke together in their Friends days?

    If not, going with Charlize Theron.

  40. Definitely Julia Roberts

  41. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Drew Barrymore

  42. Somewhat young been around a long time sounds like Drew. Also ex-coke addict back on it sounds like her.

  43. "people who came into contact with her were shocked she was drinking" That line stands out to me. What actress' drinking would shock people? Drew maybe, but like others have said she does drink. I am drawing a complete blank.

  44. The ingested it in brownies could be a clue - Drew in "Never Been Kissed"?

  45. I don't know if this has any bearing, but Drew is on the cover of the newest Lucky magazine and there's an extensive article about her. I don't think it's her.

  46. My first thought was Helen Hunt, but then I think of her whenever there's a blind about someone who was at the top and then just kind of disappeared. I just know something very wrong has happened in her life.

    But, the Michelle Pfeiffer guess is good ... whatever did happen to her?

  47. Drew's seemingly been in tons of ensembles though, which is why I would highly doubt this is her.

    What about Kiki D?

  48. I kinda want to say Nicole Kidman on this one.

  49. sounds like Meg Ryan, but this would be so sad if it were Sandra Bullock.

  50. If you look at the user list at cdanforum, the majority of the people signed up haven't been there in a week. It has poor turn out, the layout is atrocious, it's not user friendly, and, frankly, it gives me an icky feeling.

  51. I read Jennifer Aniston. Basking in spotlight (she loves her tans), doesnt take non leading female roles, she would count wine calories and I think people would be shocked with her doing coke. Plus the girl loves her pot.

  52. I read Jennifer Aniston. Basking in spotlight (she loves her tans), doesnt take non leading female roles, she would count wine calories and I think people would be shocked with her doing coke. Plus the girl loves her pot.

  53. I like the Kiki guess but I'm not sure it fits totally because doesn't she take co-starring too? Am thinking Spider-Man.

  54. "My first thought was Helen Hunt, but then I think of her whenever there's a blind about someone who was at the top and then just kind of disappeared. I just know something very wrong has happened in her life."

    You think? She had a baby and I think she's done some directing, and didn't she move to Hawai'i with her baby daddy? Perhaps she just wanted out of the spotlight more? I don't know that I'd necessarily say that that means that "something very wrong has happened in her life."

  55. Drew seems to fit perfectly except for two things..

    1- the wording of the blind makes it seems like she had never done coke. Drew was famously doing yayo at like 12. We all know Enty is no Hemingway, so the only way drew fits is if she swore she would never do coke AGAIN.

    2- Enty says the subject of this blind is very private, but drew Barrymore has always been very open about her life. And she doesn't shut up about her baby.

  56. Why would any abuse be scary??? This has to be someone with abuse issues in the past. Drew

  57. Why would any abuse be scary??? This has to be someone with abuse issues in the past. Drew

  58. Sorry to go off topic, but I just had to mention that Enty was quoted on my local radio station this morning (Cincinnati area). They didn't name the website but called him "The Entertainment Lawyer" and read his Rihanna post from yesterday in its entirety. I had no idea this blog was getting any mainstream notice (except for the whole RDJ thing).

  59. @mojobella- Michelle Pfeiffer married big time tv series producer David Kelley, adopted a child and had another.

  60. Nicole Kidman. Basked in spotlight: she's a lizard, Australia is hot as heck. Doesn't talk about her personal life due to her Scilon settlement. Would worry about calories. Plus you'd think with her recent movie awards season and hubby on AI, you'd see her more, but she's not been around much. And the supporting role comment reminds me of To Die For. That's my guess.

  61. how about we start a subreddit for this blog instead of making a separate forum?

  62. Ah man, I wa going to cdanot daily and now it's locked? :-(

  63. Drew Barrymore. She definitely admitted to drinking wine as an adult after her bouts with childhood/teen addictions.

  64. Alcohol is a drug, Drew. If this is you, you're kidding yourself as a recovering addict to say it's ok to drink wine.

  65. @Mojobella Are you referring to Helen Hunt's teeth? I had noticed that she got veneers a few years ago and I wondered why because she still does not seem comfortable with them. And why we're talking about veneers, I could swear that Jordana Brewster has them now, too. Are new veneers mid-career and with out any explanation a sign that something is wrong in an actor's life? Does anyone have any theories? I'm just wondering because, for example, when someone who has been famous for years suddenly gets a very obvious nose job and does not offer any explanation, I immediately think "cocaine abuse" (ex. Stevie Nicks, Yasmine Bleeth, Pepa from Salt and Pepa- don't know for sure if her nose job is actually a "snow job" but I wouldn't be surprised).

  66. Drew told a magazine years ago that she is not sober and just tries to find balance. I'm thinking Jamie Lee Curtis who had addiction problems (pills) got sober and then could have possibly started doing coke since I don't think she was ever know to do it IIRC.

  67. Bang - I think it's because most of the people in Hollywood are so insecure, it's one more thing they can try to fix about themselves. I think they look hideous on most people

    I read this blind as Julia Roberts.

  68. mooshiki- how do you get an invite into
    it said cannot access without an invite...?

  69. Reese Witherspoon?

  70. Yeah, now isn't working for me. Plleeeeeaaase let me in? ;)

  71. After reading all the comments, my guess is CZJ. Any abuse would be scary b/c she's been open about her mental health issues and is presumably medicated for them... and the 'supporting role' comment is a bit of a joke (and a reference to the Oscar she won for what was essentially a leading part).

  72. @Andy: Not Kate Winslet. She's nowhere near close to dropping down to the B's, she has never had a problem taking on supporting roles, she has no history of abuse issues, and she's been more about work lately as she's working on three new films. I wouldn't say she's been around for a long time either.

    I'm going with Drew Barrymore. Even in recent interviews, there's just something 'off' about her. She hasn't really been in the movie spotlight for a while, I can't remember the last hit she had. Julia Roberts is another good guess - she never ever talks about her private life and always has to be the star of everything.

  73. Not Aniston. She's A list, but never been A+ and she does not mind sharing screen time with other cast members. She's also not known for heavy drinking. The calorie counting bit isn't much of a clue, that doesn't rule anyone out. The last sentence about being "Celebrated" seems like a clue of some kind, but can't think what.

  74. "Ingested in brownies" eliminates Renee, as that implies eating.

  75. I would say this is NOT Drew Barrymore. Drew has had a well documented history of drug abuse, even as a child, and admitted so in her autobiography.
    i'm thinking this is someone who normally keeps a low-profile. Sandra Bullock?

  76. Drew Barrymore just had a baby and came out with her own skincare/cosmetic line. She seems happier than she ever has been. I doubt it is Drew.

  77. If we go by this past weekend, I'm going with Reese Witherspoon!

  78. Seconded Hmax17 -- Reese witherspoon and her weekend DUI

  79. Whoever this is strikes me as someone who's no stranger to substance abuse issues and keeps a very very very low profile. After more consideration, I'm going with Renee Zellweger. Her name alone is keeping her alive in the A list crowd but since she's getting older and her career is still in the toilet, I can see her slowly dropping down to B list. She never talks about her private life - is she even on the cover of magazines anymore? I never see her in photo shoots or anything with comments about her personal life attached. She's always the top lead actress in whatever she stars in, even if the movie is crap. Hell, she looked like she was on something at this year's Oscars. She's been around since the 90s. Everything seems to fit.
