Four For Friday - It's All For Show
This has seemed like a very long week. It is finally Friday though. I feel like making it a Friday Fun Day. what that means is essentially that I will drink my lunch, but is really no different than Terrific Thursday or Wild Wednesdays. No real announcements at all this week except to remind you I will be here all weekend so be sure to tip your waitress. Tomorrow I will have a blind item reveal or two from the archives and maybe even on Sunday too. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter as I try and reach that elusive 20K follower mark. I am @entylawyer
Have you ever wondered about how this couple came to be? He needed a boost to his career. She already had a huge career, but was afraid it was all going to come crashing down at any second if someone found out her secret. She loves women. Adores them. Made the mistake of telling some people early in her career and the next thing you know, she is having to give away her songs instead of selling them and not getting to keep the best ones for herself. What to do about it? Well, she came up with a grand plan that has worked really well for her. Find a notorious womanizer who she falls for even though he is with someone else. She told herself that would really make it look like she likes guys. She was totally willing to put up with some bad publicity because in her world, the alternative was going to be way worse. The guy, a celebrity himself thought it was a good idea. He liked the idea of doing something in secret and his new girlfriend and soon to be wife told him he could spend some time with women she found for him or even join in with one or two of her girlfriends. This made him happy and he has also seen a huge bump in his status and money earning ability and has no issues at all with how things have turned out. Meanwhile, the people who were forcing her to pay for their silence have lost a lot of leverage because of what the world perceives as a very normal and loving heterosexual household.
Kelly Clarkson & Reba's son?
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ReplyDeleteNever mind.
ReplyDeleteHad this said the 90's i would have said Whitney and Bobby
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys. Swizz Beatz was married when they hooked up.
ReplyDeleteI wasnt even a third of the way thru when I knew it was them. Why is it even blind? Alicia is a stud, and Swizz needed publicity and money.
DeleteOmg awesome! Thats so hot. Too bad she has to hide
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DeleteLeann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian
ReplyDeleteMy first thought, also!
DeleteBut this is a singer who also writes and most of those are either single or dating not married
ReplyDeleteGood one Skor!
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys and Swizz Beats (??) - can't figure out the spelling.
ReplyDeleteWas thinking Alicia Keys for this from the outset.
ReplyDeletenick cannon and mariah carey!!!
ReplyDeleteMiranda Lambert and Blake Shelton?
ReplyDeleteThis is my guess too!
DeletePink and Carey Hart.
ReplyDeleteI read it as Miranda & Blake too.
ReplyDeleteMe three
DeleteOT: TMZ just posted - Halle is pregnant with a boy.
ReplyDelete@Cecilia- Oh hell nahh
Delete@Unknown, it still baffles me that Pink is straight!
ReplyDeleteYeah there is nothing feminine about her. Until now I thought her husband must be a closet gay and liked her because ahe looks and acts like a raunchy and the obnoxious dude. She once bragged that her daughter is mean like her. Huh?
DeleteI love Pink. She stands up and kicks ass for women. She portrays an image that you can be strong and stand up for yourself and don'thave to be bBarbie to be beautiful. She gives a shitload of money to charity and her abs are to die for
DeleteMy freshman year at Smith College, Pink played a concert and kissed a girl in the audience as a birthday present
DeleteI like the Alicia Keys guess. My bffs are a lesbian couple and they have always said she pings their gaydar hardcore.
ReplyDelete@EmEyeKay Right? And the Blind never suggests the womanizer is a musician. TOTES THEMMMMM. She b lezzin on the side.
ReplyDeleteIf Alicia Keys is into chicks, I'd switch sides. Mr. Disco and I went to see her concert here a couple of weeks back (about the same day everyone was going all gaga saying she's pregnant again - trust me - she ain't)and she was AWESOME.
ReplyDelete@Unknown - but Pink didn't have a period in her career where all her good songs went to someone else. She has been killing since her second album and I don't for a minute believe that if she were a lesbian she'd hide it.
ReplyDeleteKelly Clarkson is a pretty good guess, what with her feud with Clive Davis, but I don't know enough about her dude to make the call one way or the other.
Loving the Keys/Swiss guess. The baby could have been invitro so they never even had to touch each other. Would not be the first or last time this was done to prove a marriage was real in Hollyweird.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Halle like 46 years old? Well God bless her if it is true.
ReplyDeleteLove the Swizz Beats and Alicia Keys guess. She did lose clout with some of her fans b/c she went after a married man. Plus there have been bisexual rumors about her for years.
ReplyDeleteBut Blake and Miranda sounds good as well.
Somehow I don't think Pink would care if people knew she was gay.
Totally Alicia Keys. I heard she was a lesbian way back in 2007 and was shocked when she got married and had a child
ReplyDeleteThought of Alicia as soon as I saw the part about writing songs. Swizz has gotten a lot more publicity since he got with her and publicity=$$$.
ReplyDeleteWhat what what!!!!! about Halle!!!
If it's Alicia Keys he's costing her a fortune..
ReplyDeleteMariah Carey & Nick Cannon.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's Alicia then. That totally sucks that she was blackmailed into giving her good songs away. Did she not even get a writing credit?
ReplyDeletedefinitely Alicia
ReplyDeleteGwen and Gavin, FTW.
ReplyDeletelol @ anyone who thinks Mariah writes any of her own songs and that her "co-writing" credits were anything other than courtesies.
ReplyDeleteHalle, you dumb bunny! You so cray-cray! You're gonna be tied to this box of rocks forever and you thought you had baby-daddy trouble before? This one comes with MAJOR temper problems. And you're not getting any younger and you have major diabetes issues. But then, thinking ahead was never your strong suit. *shakes head*
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys and Swizz Beatz for sure!! He was her producer, a womanizer, already in a relationship. She has always pinged my gaydar in a huge way! She's got that Jada Pinkett, don't fuck with me, glint in her eye. She's awesome. I'm a huge fan. I like her MUCH more that she's not a door mat in love with a scum bag, she's just gay! She's a great songwriter, phenomenal. Come out Alicia! She'd gain so many more fans!!!
ReplyDeleteI read this as Keys and Beatz...
ReplyDeleteDammit Florida!
@Zee- I guess it's about that time, you know what to do, Bugs Bunny.
Deleteok people, name one alicia keys song that went to someone else. she's been famous for years, I think since she was a teenager. you just can't ignore a part of the blind item that doesn't fit.
ReplyDeleteThat Whitney Houston "Million Dollar" something or other was written by Alicia Keys
DeleteI think the point is that people would never know which songs were hers. She had to give them away, which I assumed to mean without credit or compensation.
Ok. Needed a laugh. back to work.
Annabella I second that thought.
ReplyDeleteAs for Halle, is she really preggo or is she using a surrogate? Isn't she pushing 50? Isn't she too self absorbed to even risk having a special needs child? Or maybe she thinks that would gain her much needed sympathy and make her more "relatable".
Well, even if its not your blind, if you would reveal the toothy tile you would get some followers...
ReplyDeletewhat you sayin´?
@lottacolada, that's hilarious! i'm sure there are people in florida who would have done that years ago lol.
ReplyDeleteTo be different .. Tim McGraw and faith hill
ReplyDeletesome reason i read katy perry and russell brand... even though he hasn't seen THAT huge of a bump...
ReplyDeleteI had to wiki Swizz Beatz but he seems fucking gross. AK could do so much better (and probably does with hot birds). She always seemed gay to me too (a semi lipstick lez like my sis)
ReplyDelete@Cecilia... I just saw that too and of course came right here knowing my fellow CDANers would be up in arms. I already feel bad for that kid and the dysfunction-fest it's going to be born into. Gives me the ickies.
ReplyDeleteI also was surprised when Alicia got with him. I for sure thought she was gay and that it was common knowledge. Who knows? If so, I doubt she's coming out for years, since now she'll probably worry how it affects her kid.
ReplyDeleteThis is just so stupid that people still go to all this trouble to cover up being gay. Look at Queen Latifah. She got a covergirl endorsement and is in tons of movies. Her career didn't suffer. NPH? Gets hosting gigs for awards shows, and is on one of the biggest shows on television right now. Wake up Hollywood.
ReplyDelete@Jessica, Dah Queen's not out is she? I thought she was in the glass closet...?
ReplyDeleteSounds like Katy P. and Russell Brand to me.
ReplyDeleteQueen Latifah ain't out, that's the thing. Everyone just knows.
ReplyDeleteTake this with a salt shaker of salt, (cuz this is a white woman from Cali and what do I know), but I suspect if she officially came out, there would be a fairly big segment in the black community that would absolutely reject her for being gay. If it's unsaid and everyone just sorta knows, then everything's cool and we all love Queen Latifah but hey, if she's officially lezbo - then people gotta get the hate out and their career is ruined. Look at Magic's son. Where I live is pretty liberal and multi-cultural and tra-la-la-la, not everywhere is like that.
I thought it was Katy Perry and Russell Brand too, but it seems like this couple is still married. I'm liking the Alicia Keys guess.
ReplyDeleteQueen Latfah has never come out although it's no secret.
ReplyDeleteIt's also no secret that Alicia Keys is gay. Some lesbians I used to work with talked about an orgy she had with some friends at an upscale no tell motel.
The only reason I'm not sold on it being her is that to my knowledge she's never had to give any of her songs away. Again to my knowledge.
I don't think it's Mariah. And regarding Gwen and Gavin Gavin is the one in the closet in that relationship. Remember she gets made up like she does so that she resembles one of his past lovers.
The more I think about it I think its Alicia and whatever his name is.
@Hazeldazel is right. Luther Vandross never came out either but everybody knew.
ReplyDeleteThe black community is still very, very conservative about these things. In the hair dresser yesterday my stylist was saying her family thinks one of her sister's daughter is a lesbian. Many in the family are like "whatever" but her the girl's mother is telling them all not to speak to the young woman as she is a "disgrace" and "consorting with the devil".
Right away I thought of Alicia Keys.
ReplyDeleteHe said soon to be wife... I read this as Jason Sudekis and Olivia Wilde, the someone else being JJ
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys, it fits her perfectly.
ReplyDeleteDoes Alicia write her own songs?
ReplyDeleteWho has written songs that others have sung?
I really don't follow the music industry anymore, but maybe those who do would recall so and so getting writer credit for something someone else sang. Kind of like an Alannis or Jewel sort.
Other than that no idea, aside from the fact that I would be surprised if Faith Hill could write her own name, much less a song.
@SKOR - you nailed it - Alicia Keys.
ReplyDeleteIt describes him as a celebrity and notorious womanizer tho. When you think notorious womanizer you think John Mayer, Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, etc. Obvs, this blind isn't about them, but my point is who really even knew about Swizz before
ReplyDelete@Rockeytank: I'm old and don't follow hip hop or rap but I was aware of Swizz Beats horrible reputation. I do think it fits Alicia.
DeleteAnd to add to the conversation, if she was forced to give away her songs would there be song writing credits out there for her? Just curious.
Alicia Keys has always pinged my 'dar and Ive heard "things ".
I think coming out would be far more detrimental to Miranda Lambert than it would be to Alicia Keys. The country fan base is pretty conservative overall.
ReplyDeleteKelly Clarkson is a great guess.
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger and the Fiat-sized engagement ring.
ReplyDeleteThat Clive Davis sure loves pushing his talent back in the closet.
ReplyDeleteThis is 100 percent Kelly Clarkson.
ReplyDeleteEven the lyrics to her latest song kind of match the title of this blogpost
"Turning my cheek for the sake of the show"
The African American fans knew about Swizz's track record. 4 kids with 4 different moms. Relationships over lapping one another.
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys is a great guess, but just to be different, I'm going to guess Barbra Streisand and James Brolin.
ReplyDeleteAlicia Keys and Swizz Beatz are already married, not soon-to-be. So, not them.
ReplyDeleteTotally Alicia. Swizz was caught "cheating" on Alicia and she didn't even blink an eye
No clue on the blind, but I used to babysit for someone who worked with Alicia Keys back in 2001-2002, who definitely said that she was into ladies. :)
ReplyDeleteLinda Perry from 4 Non Blondes used to write a lot of Pink's songs, I dunno about her writing her own. I used to looove 4 Non Blondes. I'm on the Alicia Keys train.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling Tim &Faith for this one, he was up and coming and she was on the top of the charts. They hooked up while married to other people.
ReplyDeleteAww I love Alicia. It don't matter to me what her preference is. I like her the way she is.
ReplyDeleteclearly Alicia, but why anyone would care about her being a lesbian, I don't know. She's very creative and beautiful, and truly is known for her talent. It pisses me off that someone would hold this over her head.
ReplyDeleteFaith Hill and McGraw? Does she write?
ReplyDeleteWOW Enty, you're giving them away today! Another EASY EASY...Alicia and Swizz, for the win, Alex!
ReplyDeleteWhen she burst onto the scene and made a huge splash as Clive's new protegé, with 'Songs in A Minor', it was well known in the gay community that she was family - and she didn't even attempt to 'date' guys as a cover. Fast-forward to 'Songs of Freedom', her 4th album which wasn't as well received, and Clive had started to push her back into the closet. Swizz was part of the production team on that one, and the rest is history.
It really shocked me when I heard she'd married him - let alone had a child with him. He's trash, not just because he can't keep it in his pants, but because he's also a leech financially. I hope she eventually realizes that it's not worth it, people love her for who she is, dumps him, and moves on to happiness...
Y'all not reading this right. It's say new girlfriend soon to be wife which me they are engaged not married. Alica is married and judging by her Grammys I'm assuming she keeping her best songs, it's a combo blind. A little Katy perry, a little Kelly Clarkson, a little Alica keys.