Friday, April 05, 2013

Four For Friday - It's All For Show

This has seemed like a very long week. It is finally Friday though. I feel like making it a Friday Fun Day. what that means is essentially that I will drink my lunch, but is really no different than Terrific Thursday or Wild Wednesdays. No real announcements at all this week except to remind you I will be here all weekend so be sure to tip your waitress. Tomorrow I will have a blind item reveal or two from the archives and maybe even on Sunday too. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter as I try and reach that elusive 20K follower mark. I am @entylawyer

Have you ever wondered about how this couple came to be? He needed a boost to his career. She already had a huge career, but was afraid it was all going to come crashing down at any second if someone found out her secret. She loves women. Adores them. Made the mistake of telling some people early in her career and the next thing you know, she is having to give away her songs instead of selling them and not getting to keep the best ones for herself. What to do about it? Well, she came up with a grand plan that has worked really well for her. Find a notorious womanizer who she falls for even though he is with someone else. She told herself that would really make it look like she likes guys. She was totally willing to put up with some bad publicity because in her world, the alternative was going to be way worse. The guy, a celebrity himself thought it was a good idea. He liked the idea of doing something in secret and his new girlfriend and soon to be wife told him he could spend some time with women she found for him or even join in with one or two of her girlfriends. This made him happy and he has also seen a huge bump in his status and money earning ability and has no issues at all with how things have turned out. Meanwhile, the people who were forcing her to pay for their silence have lost a lot of leverage because of what the world perceives as a very normal and loving heterosexual household.


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