Four For Friday - Get Away From My Daughter
It is Friday. Another week gone by and already the last Friday in April. I love May. may is the time when you really start thinking about summer and taking off early on Fridays and then by July becomes not showing up on Fridays and trying to cough your way out of Thursday afternoons. Anyway, there are really no announcements this week except that I will be blogging all weekend and will have some reveals from the archives tomorrow and probably on Sunday. I didn't Tweet this morning, but I was running late and promise to make up for it. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer
This celebrity is fast approaching A list status. He is a tweener. A tweener who pops up every now and again in pap photos and usually has an equally famous female tweener on his arm. There was one special tweener he had his eyes on for awhile and they had some supervised dating. The female is fast approaching A list status herself but in an entirely different profession. The supervised dating led to unsupervised dating which led to a pregnancy scare which led to one last chance at supervised dating. The couple, being tweeners still found ways to be alone and the relationship was becoming more and more serious. The parents of the female started freaking out, but not quite as much as when their perfectly crafted daughter was caught up in a little bit of a drug scandal which would have rocked the family to the core. Going through their daughter's phone, they found photos of her boyfriend doing lines of coke and a bunch of lines waiting to be snorted. The daughter insisted she did not do any drugs. The parents made her take a drug test but no one knows what the results were. Meanwhile they told the male tweener to stay very far away and if he didn't, they would see the photos were published. They wouldn't have done it though because it would have sent their future money earner down with him.