Sunday, April 14, 2013

Farrah Abraham Talks About Her Porn - In Front Of Her Mom

TMZ caught up to Farrah Abraham at the airport with her mom and Farrah went on some rambling discourse which made her seem wasted out of her mind. I think she wants us to know that she is ticked off at James Deen for letting everyone know that this was a porn and not a sex tape and somehow by doing that has turned himself into a fame wh**e. Umm, Farrah. Psst. Mirror time. Farrah also says that she has not had many men but that James has a tiny peen. Google him and let me know what you think. Yeah. The sad part of all of this is that Farrah is having this discussion in front of her mom and compares her porn to a wedding video.


  1. What kind of donkey dick has Farrah had if Deen is tiny to her?

  2. Who is she having sex with? That's what she calls small? (Yeah I googled him. He's not exactly small.)

    She got called out on a lie. So now she's trying to do damage control. Sorry sweetie we all know it's a total lie. Just fess up. It only hurts the first time. I promise.

  3. She's doing "what she needs to do to return privacy to her life." Right, by talking to TMZ is clearly the way to do this. She takes being delusional to a whole new level.

  4. Yeah, everybody hires a porn star and pays a porn company to make a private sex-tape! Happens every day!

    Holy shit, I don't mind that these women are as dumb as bags of hair. I mind that they talk to the rest of the world as if we're all even dumber!

  5. That said, I look forward to it being released, which it will be. You don't think Steve Hirsch let a full video crew and James Deen do a full day's shoot without having a signed release, do you?

  6. I'll bet someone will put that release form on The Smoking Gun or where ever it is they have the contract riders for musicians and stars.

    Yeah dumb as a bag of hair might not be adequate because you could donate that to Locks of Love and it would be worth something to someone.

    A box of rocks however..

  7. And James Deen doesn't have a tiny peen by anyone's idea of size. This one is loony tunes.

  8. I don't know what is worse - her tit job, inept parents, trying to sell this sham, her stupidity or that she breeds. Jesus...

  9. I loved how the mom enables Farah's delusions and basically says Farho was tricked into making the video and she didn't know there was a whole film crew there.

  10. I still can't get over when TMZ first asked her to "elaborate" and she was "Library what? What are you talking about"

    And yeah James Peen isn't small but look at what he's working with.

  11. Oh wait? He was using Farrah for fame? Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He should get out of the business because he's "unprofessional"?

    And then she says she "hired" someone like it was a wedding video and then mama says, "Did she know they were videotaping?" God no wonder Farrah's a dumb twat. Please let them have their privacy and go the hell away.

    1. @Sherry, I love how she causally calls him unprofessional, basically admitting to hiring him, yet still goes with the "I didn't know!" lie. Such a smart girl.

  12. A box of rocks doesn't work, either... they would make a nice display in an aquarium, vase, or rock garden on your lawn.

    Farrah Abraham has really shown her depth of stupidity by saying Deen has a small peen, considering how incredibly easy it would be to prove her wrong. Unless she's used to hearing voices inside her privates that say, "Hey, if you help me find my keys, we can just drive the truck out!"

    1. @Zeeky - that reminds me of a line from Weeds, where Nancy says to Guillermo, "I hope you're not looking for sex. I just had a baby two weeks ago, that'd be like sliding a hot dog down a hallway." I had to pause from laughing so hard. And then Guillermo starts giving her kegel tips. HA!

  13. She probably feels she can't own up to any of it, has to keep the lie going no matter how ridiculous it is.

    Continuing the lie keeps attention on her. Admit it, and the story is over, no more reporters or TV segments.

  14. The sad part is this is being filmed as she walks around the airport.

    A "no comment" would be a better way to take back your private life.

  15. Could she just be neutered so that gene pool ends?!?!?! Enjoying James Deen'a blog, and what he wrote about this whole mess.
    **runs off to find out just HOW much it costs to hire a porn star to make a "sex tape"**

  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Would you elaborate please? " A library???" Priceless! Is she on something or really just that clueless? The fact that she doesn't think twice about having this conversation in front of her Mom, speaks to either her Mom's complete idiocy in raising her to have any kind of manners, or consciousness/awareness at all of what is and isn't appropriate or, no she's just retarded stupid. The end.

    1. @Anna-From TMZ via Dlisted:

      TMZ:So, Farrah, can you elaborate a little bit on what we spoke about earlier?

      Farrah: A library?

      TMZ: No, elaborate.

      Farrah: E-lab-or-ate? Who are you and why are you asking me about a tape?

      Blah blah skip to the end and:

      Farrah:I'm not even worried about that. I work hard on my own professionally and I don't need sex tapes or any of that bullshit.

      Hmm, I guess she's right, because pornos are professional, but plain ole sex tapes are not.

  17. Well the way she makes up so many fictitious tales, you'd think she eats nothing but lieberries!

  18. I had the misfortune of looking at Deen's blog (seems like a nice guy, just not very bright). His dong is far from tiny. Teen Mom needs to get the axe. Where the hell is this girl's self respect?

  19. Some company produces dildos in the shape of his peen. He had him moulded for the authentity of the product. Those dildos are 8.9 long, so not really tiny by any measure

  20. Tiny peen, no. Tiny brain, however...on her side, that is.

  21. Will people STOP TALKING to this person? Who GIVES A SHIT? She is a NOBODY, and a fucking LOSER.

    I hate our "celeb" culture these days! GAH!

  22. Cocaine is a hell of a drug

  23. yes, seriously, who cares about her or what she thinks. her 15 minutes are up.

  24. This girl AND her mother are out to lunch. I mean, how many times can you contradict yourself in one conversation and have no awareness of doing it? parisucksliterally said it all.

  25. All you gotta do is look at mama and see why this kid turned out that way.

  26. I hate this asshole. This is why I don't watch MTV. Dear MTV, please change your name to RTV because I haven't seen a fucking music video for ten years. Only shitty reality shows.

  27. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I looove how at the end the camera guy is asking the dimwit mom " Do you feel it's her fault at all for making a video with a professional porn star? " And the Mom says, " Well did someone tell her that they were doing a professional video? Did someone tell her they were making a professional video? I think it's just that (Deen) is just trying to sponge off of her celebrity and make a name for himself. " Lady, his cock's done that for him already, he doesn't need to do anything, like "sell" your angelic daughter's private porno she made with a porn star, that was just for her. The Dad can't have been much brighter to have reproduced with that.

    1. Exactly Anna N. And you know mama is just commenting on what this mental "giant" told her was going on. Another example on how people are so ignorant. And why kids are such shits today. They blindly believe their little angels and everyone else is to blame.

  28. Poor James Deen, used by Lohan & now this troll to further their sociopathic needs. They slam him and he gets free publicity. Lol glad he ratted this skank out! Kinda reminds me of James Franco when he was younger...

  29. She should just go twerk out with Amanda Bynes.

  30. Young = stupid but this...there are no words.

  31. And then she says she "hired" someone like it was a wedding video and then mama says, "Did she know they were videotaping?"


    This girl had better not commit a murder because she's just testified against herself. And who is watching her kid while she's off making porn movies? Gah!

  32. Alma, I have been saying for years the "M" in MTV stands for MORON.

    1. Exactly. Oh if you google this dumbass just please don't click on her music. I wouldn't dare call it singing. I love you people too much. This is more like a great interrogation technique.
      "We have ways of making you talk." Cue horrid robotic screeching.

  33. FUCK MTV. Seriously.

  34. I hope that this is where MTV's gross exploitation of young, troubled girls jumps the f*cking shark. They have a lot to answer for. Music Television, indeed. They need to drop the act and rename themselves, EOMTV (Exploitation of Minors TV). Our culture needs to reject them, and The Kardashians (along with 99% of "reality" tv) in order to save itself.

    1. Thank you MadLyb. I loathe them more than Madge loathes hydrangeas.

  35. No no no..alma! They have to look up her videos, I seriously showed everyone I saw the day I watched it!

    1. It's terrifying! Except the one that showed all her cry faces. That was actually more appropriate for the songs.

  36. My favorite part of this is when she says multiple times, "He doesn't respect women."

    That's the angle you want to go with?

  37. Oh WOW! I looked up the videos...exceeded my expectations for just how bad they could be!

  38. Hahaha! Right Doc? That's a new kind of awful.

  39. Anonymous11:49 PM

    So, Toucan Sam here got a set of new bolt ons', but wouldn't pay for that honker?

  40. Her parents fucked her up severely!

  41. He seems incredibly hot & funny, whereas she seems like a delusional has-been. Ugh!
