Denise Richards Says She Is Healthy
A lot of attention has been placed on Denise Richards lately because she is has been looking scary skinny. She says it is all camera angles and that she is very healthy. To prove it, she says that she eats ice cream all the time and ate a grilled cheese sandwich once too. Yeah, but is she eating all the mac and cheese that she makes for her kids? Is she making extra just for herself to eat out of the pot while her kids eat what she puts in their bowls. You have to put Mac and Cheese in a bowl right? It does not really seem like plate food. I personally always eat it out of the pot. I also have never bothered to use less than a stick of butter when I make it. There will be none of that substituting healthy stuff they suggest. Come on, you are eating mac and cheese. Are you really going to go organic with it and make it healthy? You have already committed to eating it, so you might as well make it as bad for you as possible. Note to Denise. I feel like when you can see bones in your face that you are probably a little on the skinny side.