Monday, April 01, 2013

Cory Monteith Checks Into Rehab

For at least the second time in his life, Cory Monteith has entered rehab. The Glee actor is 30 and when he was 19 he entered rehab to deal with substance abuse issues. His rep announced that Cory had voluntarily entered rehab. That one was pretty obvious since it is pretty tough to make someone go to rehab. The reps like to say that though because it makes their client look better. Lea Michele, a co-star on Glee and the person who co-stars with Cory in bed every night says that she is sending all of her love and support. I wonder if the two will stay together after rehab. I think that is 50/50. Things have not been all sweetness and light for the couple lately. It could be that rehab will make those things better.


  1. This came as a surprise to me. He looks super straight. I really like him despite his taste in girlfriends, lol. Wish him all the best.

  2. I remember hearing he was in rehab before. Good luck to him!

  3. Good luck - at least we didnt hear of his dumb antics while under the influence *Cough* lohag*cough*

  4. I'm feeling like this is an answer to a recent blind?

    1. @Cincy me too - like maybe the one with the boyfriend who cheats when he's drunk.

    2. No, I think he was the one they had to
      Frequently stop shooting for or rewrite scenes bc he was too drunk to do them...

  5. What substances is he abusing? I would need one of everything to date Lea.

  6. I'd abuse drugs, too, if I had to be with Lea Michele all the time.

  7. Hahahha, @Kelly! Great minds!

  8. He apparently was in rehab when we was younger too, not sure what for though. Hope it sticks this time :(

  9. Poor guy. THIS is an example I like to use for people who think that being rich, or famous, or successful will magically solve their problems.

  10. He's probably the answer to the blind regarding the Glee character with the substance issue - I would not have picked him as the most likely abuser. I hope things work out for him.

  11. Awww, I like Cory. I hope he'll be okay.

  12. This is a perfect example of a functional addict. No one would have ever known he had a substance abuse issue until he made it known. Which leads me to ask how many more are there in Hollywood like this? I bet the number is astronomical.

    Hope he gets the help he needs.

  13. Montana - I'm guessing a LOT because I know a lot of functional addicts just in my day to day (although the substance ranges from booze to coke to weed to heroin).

    This was surprising news - I am also curious if this solves any blinds...

  14. It's hard to say something when you're constantly in the spotlight and this took a lot of courage. Heck, it takes a lot of courage even if you're *not* in the spotlight. I hope the best for him in his battle with addiction.

  15. When the cast was on that Actor's Studio show, he mentioned his troubles--he seems like a very nice young man--I hope he can win over them this time.

  16. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Poor guy has to deal with Lea Michelle at work and at home, if that's not a recipe for substance abuse I don't know what is. " Cory? CORYYY???? Are you in there? It's been like half an hour, are you coming out already? I have to get ready for the benefit tonight, Stacy's coming over, I need you to pick up my dry cleaning, stop by Kohl's on your way, and would you call Erin and let her know I'm going to be ten minutes late for my spray tan???? Cory????! What are you doing in there?????!!"

  17. Vive la difference...Lohan and Monteith...

    the public will lift you up w/support if you take the challenge to better yourself...we will wash you down the toilet (burp...Lohan) if you crap on us for being stupid.

  18. I wish him all the best. And FTR, I know you're curious but it doesn't matter what you abuse just that you are not in control. (Guess those NA classes a worked a little.)
    @Montana: I'll bet you're right. there are so many without fame that have issues (I'll cop to it) and we don't even have access to major money, what happens in the privileged world of H'wd?

  19. I hope he gets the help he needs. Good luck to him. I'm a bit curious as to what''s going on. Last Tuesday it was announced that he was going to be attending a ski charity event this past Saturday.

    Hey, maybe Lea will now get more attention in the tabloids since no one seemed interested in their relationship before this announcement.

  20. I guess I bought into his Glee character, 'cuz I thought he was super straight, too. I'm surprised. I can't remember hearing of any bad press.

    I sure hope the paps don't hound him after he gets out (but you know they will).

  21. Wasn't there a blind about someone filming their GF? Is that what stars with him means?

  22. @Sherry
    One time is too many, and a thousand times is never enough. That will be burned on my brain for the rest of my days. :)

  23. His drug of choice is heroin. I am a couple degrees away from him, I know people he used with. Needles were his method. Someone I used to know told me that junkies can always tell who other junkies and ex-junkies are by their eyes.

    Anyway, heroin is a bitch, and I hope he gets the help he needs no matter what he's been using this time. I may not care for Lea, but he obviously does and there's a nut for every bolt.

  24. That really sad but I'm glad he is getting help. Wonder if Lea miss goody two shoes used with him.

  25. @Sunny: Hey girl!! Hope you're well...Thanks for that reminder.

    Rex: Yup....once a junkie always a junkie. We can tell...

  26. Those two looked awfully happy together most of the time. I hope things work out for him and for them. It seemed like being with him toned down her personality problems.

  27. I doubt that Lea was using with him. Their relationship always seemed like a pr sham to keep the spotlight on glee so I don't think they spent too much actual time together. The sad thing is that now that Cory is out of commission, they suddenly have the newer kids in the cast "dating" the same way Lea and Cory were. He seems like a real great guy so I hope he can get his life back together. Things must have gotten pretty bad if he couldn't wait for summer break to go to rehab.

  28. I caught a big problem vibe from him when i read sn interview with him few years ago. I think lea will give him another chance, but eventually if he doesnt stay clean she will kick him to the curb. Shes career focussed, works hard, and isnt going to derailed by a junkie. I wish corey good recovery.

  29. Cory went into rehab in the last few days, all of the episodes of Glee that have aired so far were filmed before the end of January. How is the "love triangle" among the current cast that has been going on since at least November related to Cory going in to rehab?

    Cory Monteith seems like a mostly good guy, I wish him all the best with his rehab.

  30. Thank you Montana.. There are maaaany functional addicts out there. When I admitted myself into treatment ( my family called it a reverse intervention ) I had not lost anything but my self respect. I still owned my business, my home, car, no arrests, custody of my children. But I was spiritually bankrupt and knew that if I was to continue I would hate myself more than I did at the time.. Which was a lot. Only a few suspected but most people figured I had it under control . Good on Corey. I'm always happy to see someone want to turn their lives around. It's never to late!

  31. I was very shocked to hear this news. He is definitely a super nice guy, I think he is just troubled. I'm very glad he knew he needed help and sought after it. I really hope it sticks! I'm sure it's extremely difficult to be popular in Hollywood and have a history of addiction. Drugs are so easy to obtain!

  32. Am I the only one out in the webiverse that though this was an April Fool's Day item?
