Saturday, April 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 16, 2012

The third time this almost A list all movie actress who I love found her boyfriend staring at her when she woke up from sleeping was enough to convince her to dump her boyfriend and she even changed the locks on her door. It took three times?

Amanda Seyfried


  1. Oh man! We all thought this was definitely J Law and the About a Boy guy! I know I did. At least now we know Enty has a soft spot for Seyfried and we can now include her in the popular guesses for his fave actress blinds.

    1. Anna I saw your comment yesterday about bats being Chihuahuas of the sky. OMG! That is hilarious.

  2. The guy is A Skars, right?

    1. I don't think they ever dated?

    2. They definitely dated. Seyfried even mentioned it in a magazine interview she did.

  3. Lol! Creeeeeepyyyyy!

  4. Glad to know Amanda is loved by Enty, because I like her a lot too.

  5. I'm glad this isn't Nicholas Hoult!

  6. Who's the boyfriend though?

  7. Desmond Harrington?

  8. Ryan Phillippe? He has that Patrick Bateman vibe.

  9. she is not all movie, was on big love, the blind was misleading

    1. she was on all my children and as the world turns too :/

    2. Don't forget her awesome work on Veronica Mars... Her character's death was the mystery of the entire first season.

  10. from august 2012 to february 2013,she dated Desmond Harrington so she waited before to drop Desmond Harrington:you can find some pics of them

  11. and didn't she work on a big tv show?

  12. @Sherry & Anna - I named my chihuahua "Dracula" because I thought he looked like a little bat

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      That is the cutest name ever!!

  13. i thought the guy from mama mia she was gonna marry.

  14. Josh Hartnett?? They might have broken up by then.

  15. Women do that shit!!! Like to watch guys sleep.

  16. Yeah, but not many men or women drive to the persons house in the dead of night, invite themselves in, and sits there and stares at the person while they sleep. That shit is creepy.

  17. There was that non celebrity she was dating. Every picture of them walking aroudn together Enty caption as "That guy's creepy."

  18. I guess this proves that when Enty says all movie it means more recent?

  19. I agree, MrWolf, I think it was the non-celebrity.

  20. She dated James Franco for a while earlier in 2012...maybe it's him.

  21. And she's all movies *now*. People need to realize that's Enty's defintion, lol.

    1. Thank you @Renoblondee, I thought that this topic was finally put to rest, ugh...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. That is creepy! I'm with Enty! Why did she wait three times to dump the weirdo??

  23. Good for her for getting out.

  24. Eww, creepy. She did the right thing.

  25. @ BLS, oh she was Lily?! I totally didn't make the connection when I saw her again in movies!

  26. Came here to say, gee, Ive stared at new boyfriends while they slept before. Then I read that they let themselves in...
    I suppose the first time you could be convinced it was something sweet, in the right situation.

  27. Copy and paste from Megan Fox reveal:

    "...thanks for the reminder of how much better things are around here since Enty started saying "mostly movie" instead of "all movie." Although, some nitpickers still get their panties in a bundle. It's a generalization, not an affidavit."

  28. Anonymous1:43 PM

    So if he really just showed up at her house and let himself in while she was sleeping that's BEYOND creepy.. But if they were in bed and she woke up and he was staring at her obviously she just didn't like him that much. It totally depends on the context I suppose..

  29. That happened in Bridget jones - and mark darcy loved it! Isn't it a bit endearing to gaze at someone you love longingly when they are asleep???

  30. Someone from her time on Big Love?

  31. It sounds like that messed-up kiddie book where the mother of the now-grown boy goes over to his, climbs in his window and cradles him in his sleep. Eurgh. I hate that book.

  32. she isn't an all movie actress...she used to be on veronica mars.

  33. Seyfried and Alexander Skarsgard dated for a little bit. And Enty had that BI Reveal on New Year's about creepy stalker A. Skars doing weird stuff like staring at his girlfriends like a serial killer. The BI quoted 2 of his ex celebrity girlfriends (both unnamed though). This has to be him, right??

  34. This is from the Alexander Skarsgard blind (which was November, 2012):
    "She said it freaked her out. She would wake up at night and find him staring at her or coming into the room like a ghost. She said that she tried to only have him come to her place instead of going to his, but that he said she was too messy and that he preferred his home which he kept freezing."

    The "she" is described as B- in popularity but A list in talent who usually loves edgy guys. The popular guess for her (which makes sense) was Evan Rachel Wood.

  35. A.Skars Come and Stalk me boo.

  36. She had to change the locks after the breakup, so he wouldn't pop in to watch her sleep anymore. From what I got from this, is that he used his key to enter her home at night to watch her sleep. She dumped him, rather than risking him doing it again, by making a copy of the key she gave him, she changed the locks. I really like Seyfried, and am happy to see that she shut that shit down.

  37. Wasn't Seyfried the popular guess for the actress who stared blankly while the construction workers were remodeling her place and there were men's clothes set out in a room in her apt? I love that blind so much. I wanted it to be Zooey or Krysten Ritter.

    @Dragon, fight ya for him. :b Man is hotness.

    1. @izzie lol it's okay you can have him. I only want him for a day =p

  38. I am quite happy I've got two yappy dogs and a ninja cat to protect me from this creepy bullshit. Just hell naw.

  39. Izzie, we are getting our windows replaced pretty soon. I should pull that for shits and giggles. I'll leave my husband's clothes out in the empty spare bedroom.

  40. All this reminded me of was the REM lyric "At my most beautiful / I count your eyelashes / Secretly"...

  41. "That happened in Bridget jones - and mark darcy loved it!"

    I don't remember it from the movie, but in the book, he thought it was creepy as hell.

  42. I love Bridget! Yeah, I thought Mark didn't like it- in the book and movie.

  43. So glad to see at a young lady who hasn't allowed Twilight to convince her that staring at a woman while she sleeps is romantic and endearing (;

  44. We didn't figure it out cause she not almost A list despite her recent films. Still B-.



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