Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 17, 2012

This actress, who has been in this space before for some of her boorish behavior was at it again at the Dark Knight premiere. She is B-/C+ list and isn't even in the movie. She is barely part of the hit show on the almost network she shows up on sometimes. After she posed for photos on the red carpet without ever really smiling, the actress discovered where she was supposed to sit during the movie. She went into a don't you know who I am mode and said there was no way she was going to sit with regular people. She is an actress. Not someone who works a job. She would not stop causing a scene until she was moved into something she regarded as more her class. This is normal behavior for her, but there is one movie she was in before she got all high and mighty and I wish she had stayed the same. really liked that movie too.

Michelle Trachtenberg


  1. Bitch, please. You don't have enough talent to back up an attitude that big

  2. Enty this was revealed already. Are you phoning it in from Baconfest in Chicago...all will be forgiven

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I second that comment VIP. Who told her she was so magnificent and wonderful? I do remember her being a child actress, perhaps that's when she got this insufferable attitude. She needs to drop it, because she really doesn't have the talent.

  4. I remember this being revealed already. Am I wrong?

  5. Harriet The Spy as the movie? lolz.

  6. I just think that this was such a unanimous guess. I don't recall it being revealed.

    What movie was it that enty liked of hers? I only know her as Harriet the Spy, and as Buffy's super annoying lil sis.

  7. With those cankles, I'd be snatchy, too.

  8. Ha! Never heard of her. Get a better life.

  9. This girl also said something along the lines of being "bullied" by peers in school, and said she got her come uppance by now being famous and recognized by paparazzi. So much ego.

    1. I am always suspicious if a child actor or singer claims they were bullied. I think it was probably more of them bragging that made them targets. Xtina also claimed this.

  10. Harriet the Spy? Eurotrip?

  11. She's the new Shannen Doherty.

  12. probably Euro trip, which in fairness was one of my top "smoke and laugh my ass off night" movies, that and pineapple express.

    She had a bikini moment, but it was excruciating to watch, she is all bones...

    1. Uhhhh no, she was SMOKIN in that scene. Total girlnextdoor vibe, not some impossible Megan Fox-type.

  13. NO, I love her, I don't wanna believe she's a c&$t!

  14. She learned he diva behavior from Sarah Michelle Gellar, who learned it from Shannen Doherty. Michelle is third generation bitch.

  15. She learned he diva behavior from Sarah Michelle Gellar, who learned it from Shannen Doherty. Michelle is third generation bitch.

  16. Eurotrip was great!

  17. (And this is another one that wasn't already revealed, everyone just assumed it was her.)

  18. I think Enty has already revealed a lot of "MT is a bitch" blinds similar to this so maybe that's why people think it was revealed.

  19. Trachtenberg is not a real celebrity. She's like Peaches Geldof without the charm, and -- is her resume really significant enough for the number of times these weak, weak, lame stories about her surface?

  20. Really not sure what her ego is about. She's no Meryl Streep. So whiney Dawn wasn't an actual character she was playing, just being herself...

  21. The movie is Ice Princess

  22. Oldster Alert: I remember first seeing her as a 7-ish-year-old Lily on All My Children. I had a really good opinion of her ability back then.

    Then she became Dawn on Buffy and whined all the good opinions out of me.

  23. I've never liked her, but it was always because her character ruined BtVS. Nice to know she's just as unlikeable in real life.

  24. Is there really a Baconfest?!?!?!? **runs off to google**

  25. She is SO unattractive. I was looking at pics of her at the dark knight premiere and it's no wonder she hadn't had a big break - her 'talent' isn't enough to overcome that under averageness. And she has such a generic brunette-girl-next-door thing she's going for, there's a hundred actresses out there who have the same look, more talent and are FAR easier on the eye.

  26. She looks like Chelsea Clinton with bitchface.

  27. Still think she was the one who leaked Pete's pictures...
