Thursday, April 04, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A+ list mostly movie actor was almost involved in the biggest scandal of the past decade. He was partying with his daughter's best friend. The daughter was asleep and the actor and the friend were playing strip pool with lines of coke on the table. At one point, the actor challenged the girl to do as many lines as she could. She did and went into convulsions a short tome later. One of the actor's security guards got her stabilized and then then the family doctor was called.


  1. Who's the modern-day Ryan O'neal / Melanie Griffith?

  2. I can only think of Bruce Willis or Alec Baldwin. My brain is mush right now.

    1. @Robot, little Quinn must be keeping you up, she's so cute.

  3. Kevin Bacon (but he is A+ list?). He lost money in the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme. His daughter is 21.

  4. Jack Nicholson?

  5. Smells like somebody got paid off....on the bruce willis train.

  6. What about Charlie Sheen? Doesn't he have an adult daughter or do I need to drink more coffee?

  7. @Eve, yes! We have hit the 10 day/2 week growth spurt. My, I am tired but not complaining about it! :)

    Thank you so much. We just got her professional pics back. I am smitten.

    1. I do- she is absolutely perfect! Adorable baby. :)

    2. @Robot. Is she on the every three hours schedule? By the time I got Grace home from the hospital they had her trained with military precision. Right until two days before I went back to work, then she decided to start waking up at 1:00am every day.

    3. She is beautiful and squishy!!! Awwwww

  8. Bruce willis and lindsay lohan (Rumeur was Lilo's assistant at 18)

  9. Sleeping Angel-Ido- you have been blessed, so cute!

  10. @Robot: Is that your baby in your avi? That is soooooo freaking dute!!

  11. That baby is sooooo cute in her tutu!

  12. French and isn't Lilo about to spill the beans on something that happened about 10 years ago?

  13. Clint Eastwood and one of his daughter's bffs. NVM, Clint is too cool for this shit.

  14. I think it's Sheen. His daughter Cassandra is in her late 20s.

  15. Bruce Willis and his family of junkies and their associates.

  16. Sheen isn't an A+ list mostly movie actor, though, is he?

  17. A+ List (in name recognition)mostly movie w/ daughter old enough for strip pool & coke but young enough for sleep overs w/ BFF @ Parent’s House:

    Denzel? (pushing it)

    I've still got nothin'!

  18. @FrenchGirl--I like that guess whether it's right or not! I didn't know Rumer was LieLo's asst. Explains a lot abt Ru's behavior...

  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    IdotheRobot: Your baby is sooooooo cute!!! I think my ovaries just spontaneously decombusted.
    I think Bruce Willis with Lindsay Lohan freaking out on the lohan powder sounds absolutely spot on for this one. Good job French Girl! This blind ties in nicely with the earlier post re: Michael Lohan shopping a tell all.

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    The only way Michael Lohan is going to get any money is if he spills some serious dirt. This would qualify.

  21. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Willis is a good guess. I don't think the girl is Lohag though if the girl was an actress/celebrity I think Enty would've said so.
    The big clues are
    1) Daughter at least 15
    2) A+ there's not that many with kids
    3) Has secruity guards therefore I would suggest he lives in LA not outside of Hollywood
    4) Doesn't specify married but I think its safe to say he's probably not married to said daughter's mum.

    Is Willis the only one that fits???

  22. Anonymous12:31 PM

    By the way congrats Robot. Glad to see little Quinn is doing well.

    You will have to explain to her when she's older just how famous she was in the CDAN world when she was a little bub.

  23. Eddie Murphy? Owns an island in the Bahamas and could have been there with security guards. Bria is 23 now, but in the past decade would have been in her teens. I just don't know if Eddie counts as A anything.

  24. Or maybe Sean Peen? His daughter was born in '91. Does he count as A+ list?

  25. Bruce Willis is my one and only answer for this.

  26. I dont get the desire to try as much cocaine as possible. It is a drug with a well documented potential for lethal overdose.

    Here in Oz a Dr was convicted for causing the death oftwo escorts by doing the same thing.

  27. Am I misremembering Johnny Depp having a second daughter CDAN reader? Isn't his pretty young?

  28. Does Bruce Willis really get down like that? With coke lines? He seems very reserved to me...(correct me if I'm wrong).

  29. I was thinking Bruce the whole time. "and then the family doctor was called.". Is the Dr. on call for this shit?

  30. I think it's Willis and Aaron Carter. Enty described the friend as girl to fool you.

  31. I like the Bruce Willis guess too but for some reason thought he had cleaned up his avt and didn't even drink anymore. Perhaps I too am wrong Avi. Anyone know? H' wd Dime where are you?

  32. Ari, Bruce was a big time party animal when he first hit town. Then he sobered up because it was interfering with his bank-ability.

  33. Jack Nicholson has a daughter who was born in 1990 so she could fit in the time frame.

    And that daughter is the one he had with Rebecca Broussard, who was his older daughter's best friend.

  34. This is pretty fucked up.
    Hope it's no one I like like Kurt Russell. (I know Kate is not his bio daughter).

  35. Bruce still likes pot though. He was on a show here in the UK and was clearly high during the interview. Never struck me as the coke type though.

  36. Bruce. Gotta be Bruce.

  37. Totally Sean Penn.

  38. @IDoTheRobot - Your daughter is so cute! I was away for Easter & am just catching up on a lot of the comments I missed out on; when was she born and weren't you going to use Claire as a middle name? Did you go with that or am I imagining it? Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  39. Congratulations, Robot!

  40. Robot-Your baby is so precious. Thanks for the peek at her; babies are surefire smile inducers. I hope you're managing to get some sleep.

  41. I think this is Sean Penn.

  42. Pretty obvious that it's Tom Hanks.

  43. I don't think it's Bruce Willis. It was almost 20 years ago, but I was at a party with him, and he was one of the most mellow people there. He was sitting in a lazy-boy drinking a Bud while everyone else was wacked out on lord knows what and getting naked in the swimming pool. He just held court in the rumpus room. Nope. Don't see him as the naked pool-playing cokehead type. Alcohol, yes. Coke, not so much.
