Monday, April 01, 2013

Blind Item #6

This boyfriend of an A list celebrity is using some of the money he is getting paid by the celebrity to pay for escorts. The guy is an idiot to be risking the millions he could make by sticking with the celebrity.


Anonymous said...

J'Lo boytoy FtW

Cathy said...

Britney's new guy

hollywood dime said...

Awwww.... Britney Jean Spears' new 'boyfriend'.

skimpymist said...

This sounds like casper but the wording for the last line is confusing. Is entry saying that paying for the escorts is risky or that staying with the celebrity is making him lose millions he would earn on his own?

Unknown said...

Britney's new boyfriend!

thegreatdanadane said...


camembert said...

@skimpy, Enty is saying that the guy is risking losing out on millions to be made by being the celebrity's boyfriend.

lvang12 said...

Doubt it's Britney's guy. But JLo's man seems like a likely suspect.

nevermindthat said...

I'm thinking Brit. I think her camp wants to make it look as if she finally got it together and she is pretty normal. By setting her up with a guy who is not a celebrity is not the way to go IMO. Let's not forget Federline was not much of a celebrity and look how that turned out. He became a celebrity by dating her.

Topper Madison said...

I think Britney's guy is really a bodyguard being sold as a boyfriend, therefore he probably wouldn't lose anything by going to escorts.

J-Lo's boy, however, would lose EVERYTHING.

sandybrook said...

Caspar because hes Been caught before going for gloryholes and porn.

Anonymous said...

Enty calls j-lo B or C typically, doesn't he?

skimpymist said...

@camembert I still don't get it. If it's casper how would he lose millions when he's only a dancer. Back up dancers live paycheck to paycheck. I'm confused

Anonymous said...

Britney's New Boyfriend, you stupeed eedeot!

MontanaMarriott said...

I thought Brit's bf was being paid for by her FAMILY not by her so this would have to be someone else. Two things i find hard to believe about the J-lo guess, 1. J-lo having to actually PAY FOR IT and 2. J-lo being an A list celebrity when I think Enty always refers her as B

Anonymous said...

Britney's boyfriend could potentially make millions if he behaves himself. He would be her professional minder, make sure there's no vag or nip slips, make sure she can't go on the internet unsupervised, no drugs, only one glass of wine, no wigs, always wear panties, supervised visits only with her boys, etc. If he shows himself to be untrustworthy, he'll get the boot. Casper's already been caught, and it's highly unlikely that J.Lo would give him a bunch of money under any circumstances, he's lucky he got that truck.

Unknown said...

1. he needs what he wants just to get him going - if he has to barf if he´s only with the celeb.

2. as the "relations" never last too long until the money part is bored, there is a soon ending coming, not millions.

Cory said...

Let's not forget about Madonna's "boyfriend". She will always be A list and he hasn't worked a day since he started dating her years ago. Must be hard to put up with her crap but she's worth a whole lot of money.

AD said...

@skimpymist - think of it this way.. Beyond the salary that Casper receives as jlo's dancer, he is receiving a salary to be her boyfriend. Basically she's paying him to be with her, buying him clothes, paying his rent, etc. I saw something a few months ago that she bought him a truck for his birthday. Stuff like that which goes way beyond his salary as a dancer. So basically he'd be stupid to take the money he gets from Jen whether its his boyfriend money or dancer money and use it for escorts

Livia said...

@AD That's how I read it, too. Casper is getting a lot of money and perks to be JLo's boytoy. If he behaves himself, he'll roll in money for a long time. He gets caught with escorts and publicly embarrasses JLo though, she'll dump him and he won't get anymore of her money.

Izzie said...

@Anna, I feel like I'm stalking you today with the lols! I totally read that in Ren's voice!

mynerva said...

Her life sounds so awfully depressing when you put it like that. But it's a pretty good summary.

__-__=__ said...

What about Paris' bf? Although it sickens me to think of Paris as A list.

skimpymist said...

@ad I get it now. That was some brain twister enty wrote.

Sandy said...

Casper Not-So-Smart. He's already shown he likes peep shows and frolicking with the boys, which means he's not terribly discreet. Think he's been trying to position himself as a "celebrity" in his own right, but he'll blow it big time if not careful.

I don't think Britney's Leased Boyfriend can believe his luck in landing such an easy gig, so I doubt it's him (plus he probably won't make millions, more like thousands).

hothotheat said...

Does enty describe JLo or Britney as "Celebrities". Think both would be described as actress or singer. They both did reality TV but they were something else first.

I think this might be Jessica Simp. I know she's a singer too but thats not the main thing she's know for.

Andy said...

I hate to say this, but if he is doing it, that really adds to Enty's allegation of Brit being HIV+. Why buy hookers when he can bang her?

BitterBlondin said...

Paris or Britney.

hunter said...

Jessica Simpson

Sherry said...

I think it's Caspar. Chestica's boyfriend (and weren't they getting married) now has kids with her so he'll be set whatever she catches him doing. She should dump his ass purely for those shorts yesterday!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Leann Rimes and Eddie, who is often called Ediot, hence the idiot in the blind.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Oh nevermind, it says bf, not husband.

Ari said...

I hope this isn't Britney...she can't be that bad to be with

Taracu said...


Jenn said...

Brit's new bf wasn't with her down on da Bayou with her family for Easter unless they fed him to the gators. O_o Mwhahaha.
What about Christina's man? Does she have one, or did she drop him along with the weight?

Cecilia00 said...

I'll go with Casper - I feel like anyone that close to Britney would be vetted and watched closely. Xtina parties - the only question she'd have about the escorts is when can she get in on that action.

Plus, rumors persist about Casper and men and Enty left the escorts gender neutral.

lutefisk said...

My money is on Jessica Simpson for this.

parissucksliterally said...

J Lo and Casper. He'd be a total idiot to blow it with her. She has him living in style...after she is done with him, he will go back to being nobody again.

kpist said...

I would say Brits boy, because Casper has already made millions w/ JLo

Ms Evans said...

She is paying him to choreograph her concerts now, also.

Ms Evans said...

She is paying him to choreograph her concerts now, also.


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