Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list tweener said that she would never have sex with a black man. Lately though, she has been getting hit on a lot by this unfortunately A list singer and she is starting to change her mind. She did say that although she has not been with a black man before, she was with an African American female teen from a Disney show.


  1. Miley / Chris Brown / That's So Raven

    1. No, that train has already left the station. ;) Mid-2010.

    2. I should say, mid to late 2010. Miley had her concert tour of S America, then the salvia bong. It fits in there.

    3. @di butler, so who's pursuing Selena? Please tell me it's Usher lol

    4. I know that there was talk about Justin "friend sharing" with Lil Twist, and that several other rappers have taken notice of her thru the Biebs and Sprang Breaaakers, Foreva. She's not Usher's type. Can't say if this has actually happened, gossip says yes, but, who knows. If it's really about Miley, then it's news to her friends who say during the epic Hemsworth-Salvia meltdown of '10, around her 18th, she experimented with several new things. :)

  2. Chrissy Brown, Bieber, & the chick Justine went down on for 4 hours.

  3. You are good VIP!

  4. Is Miley really stupid enough to get involved with Chris Brown? Wait....I think I answered my own question.

  5. Miley / Will I Am /?

  6. Miley doesn't seem like the type to have ever said she would never have sex with a black man though.

  7. We know this one isn't Bynes.

  8. I don't understand how any female can say that when Shemar Moore is in the world.

    1. Three words: Billy Dee Williams.

      Back in the day....

    2. Shemar's birthday yesterday. Lots of bday wishes on FB. Love his posts!

    3. And Morris Chestnut!! Mmmmmomoa. I left that there so you can see what my autocorrect does when I try to type "Mmm." Love me some Jason Momoa

    4. Idris Elba! Yuuummmmm!

    5. Don Cheadle anyone? I second the hell outta Idris Elba....mmmmm

    6. Uhh... Blair Underwood, anyone? He gives me female underwood....

  9. miley and snoop lion?

  10. I like the Miley guess. I had a feeling she might be bi since she so readily arranged the 3 ways "for Liam" if the previous blind guesses are accurate.

  11. Get it girl.Once you got black you need a wheelchair

    1. How can I know you're the real dragon?

    2. @lotta Remember google kneepads and I got socks. its me lol

    3. I'm not convinced. Who's boobs do we love?

    4. @lotta KAT DENNINGS.

    5. Yay it is you! We need a secret code word or something around here these days!

    6. @lotta for real. That was annoying. He/she was funny but still. I was like I dont remember posting anyone of this. lol

    7. LMAO at least you know we had your back that day even though it wasn't you.

    8. @lotta I Saw. Love ya guys <3

    9. @Lotta
      I love it that you were able to CSI @The Real Dragon! Yay! Reunited and it feels so goood...

    10. @Xander, there's always a way :)

    11. @lotta and Xander She went all detective unit which I loved. That's why she's the sergeant

    12. Awww, you guys are so damn cute!

    13. Personally I didn't think the fake dragon was funny bec it was so pathetic how he/she was apparently "laying in wait" for each post to appear in order to be able to make the first comment on each post...

    14. Isn't KAT DENNINGS the answer to everything??? ;)

    15. Isn't KAT DENNINGS the answer to everything??? ;)

  12. This blind was juicy. Who else did raven symone have some girl on girl fun with. She was briefly a cheetah girl so maybe she had Adrienne too and I forget who the other annoying skinny girl was that looked like she had a drooling problem in the group.

  13. Jenny Garth and Hootie

  14. @Terri I'm sorry to break it to you, Terri, but I'm Shemar's baby girl. Since he first arrived as Malcolm on the Y&R. :-D

    He is a god amongst men, isn't he?

    Yummy, yummy & Dee-Lish! I love my Wednesday nights watching him. :-)

    1. I loved him on Y&R! That's my show, baby!!

    2. cornflower, left you a note on OT. Your only baby girl #2:)

    3. @Agent**it Baby Girl #2, my ass! Ha-ha! Am I gonna have to arm wrestle someone? Cuz the only one I'll give it up willing to is Penelope Garcia, Baby Girl Sweetness #1 on CM! HA! BRT

      @Diana G Been watching off & on since the beginning when it was the Brooks & Foster families. Before the Abbotts & Newmans arrived. ;-)


  16. I can't figure out if I'm more disappointed in the inherent racism from the person in the blind, actually posting the blind in this way; or if it's just being posted to drum up more clicks?
    Just Curious - bat signal apparently sent out for you to have at it...

    1. It's not racist at all. There is nothing wrong with not being sexually attracted to members of a certain race.

    2. @Katie
      I said I can't figure it out. Truly.
      Something feels uncomfortable about this post, and I'm not sure what it is yet...
      Just putting that out there.

    3. Not finding people of different races or colors sexually attractive is not racist. I dont find Asian guys sexy. BFD. Or, 400 pounders of any background.
      Doesn't mean I don't like them as ppl.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @di
      Not what I said, and not the way the blind is written.
      It doesn't say "I have never been sexually attracted to a black man before, but now I've met one who I am attracted to and considering"
      Stated in that way - that's what you and @Katie are re-interpreting the blind to have said.
      I realize that is what I was uncomfortable about. If it was written that way, then I agree with both of you. Written that way, it would have been not racist.

      But, written "I would never have sex with a black man" is what is uncomfortable for me.
      Whether the original tweener in the blind said it word for word, or if it's written/paraphrased that way.
      It just doesn't feel far off from John Mayer saying "I have a Benetton heart, and a f***in David Duke cock"
      Both feel somehow wrong to me.
      Just sayin'

      Thinking a bit more on this:
      I think that it's just such a foreign concept to my mind - that it's strange for me to see it spelled out.
      I find beauty in of women of all skin tones, ethnicities, and various shapes and sizes.
      So I guess I think that everyone else does so naturally as well.
      I guess I'm just equal opportunity in my view of beauty.
      It makes my world go around anyway. ;-)

    6. @Katie, true, there's nothing wrong with not being sexually attracted to members of a certain race. But why advertise it?

      Not a fan of "I'll never have sex with a (insert race here) guy/gal." Not attracted to isn't the same thing, and even then, why advertise it? Date only white guys, only black guys, only Asians, whatever you want, but when you start talking about it loud and proud - that's a different story.

      (I'll never bang a Hawaiian! Jason Momoa walks into the room and proves me a liar.)

    7. It came across racist to me, too. I never say never about a particular's all about attraction to the whole package (no pun intended). ;)

    8. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I have never had sex with an Indian or middle eastern man. However I have slept with aisian, caucasian, mexican, black and mixed. Never say never. My twenties were slutty years. Lol

  17. cornflower and Terri, I used to know Shemar. His acting coach used to have a studio under my apt for years...I would be sitting outside with my doggie, and he would come talk to us, and pet my baby girl. SUPER nice guy. I hope he still is.

  18. mmmmmmmmmm.....loves me some Shemar Moore. What I would give to lick those abs...

    OK--back to regular programming...I just needed a moment.

  19. Xander Dyle, I gotta agree with Katie... It's no different than being strongly attracted to brunette and really disliking fire bushes... Just saying same dealio.

    I dated a black chick once and tbh I think it really turned me off. But I'm Asian and mostly dated cauasian. I don't think I'd ever date black, I'm just not attracted in the first place... I not sure what felt wrong to you? Maybe the fact that it prolly is Miley and Chris brown lol...

    1. @Claritysk
      It's all cool. That's what discussion is for, as like as we remain cordial.
      As you can see from my response above - I'm not sure why it strikes me, but it does.
      I wonder if anyone else in the world (or at least Crazyland) sees my thought process - or if it just me.
      Nothing wrong with either, it's just an interesting thought I had that I figured could be an interesting open discussion.
      So far it has been. Thanks.

  20. wasn't miley the favorite for staring at snoop dog's junk w/ a possible hook up afterwards?

  21. Shittany is boning Seal.

  22. Shittany is boning Seal.

  23. Eeww if its Snoop, isn't he almost fifty?!

  24. Beautiful sentiment Xander. And thanks for making it clear why the writing of the blind was a problem for you.

    And what's wrong with banging 50 yr olds? I'd be okay with a 50 yr. old but then I would be a cougar. Rrroww!

    1. @Sherry, I like Snoop just fine but Miley is what 20?? If this was Sean Penn I think the reaction would be to call him a dirty pig or something along those lines

  25. Snoop is way hotter at fifty than Chris Brown at any age. I would do Snoop in a heartbeat.

  26. My two cents: I don't look at men as "types" that I like, it's the individual that I find attractive.
    My list would include RDJ, Nick Cannon, Gary Oldman, Irfan Khan, and
    Chow Yun Fat. Quite a range.

  27. As a Hawaiian, born and raised in Hawaii, Jason Momoa is about as Hawaiian as any other Pacific Islander raised in the midwest amongst white people. Now that's not necessarily a fault, but it is annoying how much he plays the Hawaiian card considering how far removed he is from Hawaiian culture. The guy can't even speak pidgen, for god's sakes.

    Completely unrelated to the fact, he's also a huge dickhead whom even his on-island relatives roll their eyes over. La-La Town can keep him.

  28. @Spike, it's a joke. He needn't speak. :)

    I had to look up his ethnicity, so I have no clue about how Hawaiian or not Hawaiian he is - but I totally get your point.

  29. Miley close to black ppl so I doubt it's her. My guess is miranda corgerve/ icarly, Chris brown and raven since that specify Disney I'm assuming its brand crossing.

  30. Oh, great, Racist Katie is back. :(

  31. Thats so raven ate the box!

  32. It's only one race, the human race. From that point on it's personal choice. If your big barrier/filter is skin tone shade, hair color, weight, height, well that's your choice.

    Xander, it's written so that some readers will "guess" that "maybe" this tweener came from a"racist" background ! Therefore, there will be shock and awe amongst the readers and clickety click clicks. It's called race baiting for ching ching. It's disgusting.

  33. cornflower, bring it on:)

    1. @Agent**it I'll have to check my calendar. I'm busy this entire weekend giving that certan someone their birthday present over & over & over again.

      You're gonna lose this round, don'tcha know. ;-)

    2. @Agent**it Saw your comment elsewhere. Did he have his swim trunks on at the beach? That would allow you to win this one. Ha-ha!

      Otherwise, I'll let you know Monday how the weekend went. If I'm still breathing. HAHAHA!



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