Monday, April 01, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list celebrity/singer and former reality star managed to kick his heroin habit without going to rehab. One of the reasons he had got hooked again is now out of his life and he said that when that person left, he had no problems stopping. His family, who hated that person is glad they are gone.


  1. Jonas brother IDK who the girlfriend is.

  2. No problems stopping? Huh.. Must be nice.

  3. Again with the "no-gender-pronouns" thing.

  4. If Steven Tyler broke up with his fiancee, then I agree this is him.

  5. Joe Jonas and Wilmer Valderama?

  6. Stephen Tyler broke up with his fiance so this should be him.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Steven Tyler sounds good. Get well Steven, we love you!

  8. Wasn't Steven also the popular guess for the aging rock star who could no longer get it up due to years of drug use?

  9. Joe Jonas and his girlfriend

  10. Scott Weiland and that Paz chick from Boardwalk

  11. Scott Weiland and that Paz chick from Boardwalk

  12. So rare to get one before even reading all the clues, Steven Tyler of course.

    American Idol
    Public addiction and sobriety
    Ex-fiance Erin Brady

  13. Note the vague gender-related pronouns. This could be a male celeb and his boyfriend.

  14. I think Steven Tyler too. He's had substance abuse issues before, and there have been rumours about his girlfriend getting him hooked again.

  15. What about Adam Lambert & his boyfriend? Or is alcohol his drug of choice?

  16. No problem stopping HEROIN? I have been a heroin addict. I di not have any desire to do it now, but it has been almost 9 years. The first 3 were the hardest. They must have some other meds to help them with the physical pain, the anxiety, and the insomnia that one gets when detoxing off the smack. But good on them for stopping.

  17. Whomever this is, bravo. I hope it's true (and I think it's Steven; his fam hated Erin, and they just broke up). And lc, thank you for sharing. Big fat BRAVO to you! I know I speak for all CDanners when I say WE ARE PROUD OF YOU AND YOU AWESOME STRENGTH AND RESOLVE.

  18. @PS Thank YOU! I am working on becoming a CDP to help teens/young adults or returning veterans.

  19. Way to go, lc! You have lots to be proud of. I'd imagine even with meds to ease the detox, it still would be hell getting off of heroin after being addicted. I think the "no problem stopping" is complete BS.

  20. Exactly Ic :) I am going on 15 months and there are great days and still shit days. I know it could be at least another year for my brains chemistry to return to normal .. Whatever that is! Congrats on 9 years and not to sound condescending but I'm really proud of the field you're getting in to. That takes true gusto .. Bravo!

  21. it said no more h (which major yay), but didn't say sober. Steven drinks and loves the ganja. I think his family is ok w those two vices. he already got clean from hair years so he knows he can do it.

  22. grrrrrr stupid autocorrect.

    I meant Steven has gotten off the junk before, so he knows he can do it successfully. perhaps that's why it's "easier"

  23. I have a feeling he meant that he no longer had a reason to drug himself up (insufferable partner), not that the physical problems of weaning off heroin weren't there.
