Thursday, April 04, 2013

Arrested Development Begins Again On May 26

On Sunday, May 26, at one minute after noon, Netflix will release the 15 original episodes of Arrested Development that people have been wanting since the show went off the air back in 2007. I can't believe it has been six years since the show went off the air. Apparently if you want all the answers you have been waiting for, you will have to wait for the movie which will eventually come. Jason Bateman says, "There are many, many questions that these episodes ask that only the movie will answer. And there are many stories where the loop is closed inside the episodes. But the overall story, the bigger story, once you see the movie you will see that 'Oh, this story started with those fourteen episodes,' because the action in these 14 episodes happens simultaneously ... And the action across the episodes is happening simultaneously. If I'm driving down the street in my episode and Gob's going down the sidewalk on his Segway, you could stop my episode, go into his episode, and follow him and see where he's going."


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