Friday, April 05, 2013

Amanda Bynes And Strip Clubs

Amanda Bynes is surviving at this point. Barely. Last week Amanda had her credit card declined in several places, the more notable being her hair salon which you know she uses every day. It was declined there several times during the week but she kept going back and seemed oblivious to the fact it has been declined each time and just continued to go without paying. I was asking one of my New York friends about it when he said that he saw Amanda walking in and out of a strip club the other day. He was walking down the street and he almost ran into her as she was coming out because she was not looking and had a scarf wrapped around her head and face. When they almost collided she took off the scarf to yell at him and he saw the twin piercings in the face. She then wrapped the scarf back on and went inside the club again while talking to herself. Of course he was going in. She would sit at tables and watch and then get up and then go to the bathroom and then walk out of the club and then walk in and then leave $5 for a dancer and just repeated the same process for the 30 minutes he could stand it. "It was exhausting watching her."


  1. i want to say "someone go help her" but i have a feeling she wouldn't accept it.

  2. She just turned 27 the other day

  3. I hate watching her circle the drain. She was such a smart, cute kid.

  4. Why doesn't anyone care enough about her to step in??

  5. Daily Amanda Tweet:

    @AmandaBynes: They write a news article about every tweet I write and I hate the pictures they choose. They repeat what I tweet then add a bad photo.
    @AmandaBynes: Only use photos from my twitter when writing an article about me.

    1. @Lotta-Thanks! Did you see where she said the latest pics of her wih red hair is an imposter bc she DOES NOT have red hair? And now everyone's using pics of redheaded Amanda lol.

    2. @ethorne, hahaha yeah did you see the BLUE lipstick?

    3. @Lotta- Lol yeah, she needs thick white eyeliner to really set it off.

    4. Happy Birthday, Miss Lotta!

  6. 27 club is reserved for musicians.

    If this story is true, then it's official that she's mentally ill. Not in a Britney way but something deeper and harder to tame. I'm mentally ill myself, and I couldn't even begin to imagine what would have happened to me if I had a ton of money at that age. I'd surely be dead.

    1. Tempestuous grape we are very happy that you found a way to right yourself. Hang in there, everyone thinks the world of you.

    2. I don't know, bipolar disorder is bad enough, potentially, if someone is unwilling to recognize there is a problem.

    3. Thank you, Sherry. :)

    4. Thank you, Sherry. :)

  7. Gawd, this is so sad to watch. I think T.E. Cruz is right: she likely would reject offers of help.

  8. FYI Enty, Amanda hates that photo!

    1. Lol @ Lotta

    2. @FSP

    3. @portland- Hehehe

  9. @Temp Grape. I've thought that very same thing about myself. :(

  10. This sounds like it could be something very severe, like schizophrenia? Poor girl. :-(

  11. Oh, TG, I feel ya! I'd have had about 5 fancy houses next to former boyfriends, if I had had money in my 20's. haha!

  12. Is there any way she could be sectioned? What are the rules under the US equivalent of the UK Mental Health Act?

    Girl needs someone to take charge and get her assessed.

  13. On a serious note, I can't rather what magazine her parents gave an interview to but they said she has cut off all communication with them. She's literally alone in one of the most populated cities in the world. I worry the next headline will be Amanda Bynes found unconscious or something worse. Her family NEEDS to fly out to NYC and see her in person if she won't answer their calls.

  14. Her tweets make no sense.

  15. Yeah this has been going on for awhile. About two years ago she went to the same bootcamp workout session as my sister in LA and took off her top revealing a see through bra and just danced around at random times.

  16. @Munch, I think she has to pose a threat to others, or herself

  17. She really needs help.
    Why did that salon continue to service her knowing her cards would be declined? Were they just trying to get a laugh/story/money from it? If they were being mean spirited then real joke is on them. Why publicize the terrible job you did on her wig/weave/extensions. How are you supposedly a high end salon but let your client leave looking a hot stir fried mess?

  18. Oh man, I wish there was a way to help this poor girl. This is definitely beyond drugs and alcohol. Like others have said, this is deep mental illness. I feel so helpless when I read about her. It is different than reading about Lindsay because Lindsay has enough of a brain left that she could help herself if she wants to, but Amanda seems so far into the clutches of mental illness that there is no way she would even know how to help herself. I hope we somehow see a happy upturn for her and not the sad ending that seems likely. :(

    (Tempestuous, just wanted to send you some supportive acknowledgment that you seem to be on a really good path. Good luck with your continued struggles. I'm sorry you have to deal with mental illness, but am so glad that you have seemingly figured out how to balance yourself. )

  19. it sounds so sad.

    doesn't she have any friends??

  20. Was she featured in that Room 23 book or associated with those people in any way? I feel horrible for her. 5150 holds are hard to come by for family members. And that is what she needs right now. Along with a conservatorship.

  21. @f28- Yes she was in that book Room 23

  22. Slap that bitch with 50/50 hold and take away her money and rights .

    1. Easier said than done. Mentally ill people have rights. Even in Psychiatric hospitals, Patient's Rights advocates visit to make sure their rights are not violated.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This is truly sad.

  24. Anonymous7:53 AM

    everybody thought the same thing when Britney was in this phase of her life.

  25. I can't even make a joke about this, I wish someone would step in, it's so obvious she's mentally ill.

  26. What a mess. I wish she'd get help too.

  27. So is she broke or incapable of paying her bills? Assuming she doesn't have someone on payroll to manage her money. I think I remember that she had quite a bit of money to fund this manic cycle shes on. I thought I read that here!

  28. This truly makes me very sad. The horror she endured as a child star is destroying her, slowly but surely. I'm sure there is underlying mental illness as well. Yes, I too wish somebody could step in & get her the help she needs. Unfortunately you can't force someone to get mental health treatment unless they are clearly shown to be an imminent danger to themselves or someone else & even then it is nearly impossible. Maybe if her parents had stepped when she was a child after what she endured she would've had a chance at a normal life. Hopefully it's not too late for her.

    I wish the monsters that prey on these children would be outed & prosecuted instead of being harbored & protected by TPTB in the industry. It's truly revolting. Amanda is a prime example of how their evil destroys lives.

    1. Absolutely what you said Rangers.

  29. Like Micheal K said, "somebody come get this child.."

  30. She's going to end up a bag lady.

  31. I just can't with this one anymore. Is there no one in her life that loves her enough to be step up and step in? Do the right thing for her, or at least attempt to? It doesn't sound like anyone has shown her tough love, much less tender love.

    And if she is taking services and not paying, is that not theft and shouldn't the police be able to arrest her? It would be a start.

  32. I can't imagine how many others are out there just like Amanda. Sad.

  33. Echoing above comments: she was a smart kid and could be working steadily but something has broken her.

    I can imagine she's ignoring offers of help. And families can sometimes think they're doing the right thing but they're not.

    Her twitter mentioned that she is taking strip classes.

  34. If she wasn't so rich there would already be a memorial set up next to a dumpster.

  35. I agree with the people hoping someone steps up and tries to get her help. Very sad to watch this.

  36. She sounds like she has schizophrenia, or disassociative disorder. The fact that NO ONE has tried to help her is heartbreaking. the more I see these posts the more that I know I would try to help her if I ran into her here in NYC.

  37. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Mental illness+drugs+money= Britney/Amanda Bynes

    The poor girl looks like she's really struggling in that pic, like barely hanging on to day to day motions, and failing. And the stories of her erratic behavior. I pray that she gets some help soon. That's no way to live.

  38. Going to strip clubs is what a girl wants?

  39. This makes me so sad. To see what she used to be and what she's become. How could anybody let this happen to her. Where are all those people that claimed to be her friends and loved her. She's been completely abandoned.

  40. At least she's tipping with fives.

  41. I wish someone would help her. Someone who genuinely cared about her well-being, not her money (which certainly was the case with the Spears family).

  42. This girl is seriously sick. It's so sad. I always thought she was adorable and had a beautiful figure. I also thought she stayed out of trouble...boy was I wrong.

  43. Okay - I'm about to geek the eff out on you guys.

    So, I'm pretty into astrology and there's a transit called the Saturn Return that affects our lives beginning around age 27-30 and lasts about 2 years. It takes Saturn approximately 29.4 years to re-enter our charts at the exact place it was positioned at birth. It's during these Saturn returns that some of the most dramatic life-changes occur for us and life seems to place bigger challenges before us to teach us lessons. Making it through your first saturn return is difficult because you may encounter strife (emotional or outside influences) on a whole. nutha. level. As we all know, without significant guidance and support during particularly difficult times in our life, it's very easy to go down the rabbit hole of misery.

    Anyway... that's just my whole theory on the "27 Club" thingamajig.

  44. i just wanna give that girl a hug, poor child. She seriously needs to be hospitalized but I know from experience that it's very very easy for the ill person to get around the system. You have to be in danger of harming yourself or others to be 5150'd and if they are self-aware enough to say "oh no, officer I'm not gonna hurt myself I'm okie-dokie" then there is NOTHING the authorities can do. So until Amanda chooses to go or until she does something to herself or passes out, etc. Nothing will happen. The laws suck because we all have to sit on the sidelines and just watch someone obviously suffer from an illness.

  45. 27 Club is not reserved for musicians. James Dean is a member as well.

    And Lindsay is 27 this July, so both girls may get their membership before this year is out.

  46. How the hell have LiHo and Amanda Bynes never hooked up, if they are the same age?!

  47. Hazeldazel: you are so right. My sister took her husband to the emergency ward, said he was suicidal and had taken a bunch of pills. she went to park the car. Got back in (during the SARS epidemic, took a little while) and he was gone. Like, released from hospital gone. He'd told the staff he was fine and she was the one with the problems. Because it had snowed heavily, we found his body a week later. He had fallen down a ravine at the back of the hospital, landing facedown in a creekbed, and drowned. So sad. Some people can appear fine when they are definitely NOT.

  48. @discoflux: I'm another one here into astrology, and I've heard of the Saturn return as well--I hit mine right when I left Boston for Athens, GA back in the day, and boy, was there a LOT of upheaval involved! I can see that being at least a partial factor in the "27 Club"; also, I'm guessing that people who've been drinking and drugging a lot since they were quite young may finally be hitting the wall in terms of what their bodies can take at about that age, or their mental issues have finally built up to the point that they just can't cope anymore.

    IIRC, another period that trips up a lot of people is around age 42; I don't remember the exact astrological details, although I think it has something to do w/Saturn and Jupiter, or maybe Pluto. Interesting that that's the number Douglas Adams picked to be the meaning of life...

  49. Hey Amanda...I'll be your friend!

    This gives me the sads so much. When she did the Amanda show I wanted to be her...

  50. Drugs can trigger a genetic potential for severe mental illness. Even if her friends and family want to help her, there very little they can do.

  51. @Annie Thank you so much for the kind words! It means so much to me. :)

  52. Chronic meth use can lead to psychosis, but in her case it sounds like an organic disease like schizophrenia that results on erratic behavor (i.e."retiring" from acting a few years ago). Poor girl :-(

  53. I know people are putting this girl in the Lindsey category, but b/c of what Tempestuous Grape said, I get the major sads every time something new and strange comes out about her. I wish someone *could* help her.
