Alexa Ray Joel Does Not Have A Friendly Stalker
As you know, there have been times in the past where I have found stalkers much more humorous than dangerous. As for Alec Baldwin's stalker? Don't even get me started. He brought that one on himself and refuses to admit the truth what happened and I think that is what pushed her over the edge. He knew she was unstable and did what he did anyway. At the time he liked it. Now, with her showing up on his doorstep all the time or going to Hilaria's classes, not so much.
Anyway, this is not one of those cute and funny stalker stories. Alexa Ray Joel has a stalker who has threatened to not only rape her, but also kill her. That is something that needs to be taken seriously and on May 3, 40 year old Sheryl Finley will stand trial on charges of felony stalking. Sheryl has posed as a man when she made the threats which have all been electronic. Want to know the really scary part? Sheryl was captured by police in Austin. Naked. Outside. In January. Yeah, Austin is not Alaska, but there are not that many days where you would want to be wandering outside naked.