Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Your Turn

This week, there have been photos of Justin Theroux's brother, Sebastian who is just 24. So, if you had to pick, which one would you want for yourself. If you would rather, you can choose between another pair of good looking celebrity siblings, Monica and Penelope Cruz.


  1. Yum! I choose the Theroux brothers. The Hemsworth brothers are also very nice to look at.

  2. I'm breaking the rules. None of the Therouxs, all of the Cruz's.
    Man, that is one genetically blessed family

  3. The Cruz girls are stunning. Oh my! How could a man chose?

    Justin is much much hotter. I'm a sucker for men with motorbikes. And he has that Hamm-bone beard thing going on *sigh* Damn you Jen! You don't deserve that hotness! I know he left his former GF of a million years for Jen, so maybe he's not such a catch after all... But he's still dreamy. His brother is too close in age to my brother and that's just plain creepy.

  4. RCB - I would also like a Hemsworth sandwich, to go please!

  5. Justin... he is Hot Hot Hot.

  6. OH YEAH...Justin for sure...Jen is one lucky girl....

  7. Sebastian is hot but I'm gonna go for Justin's brand of well schooled subversion. Oh, the things I would let him do to me.

  8. Cruz girls all the way. I think Monica is a smidge prettier. But technically I love them both!

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Gimme the Theroux brothers. After all I am curious.

  10. Want to see something funny? Here are the Baldwin brothers Then and Now. My, how times change! LOL

  11. Anonymous10:19 AM

    There is nothing appealing about Justin Theroux. I've always wondered what Jennifer Aniston sees in him. He must have some hidden talents or a great personality. His brother is a bit better looking.

  12. i lmao at dlisted's description of the theroux brothers. and now just looking at that pix makes me laugh. neither.

  13. I'm partial to Sebastian since he's my age. There are better pics of him in the DM and man, he is gorgeous.

  14. Justin Theroux does nothing for me, but his brother is fly as fuuuuuck.

  15. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I guess I'm going to have to get in touch with my lesbian side and pick the Cruz sisters, because the Theroux brothers do nothing for me.

  16. I choose Jedward!

  17. The Theroux bros are just too cool for words, I don't go for try-hards. The Cruz sisters are gorgeous.

  18. I seriously had to google Justin when the news broke about being with Anniston - for some reason, his name didn't ring a bell. He's good-looking but that writing resume is my girlie turn-on.

    Damn, Cruz family, steal all the good DNA?!

  19. No Theroux for me, either. Something's off with both of them.

    If I were the bi-curious kind, I'd give the Cruz sisters a go, though.

  20. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Justin and Monica.

  21. Justin and his brother don't do it for me. The Cruz sisters are gorgeous, especially Monica but I lean toward straight..

  22. I'm also straight and will pick the Cruz sisters.

  23. I thought that was Ringo at first.

  24. Justin Theroux, to me, is certifiably awesome. He's talented, intelligent, funny, and smokin' hot. He's not running around in drop crotch pants or double waisted jeans. He's wearing motorcycle riding appropriate gear and wearing it well. I just want to fuck him, not marry him. But I definitely wouldn't say he'd be classified as someone who's "trying too hard."

  25. I'll go for Monica Cruz ..Her face looks a little more balanced.

    I don't see the hotness of Justin and his brother is pinging my gaydar.

    And thanks VIP for all the clickables this morning. Excellent!

  26. Penelope, please.

    The Theroux brothers look so douchey in those jackets.

  27. Another straight one for the Cruz ladies.
    Theroux just looks little to me. I'm 5'7", 135#. But he just looks small. Small men are great on film, but IRL, it bugs me to date one usually.

    The Cruz sisters are SO beautiful, I'd kinda have to try it, hell. What a compliment! Charlize too, DEFINITELY Portia.

  28. Disco! Me too! That well used jacket looks so hot on him!

  29. Monica Cruz. Penelope's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me...

  30. Monica Cruz!!!

    Now, if Enty had posted a photo of HER in a leather jacket my day would have been made.

  31. Thank you, dia! I mean, honestly, is he supposed to be wearing dockers and loafers? Suit and a pocket square? Boat shoes and pea coat? Shmoke and a pancake?

  32. JBE - You and Space Cowboy should wear leather jackets in your next reader photos.

  33. I'll take the Hemsworth brothers as well; Chris being my first choice.

  34. Justin and Jennifer give the impression that they united by their fear of aging, and that fear will undercut their maintaining hotness through the years.

    Can I choose Michael Caine and Helen Mirren?

  35. Justin. I like 'em a little rugged. The younger brother looks so shiny and soft, kind of like a young Ricky Martin.

  36. Justin. There's nothing hotter than a bearded guy in a leather jacket.

  37. Nah, he's not supposed to wear dockers and such, but he's very image conscious. He's taking pains to show he's a biker. But I agree he's super talented, and he looks like he'd be great in bed, but that's just something that bothers me.

  38. I'd go for a Justin and Louis double.

  39. I doubt in this. I like Mónica a lot, but I despise Penélope, so that makes it even. I don't know about the Theroux.

    This totally wrong grammar message was only to give
    @Jason Blue Eyes the picture of Mónica with a leather jacket, I hope it works, otherwise, search for "monica cruz cuero" and you'll find a lot of pictures.

  40. @disco - will do, on my scooter!

  41. Bienvenidos, YoMismo!

  42. You're the best, FSP!

  43. Justin is smart and I like that, but you're right Libby, he looks small. My boyfriend is 6'3" and next to him Justin looks rather boyish, despite his age.

    Monica Cruz is GORGEOUS in that photo but Penelope is wearing some seriously dorky jeans.

  44. I want the Franco brothers

  45. Justin is 5'9", which works for my 5'4". Have had a crush on him forever, he's a talented man!

    @Disco, ITA!

  46. Neither brother...they both look douchey in their oh-so hipster leather. Ugh.

    And though I don't swing that way, I'd take either of the Cruz sisters any day!

  47. @disco - I like my moto men in rugged leather. I'm a vintage bike kind of girl - old British bikes from the 50s and 60s are my fav. But then I also love the vintage BMWs and MotoGuzzi's into the 70s. And as someone who rides and has riden all over the US, good gear is important. It may look hipster, but it's pretty darn practical.

    @Em - Hey there lady! I can't believe he's that small. That makes me sad. I need a THOR sized man!

    I second the CDAN men in leather jackets for July 4th! Strut your stuff, menz.

  48. Justin's brother has really bad hair in that shot. Not so sexy.

  49. Thanks Yomismo. She's stunning in that jacket.

    VIP - I'd take her wearing anything. Or not anything. Either way.

  50. Justin always looks so gay to me, like Marc Jacobs. Maybe it's that he is always so overly preened and primped. Not my thing at all. And his brother? No, thank you.

  51. Is Sebastian gay? Regardless he's gorgeous. I think Penelope's sister is prettier than she is. I've never thought she was pretty though. Her nose is too close to her top lip.

  52. Another straight gal for either Cruz sister. I don't find either Theroux brother remotely attractive and I hate skinny jeans.

  53. I'll Take the Cruz sisters. older Theroux can watch or join doesnt matter.

  54. This, my friend, is tougher than Sophie's choice, me thinks. These are freakishly attractive people.

  55. Especially the Cruz sisters. That's just not normal.



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