Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Your Turn

Mad Men released a teaser trailer of the upcoming season. It says in the promo that we are invited to the affair of the year. Don? But with who? Is this just a tease? Who has not slept with someone yet? If you don't like or watch Mad Men, then please share what ad jingle you can think of in five seconds.


  1. Don't watch the show but have only heard good things about it.

    And for some reason the old meow mix song got stuck in my head at this question. Thanks for that Enty.

  2. Affair of the year means Don + Peggy for me. Don + Joan would be awesome as well, but I'm still holding out hope for Joan + Rodger :)

  3. Gorgeous shot, and I am so freaking excited for this show to come back!!!!

  4. Mad Men: don with Joan, but I don't think they will go there. At least I hope not

  5. I think it is Don and Joan.

  6. I'm just waiting for the last season to get to netflix!!

  7. I want more.........

  8. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) Don & Joan.

  9. Don and Peggy, especially if they write her as doing marvelously at her new job.

    Don and Betty - could happen.


  11. Maybe Betty will start boning Roger

  12. Joan already doinked Roger for a while. I'd LOVE to see Joan and Don!!!

  13. Her baby could very well be Roger's

  14. Joan's baby IS Roger's...

  15. Won't be Don and Joan. Don lost a little respect for her after she slept with the sleazy Jaguar guy at end of S5. He only goes after those he can idolize in some way. It'd be awesome for everyone, sure, but the show's writers have been pretty consistent with the type of women Don pursues.

    Don and Peggy m/b more interesting and possible.

  16. Don and Peggy would make sense; she's one of the principal characters, but no longer works at SCD. An affair would keep her on camera. It's hard to imagine how they could give her much face time w/o something like this.

    @Lurker: I thought it was 100% sure Roger was the father - wasn't Joan's husband away when she conceived? Joan & Roger wound up in bed after she got mugged IIRC.

    @Cathy: you can buy season passes on Amazon for $23 (SD) or $35 (HD). That's how I watch it since I don't have cable.

  17. My OTP is totally Roger & Joan (tru luv 4eva!) but I'd watch the shit out of Peggy and Roger having an affair. That would have so many juicy repercussions. Don would lose his shit, Joan and Peggy would lose their hard won bond, Pete and Roger already hate each other... So much potential!

    That or Sal comes back and finally gets with Ken!

  18. Don't watch. Jingle is "My bologna has a first name."

    But that's probably because I just had a sandwich for lunch.

  19. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I think it will be Don and Betty.
    Roger is def Joan's baby daddy.

    Maybe Roger and Betty? I see Betty being unhappy with the politico once she loses the weight I think the affair will include her.

  20. Ask any mermaid you happen to see. What's the best tuna--Chicken of the Sea.

  21. Affair of the year? Don and Peggy or Roger and Megan. That would make Don leave and start his own company.

    "I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony"

  22. Don and Peggy. I'm hoping for the return of Skinny Betty as a fierce woman scorned. Ditto for Sally. Love her.

  23. Yes, Kevin is absolutely Roger's baby. Greg clearly cannot do math. :-/

  24. @Miz - Roger and Peggy would definitely blow things up, dynamics wise, but it would also be so soap-opera-ish. They've never had any real relationship that I recall.

    OTOH, Peggy and Don have always had awesome chemistry (remember that episode, "The Suitcase?"). Now that she's working elsewhere, he may start to see her as a romantic interest instead of a friend.

    I'm so happy this is coming back soon.

  25. I need to watch "The Other Woman" again. That was absolutely the best single episode of an episode drama I think I've ever seen.

  26. I think it must be Peggy, I wondered how they would be keeping her around since she's at another co.

  27. Who cares as long as Don is the one having the affair. Everyone has been grumbling for the return of the old Don Draper. Whatever happens, Zou Bisou Bisou and her Chicklet teeth have gotta go. I was surprised to see Pare in these ads when they first appeared. I was hoping last year’s finale meant that she blew-up, went out to Hollywood and left Don in the dust. Go away Megan!

  28. Oh gah, I cannot stand Megan. AT ALL. The evil glare Peggy gave her when Don promoted Megan just b/c they got married was gold.

    I wonder if Pete will try put the moves on Sally and Don will stomp Connor into the ground like the little bug that he is. HAH!

    I can't wait for the show to come back!

  29. @jamie2 - I think I'm putting too much on the 2 memorable scenes (for me, at least) between Peggy and Roger. First, when she asked for the office (no one else had the balls to ask for it IIRC) and then when he paid her to write copy for clients (then her being obviously pissed at him when he went to whatshisface the next time) - it'd be a hell of a convoluted story line to make happen, but then, stranger things *have* happened ;)

    I guess I'm hoping its not obvious. Don & Peggy have been teased since day dot, as have Don & Joan... I'd like to see a truly shocking affair :)

  30. I am giddy with joy!

  31. Peggy is in the season opener. We can hope....

  32. Peggy is in the season opener. We can hope....

  33. Wait a minute...just because "Mad Men" is known for, well, characters having affairs, "affair of the year" doesn't necessarily mean an actual sexy-time affair. Methinks we might be looking too much into this...

  34. @AKM, thanks.

    I take it to mean "party", since they're at a party, which can also called "an affair", and we're invited.

    My god, Enty! I hope that was an attempt at humor.

  35. @EmEyeKay: I hope you're right b/c Mad Men is soapish enough already, but I can't think how Peggy gets screen time this season w/o some Don time. She's suddenly powerful and earning good money for the first time, and at another agency.

    Welcome back the wild and crazy crew of Mad Men.

  36. Don and the black secretary.

  37. The more I think about this, I doubt there will be an affair. Mad men promos are always highly misleading.

  38. On the other hand, just to be way out there, possibly Sally hooks up with Pete? The show picks up around 1967 and I'm wondering what Sally's age w/b at that point. 16 or 17?

  39. According to the Mad Men Wiki, Sally will be 13 in '67. Not likely it would be her.

  40. ...and Kiernan is also 13, FWIW.

  41. The Affair of the year? Betty and Megan!

  42. Don being annoyed by Megan's shallowness will probably drive him into the arms of some else. If Bette loses the weight (like the promo ads suggest) then it would be interesting to see her and Don have an affair. This affair would also appease delusional women who believe men care more about personality /intelligence than youth and looks. However, most shocking affair would be Don and Roger. Feminist would love that so as to explain his womanizing ways.

  43. Peggy and Pete again (he's married)? And reintroduction of their child?

  44. Okay, that won't happen. Unless Weiner plans to explore a creepy Lolita plotline this season.

    Wifey and I are huge fans; we've been waiting for this season impatiently.

  45. There is definitely sexual tension between Peggy & Don. Whatever gets Megan outta there is fine by me.

  46. Maybe sexual tension on Peggy's end but not Don's. This is probably why he allowed himself to have a genuine relationship with her: he knows he won't be tempted to use and discard her like so many other women.

  47. I never want to see an affair between Don & Joan!! I love watching her hold her own with him and be treated as an equal as much as possible for the time period. The bar scene with the two of them was wonderful.

    I can't get my head around the idea of him & Peggy, and would love to see him return to Betty.

    One thing if for sure - Jon Hamm is cute, but Don Draper the character is ridiculously bad for you sexy hot. It's shameful the way I would let that man treat me. He reminds me of every good bad-decision I ever made...

  48. @Popnursing - SERIOUSLY! I've never gone for bad boys and don't really think Hamm is all that outside of Mad Men, but Don Draper is exactly as you described: ridiculously bad for you sexy hot. The way he holds a brandy glass, I'm all ~~swoon~~ and Mr is all ~~eye roll~~. :b

    There better never be a Don & Peggy, ever ever ever.

    I still stand by my Pete hitting on Sally & Don squishing him like a bug.
