Monday, March 04, 2013

Your Turn

What is worse - Rihanna taking back Chris Brown or Elin Nordegren taking back Tiger Woods?


  1. Rihanna. Because Tiger never hit Elin

  2. Rihanna..going back to an abusive a-hole much worse than a cheating a-hole you have children with.

  3. Ri is worse. Chris brown is ooglay, ignorant and violent. Tiger is the father of Elin's children, never physically hurt her, and a gentleman in some ways.

  4. Rihanna. It's destined to repeat itself because she can't get out of her own way. I think everyone but her assumes it will be even more horrific the next time.

  5. Rihanna got beat, Elin got rich. Hmmm, tough one

  6. Rihanna is a FOOL

  7. Chris Brown isn't even sorry for what he did, much less reformed, so Rihanna taking him back is worse.

    Elin and Tiger have kids together, she already cleaned him out financially, and he never beat her. If she can forgive him and if he can keep it in his pants, they could actually have a good life together--especially since she knows that she can get an awesome-sized prenup this time around. Given how his reputation plummetted when he was found out the first time, he'd be an idiot to fool around again.

  8. rihanna! and Elin isn't taking back Woods

  9. But, Chris Brown only hit Ri once. Tiger cheated on Elin many, many times for many years...

  10. Rihanna, because Chris ALSO has sex with just as many other women as Tiger...maybe more!

  11. Elin b/c there are kids involved

  12. Rihanna.

    Elin and Tiger have children.

  13. Rihanna for sure. I might take back a cheater, but a man who raises his hand to a woman, much less beats the holy living crap out of her, gets NO second chances.

    BTW, thanks @JSierra, for the link to that domestic violence photo essay the other day. Wow.

  14. Agree on Rihanna. And unfortunately, I think there will be kids involved eventually. She's an idiot.

  15. Ha ha I don't know...Tiger better watch his ass because he would get a beat down with one of his own clubs! Assuming he keeps misbehaving, but not sure she would take him back. I love that snl sketch. Yes, it is a double standard. That's life.

  16. Anonymous10:20 AM


  17. Rihanna. I would much rather go back to a cheater than a beater.

  18. Rianna seems obvious to me. Chris Browns subsequent behavior after the assualt is what makes it so bad. The man is a text boom sociopath.
    Serial cheaters are weird in my book, however. Not douchey like CB but interesting on a clinical scale .. The lies, deceptions, and extraordinary attempts to cover up these actions makes me curious how Tiger got that way. However, he's had the balls to make a public ( albeit awkward ) apology and has stayed out of the spotlight.
    When you think Tiger Woods you don't think narcissistic, tantrum throwing, whiny asshat. You just think Vegas and hookers. And then golf!

    1. Text book ** and I'm sure I made other spelling errors. Three hours of sleep and no coffee

    2. I agree, I can't believe this is even a question. It takes a very special breed of asshole to smack around his girlfriend, it's nothing to do with fame and power and entitlement, in my opinion it's in you or it isn't, and if it is you don't deserve to be forgiven. I'm putting aside the fact that CB is a total numpty for the time being. Not a Rihanna fan but what happened seems to have totally fucked her up

  19. Taking back a cheater wouldn't be wise but it's definitely safer than taking back a guy who hits you.

    I'm really not a fan of Rihanna either but can't see why she'd go back to such a potentially dangerous guy. Someone capable of doing it once can do it again. Of course that applies to cheating but at least then it's just Elin's heart on the line.

  20. Its like asking if you'd like cancer of lung or cancer of bones. They free to do what they want, but their odds of happiness are mighty slim.

  21. Both are idiots, but I doubt Nordegren would allow Woods to get within six feet of her, much less touch a hair on her head. She is obviously doing this for extra money and property, and to let their kids see their dad more.

    Rhianna, however, will probably be beaten to a pulp at Brown's hands within the next 6 months, which is utterly ridiculous because 1) she has far more money than he has, and 2) she certainly can find ANYONE who is better than Brown. She's just insane.

    So - advantage Nordegren.

  22. +1000 to whoever first said that Chrissy is also a cheater.

  23. Rhianna and Chris "Pussyboy" Brown. Tiger cheated. Pussyboy beat.

    This isn't even close.

  24. they get what they deserve, they make the choices. and it will end as it always ends. no surprise here. as there is no surprise that some don´t make it long with the life on the far edge they are living.

    always was, always will be. they´ll pass. all is well.


  25. Rihanna but not by that much but I doubt Elin will take Tiger back, I'm sure he would love it but it was just too much cheating.

    In regards to Rihanna she's no innocent, I always hear she's just as abusive as him, this is no excuse for his behavior but the reason why this is the worst situation. Two violent and explosive people should not be in a relationship and certainly not bringing kids into this mess that will not end well. I really hope I'm wrong but CB behavior after the incident was not what it should have been and I just didn't think he was sincere in his apology.

  26. Rhianna - and this isn't even close.

  27. I don't get why some women can't just be...ALONE...for a few years! It's not that bad. Especially you, Elin. Focus on the kids, not Tiger, not boyfriends. The right one may come along eventually, but why think you have to be with anyone now?

    I used to loooooove Tiger but now I feel queasy even seeing his picture.

    And Rihanna, way.

  28. Enty you already know the answer to this question.

    I wouldn't mind if there was never again a Rihanna/Chris Brown thread. At this point I think the constant posts about these two is solely about getting tons of comments and hits.

  29. Rihanna. If word is to be believed, Elin hit Tiger with a golf club while he was zonked on Ambien. If anything, he should be the leery one.

  30. wait, WHAT? elin & tiger? for real?
    stupid is stupid. the example elin is setting for her kids is....interesting.

  31. is this serious question? Obviously Chris and Riri.

  32. I think physical violence is worse, and Tiger was never physically abusive to Elin...but then again, if Tiger caught a disease or aids, he could give it to Elin. That's kinda like beating a person up from the inside out if she were to catch a deadly disease.

  33. Rihanna. Elin might take him back but girlfriend will make sure she's even more set if he screws around again.

  34. Rihanna. She knows he's a violent twat and there's no reason to put up with his constant cheating and self-entitled shit but she's gone back anyway. Tiger didn't hit Elin, they have children together and I think Tiger has probably learned from the past. I don't think Chris Brown is capable of learning anything at any time.

    But you know, I don't really care what Rihanna does - she's shown over and over again that she's not a pleasant person, she's of limited talent, limited intelligence and has no self respect, so fuck her. If she wants to be his personal punchbag then let her. I'm tired of her.

  35. No examples of white people we can find in fucked up relationships today eh? Guess you all have super ideal relationships.

    1. What color is elin nordegren? If that bitch were any whiter, she would glow in the dark. Tiger is 1/16th everything. Mofo is just a big pie chart of races. Whatever.

    2. Tiger is Black PERIOD

  36. That's easy. Rihanna is worse. He beat her to within an inch of her life. With Elin, the situation is no doubt complicated by their children. They have to stay in contact and seem to have worked hard to maintain some civility for their sake. Yes, he cheated and embarrassed her. Yes, he will probably do it again. But that is no where near the same thing as a beating.

  37. Elin - she's teaching the next generation this behavior is something to be accepted. F-her. Her children are in for a rough ride when they get older and start dating and breeding.

    Ri will get beaten again by Fist Brown and die before ever breeding hopefully. Less harm to society.

    1. What message is Hillary teaching? That you can be a "feminist" and stay married to a man who constantly cheats on you,sexually harasses women and an accused rapist.I wonder if Chelsea's husband fucks around on her yet.Considering her looks,I wouldn't be surprise.That woman was ugly as a child.

  38. They're both STUPID but Rihanna more so because she got beaten and you KNOW it'll happen again...that and I feel the message she is sending, that it's ok to be a punching bag, is FAR worse!

  39. Talk about baitin' a muthafucka. SMH

  40. Rihanna because in Tiger's relationship it was Elin doing the hitting with a golf club when she found out about Tiger's infidalities.

  41. Anybody who GAF what either of these people do and are not family or close friends, needs to get a mother effing life. Word.

  42. Rhianna, Elin has always been a lady and has class. Elin doesn't run to the press/paps when it suits her.

  43. Rhianna taking back CB. Most men, especially geeks will cheat if they achieve a status where women are throwing themselves at them. This is not to give men a pass, but that's just the way it is. I'd say a good number of men who don't cheat are either asexual, highly honorable (less than 1%) or just aren't in the situations where women want to have sex with them.

  44. Both. But I think Elin.

    Rihanna for being in an on-going violent relationship (I have a theory that she took him back because she's physically violent to him also, and egged him on so she feels it's her fault he was arrested).

    Tiger indulged in affairs and one night stands with umpteen women, refused to use condoms, and then came home to the marital bed, exposing his wife to god only knows what diseases (and at least one is potentially fatal).

    The period when Elin was being tested and retested to ascertain if she had HIV or any other STD's must have been nerve-wracking. Who gives a shit if Tiger was careless with his own life. He was careless with Elin's. THAT, more so than a beating, I could not forgive.

  45. Rihanna going back to Chris. As far as I know, Tiger never hit Elin.

  46. Is everyone forgetting that Elin came after Tiger with a golf club?! Why is this not a comparison of who's worse, Rihanna or Tiger?

    I mean, Rihanna stills wins for all the reasons above, but I'm surprised that no one pointed out that Eli tried to be violent, just failed.

    1. Ol' boy was a victim of domestic violence,wasn't he? Had to get dental surgery and whatnot.Police didn't investigate nor file charges.

  47. @ Spicy Pumpkin - A couple of posters mentioned Elin wielding a golf club (Andy at 11:14 AM and nevermindthat at 1:19 PM). I hope that Tiger sleeps with one eye open when Elin spends the night, whether it's in his room or a guest room. And I bet he locks up the clubs, too.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. @Spicy Pumpkin, bravo to you, Alma, Andy and nevermindthat for being objectively honest enough to point out that Elin beat Tiger with a golf club while he was on Ambien and caused him to have a car accident instead of ignoring it as if it didn't matter, or excused "because Tiger was cheating".



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