Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your Turn

Amanda Bynes tweeted the above photo and called herself pudgy. She probably weighs 100 pounds. Do you think she is pudgy? Who uses that word anymore? Are their words that you love that sound funny?


  1. OMG she looks like a porn star, down to those horrible blond extensions SMDH

  2. I wouldn't say pudgy, but she does look bloated.

  3. She's a little thicker than before. But that's not a bad thing. When you gain weight, you need to change sizes. If you wear clothes too small for you, you'll always look bigger than you actually are.

  4. Her implants are pudgy.

  5. "squirrely" Boss lady says it all the time. Annoys me to no end.

  6. Pudgy is the last of her worries.

  7. Pudgy murder vagina!

  8. I think she is kind of short and a little curvy--and she has a round face with full cheeks so that she will never look really skinny--so probably to her eyes she is pudgy.

    I think her face shows the life she is living and she looks older than her age--but she has a cute shape and is not in any way overweight.

  9. Co sign mooshki. Hard to see much in that image besides those squashed implants.

  10. She doesn't have one friend around to take a decent picture of her? Ugh! If she removed the fake hair, she'd weigh less.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    My problem is that she's soliciting that opinion. She needs therapy not a diet.

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What in the fuck is she wearing?? Not helping.

  13. I like using the word "pudgy" to describe pets and babies.

  14. She does look pudgy, but it's probably just due to a bad clothing choice.

  15. No, she is not pudgy.

    Words I love: hellacious; shenanigans. Hmmmmm. My brain just farted.

    1. LOVE the word shenanigans! I have a dress I call my shenanigans dress. It makes me look very polished & never wrinkles. I like to wear it when I meet my boyfriend for a hot lunch...our code word for afternoon sex in the back of my car. ;)

  16. I don't think she has anybody around her, except the leeches.

  17. Umm she's 5'8", I think entys terrible at weight estimation. Plus she was just saying she was having a bloated day not that she actually is pudgy, she looks fine to me. I kinda like crazy Amanda.

  18. If 100 pounds is pudgy then I must be a blob at 250.

  19. not pudgy, ugly clothes though.

  20. She needs help. Very sad.

    All-time favourite word? SMARMY. It's just perfect for so many situations. My husband knows I'm seriously annoyed about something when I pull out the 'smarmy' descriptor.

  21. Isn't she the one who told UsMag she wanted to weigh 90lbs?

    The funniest sounding word to me is canoodling

  22. She looks booby or since there are two, boobie. That word makes me laugh or boobas.

  23. I would deft ANYONE not to look bad in that outfit. Is she trying on Bathing suits alone? Why did she choose that skirt coverup? Is she going to a dosey do later?

  24. Best word I know is Subtle. Can't read it without pronouncing the B in your head,lol and if someone says it alound? READER and our bond is instant ( after the wince)

  25. The outfit makes her look worse. She's a small woman, I think she was just fishing for attention. I don't remember her being so busty.

  26. Why the hell would she think that skirt matches the bustier? Yeah, agree Puggle, she was fishing for attention is all.

  27. Ooh, one of my favorite words is Quarry. I just like how it sounds I guess.

  28. @pugglewug, I guess that's what happens when you don't try them on before you put em on the rack. ;)

  29. Here in NYC, it's been below 50 degrees. She is wearing a bathing suit as a blouse, a velvet mini skirt, ankle high stockings and slip-on sneakers. These series of pictures look like they were taken in a hotel room or a dressing room. She's obviously in the throes of some kind of "episode". She needs professional help. Her parents need to step in and act like parents!

  30. TURN OFF THE FLASH, Amanda. You look like your holding a crystal from Superman's fortress of solitude.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Jason - right? She could learn a thing or two from /r/gonewild.

  31. a Christmas Tree skirt does not make a good fashion choice.

  32. OK now I know Swiss Miss is pulling a Joachim Phoenix & fucking with us all.

  33. Black men like alot of junk in the trunk. Baby Got Back!

  34. I like the word canoodle...sounds 50s..I also like chaos but only because my husband didn't know that's how the word was spelled...he thought it said we joke with each other that things are getting Chowsy

  35. no i don't, and this topic makes me kind of ill. i have a daughter who is 5'5" and weighs 95 lbs, and she thinks shes "fat". as much as i try to do healthy and fit theme at home, and limited media input before age 10; girls get the message early that you really can never be thin enough. i'm sure amanda feels brave with that picture.

  36. Clearly not pudgy but that top does NOT fit! Ladies, learn how to measure your bust properly. You are probably a few cup sizes larger than you think you are.

  37. See what happens when you retire too soon? You just end up walking back and forth indulging your own insanity.

  38. I love the word pudgy. I call my dog my little pudgy wudgy man all the time. He answers to pudge more than he does his own name.

    As for Amanda, girlfriend needed help yesterday.

  39. That top doesn't fit at all! The seam is cutting through the boob not going under as it should.
    She's probably about right weight wise for her height.
    I love the word minutiae. I'm a detail person.

  40. Screw the fit of her little get up, it doesn't go together at all! At first I thought this was a snap of Lizard Stodden.

    And she doesn't look pudgy but she doesn't look twiggy either.

    I love all words equally. But I HATE when someone is telling a story and goes on to say: "And blah, blah, blah". I have a friend who does that and I so want to tell her to stop but can't figure out how to say it without hurting her feelings. It drives me around the bend for some unknown reason.

    1. Maybe insert in to your conversation every other sentence: "yak yak yak". And then apologize for being so annoying.

  41. One of my favourite words (slang) here in Oz is "daggy". The basic meaning is along the lines of worn out, tired, and/or out of style.

    A girl wearing "granny panties" in the US would say she was wearing her daggies in Oz.

    One day I was watching the news and a female broadcaster used the expression "call me dagged". I nearly fell out of my chair laughing so hard.

  42. I have no opinion of Amanda either way but I wanted to say my favourite word is Pachongas. Its a word we made up for boobs. It has variations too.
    Pachongas = Big boobs like mine.
    Pachingas = small boobs like my sisters
    and then we have
    Pachingos = the dreaded male boobs or 'moobs'.

  43. My kids think "pickle" is the most hilarious word ever.

  44. Words that sound funny? Boner is a pretty groovy word.

    Don't care about Amanda, don't care about her weight, probably her clothes are making her look weird...
    BUT... I just wanted to say that my favourite English words are "porcupine" and "refurbish".
    Just like how it sounds... ;)
    Have all a nice evening, I'm gonna go back to talking to myself.

  46. I use the word hobo... Amanda it's the boobs.

  47. She looks ridiculous. No wonder she had to use the flash. At least she had sense enough not to go outside looking that big a mess.

  48. She's not pudgy, just messed up in the head.

    Also, the greatest word ever is "defenestration."

  49. I came across a document today that was labeled " official certification of destruction" which is the coolest group of words ever. I wanted to steal it but apparently if was important....

  50. She scares the living crap out of's like seeing the devil in the flesh

  51. poor Amanda....
    i like the words ennui, convoluted, and incognito.
    i'm starting to think these cool words really tell us something about ourselves...

  52. Loveless, you made me chuckle. "Ankle high stockings? Honey, aren't those footies they give you in most shoe stores to try on heels, because I don't think they're stockings if they're only ankle high. LOL

  53. I like the word penultimate!

  54. I dunno about pudgy but she's dressed like a prostitute who ran off to join the Circus. Hey, maybe that's a career choice for her, they've got sex swingy trapezes and everything.

  55. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I like the word "porky". What in God's name is the poor girl wearing? A grandma print one piece swimsuit and a russian doll skirt with gold embroidery? Wtf?

  56. Lol @ Ana N,was about to announce my word choice- perky! Who the hell can define something as perky and be serious ?

  57. @ Ari, or the devil in the "flash"'

  58. This girl needs help immediately, she's so mentally disturbed.

    One of my favorite words is discombobulated, it just sounds funny to say it

  59. Hi White Lilly
    Your words make me happy as a watermelon :D

  60. I like the word "thwarting":)

  61. Hi Sunny!!!!
    How are you??
    They make me really happy too, lol!
