Monday, March 25, 2013

Your Turn

Over the weekend, Tori Spelling Tweeted that she and Dean and their 4 kids had all just showered together in the same shower. Strange or not?


  1. I want a shower that big.

    Why the hell is she telling people about it?

  2. Why the fuck is she tweeting this shit? Who needs to know?

  3. Hell to the yes it's strange.

  4. Hell yes it's strange....

  5. Maybe they were in a rush.

    1. Post of the day! Lol
      Save water; shower with a friend!

    2. My grandma wears a pin on her jacket that said "save water, shower with a friend!" We live in Oregon and we put a high priority on water conservation! My grandma is 91;)

  6. Well she showed everyone. They can't possibly be having problems & on the verge of divorce if they're doing family showers.

  7. If they were naked, yes.

  8. Strange. I don't understand why they'd WANT to do that. Even if they have an enormous shower, two adults, two kids, and two babies is a lot to fit. And wouldn't they have to hold the youngest the entire time? Inefficient.

  9. And yeah it's weird. Now her kids will grow up thinking every woman has had a meteor hit her chest.

    1. @ethorne Ha-ha! You win teh Internetz today! Plus you made me laugh out loud for realz. Mr. Bluezz thanks you, too. :-D

  10. Preschoolers- different, but aren't we all. Who cares?

    Anything 6+ would be bordering on too weird/ Pervy/inappropriate plus then you risk potential psychological issues (with the opposite sex parent). I think you could safely shower with same sex parent for longer. It's not for our family, though. But both my boys have seen my goodies lots of times. Meh. I don't judge. Better this than eating your placenta.

  11. Mb she was in a hurry. It sounds ok to me, but not so okay for older ones in a few years.

  12. I wouldn't do it. I am fine with her doing it. Doesn't affect me. Wish she wouldn't tweet about it though.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    No issue for me. I only have girls, and they are a bit older, so no shower time with Daddy, but I have a big shower and no issue if they want to shower with me. We aren't ashamed of our bodies in this house!

  14. I don't know how old her kids are, but if they are young I don't understand why Americans think this is weird. Why are we so ashamed about our bodies? Bodies aren't just sex. When my son was young he saw me naked all the time, and he was naked too. I don't remember how old he was when I stopped, but as soon as I felt uncomfortable, He has absolutely no hang ups about his body at all.

  15. As long as no one touches anyone in a way they shouldn't, I don't care. Shower time is my time to myself so i can't imagine everyone all at once. Aren't they worried about gestering and smacking a kid by accident? Or maybe I am the only one who conducts an imaginary symphony.

    1. I agree with everything Alma said. Well, except maybe the symphony part. I tend to write cheesy adventure stories in my head during my shower time. Why would I want anyone to encroach on that?

  16. Maybe the Gourmet Dad was doing some Cosmo Kramer-like shower dinner prep that needed an extra set of hands or three.

  17. I love when you troll us, Enty.

  18. I am european and i don't think it's weird.. i mean they are their kids!
    I think americans have sex on their mind much more than we do..

  19. Maybe it's not weird to shower together, but tweeting about it is a little stranger. Musta been a slow news day to be so desperate for attention.

  20. and @ethorne.. thanks! i spilled iced tea all over my keyboard after that meteor joke! haha

  21. I find it odder she felt compelled to tweet about it.

    I never bathed or showered with my kids and I don't understand how an adult can stand the water cold enough for a kid. I occasional took my daughter in the shower to make it quick and then I tossed her out so I could take a hot shower. I never showered with the boys.

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    the kids are young, but it's still a little odd. I grew up in a hippie household, so nudity wasn't that strange for me to see as a kid. but everyone's different I guess. I don't think it's that big a deal. And true, her kids are probably going to wonder about what real boobs look like.

  23. I'm not sure what's creepier; taking a shower together as a family or telling people about it.

  24. maybe it was an outdoor shower

  25. I'm more worried about washing soapy slippery babies.

  26. The shower part, not strange, but I'm sure that was difficult because soapy kids are akin to greased pigs & extra hard to handle. Nudity is not a big deal, something to be scared of, until you make it so.

    That being said, I would not advertise what goes on in my house to the world. Especially that. Way too many weird fans out there - and if she wants to keep her kids out of the public eye, this should be kept private.

    1. NapAssasin I agree with everything you said.

    2. I too agree with nap assassin.

  27. The kids are all pretty young still. I don't find it strange. I work with young kids, it's not uncommon to hear a story about a shower or bath taken with their mom or dad.

  28. Remember when Dean tweeted a pic of their son & didn't realize Tori was photo-bombing with bewbs ahoy? Good times.

  29. I find it strange that she is tweeting about it. Personally, I don't like sharing my shower time with anybody, but if other people do it, fine by me.

  30. She is only talking about it to reflect from her break-up rumours.

  31. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I wonder what strange s*** people were up to pre Twitter.

  32. It's mostly weird because of logistics, you'd need a lot of shower heads, babies flopping on the shower floor, etc.

    In Finland, though, most everyone has sauna in-home, and families take sauna together. Towels aren't generally worn. There are public saunas -- they're divided by gender, but everyone is naked. (You can play "Spot the American"... he'll be the one wearing a towel!) Unfortunately for John Travolta, should he ever visit, they're not pr0n-saunas!

  33. I don't find it odd. The kids are pretty young right now. If they were older it would be a little out of place. But like someone said, it may have been in outdoor shower and they kids were all nekiddty but the parents weren't; they were just soaping them up.

    And +1 Groovy!

  34. I showered with my daughter up until she was about 3-4--it was just quicker and my time is short in the morning. When she was one or under--I'd throw her in with the hubby on occasion. AND I'm AMERICAN! lol. Don't see anything wrong with it when the kids are younger..

  35. oh, and only one of them pooped!

  36. OT: the link for Xander's site has been updated and the closing date for the benefit for the Ben fund (for Idotherobot's sister) has been extended until March 31. ( I EM him and rec'd the info)). Burrito shirt is there..

    1. Agent, my shirt is ready to ship! So excited, and easily justified the $ to Mr. Nothanksdarlin since its going to little Ben's mommy

  37. the act itself isn't the weird part but tweeting about it absolutely is.

  38. It's weird, but then some families apparently have NO boundaries. When I moved in with my fiance and his daughter, I had to establish that if I was in the bathroom, that meant you did NOT come in. I had to keep locking the doors because nobody got it.

  39. I had showers with my son til he was about 5ish and my daughter til she was maybe 7ish and I got sick of hearing her say "eww your boobs" She would still take a shower with me if I let her and she is 11. My hubby didn't like it and only did it a few times as babies.

  40. Maybe she's angling for publicity and a guest shot on The View or one of those horrible shows. Remember all the buzz Alicia Silverstone got when she chewed her baby's food? Same sort of thing. Everyone wanted to talk to her about it.

  41. Do some of you guys realize how snobby you sound when you generalize all Americans as being ashamed of nudity?

  42. Only on National Hunt Defenseless Animals Day. It's a Holiday! I love holidays.

  43. Oh please, relax, what's the big deal? Americans are sooo uptight about being naked. My family did sauna together when I was a kid and everyone was completely secure and natural about it. (Until I turned 13 and refused and thought everything was gross, lol)

  44. Strange - yes

    Not gonna happen in my house. My shower time is my alone time. Don't knock on the door. Don't ask questions like when will we eat? Where are my shoes? Don't open the door to tell me how sexy I am either. This is the only 5 minutes I have alone to my self. And you will really find me pissed if you open the door and that cold draft sweeps through the room. Momma won't be happy at all.

  45. @Rocketyank: I'm American and I do believe we have issues with nudity. I personally don't but the majority do. I don't find it insulting so much as a statement of fact. It's all good here.

  46. I agree with L and BitterBlondin. Americans tend to sexualize everything. I used to shower with my dad and mom (separately) until I was about 5 and it was completely normal, there was nothing sexual about it. I remember I used to love it because my dad would make me these crazy hairstyles with the shampoo.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. What a great memory Catarina.

  49. Their kids are babies, so what.

  50. Strange that she tweeted about it but not strange for a family to shower together. Jealous they have a big ass shower!

  51. Considering that at that age your kids are on eye level with your dong and vag, I say no. They already shoved their heads out of there, what makes you think they need to revisit the wonderland.

  52. Yes, Sherry, it is! :)

  53. I'm American and I find this completely acceptable. Seriously - why is this a big deal? Non muthaf*%#n factor to me!

    And yes, she's tweeting about it to drum up publicity and will probably be all over the air spouting her " progressive " views on patenting .. That part is pretty obvious IMO

  54. I'm just wondering if one of them slipped and fell, and knocked all the others down and, well, it being Tori, I'd have to hear her whine about her broken pinky toe on the cover of every mag in the country for months. No..dammit, safety first.

  55. Meh, whatever. I showered with my oldest till there was just not enough room for the both of us. My youngest will get in with wither of us. We also have no problem changing with either boy in the room. We don't sexualize it, so no problem. Also, we don't want our kids growing up feeling their bodies are shameful things. However, if they want privacy, we respect that. Nakedness in itself isn't sexual, I don't think it should always be sen as "naughty". That being said, maybe she shouldn't have tweeted about it.

    Also, I wish I had a shower that big!

  56. Anonymous6:41 PM

    It's creepy to me. my son never saw Mr naked

  57. i had a friend with 4 little kids and they would all shower together IN THEIR BATHING SUITS after swimming. it was the only way to get them all clean and off to bed in a hurry. but 2 of tori's are so little. how do you shower with a 6 month old? my kids hated the shower until 6 or 7.

  58. Depends on the age of the kids. When they get old enough to be self conscious then it's time to shower alone.

  59. And I still bathe with my mum and her little old lady friends when in Japan. We all go to the onsen for a scrub and soak together.

  60. I used to shower with my nieces and nephews all the time, it was an easy way to clean their bums after massive shits.

    We're australian though. I've seen probably all my family naked - yes, even aunts, uncles and cousins - and my grandparents a couple of times (that was weird but only because i now have it burned into my head how i will look when i'm old).

    I remember being at my dad's football games and men walking out of the change room naked. I was only hip height so that was confronting but whatever.

  61. And Zelda if THAT doesn't desexualize nudity what won't? Hahaha.

    Seriously a lot of people are more freaked about naked adults and kids purely because of sick people who have taken advantage of the innocence of childhood. And that is truly sad. As we can see from the testimonials here it's usually benign.

  62. Have to admit I skipped over the comments at the end because I was a tad miffed. Do we really need to say that when dealing with our young children naked that we're not doing it in a "pervy" way these days do we? That is just seriously messed up.

    News flash: parents that don't think anything at all about sexuality when dealing with your naked children - nothing to see here, go on with your normal selves.

    The comments here made me ick.

  63. Why would you want to tweet that?
