Thursday, March 14, 2013

Your Turn

Today is 3/14 which of course means it is Pi day. In celebration of the day, please tell me whether you like pie or cake better. I feel less gluttonous when I eat an entire pie. Eating a whole cake seems bad even for me. Not saying I have not done it, because I have, but it seems so wrong compared to eating a whole pie.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    How about not eating a whole pie or cake? What about those great fruit and custard tart things they have at Safeway as a good alternative Enty? I love those things!


    How is these even up for debate?! Yes, pie is good. But cake is just better.

    But no matter how you vote, Happy Pi Day everyone!

  3. Dessert-wise, there is nothing that I love more than Key Lime Pie!!! Mmmm. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!! Key Lime Cheesecake will work in a pinch, too :)

  4. Don't like cake. Unless it's ice cream cake.

    Mmm...fruit pies.

  5. I don't have a face for cake - so PI it is!!

  6. When I was a student teacher, the teacher I worked with had students write 5-10 minute journal entries at the beginning of each class. One day the topic was this: cake vs. pie.

    It started a heated discussion that led to the students bringing in cakes and pies on another day. After that, it became a yearly tradition.

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Well everyone knows it's fine to eat a whole pie, it's fruit. In fact, it's probably downright good for you. I think the occasion dictates which is better, warm apple pie with really good vanilla ice cream is hard to beat, but if someone walked out at at birthday party with a pie full of candles I would promptly confiscate it and instruct them to leave and not return without a suitable cake. I would eat the pie while awaiting their return.

  8. Why do I have to choose?

  9. I love them both but cake for sure. Major sweet tooth here.

    I am anxiously awaiting to thaw out the top layer of our wedding cake for the 1 year anniversary "tradition." I had never heard of it until our bakery told us they would give us a small cake to take home after our wedding for freezing. Yellow cake with several layers of chocolate ganache and raspberry mouse is in the freezer til the moment of truth lol.

  10. Either homemade apple pie (made with granny smith apples) or key lime pie with gingersnap crust. Since it's also my birthday, I've already instructed my husband and kids that I'm expecting a pi-themed birthday party for Super Pi Day - 03/14/15 (pizza and/or quiche for dinner, different pies instead of cake, etc.)


    My receptionist bakes alllllllll the time and she's always bring cake and cupcakes in. Today she brough Irish Carbomb cupcakes (I know the name is not-nice, but that's what the recipe is called), and they're SO GOOD.

  12. Buttercream frosting makes me crazy.

  13. This seems like a good time for Andie Macdowell's pie song

  14. Cake > Pie. Getting all mathematical since it's Pi day.

  15. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Omg, @Amber: I had forgotten st. Party's (as Michael k would say: typo and it stays) is this weekend. Time to get out the mixing bowls, shit just got real.

  16. I'm going to do my best not to judge the cake lovers harshly. Sigh...I'm marrying one. He doesn't understand why he can't have a ginormous chocolate cake on MY birthday.

  17. Both:

  18. shit, cake cake cake.

    Apple pie with ice cream.

  19. Pie for me. I am nuts about making homemade pie crust. Cake is too sweet overall for my taste.

    I love making apple pie, pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie. I also love making chicken pot pie from scratch, vegetarian pot pie, and pasties.

    Let's not forget pizza pie. I make my own from scratch, too. I just wish I could find kosher pepperoni in the Middle East...

    1. CHICKEN POT PIE is my most favorite thing in the whole world!

      Creamy meat!!!

  20. @Empress - St. Party's is appropriate for those of us that aren't actually Irish :)

  21. I'm crazy for pie crust and cake frosting, I would love a pie crust filled with cake I guess my vote goes to my dream dessert picake or cakepi?

    1. Yumm! Pastry pie crust with buttercream icing...after my own heart. :)

  22. Thank you JBE. I've been singing that song all morning too!

    I love me some pie! Fruit pies are my fav - tart cherry or apple (where the apples are very thinly sliced) and crumbley goodness on top. But I feel like you shouldn't have to choose. Pies are more spring summer for me and fall winter is cake time. It just rotates with the seasons.

    Happy 3.14 Day!

  23. Anonymous10:30 AM

    @Amber, I like it. I'm not catholic and have no stake in st. Patrick (much like 98% of the others who celebrate). Motion for an official name change to St. Party's day is now on the floor!

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Pie. Lemon cream, key lime, cherry, peach, coconut cream...all fruit pies must be served warm with ice cream on top, of course.

    Cake. Only special cakes like German chocolate or Caravelle's need apply.

    I guess I prefer pie.

  25. @Amber and @Empress - St Party Day!!!

    This is the weekend I miss Chicago the most. Portland festivities don't compare to the green river and 24/7 drunkeness.

    St Party and Pie! Perfect combo :)

    1. @dia St. Patrick's Day = the only day of the year that the Chicago River is INTENTIONALLY green :)

    2. @VIP - but it's such a brilliant shade of emerald green! What's that joke? If they can dye it green on St Patty's why can't the dye it blue the rest of the year.

    3. @dia A little Chicago humor :) I was born and raised in Chicago. The river is the most brilliant shade of green on St. Paddy's day, then the rest of the year it's that gross shade of unclean green

    4. Chicago girl here. I will celebrate it up for you this weekend! One of my favorite times of the year here. So. Much. Fun!

  26. Today is actually Steak & BJ Day.

  27. Pie - as long as cheesecake counts as pie....

  28. Anonymous10:43 AM

    @SueRH: thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten. I feel that following steak a good pie is really the way to go, so let's say steak, a BJ and a pie day?

  29. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Or @SueRH, pineapple upside down cake, for obvious reasons.

  30. Huge "Twin Peaks" and "Pushing Daisies" fan here. What do you think?!

    Plus I work in a math department. I brought a blueberry and my boss brought a Key lime.

  31. Pie Pie favorite dessert period. Hands down. Lemon, cherry, pecan, Derby (pecan with chocolate chips), apple, pumpkin....MMMMMMM!

    @karen, I'm with you, I married a cake man.

  32. Hate pie, indifferent to cake, would prefer a brownie or a cookie.

  33. I have to choose?! Right this very second, I'm indulging in a piece of homemade lemon cake that my nieghbor brought over for ME!! Seriously, she brought ME a piece but not the guy she's known forever. LOL Chocolate is good, as is vanilla. Pies: Key Lime Pie!!! Dutch Apple pie with vanilla ice cream is a fave, too. Nom, nom, nom!!!

  34. Wrong's cake or death! :)

  35. Happy Birthday, Stew!!! :)

  36. Pumpkin pie for breakfast , shepards pie for lunch and dinner and back to pumpkin pie for dessert. Sounds like a good day to me.

  37. PIE!
    Key Lime, blueberry, apple, strawberry...........yum

  38. @teresa Eddie!

    my fave is lemon meringue--the kind made with eagle brand milk.

  39. Simply desserts here makes a white chocolate strawberry cake!!! It is like a giant strawberry shortcake covered in white chocolate and buttermilk frosting mmmmmm. A good old fruit pie is more of an everyday treat. Cake is special. :) sorry! (Hides in the corner)

  40. I'm still not picking, but I will admit to baking too different cakes over the weekend. Chocolate covered cherry and lemon.

  41. Chocolate cake. I once made a "Cuban Opera Cake" for my sis in laws 50th birthday. It took me three days because it had chocolate buttercream frosting, chocolate ganache and chocolate cake in 4 layers. It was heavy as hell with about 5 pounds of Scharffenberger chocolate and cost about $50 to make..but it was delicious!

    Hint for moist delicious cakes...Mayo!

  42. Dont like pies or cakes.

  43. The cake is a lie.

  44. Depends. I usually prefer cake, like a vanilla cake with white icing but I love certain pies. Custard is the absolute best pie ever, but sweet potato, pecan and boston cream pie are also great. I loathe apple pie and most fruit pies (cherry is an exception) and key lime pie is repulsive. Sunshine pie is way better, it's like key lime but with oranges instead. Oh and chess pie, how could I forget that one?? And tiramisu, I guess that's a cake though right?

    Also can someone please explain those freaks that put a piece of CHEESE on their apple pie? I saw someone do that once and I almost puked. Sweet things do NOT EVER go with non-sweet things! Like mango salsa on fish or chicken...WHAT THE FUCK???

  45. Its like sophie's chiice, i could never choose one over the other!

  46. Either but right now I completely want some pecan pie.

  47. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Pie pie pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blueberry, Blackberry, rasberry,Cherry or Peach

  48. I love cake and pie. Don't make me choose!

  49. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Part 2: WTF has no one brought PIE to work today to share with their co workers for PIE day?

  50. Definitely pie. I am not big on sweets and of I get served caked, I am scrapping off all the frosting and filling if there is any. Though my bday request every year is an angel food cake with strawberry cool whip 'frosting' and fresh strawberries on top. Delicious!

  51. Pie, for sure. I'm better at making cakes, though.

  52. I like cake. I LOVE pie! Almost any kind (except mincemeat). I used to have a recipe (about 30 years ago) for a pineapple cream pie with chocolate pudding in the middle and I lost it. I loved that pie. Like pumpkin, any fruit (Public makes a delicious cherry pie) although blueberry is always a little bland to me. I saw some TV show a few years ago with Christina Applegate where someone suggesting going out for pie and another character said simply "I like pie." and I thought I don't know anyone who DOESN'T like pie. Pie, Pie, Pie. Now I'll have to make one.

  53. That os a Solomon's choice better left to someone wiser than me.

    @Turkish Taffy, I do love the versatility of pie, esp. Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot Piiiie!

  54. Pie all the way! A flaky, buttery crust with some fruity goodness baked inside = unbeatable. Lemon meringue, pecan, pumpkin, all sooooo good! Cake is just kinda meh. Except for carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

  55. @yodelay - AHHHHHHHH! I love that you made that reference!!! I do it often and no one knows what I'm talking about.

  56. @yodelay and Amber - Donny wants to climb a tree! (The tree is a metaphor. For YOU.)

  57. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Cake. But I'm weird I'm not a fan of icing. Cake with real cream and strawberries. Yum!
    I did have a coconut cupcake for my bday and it was delicious with toasted coconut on the icing.

  58. oh I haven't had pie forever.

    I love a good apple or peach pie. Or better yet a peach COBBLER sizzling hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.


    Re: St. Pats day---I am originally from Chicago and I'm Irish and it is the BEST celebration there!

  59. I feel more virtuous eating pie, if it's a fruit pie. Given a choice, I will take cake.

  60. I like Cake better.

    Today is also Steak and Blow Job Day!

  61. Pie. Pumpkin or apple.

  62. Chocolate cake!!!

  63. Also, Carvel ice cream cakes - you can get them at Publix now!

  64. Lemon icebox pie, love it, and at the same time it makes me miss my mamaw.

  65. OMG Yodelay! The Opster and I always sing that song. I thought we were the only remembering David Cross doing it on "Just Shoot Me". Now I officially love you.

  66. I decorate cakes for a living so pie all the way for me. And today is my 15th wedding anniversary. I just wanted to share that :)

  67. Depends on the cake or the pie. My mom could bake the most heavenly cookies, cakes, and pies with a melt in your mouth crust. Every September we'd go apple picking in upstate NY and pick bushels of apples and she'd bake dozens of pies. Mom would send some over to our neighbors and wrap up the rest and freeze them in our basement freezers so we'd have pies for months. At Thanksgiving we'd have apple *and* sweet potato pie.

  68. I don't think I can pick one over the other, although I don't like some of the bakery/store cakes I've bought that were way too sweet, or had icing made w/shortening instead of butter (WTF is w/THAT?). I'm rather fond of my own chocolate cake recipe that my mom clipped out of a newspaper when she was a newlywed in the '50s--it's ridiculously easy & is even vegan, and if you bake it in advance and frost it/cover it w/foil, it's even moister the next day. (It also makes a great red velvet cake, too; take out some of the cocoa & add the 1 oz. bottle of red food coloring.) I can do a pretty kickass pie, though, and have made plenty of pies for SCA (medieval) events, as well as pecan or chocolate pecan at Thanksgiving. My favorite pie, though, is the maple cream at the P&H Truck Stop off I-91 in Wells River, VT--I'm telling you guys that if you like pie at all, you NEEEEEEEEED to jump in your car & drive to the P&H to have some pie! They've got all kinds of fruit pies, cream pies, Reese's pie; hell, I think they've even got Boston Creme Pie (there's your cake/pie combo!). Just go, OK? You won't regret it, I promise!

  69. German. Chocolate. Cake.

    The worst pie is shoo fly pie.....I'd rather have cow pie...

    Haaaaaaa Ha. Ha

  70. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I just popped in to say
    That @Lucas and @.robert made my day.

  71. I don't really have much of a sweet tooth so I'm going to choose between delicious cake and meat pies. Meat pies every time. As long as they're from my local bakery and not mass-produced -shudder-

  72. I like both equally, but I really prefer ice cream. If it's pie, I'm probably going for something chocolate-y over a fruit pie and if it's a fruit one, I would like some ice cream, please.

  73. @Amber & AKM, that was an instant classic -impossible to forget in a good way! :-)

    @Shelly *Elvis voice* Thankyouverymuch.

  74. Depends on the pie and depends on the cake. I love chocolate cake, pecan pie, and cream pie. I don't like the fruit pies, except for a good apple and no yellow or white cake for me.

  75. I agree with Henriette. Except I like fruit pies too most of the time. I love key lime cheesecake, which happens to be in a pie crust so really I couldn't be forced to choose I guess
