Monday, March 11, 2013

Your Turn

When you go to the movies, do you get 3D if it is a choice? I think I have done it three times. It does not really matter that much to me.


  1. Not really. Unless it's a horror movie, because who doesn't enjoy a dismembered eye-ball flying at their face?

  2. I hate anything 3d. It's tacky as shit, and those glasses are NOT a good look.

  3. I saw the U2 concert in 3D, it was interesting.

    Then Mr convinced me to see Beowulf in 3D and NEVER AGAIN. Anthony Hopkins' naughty bits in 3D? Scarred for life.

  4. Don't really care about 3D, I just want a seat in a comfortable viewing position and someone who brings beer when I want. My local cinema is falling down on the beer part lately though, they no longer sell locally made beers, it's all big name fizzy bottles now.

  5. Never. I have a one-woman boycott going against 3D movies. I can tell it's really making a difference

  6. I think 3D is ruining film. There was so much gratuitous "gee whiz" shit thrown in The Hobbit that it really jacked the pace. And I had the misfortune of seeing Battleship in 3D and I'm convinced they just came up with the 3D bits and then tried to build a movie around it. And failed big time.

    1. @Lucas ITA. I feel like about every 10 years since the 50s, the powers that be trot out 3D and try to convince us how awesome it is. It's not. Then it goes away, only to come back again about 10 years later

  7. I would do it, but I've probably only done it once or twice. It would have to be a REALLY cool movie or something someone told me was a must in 3D.

  8. It depends on the movie - some of them I have and some I haven't. For the ones I've not seen 3D, I don't think I missed anything.

  9. @Lucas - You had to deal with Rhianna's fivehead in 3D? Good God, man. I feel for ya.

  10. I tend not to anymore since the few times I did there was hardly anything 3d worthy on the screen nor could I really tell a difference.

  11. I get so nauseous watching 3D movies. I hate them.

  12. I don't go to the movies often, the only time it was an option was The Avengers. We saw it in 3-d, I can't even remember anything that stood out, it didn't really make a difference.

  13. I saw Avatar in 3D, and it was amazing. That movie was perfect for the 3D medium. That being said, I usually don't watch stuff in 3D because movies are waaaay more expensive and it's usually random gratuitous stuff thrown in for good measure that isn't necessary, but is added so you feel you are getting the 3D experience you paid for.

  14. Usually the reviews let you know if the 3D is worth it or not. Most of the movies I saw in 3D weren't really worth it. But one time I was on a second date with a guy and he (a financially secure engineer) spent so much time griping about the extra cost of the 3D tickets that it made the whole evening pretty insufferable. There was no third date.

  15. As a rule it depends on the movie.
    Avatar? Absolutely ruled in 3D.
    Anything else? Waste of money.

  16. nope. never. i hate it.

  17. Not especially if it's for me, but I have seen lots of kids movies in 3D. They love it. Last one I saw was Life of Pi. That looked pretty good.
    Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day for yesterday. (I know in the U.S. it's in May but in Ireland and the U.K. it was yesterday.)

  18. I saw jackass 3 in 3d. Worth it. Otherwise no

  19. Only if I have a very good reason to believe it's a big improvement over the 2D version.

    The only 3D "up-conversion" I've seen was the last Harry Potter movie, because I'd heard it was really well-done, and it was a more convenient time.

    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey did wonderful things with 3D, as did Avatar, but otherwise, I can't recall a movie whose 3D was any better than the 2D version.

  20. I get queasy easily - no 3D.

  21. Depends on the movie and how deep my pockets are.

  22. If we take the kids to a movie. Other than that nope.

  23. Never. It's just stupid.

  24. I haven't actually seen anything in 3D yet; the last movie I saw was Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (don't laugh, it really wasn't bad, and at least they got the spiral lacing right... ;-) ; we could have seen it in 3D, but the friend I was with has migraines & so we passed. Anyway, considering the sheer amount of gore in the movie, I figured it would be kind of like sitting in the front row at a GWAR show, minus the fake jizz...

    1. @Robin- Obsessive lurker, rare poster here. Had a question about the movie... Pretty sure I know why you went, but it looked sooooo bad that I couldn't bring myself to go. Was it really bearable? My future embarrassment hinges on your answer. Thanks! :-)

  25. They aren't my fave that's for sure. That said, some friends suggested Oz last night and it was pretty stunning in 3D. If nothing else, I'd say it's one to watch on the big screen.

  26. TOO DAMNED EXPENSIVE!!! $15 for a movie? No thanks. Except, as Gayeld said, if it's a horror movie. They really can do great things with 3-d. Any other genre, it's just a distraction. And for horror movies, I'll go on a weekday when there's a discount.

  27. No, I'm cheap. It has to be a pretty good movie for me to want to pay to see it in 3D.

  28. Generally, no. I did see _Hugo_ in 3D, however, and I kinda liked it that way. That was a coincidence/me mixing up the start times in my head thing, though.

  29. I think my name says it all. Ahhhhh... no.

    It's also a great way to shut down overeager salesmen at Best Buy.

  30. My kids do. At this point in life, I don't even want to sit in a movie theatre. Forget about glasses.

    Besides, I wouldn't be interested in a film offered in 3-D. My kids love films like Life of Pi and Avatar. Me, not so much.

  31. 3D gives me a headache.

  32. I have never seen a 3D movie either although I could imagine that "Avatar " would be excellent in 3D. I typically don't go to the theatre and prefer to rent so that puts the kibosh on it anyway.

  33. No. I'm afraid it'll give me motion sickness.

  34. ITA with Lucas and Chris on the 3D. I want to see some wonderfully done low budget effects, not a film studio throwing as much money as they can into as many crazy effects as they can and totally disregard everything else in the film. No thank ya.

  35. When I go to the movies I only get Percepto or Odorama if those choices are available.
    Those are the only ones worth it to me. ;-)

  36. Nope! I went to 3 movies and I realized the cartoon films do a better job of incorporating the special effect, most of the other genres don't utilize it as well, it seems forced and contributes nothing. Plus I wear glasses and wearing 3D glasses over the prescription ones are so frustrating.

  37. No. Gives me a migraine every time.

  38. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I don't see 3D movies. If I can't see it in 2D then I don't see it.

  39. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I have tried it twice and hated it. No more for me. It made me queasy, gave me a headache and the glasses are hard to wear over my reg glasses.

  40. Speaking of glasses, it just occurred to me... why don't I get a monocle?? All that wasted money on half a frame. Of course, if I did, I think the juvenile in me would want to speak like Colonel Klink all day long. "Hogaaaaaaan! To the cooler"

  41. I had to watch the Mylie Cyrus/Hannah Montana with the Jonas Brothers in 3D with a packed out room of squealing little girls. Never again.

    To be honest, I can't really afford 3D for the whole family. $100 just doesn't seem right. So unless there is no other option, we forgo to 3D.

    My husband streams movies for me cause I love them. Last night I watched Django Unchained and The Raid:Redemption last night. Both super bloody but The Raid is extremely violent and bloody. If you like Bruce Lee with some Die Hard thrown in I highly recommend it. Just be warned though it is an Indonesian film so you have to follow subtitles. And that is my shameless plug for the day.

    1. I did with the Bieber movie and think I have hearing loss from the screams. It did have a few cool 3D effects though, but that just caused even louder squeals

  42. I saw a 3d film once -- I think Hugo. It was supposed to be how 3d should be done, but all I got out if it was a headache. Try again in a decade or two, gents

  43. One Eye Charlie

    I use one day contacts to watch 3D movies, I see about 5 - 6 /year and those glasses are a PITA. My vision is only bad in one eye.

    My eye doc gives me a sample 10 pack when I go in for my yearly exam.

  44. Oh and to answer the question. I subscribe to a film series. If a movie is released in 3D that is the version they screen. I pay a flat rate for the year.

    I enjoy the experience. But I don't know that I would pay extra or go out of my way for it.

  45. @Flora

    I do have contacts that I wear occasionally, but given the fact that I can take out my right "eye"... 3D flicks still aren't an option.

    On the plus side, it used to be a great drunkometer. If I started to think it would be hilarious to take out my eye and do shots from it; no more Jagerbombs.

  46. I have to skip it, it makes me nauseous! It's a too bad, though, because I have 4 kids who would see EVERYTHING in 3D if they could :)

  47. @VIPblonde...I will join your crusade, and it will be a 2 woman boycott...

  48. Now we have a Three Woman Boycott. Three-D movies make me seasick. *BARF*

  49. The only good 3D movie ever made was "Dial M for Murder" because after all it was Hitchcock. It rarely gets shown in 3D but if you ever get the chance, grab it. It's brilliant.

  50. Mostly we see kids' movies now and yep, if there's an option it's ALWAYS in 3D. Just saw Oz in 3D too (it didn't help...WHY is that movie doing so well?) Anyhoo, I certainly don't need 3D to enjoy a movie but I do like it.

  51. I don't like 3D. My eyes feel like they are strained afterwards. I feel like 3D is a gimmick.

  52. I hate 3D so much. It gives me a headache and I feel like I have to keep focusing my eyes. It also makes me feel like I'm sitting in a tunnel, the edges of the movie are all dark. I try to avoid it unless movie times only work with 3D. My 6 year old doesn't care about it either.

  53. We had to replace our TV last summer and Mr bought a 3D TV. It came with 8 pairs of glasses, flat screen, yada yada yada. I made it through about 10 minutes of a 3D movie with the glasses before I called it quits - major headache and wobbly legs (and I never get dizzy or carsick).

    Mr mentioned the other day that he remembers 3D from when he was a kid, it's a fad that comes out every 10-15 years. Stop making it try to happen unless it's, as said earlier, truly awesome!

  54. @Charlie, I once had a roommate with a glass eye. She had to pull it out once at school (I don't remember why) and it freaked everyone out, like she was pulling her actual eyeball out. Fun times.

  55. I've only seen two movies in 3D and both were visually worthy. Avatar and Life of Pi

  56. I never go to the theatre any more --I wait for movies to come on TV--and even then I don't care about the fancy stuff--half the time I forget to watch it in HD even.

  57. Avatar was awesome in 3D. I also saw the final Harry Potter and Titanic in 3D and they were kinda meh 3D wise. So I'm not too big on it.

  58. Hate 3D. I saw Resident Evil Retribution in 3D because it was the only option at the local theatre and I found it silly and distracting. I very rarely go to the movies but when I do I look for places showing the 2D versions. I hope this craze dies out soon.

    Speaking of 3D, in my local paper today there was an article on Stanley Tucci bitching about how degrading and boring it is to film 3D movies. Couldn't help but thing 'so don't do them'? And if that isn't an option, keep the bitching confined to friends. I can't stand actors who bitch about their jobs.

  59. Avatar was an experience that was completely enhanced by being in 3D. I've seen a bunch of kids movies, and Toy Story 3 was the best so far, the incinerator scene was really well done, as was the last Harry potter.
    The most ridiculous use of the technology was the latest Harold and Kumar. Yes I saw/paid for that. Don't judge me.

  60. @Sally: Hi, and welcome to posting! Your guess on why my friend & I went is probably correct, but even my friend, whose expectations were a lot lower than mine, ended up enjoying it. It's not great cinema by any stretch, but it isn't trying to be; it's a silly fantasy movie in an indeterminate time (somewhere between late medieval/early renaissance and steampunk) with its share of anachronisms, but its saving grace is that it knows that and doesn't take itself too seriously. It's definitely not for kids, as it's very gory, but although I'm usually easily squicked, this didn't bother me because the gore was so totally over-the-top. Oh, yeah, and the costumes, makeup, and stunts were fun, too, although a couple of the witches made me think "Hey, I've seen people who look like that at NIN shows...hell, I probably know people who've looked like that at NIN shows!" ;-) Accept it for what it is, don't take it too seriously, and you'll have a decent time, or just wait until Netflix has it and see it then, whatever works best for you. (Personal favorite line: "Who the fuck is Edward?" Oh, yeah, and seeing a mouse running down the theatre stairs at the Loews Boston Common Theatre while I sat in my aisle seat was interesting, too...)

  61. I saw Avatar in 3D and it was great!! I also saw Oz the other night in 3D and I really enjoyed it...I believe it just depends on the movie.

  62. Me. Darling and I HATE 3D with such a passion I have no words to describe.

  63. Was Up (cartoon) in 3D? If so, that's the last one I saw in 3D. Unless you count ones I've seen at Disney/Universal/Museums, etc. I really don't care about 3D.
