Tuesday, March 12, 2013

US Weekly Calls Barbara Walters A Liar

US Weekly reported over the weekend that The View is firing Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Yesterday on The View, Barbara Walters was Barbara and said she loved Elisabeth and the show did and everyone does and that "they have no plans for her to leave the show." Plans do change though. US Weekly says that Barbara is lying and that she only said that so the show and Elisabeth can save some face. Barbara also put to rest the rumors that she would be leaving the show which the entire world wants except for Barbara. So, now do the producers of the show back down and give Elisabeth a new big fat contract? She has been on the show for a decade. It is not like people did not know what they were getting when they renewed her contract.


  1. The View needs to go away.

    1. Thank you. That show is so insulting to women such as myself. It promotes the "catfight" stereotype. I have hated that show ever since it first came on; I tried to watch a few episodes and oh God. Absolutely awful.

    2. Thank you. That show is so insulting to women such as myself. It promotes the "catfight" stereotype. I have hated that show ever since it first came on; I tried to watch a few episodes and oh God. Absolutely awful.

    3. To say nothing about the embarrassing lack of intellect of all, including Babs. She is not as deep and knowledgeable as people seem to think. She is, and has always been, just plugged in with the movers and shakers, & the $$$ ppl of this world. The rest-dumb as a box of hair.

  2. FSP just made Eggs Benedict.

  3. They're going to backtrack and eat their words and offer that annoying cunt a renewal.

  4. LOL Agent and FSP!

    FSP - who is that classy lady on the left? Please don't tell me Bo aged into that leathery fruit roll up mess!

  5. At this point I find The Talk to be more tolerable than The View...of course I thought The View started going downhill around the time Lisa Ling left.

  6. dia - that's Nicole Richie when she was going through her anorexia stage.

    1. Thanks Surfer! I didn't recognize her. Ack!!!

      Curves are nice ladies! Love me some curves!

  7. I've never seen the show but yeah, Barbara is lying.

  8. Baba Wawa said the SAME thing about Rosie, Star and Debbie.

    Lie teller.

  9. But Babs can claim dementia:)

  10. Hopefully they let her contract expire and in the meanwhile she can look for another job.

  11. @Agent - for two...

    @dia - that's my dream woman.

    1. The Leathery One or Bo Derek?

      We may have to stage an intervention if you choose Door #1.


    2. Bo Derek is the leathery one.

  12. just out of curiosity, who would be your "dream team" for "The View"?

  13. FSP and Dia, Along with Bloody Marys made with the best horseradish, finest vodka and homemade tomato juice. Sigh..

  14. Sherry...Did you get tired of us being mixed up? I almost did an avi like yours but with different colored hair just to be cute.

    Babs does have dementia. Either that or she's just crazy. This show can go away as mentioned previously.

  15. I'm all for a panel of women with varying views but Elizabeth's presentation is horrendous. She gets so pissy and argumentative. Sherry is too stupid. It's a horrible combination and a good shake up may save the show.

  16. I used to watch The View everyday, but it's become far too painful to watch. The show is a trainwreck.

    The best was when Rosie on and the show could blow up at any time... that was entertaining TV.

    I think we're a long way from August when Lizzy's contract is up. Plenty of time to manufacture an excuse for her departure. Maybe her gluten free stuff takes off... or the ever-favorite "wants to spend more time with family".

    BTW-- if you ever want to see some high quality cattiness, YouTube "Bonnie Hunt on the View". GRANDMA THROWS DOWN!

  17. Babara has an ego that rivals Oprah's. I don't get it, it's not like she's especially good in her interviews, she just manages to snag the big names and then asks questions in that fake sympathetic voice. Ugh.

  18. Thank God I work days, daytime TV sucks.

    I live the avi, FSP! :)

  19. Thanks curly, I live it too! ; )

  20. "No matter how big a splash you make in this world, whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber or a talking teddy bear, eventually, nobody gives a shit."--Narrator, Ted

    Truer words, never spokesn.

  21. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Megley: that may become my new motto. Thanks for sharing! I've got to watch that movie soon.

  22. Sherry, yes I did. It seems like lately there are Sherry's everywhere!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I haven't watched an episode of this show in my life but I watched some of the clips last night - Elizabeth looked really pissed. She just sat there seething. There's more to this than Barbara is letting on, otherwise she and Elizabeth would have just laughed the rumor off. I'm still expecting Elizabeth to not be there come September. Shit's gonna go down this summer.

    I can't believe this show has been on for 1/2 my life.

  25. I can't believe anyone watches The View. Buncha cackling biddies. Ugh.

  26. It's exactly how they handled Star Jones.

    Star wore out her welcome planning her wedding on the show for a year and they told her early so she could line up something else and offered to let her leave saying it was her choice, and she went and flipped it on them and told the audience on camera and left early.

    I think Babs and Gedde do like Elizabeth and if she is leaving it is due to ABC but I'm sure they would let her know early to allow her time to find another gig--she just moved her family to an expensive new home and she obviously makes the most money in her family.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I liked the View until Lisa Ling, and then Meridith Viera left. After that, it sucked!

  29. @car54
    That's what I've been saying! Babs did this to Star Jones, but Jones wasn't going to have any of it.

    Hasselcrack is toast.

  30. I like Hasselbeck, and I always have since Survivor. However, I never watch The View.

    Hasselbeck has been offered her own show on News Networks for the past few years, but does not take it, so she has a place to go. It's not likely that she would miss The View. Hell, it's not likely anyone will miss The View.
