Monday, March 18, 2013

Tone Loc Collapses On Stage Again

For the third or fourth time that I can remember, Tone Loc publicly collapsed somewhere. The rapper, who has made a really good living on just a couple of sings was performing in Des Moines, Iowa over the weekend when he collapsed on stage. He was treated at the event after people were told to go home and was not transported to a hospital. He has collapsed during a show before and once at a Lakers game. No cause has ever been given for his collapses, but I suspect they were seizures. They happen fairly irregularly and are not like Lil Wayne seizures which are caused by drinking too much sizzurp. At least I don't think Tone is knocking back sizzurp. Maybe he is. Maybe he is hoping there will be another Ace Ventura movie.


  1. No sizzurp for him....funky cold medina, or NOTHING.
    Hope he's ok

  2. Hopefully he gets it figured out. They can be caused by clots in the brain, can't they?

  3. Is sizzurp a word? I've never even heard of it until the CDaN comments. Enty, why you be lurking? ;b

    @Ruby - the first thing I thought was, he had too much of that funky cold medina. I love Tone Loc, hope he's OK.

    1. I posted a long technical post on the Lil Wayne thread about it, but if you listen to rap, its called lots of different things, sizzurp, Sipping that syrup, getting chopped and screwed, lean, purp, purple drank, etc. All kinds of ways to do it, starting w/Codeine plus antihistimine cough syrup w/promethazine. It can have candy and soda added, also vodka, and smoking blunts plus sizzurp gives a longer deeper euphoria, also.Due to the ingredients in the cough syrup, plus addition of alcohol, this causes CNS depression, seizures, death. Lots of those since this fad began w/Texas rappers about 15 yrs ago.

  4. My friends once went into a BevMo asking the salesperson for sizzurp only to learn that it's just slang for cough syrup.

  5. For some reason, I worry about blood sugar issues when I hear about people collapsing. Must be all the diabetes in my family - that's just where my mind goes. Hope he gets the medical help he needs.

  6. And I'll be forever grateful to Tone Loc for Funky Cold Medina. The existence of that song made it possible for Will Ferrell and Cheri O'Teri to dance to it as their cheerleader characters on SNL. That's what I immediately picture when I hear that song :-).

  7. I met Ton Loc once, he was a seriously cool dude. And a giant! Hope he's ok.

  8. @Izzie - it's not a word, perse, it's a thing. Here's the recipe:

    The original formula:

    Promethazine w/Codeine syrup
    Any fruit flavored soda
    A jolly rancher

    Put it all in a styrofoam cup and enjoy. The codeine is mainly responsible for the euphoria felt after drinking sizzurp. Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, and extreme drowsiness. If it doesn't have promethazine, it ain't real sizzurp.

  9. @ Amber - OMG, kids these days! Back in my day, we drank cheap beer and we liked it! (OK, some people used to put Everclear in slurpees, but come on - jolly ranchers??)

    1. the jolly ranchers cut the horrible taste of the codeine.
      I'm deathly allergic to codeine, so I've never tried it, but that's what I've heard

  10. @Frufa I've had it back when I was a punk. It's really fucking delicious (gag I hate admitting that). We mixed with sprite and a grape jolly rancher.

  11. I'm talking 8 years ago, btw.

  12. @Amber, I heard on a radio show this morning that some sizzurp has antifreeze in it. I don't know how true that is, I've never heard of sizzurp before this incident.

  13. Oops-they were talking about Lil Wayne, obvs.

    Get well, Tone!

  14. No worries, Robot :-). 25 years ago, when I was a juvenile delinquent, it was cheap beer or Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill all the way.

  15. BTW I have no idea what's up with the video I linked to. It would probably make sense if I was sippin' on some sizzuuuuuuuuurp.

  16. Oh apparently we can't link to YouTube videos on here, or specific artists or something.

    Anyway I had posted a link saying that sizzurp has been around for at least 13ish years, because Three 6 Mafia put a song out about it in 2000.

  17. @Amber, they're like high teeth!

  18. @Izzie - haaha YES! You got to see it! WTH?!

  19. Gotta love Strawberry Hill hahahaha. :)

  20. @Robot - yup, a bottle or two of that stuff, and I was the life of the party, let me tell ya.

  21. Headbanger chicks swigged Blackberry Brandy behind the 7-11 when we cut class. True badasses chugged Goldschlagger because, you know, Blackberry Brandy just wasn’t SWEET ENOUGH. For some reason we never touched the Deer’s Blood (Jager). Some folks called it Vicks44. Ugh. How am I even still alive?!

  22. Why are so many rappers so unhealthy?

  23. Yeah in our day it was Boones Farm Strawberry Hill all the way. I believe the brothers preferred their malt liquor though.

  24. Isn't he a diabetic?

  25. Could also possibly be some sort of arrhythmia. If this happened to me, I'd want to see a cardiologist and have an EKG & stress test.

  26. I hope Tone is okay.

    I used to work with this wonder bread of a soccer mom who wouldn't know a Tone Loc song if it bit her but she used to use the term "Funky Cold Medina" all the time. "My car wouldn't start this morning; it went all Funky Cold Medina on me." "Can you help me with my computer? It just froze up and went all Funky Cold Medina." She was a hoot. I heard her singing that that Flo Rida song "Low" one day, "Shirley got low, low, low, low..." I told her it was "Shorty" and she said, "Well that doesn't make sense!" lol.

  27. Wither mad dog 20/20? That was the shit

  28. Tone Loc is on stage???

  29. Funky Codeine Medicine? The purple drank has been around for a long time.

  30. Thanks for posting this Ent! Get well you Wild thing!!!

  31. Strawberry Hill/Boone's Farm was my drank back in the day as well, then as I got older, it was Jack. I could never get into Jäger because it tasted like Niquil. Ugh. I hope Tone Loc is ok, I wonder about diabetes or strokes too.

  32. I'll never forget the package store clerk in Athens, GA who once said about Jager "you might as well just pour the whole thing down the toilet & then hit yourself in the head with the bottle, because that's pretty much what's going to happen anyway!" Granted, I'm the wimpy-fruity-girly-rum-drink girl (although I seem to be developing a taste for Jameson, God help me...), but the idea of drinking lots of something that tastes godawful and that you have to spend too much money on just doesn't make sense. And yeah, back when I first started drinking, it was Boone's Farm--grape, strawberry hill, and apple--upgraded ever so slightly to Riunite (sp?) when I was in college. What was I THINKING?!?

  33. Mad Dog 20/20 and or Wild Irish Rose...thank goodness I managed to grow up
