Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Is Scary

It is always the quiet ones that should scare you. This actress is B+ list. Maybe A- in a good year. Mostly movies. She has been having some work done on her place. Nothing unusual about that. According to one of the workers at her place, the actress sits on her couch while they are there. She does not have on the television. She does not read a book. She just sits there with her eyes open and does this for the two or three hours they are there each day. If they have a question, she responds instantly, but other than that she sits motionless. When her phone chimes with a text or e-mail is the only time she moves quickly. She always gets a smile and checks and then 99% of the time she goes back to the same motionless pose. One of the workers also said that he made a wrong turn when he came out of a guest bathroom and ended up in a guest room. It was not her own bedroom. There was nothing on the walls, but on the floor laid out as if someone was wearing them were the clothes of a man. As in six or seven different outfits complete with tops and bottoms and underwear and socks. They were not new so he did not think they were part of a fashion thing she was doing. Everyone was too scared to ask her about it though.


  1. Maybe she just doesn't trust people? The outfit thing is pretty weird though

  2. I knew they'd eventually start using robots.

  3. Just for funsies: Amanda Seyfried. Just because of the comment about the eyes

  4. If she lives with a guy, the outfit thing isn't that weird. Maybe he's not good at putting outfits together and needs options coordinated in advance? But if there's no guy in the house, then yeah, that's strange.

  5. Amanda Seyfried gives me a scary vibe, I don't know what it is. I could see this is as her.

    And I secretly think it's kind of awesomely funny.

    1. @Izzie In my head, this is what the construction workers are seeing everyday

    2. Hahaha@VIP, that is perfect!! I laughed out loud!

    3. Bahahahahaha @VIP!!

  6. Maybe she is messing with them? This would take a lot of time and effort, but pranksters are known to put in that kind of time and effort.

    I would love to be there and see it in action. Whomever it is. It sounds hilarious to me.

  7. She could just be meditating while she sat on the couch. Perhaps a guy sleeps in the guest room. I think the construction worker is overthinking the whole thing. No clue as to the identity of the actress.

  8. A little vague, eh?

  9. Hehe @eris.

    I'm getting the impression there WAS a man at one point, and those are his belongings.

  10. I dont see what scary. maybe she meditating or some shit.

  11. If it was Seyfried there would be a mention of the taxidermy animals she collects & decorates her house with. That's more creepy than what the workers are ratting out here.

  12. Wait... so the outfits didn't have shoes to complete the look? THAT is weird.

  13. Myself, I have ALWAYS loved to watch men perform manual labor!

  14. Three words: Illuminati Mind Control. *snicker*

  15. This reminds me of Faulkner's A Rose for Emily. Maybe the dead guy is in another room.

  16. I don't this sounds that weird. She's probably sticking around to keep an eye on the workers in her house and has a guest?

  17. Agree about enjoying watching men doing labor. This woman obviously has some problems, but the thing with the man's clothing made me giggle. Perhaps she vaporized them and that's all that's left. Was there underwear inside the pants?

  18. Since the last few days my answer has been Kstew I"m gonna stick with that. And she is creepy, the outfits are probably Rob's old clothes that she and her team have planned for her outings to get papped in.

  19. What so weird ?

  20. This gave me Rooney Mara vibes

  21. Amanda has a taxidermy collection?

  22. :) I don't see this as anything other than her trying to scare people with a "fake rapture."

  23. Huh she does, and considers them works of art! OK that's a bit weird to me, but she seems to love them as animals and finds them beautiful.

  24. if it's Amanda Seyfried,it would talk also about her dog :this woman loves her dog more than all of her ex together

  25. OMG stop the presses, someone doesn't have the Talmudvision on 24/7 and might enjoy quiet time! What a freak!! Next you'll be telling us that she thinks her own thoughts! Somebody needs to do something, there oughta be a law! How else will she (or anyone) know what to think if they aren't watching TV 24/7??

  26. @Camembert lol!! And yeah @lazyday, I want to hear abt this taxidermy collection.

    What abt Anna Kendrick?

  27. I've met Amanda with her dog, My dogs both girls were quite taken with Finn...she's very sweet I tend to think she's shy and we all know from the blinds she hasn't had great luck with men.
    Taxidermy...well to each their own.

  28. The men's clothes? Anniston!! She is still laying out Brad's clothes. Or dressing her Beanie Babies in them?

    1. @TurkishTaffy- LOL @ Jen laying out Brad's clothes!

  29. If Amanda has a dog, she couldn't stay motionless for hours or keep the clothes on the floor.

    The clues are very vague. Anyway, she's single, lives alone, must be quite stupid, and her agent had the good idea to ask her to stay quiet so nobody would notice that. But she did it literally.

    So, she's not a paparazzi fixture (quiet = no night-clubbing, no scandal, little press, because interviews would show how dumb she is) and it could describe half of Hollywood.

  30. Good creepy story! Vedddy interesting!!!!!!

  31. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Michelle Williams just bought a loft in Brooklyn. Jason Segel used to live there with her until they broke up recently. Would make sense there would be some renovating. She's not A List, at least not in my opinion, and Segel seems odd enough that he'd lay out his clothes like that for some strange reason.

  32. Maybe she just wants the workers to think there is a man in the house for security sakes. They might all leave that job and say, wow that famous girl lives all alone. Like putting up a beware of dog sign when you don't have a dog. If they think there are men in and out of that house they won't think of it as an easy target.

  33. If she wanted to make them think a man lives there, wouldn't it be more convincing to leave some men's clothing in the usual places? Jacket hung on the back or a chair, shoes by the door, underwear on the bathroom floor?

  34. Unknown--SO smart--Good explanation.

    Years ago, i was surprisingly quick-witted when a strange man claiming to know me, called & woke me at like 2AM. It was making my skin crawl, and I was alone, so I pretended to say to someone next to me, "I don't know who it is, he says he knows me."

    The guy hung up.
    I get goosebumps thinking about it. I can't imagine the tactics one would think up in NYC.

    Btw, that happened when caller id was an expensive option--that window of time, whenever that was.

  35. Joanna--maybe she's not that bright. i like that explanation, OR the 'lays out Bf's outfits' explanation.

    Unless it's Aniston. Or Swifty, with every outfit representing somebody she dated. lol/j/k

  36. there needs to be more clues about the actress. its just too vague and could be almost anyone.

  37. From Fish on 3/10/2013:
    Here is the BI:

    Blind Items Revealed

    March 20, 2007

    So when people come out of rehab, aren't they supposed to be sober? This person was so obnoxious and so rude and so obviously wasted out of his mind.... (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) This television host was practically yelling, "notice me, oh please notice me." She needs to decide if she wants to be a host or a performer. If she needs that much attention then she needs to go on a reality show... (Paula Abdul) This person's hands are not all that's large anymore. When she sees the photos she is going to go NUTS.... (Paris Hilton) Imaginary conversation--"What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm a porn star." "Me too. Well not full time of course. We should do a porno together.".... (Jenna Jameson & person who shall not be named) This female reality star was so sweet. Don't believe all the stuff you read about her because I don't think most of it is true. (Stacy Keibler)

    Fish: "This was previously revealed last year (Sat Sept 8 2012).


    Then the 1st reveal was Brandon Davis, not Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

    What's up with that?"

    Yes, what IS up with that?

  38. What doesn't line up in this blind with the current guesses are the fact that the worker thought the clothes were old. Men's clothes are pretty basic -- trends don't make them dated. Unless they were super dirty or something, if he thought they were old clothes because of the style.. wouldn't they have to be really really old? Like from the 80's? And then wouldn't we be looking at an older actress?

  39. Elle I like that because I also get the idea this is an older actress, what with good and bad years. Denotes time.

  40. Quiet makes me think Renee Z.

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  43. Just a thought (cold medicine talking) maybe she wants to jump on the fashion line bandwagon and is going with vintage? Who knows? That's quite a talkative construction worker who no doubt has zero problem cashing her checks. She's not pulling a freakin' Michael Myers and following them around with a knife, so he should be happy that if she is home, she's at least out of their way.


  45. Maybe the clothes belonged to an ex who passed away after he starved to death, trying to follow the A-lister's diet of very little-no food existence? I can see it happening at Jen's, Angie's, Nicole's, Gwynnie's, heck, all of them....

  46. I like Reneé Z for this guess. She was so weird at the Oscars. I could see her doing this.

  47. Jessica Chastain.

  48. I don't get why sitting quietly in your own house is scary--and I would imagine there is some good reason for the clothes.

    It's hard (at least for me) to behave as you normally do with strangers in your home. I was stuck at home after surgery and had home care coming in to help and while they were there--altho I was grateful for the help, it was hard to relax and do what I would normally do.

    1. @car54, I hear ya. The Comcast guy last month who took 6 hours to fix our Internet (6 hours to affirm what I said was a bad modem, le sigh) ... I was trying to work and field calls and take care of home stuff and it was just weird to have this random guy in the other room. Thor came home for lunch, that helped. Extended family coming in tomorrow, I love them but never feel relaxed in my home when visitors are around for more than a day.

  49. I read this as Julia Roberts. I know she won an Oscar but that was years ago.

    She always strikes me as being just bit off.

    1. Why would anyone refer to JR as "quiet"? She thinks her loud obnoxious annoying laugh makes her charming.

  50. Unknown - good explanation. Maybe a death in her family, or someone she cared deeply about.

    I'm always home to wrangle workers. Half of them are brain dead and are let go. It's scary having strange people working on the house. Home Depot sent a meth head on a delivery to my house one time. Another meth head was sent to repair my water softener. WTH is wrong with these businesses? What do they think when they see bad teeth, crazy eyes and smell cat piss?!?!?!?!? A guy spent two hours blowing leaves in a spot that takes 15 minutes to rake. I could go on...........

  51. @Izzie, I hear that. Hate having workers in my home. Comes from being a single mother/homeowner, I guess. Creepy!

    Also agree with the chick could be meditating thing.

    Re: the clothes - has anyone seen the story on the comedian who did that kind of thing in hotel rooms, just for kicks? And chronicled it, of course. I'll try to find the link!

  52. Heather Graham seems a little kooky. Didn't someone post that Zach Braff said she lives upstairs from him and that she had a fire in her apt? Would make sense if she had workers in there making repairs.

  53. Chloe Sevigny and her latest design installation, vintage suits in a guest room.

  54. If she's renovating, perhaps she came across the clothing of some old husband or lover who died or left long ago. She sorted through them, put them together, and then felt kind of blue about it, but had to go out and supervise the workers.

    Cleaning out a home can bring a person into contact with old items that can bring up long-surpressed memories.

  55. This reminds me of a Parks & Rec episode where there's a congressional candidate who Ben & April think is a robot. He just sits and stares at his desk. Robot

  56. Ive heard Ali Larter is weird like this, but she is married, so it wouldn't be her. Must be someone who is living in their own.
    I'm going with Anna Kendrick. She seems odd.



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