Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Had A Baby

Back in the days of the studio system and favorable coverage from every news outlet, a high profile actress disappearing for a few months to give birth was not all that uncommon. Also helping is that there were not the paps you see today. An actress could wait a few months before disappearing and no one would know. Today though, it is much harder. Jamie Lynn Spears tried to get away with having a baby and not letting anyone know just because of the circumstances. I wonder if she has told her soon to be husband the truth about everything. Anyway, that is a story from the past. A great one but several years old.

Now, to the present. This actress is not A list. She is a nice solid B lister from a very hit show with the tween crowd. Not a Disney person so you can take away those guesses. Not even a Disney show. The actress was dating a D list celebrity with a famous connection. At the same time she got drunk one night and had sex with that famous connection. Complicating matters further is that about a week after that happened she had sex with an A- list mostly movie actor. Three guys. One positive pregnancy test. Oh, and filming still ongoing on her show. What to do? It would have been one thing if she knew who the father was. She was honest with all three guys. Well two of them. The famous connection told her to f**k off. Her boyfriend broke up with her and the A- list mostly movie actor did not think it was a big deal. He is still in her life. The other two? Not so much. So, with no idea of who the dad is, the pregnancy news could not get out. This was not going to look good for anyone and the whole don't want to name the baby daddy thing was not going to work. So, the show filmed around it and most people who work on the show had no idea. She then filmed some scenes for another project and then disappeared for two months to have the baby. She had the baby and the baby stays with her cousin. As soon as the baby was born she lost all her weight in a hurry and then had to film something else before starting her television show again. It felt like during this entire time she was always going out and being seen, but that was part of the plan. She let herself be photographed a lot before and after she left and people never realized she was not there for those two months.


  1. Exhausting!! And i hope a paternity test was involved.

  2. Ashley Benson? With the A- list actor being James Franco?

  3. Ashley Benson was my first thought too, but who would the ex with the famous connection be? She's rumored to have dated Keegan Allen, but his only famous connection is his father, who is dead.

  4. Isn't Ashley too old? And damn, I am way to old to be watching PLL and know who that is... :)

  5. Would someone on an ABC Family show count as a Disney person, since Disney owns ABC and ABC Family?

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Lucy Hale.

  7. Got the missing murky part!!!! Ryan Good, who's famous connection is non other than the Biebs!

    1. I should make it clear that I'm seconding @Karen's Ashley Benson guess

  8. I'm going to say kristen Stewart just to be different, she was with pattinson, the director guy and. Maybe someone else? Like Chris hemsworth?

    And than she disappeared to never be seen during her and robs breakup....

    O wait tv show.... Shucks, well this woulda been interesting anyways,

  9. If it's Ashley, then maybe her old boyfriend was Ryan Good who has a connection to both Usher and the Biebs (thinking it woud be Justin and not Usher she slept with). And agree with Franco for the A- lister.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I thought Ashley Benson too. Didn't she date a guy that was friends with Beiber or something like that. Fraco def for the actor. Is she on Pretty Little Liars?

  11. I hate to say this but Ashely is looking really thin lately. Maybe it's related to losing weight in a hurry?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry you guys type fast!! This is my first time posting/commenting!

  14. Thanks, VIPblonde! I was trying to make her exes work and I think you nailed it.

    But, ewwww....she slept with Bieber? James Franco is at least hot, even if he's a tool. But Biebs?

  15. You're a deplorable woman for not knowing the father of your child and turn around letting your cousin raise it.

    1. Would she still be deplorable if she'd had an abortion?

    2. How can you even see us mere mortals from all the way up on your pedestal?

  16. Maybe the connection is Asston? I just looked up Ryan and he's connected to Punked. Actually I just looked up Ashly too!

    My only problem with this is the baby is dumped. If you decide to have the baby, then be the mom.


  18. @msgirl - think of how common it was in past decades for a teenage daughter to go away for a while and then when she came back, she magically had a new baby sibling. i think it's similar to that.

  19. I don't know why everyone's dumping on her for letting the cousin raise it. Better to give the baby a parent that has the ability to be a good parent (hopefully). No different than giving the baby up for adoption. I would much rather see a mother let someone else raise her child than be a half ass parent and raising a child that will never be able to adjust.

    1. I have a friend who did this exact same thing. She knew who the father was, but she was young and not ready to be a mom. Her aunt adopted the baby and all is good. Both her and the dad are involved with the kids life. I see no problem with this.

  20. Ms girl, may be best thing for child. She will have rest of her life to live with this descion.

  21. "What to do?"

    I don't know, how about getting an abortion. Whoever it is had sex with three different dudes despite being in a relationship, lied about her pregnancy and then pawned the baby off to a relative (and will probably lie about the kid's parentage) so I doubt she has super strong moral convictions.

  22. Is this Benson person the same freak who was married to the baseball player? The one who said if she caught him cheating that she would sleep with all of his teammates?

    1. No that is a different Benson. Anna i believe.

  23. Sorry if this posts twice ...

    Wasn't there a recent blind about two co-stars who were feuding because one slept with the other's boyfriend? Could this be Benson and Selena Gomez for Spring Breakers?

  24. It's stuff like this and the write your own blind thread that make me thankful my family always airs their dirty laundry.

  25. Am I the only person who ever considered getting on the pill BEFORE I started having sex? It's not that damn difficult! And don't start with the "some people can't take the pill" - most women can. There are also condoms, etc.

  26. If it is Ashley Benson hats off to James Franco for having some perspective and sticking with her. Once they both sow their wild oats, he's the keeper.

  27. She let herself be photographed alot before and after and only took 2 months off so she was being photographed while being 8 to 10 months pregnant?? And no one noticed a huge bump?? This doesn't make sense....


  28. "Back in the days of the studio system and favorable coverage from every news outlet" That sounds like the 50's or 60's. The word 'pap' comes from the director who worked in the 1960's.

    Birth control and abortions were rare and impossible at the time.

    If it isn't that time frame, then I unclear as to the interpretation of the 'days of the studio system' and would welcome any comments. I'll wiki it.

    1. It says a bit down in the blind "Now to the present"

  29. i have a huge doubt that Ashley Benson was pregnant during Spring Break filming: i just saw the movie (it's released in france last week)and she's half-naked or in bikini in 70% of movie

    1. @FrenchGirl- exactly. Some one would have noticed the weight gain right?

  30. If this is supposed to be Ashley Benson, I don't see how PLL filmed around anything. Hannah had a pretty big plotline last season.

    OT but this season is giving me a headache. I feel like slapping some sense into Spencer these last few episodes. Bitch crazy.

  31. @pickwickianmom - before describing her story, it says, "Now, to the present." He was just saying this kind of thing was easier to hide back then.

  32. Yes, wiki lists this: (of course I didn't mention anything pre-50's/60's since 20's-40's seems far-fetced.

    historically the term refers to the practice of large motion picture studios between the 1920s and 1960s

  33. @Lotta & KLM - glad to hear I'm not the only grown adult who watches that show!!!

    1. @Cathy- did you watch last night? It was a huge WTF for me

    2. Omg Lotta, Omg!

    3. I'm an adult and addicted to pll! Very guilty pleasure

  34. I don't know why I was thinking Bynes for this, it wouldn't be present day, more like a few years ago. Just thinking of reasons why she could be so screwed up.

  35. @danielle:
    +1 idon't believe Benson was pregnant of 7 months during Spring Break filming

  36. Lauren Hutton would have been an actress working under the studio system. But she wasn't on a show with a tween audience.

    This has to be someone with a famous show for younger people (though the term 'tween' was surely not a part of the lingo then) during the 1960's like, say, Marlo Thomas as 'The Flying Nun".

  37. Cathy. Got it. Thanks. I don't now why they even included all this information. I just started there and assumed that was it. I thought he mentioned 'to the present' only to dish for a minute about Spears.

    Sorry for the side trip.

  38. Spring Breakers finished filming in the first half of 2012. So she theoretically could have been a couple months along at that point.

  39. Yes, Lotta!!! I don't believe it was legit though - I think it was to get more information.

    1. @Cathy- that's what I was thinking too but she totally sabotaged Aria's relationship pulling that stunt with Ezra's kid! Also I won't believe a thing about Toby until they show his face.

  40. Law and order this shit out?

  41. @pickwick. LOL! Here I go showing too much TV in my youth. Sally Field's was the Flying Nun. Marlo Thomas was That Girl.

  42. Ashley Benson fits all the clues. PLL is a popular teen show not on Disney. The Dlist celeb with connections is Ryan Good. The celeb is Bieber. The Movie star is Franco.

    But I still don't believe it. For starters calling Ashley B List is very generous. And that show has a weird time table so they're shooting a lot throughout the year. Its hard to cover up a pregnancy when you're really far along.


    1. @andrew not being snarky but was it really necessary to type the whole disclaimer.

  43. For some reason I feel like this is someone older than your guesses. It says she is on a very hit show popular with the teen crowd. Not that SHE herself is popular with the tween crowd.
    Also, this chick only disappeared for 2 months...for people to not notice the pregnancy weight gain, I think this person would have to be somewhat on the hefty side to begin with.
    Maybe an older character on one of the hit tween shows? Not necessarily the main teen character? Just a thought...

  44. Any way to make Dianna Agron fit?

    1. She disappeared from glee beginning of this season no? I think she would be mum about the dad a la january jones. I dont see that being her style or ryan murphy going along. I dont understand why anyone in this situation would just not pull a january jones. Whose business is it? And she had the dna test would clear this up.

  45. Welcome Organize!

    And WTH! Okay it's not great to cheat on your boyfriend with his friend and another random but then to not even use a condom! And how about birth control of a regular sort? Like SusanB said, birth control before sex ALWAYS! Sheesh people, it ain't that freakin' hard!

    Just Curious...Do you really think this person is mature enough to take care of this child? I think her giving it up is certainly for the best.

    1. I started using bc about a yr before I started having sex. That being said, now that I'm older and wiser, I would have waited until I was for sure going to have sex in the near future. The pill, etc is hormones. Introducing/replacing hormones especially in young women who are not fully developed is not exactly safe. Look at the shot. Women are not supposed to take that for more than 2yrs. My niece's mom was going to put her on that at 13 for no reason, just because she didn't want to teach her about responsible sex and the fucking doctor was all it's okay, they have chocolate calcium supplements you can take every day. To a 13 yr old who thought french kissing was gross . Didn't even explain the risk factors or tell her she could only take it for a limited time. Plus if you are a teenager and dealing with teenage hormones, it is hard to tell if you have a bad reaction to the hormones in the pill or if it is natural. At 30, if I take bc it has to be the smallest amount because anything more and I'm all out of whack. I'd rather not take it at all though.

  46. The pill or condoms..who has unprotected sex with a new STD everyday. ....
    But she could have aborted the child yet had him or her, and the baby is being raised by family...I find that interesting...

  47. Ashley Benson candids spring 2012 Ashley never disappeared 2 months or even a month in 2012

  48. Provided the cousin is a stable adult who can properly care for a child, I don't see what she did wrong.

  49. @Michael I CONCUR. Totally.

    Also, being thin and having had a child myself, I'd say we need to look for someone who was out of the public eye for at least 5 months if they never publicly put on weight, and who had noticeably bigger boobs before the disappearance.

  50. Ashley Benison wasn't photographed all the time and then disappeared. She's also not a solid B lister. She's maybe a C lister. Most people don't even know who she is. Blake Lively would be a B lister (though it's definitely not her).


  51. Current Teen Hits

    Gossip Girl
    Vampire Diaries

    I'm sure there are more...but these are the main ones.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I was thinking Mila Kunis, Home Alone guy as the famous connection, and maybe his brother as the boyfriend? Ass-stain as the A lister.
    Meh it doesn't fit:(

  54. Ashley was a little chubbier than usual last season. Usually she was the most stylish on the show but they threw her in some pretty dowdy outfits after she cut her hair so I agree with the ab guess. She also guest starred on an ep of zoet 101 aka jamie lynn's show

  55. Ashley was a little chubbier than usual last season. Usually she was the most stylish on the show but they threw her in some pretty dowdy outfits after she cut her hair so I agree with the ab guess. She also guest starred on an ep of zoet 101 aka jamie lynn's show

  56. Can't think of anyone who fits, and many people seem to think this is Ashley Benson. I'm an avid CDAN reader and i've never heard of her. Interesting blind though.

  57. I was thinking no one would notice because maybe her character was pregnant on the show? I can't think of anyone like that besides Sophia Vergara.

  58. Last season I noticed that ashley bensons face was fuller than prior seasons. I thought she had just gained a little weight. Also she wore a lot of loose tops and blazers on the show. Btw I'm a huge fan of PLL and I went to a sold out 17 magazine signing in barnes and nobles just to get a glimpse of shay mitchell. She's very pretty and tall in person. Such a sweet person too even though

  59. Lainey has pics of Ashley and Franco together. I could see Franco thinking it's not a big deal, the only big deal in his world is James Franco.

    That said, ITA that having someone else raise your child if you don't believe you can is the right choice. RE the abortion comments - the respect works both ways. I respect every woman's right to her own reproductive choices (well, I do get judge-y on the Duggards & Octos of the world, but there's a bit of hypocrite in all of us, right?), but abortion wouldn't be my choice for my own reasons. Maybe she's the same way - abortion just wasn't an option *for her.*

    Not a fan of BIs like these, though. :/

  60. Not understanding why so many people are admonishing this girl for letting a cousin raise it. Would you rather her get an abortion? She's clearly not mature enough herself to raise it!

    1. Surprisingly enough, abortions are more common than you think and I'm sure some of those closest to you have had one but it's that secret no one will talk about. Personally, I would never have an abortion, hence the reason why I had a child at a young age (21 and that was young for me) but if someone else wants to have one, it's not for me to judge. I find it extremely selfish for a person to shun their own child and all responsibility because of one's promiscuity. The mental and emotional trauma this will have on the child is unspeakable, trust me, I have personal experience in this. And also my best friend grew up not knowing her sister was really her mother. That family secret turned her world upside down and she's still not speaking to her mom and grandmother, she's in major therapy. Like I said, I don't condone abortion for myself but in certain cases, it might have been the best decision for both the child and mother.

  61. @pickwickianmom--abortions weren't rare back then, they were just secret, and unless you were wealthy, dangerous. If you had money (like a studio would) you could get whatever you wanted from a doctor.

    You're right about birth control though--pretty much condoms and rhythm.

  62. Ashley fits all the clues but I can't think of a time when she disappeared for 2 months, and I don't remember her seeming anywhere near 7 months pregnant.

  63. Ashley fits all the clues but I can't think of a time when she disappeared for 2 months, and I don't remember her seeming anywhere near 7 months pregnant.

  64. Ashley doesn't fit the non-Disney clue since she's been on ABC and Lifetime, both owned by Disney. Not a Disney person suggests nothing to do with Disney when combined with "not even a Disney show." I would rule out any shows under the Disney corp umbrella.

  65. Depending on how this particular girl/woman is built, she might well be able to hide it for 7 months--if she's fairly tall, or at least has a long torso, it makes for a much lower profile than someone short or w/a short torso who looks pregnant after a hearty meal. I've known a few people in my time who carried very well, and one never would have guessed that they were pregnant, or how far along they were. It is possible.

    Also, I agree that if she felt getting an abortion was not an option for her (as is her right), then having a more mature cousin take the baby is probably for the best. All anyone can do is make the best of that kind of situation, and do whatever they personally feel is right.

  66. Ashley seems to fit, but as French Girl said, I don't think she ever went away, even for 2 months.

    I'm convinced it's Jason! And last night was definitely a WTF, but I think it's a misdirect as usual and just to get info as you said. God, I love that show way too much for a grown-ass adult.

  67. @Lotta,
    Holy crap, it never even occurred to me that it was Spencer with the kid! (if that's what you're saying...)

    1. @amy- Yeah that's what I assumed since Mona left that map showing her the door that opens to go outside and she had a black hoodie & a flyer for that puppet show at the end.

      I didn't even think of Jason! I don't wasn't any of them to die!

  68. Young skinny girls can look very not-pregnant up til about 7 months. My mother, who was 21 and very skinny, hid her pregnancy for 7 months from the principal of the school where she taught, because in those days (1961) you couldn't teach if you were pregnant, and she and my dad needed the money. It says the show filmed around it - not that no one on the show knew. I don't know Ashley Benton from a hole in the wall - though I'm sure my teenaged daughters do - but I totally buy the plausibility of the story

  69. Of course! It makes perfect (crazy) sense for that to have been Spencer. I just figured it was Wren or Melissa or someone else with skinny arms. But Spencer has the skinniest arms of all!

    1. I think the puppet show was a clue because of the Faust (I think) connection.

  70. Anonymous3:22 PM

    fuck the blind! WHATS THE STORY WITH JAMIE ..deets deets

  71. @amy- there are so many little details they throw at you buy they can go completely over your head if you don't connect the dots. Like the liquor that suddenly appeared on Jason's porch, I still can't figure that one out!

    @nudibelle- old blind item stated that Jamie Lynn got pregnant by a Nickelodeon exec and since she adamantly refused an abortion, they brought in a younger guy more suitable for Jamie Lynn's age to play the father role. Atleast that's what I think enty is referring to as the "truth about everything."

  72. @Lotta
    Yeah, that's the best part of the show. I mean, some of them go nowhere (what ever happened to the burner phones purchased near Melissa's apt in Philly like 2 seasons ago?), but it's still so much fun. I think the liquor bottles were just a cruel prank since Jason was an alcoholic who was so blitzed the night Ali disappeared even he thought he'd killed her. There could have been more to it though...

    I apologize for highjacking this thread to everyone else who doesn't care about a teen mystery show. Sorry guys!

  73. @Amy- Damn, you're right! Cruel prank makes sense. I think it was the last episode that should A getting into some sort of van covered in pictures of Allie & the other girls. I'm convinced that was Toby getting out of town but I guess we'll have to wait and see!

  74. @Lotta
    Ah, that van was so awesomely creepy! Like the darkest time line in a Scooby Doo mystery! I bet you're right, that must have been Toby. I can't wait for the finale!

  75. @Amy- me too! One more week! Hope to see you around so we can dish about it ;)

  76. Dont tell me some gaffer on set wouldnt blab to the enquirer.. there is no way u hide that unless u r one of those "i didnt know i was pregnant" chicks who only gained "ten pounds" no way in this day and age that happened.

  77. @Lotta

  78. Damn you all, what happened to our spoiler agreement? I haven't been as amped to watch this season though, I am all about the Lying Game!

    Ethorne where you at?! Did you watch Lying Game last night?

    1. I totally knew the killer! Don't want to spoil it if you haven't watched yet.

    2. Stephanie TLG killer?

      ***Lying Game spoilers ahead. BEWARE***

      I was so surprised that it was Thayer! How did you know? I definitely didn't think it would be Rebecca, but T never crossed my mind. Gah the drama! I also want the back story on Jordan murdering his brother and who broke into Rebecca's safe drawers/cabinet. Is it just me or was the thief very feminine, not beefy and oddly sexy like Thayer was.

      ***End spoiler***

    3. Yes, I actually figured it out!!! Not too good figuring out blinds but I totally got this! I knew it wasn't Rebecca bc that's what the show wanted. I figured it out bc I think Alec figured it out. As soon as he wanted to be close with Thayer again, I knew he must be protecting him. Hope it gets picked up again though!

  79. Ashley Tisdale? Shailene Woodley?

    Poor thing.

  80. ClaptonsLayla - a baby doesn't even have to weigh 10 pounds at birth. Why would you gain any more? People who do are usually eating lots of processed foods and food containing hormones. Not exactly good nutrition. It's entirely possible with a healthy diet - like if you were Gwenyth Paltrow.

  81. No guess, but when I was growing up my neighbour was a really skinny lady. Her son (my age) came over one day and told me he had a new baby brother. I didn't believe him cos I had seen her the day before, still skinny as a rake.

    She just seriously didn't show. And she is the type of skinny that looks like she starves herself (tho she doesn't). I'm not saying its common, but it is totally possible not to show at all.

    I'm sooooo the other end of the scale - showed really early and got MASSIVE (big baby, lots of fluid) but lost all the baby weight in 3 weeks, no effort. I have friends who have grown children who have never managed to lose it all. Everyone is different.

  82. So this is from many years ago? Hmm, perhaps someone from full house/family matters/saved by the bell era? Tiffini amber? Or Jessica beil? She had connections after going thru puberty on the show, and even tho I would say she's a lucky c, maybe w/ Justin she can be a b?
    But the 'years ago' and mentioning how the paps were different makes me think of 90s. Not abc family or anything. Oooh or 90210? Hmmm, I like 90210...who's b list from there?

  83. Jennifer love Hewitt (Po5), Alyssa Milano (charmed/who's the boss)?

  84. Anonymous5:38 AM

    This blind is just January jones rewritten as someone new because if there is no gossip you gotta make some!¡ hence the disclaimer. The back in the day is a nod to mad men, because of the time period of the show. Plain and simple. The "cousin" is just fiction.

  85. Anonymous5:41 AM

    The REAL BLIND, is within the blind- WHAT truth does Jamie Lynn Spears need to tell her soon to be husband? Ummmmm? HELLO!!¡¡

  86. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Maybe she's the one who didn't really
    Know who the father was, and she got drunk and slept with some old ass man/connection who is affiliated with DISNEY.

  87. While it's unlikely this woman got away with it for 7 months, look at Kate Middleton. She's 5 months and if I didn't know better, I'd never guess she was pregnant, especially when she's wearing a jacket.

  88. Ashley Rickards from Awkward? Not Disney, was heavier during the second season?
