Monday, March 11, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Now This is A Movie

Forget about movies with a bunch of A listers in them. If you want some really crazy things going on, your best bet is to hire a bunch of C+ listers who used to be almost A because they have money and have fallen so there is usually a reason. There was a movie in the past few years that fit this bill. It did not do that well, but I'm not sure what you expect when you hire this group of people. There was the former almost A lister from mostly movies who has fallen to C, but still has one of the best voices ever. And great eyes. I used to have a thing for her. Now though it seems she spent most of the movie high as a kite. Friendly, but high. One former big drug user was really well behaved. Still can't act, but he was well behaved. The true disaster on the set was this former A lister. Yep, he was A list and is now doing some tiny no budget movie. Bitter about it too. He was a complete a-hole. He had a mustache that he refused to shave. He changed lines without telling the director and the director and the actor nearly came to blows several times. He was constantly showing up on set drunk and crew members discovered a crack pipe and crack in a car that he was the only one allowed to drive.


  1. I sent this one in!

    Have fun. :)

  2. Easy. The American pie reunion movie. Tara Reid for beautiful eyes raspy voice

    1. @Lil P that was my first thought too!! Seann William Scott for well-behaved, and Thomas Ian Nicholas for the a-hole who couldn't be bothered to shave?

    2. American Reunion had a $50 million budget. Also, no former male A-listers in the cast. I think it's something else.

  3. Whoa! We just had an earthquake in LA!

    1. I felt it too, it was a fun, soft rolling quake.

  4. Congrats @Karen! Since you outed yourself, how about a hint?

  5. Liotta for the crazy drug addict. I know people who have worked with him and say that'll never do it again.

    Kathleen Turner as Enty's crush?

    Not sure of the film...

  6. It's not American Pie is my hint.

    1. @Karen Darn, knew that came to easy. Thanks for keeping us on the right track!! :)

  7. Damn there was just a 5.2 maybe 45 miles out of LA. I hope everyone is safe!

    1. It was small..many of us did not feel it at all. Northridge one was scary.

  8. Breathless - Gina Gershon, Val Kilmer, Ray Liotta

  9. Except in this order: Gershon, Liotta, Kilmer

  10. @Smash I'm more interested in the earthquake than this blind.

  11. Sounds like American Reunion, but who wouldn't shave? I thought of the new Inappropriate Comedy (Adrien Brody as the A lister), but couldn't come up with anyone who had the eyes and the voice. I suck at these.

  12. I live in the West Hollywood area and didn't feel anything!! Really, 5.2?

    1. @K I felt it in the Valley!

    2. It was out of Imperial County. The folks near the OC may have felt it.

    3. Nah i am work in costa mesa didnt feel a thing, hubby says he did in LA.

    4. @earthquake - Sorry. Didn't feel you...

    5. I'm in ktown and didn't feel it either...

    6. @Lizzie du I work in Costa Mesa too :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I was on the AP train but now I have nothing. Any hints Karen?

  15. Clive Owen in Killer elite?

  16. Lordy, I hope people are okay. That's not enough to do much damage, but plenty enough to get your heart going.

    I just watched the trailer for "Breathless". It looks good! But both Liotta and Kilmer have mustaches, but the one with the mustache who really shouldn't have one is Kilmer. Aw, I used to love him back in the '80's. "Thunderheart" is one of my favs.

  17. Yes I think you got it Ms. Cool Breathless, but both Liotta and Kilmer had mustaches in that movie so which one was the jerk?

  18. The Gina Gerhson guess is great. Nearly A but never quite there, mostly movies, meaning some television (she did a recurring role on Curb that really focused on her eyes and voice.

    (Kathleen Turner really was A-list when she hit, I'm unfortunately just old enough to remember Steve Martin being quoting as her having an ass "you'd like to eat lunch off" in People).

  19. I want this to be that crap movie Valentines Day.

  20. Ah man is every one in LA okay!

  21. I just watched Tombstone again over the weekend and Val Kilmer was stellar. It got me thinking about what the hell happened to him which is why he was the first one I thought of for the former A lister.

  22. Once someone guesses the former almost A lister, everything else will fall into place, I think.

    I will also say that this is a difficult one.

  23. Gina Gershon has a weird-looking mouth.

  24. Hope there's no serious damage or injuries in the earthquake! Would it be wrong of me to say I'd like to experience one? I live in the bay area but missed the last big one and have never felt any big tremors. Guess I should be happy.

    My first thought was Kathleen Turner but seems like someone may have it with "Breathless "?

    Karen will you reveal this today?

  25. Found another option:
    Bunraku (2010)
    Starring Demi Moore
    Josh Hartnett for the douche that wouldn't shave
    Not sure who's sober. Woody Harrelson? Ron Perlman? Kevin McKidd?

  26. @Sherry, ummm? Not sure? I don't want to reveal it until most usual readers get a chance to see it and try to sleuth it out. My favorite blinds are the ones that are hard to guess and I'd hate to take away the fun of searching.

    This isn't a hint, but I heard all of this from the director's daughter who spent time on set.

  27. Shia Labouf is involve some how?

  28. I was trying to make Jennifer Tilly work for the former almost A lister with a unique voice and beautiful eyes, but I don't think she fits.

  29. @VIPBlonde - Harrelson isn't sober and can act. Not sure if Perlman is sober, but I'm not sold on his acting (he's my least-favorite on SOA).

    1. I think that's the purpose of Clay right? To be the guy you love to hate and he just won't die.

  30. I'm in north coast San Diego, the earthquake rattle me pretty good.
    But on second story building.

    An earthquake feels like the lurch of an elevator but from side to side, not up and down.

  31. Kate Bosworth for the actress? Not sure about the voice thing but she was everywhere at one time and was known for her eyes.

  32. Ray Liotta has received several acting awards over the years, so I don't know if I would classify him as "still can't act".

  33. Anonymous10:55 AM

    OT..Josh Harnett USED to be really nice and a great kisser.. but this was based on 1998 data too. He also looked much better then pre-drugs and lala land.

  34. Doesn't Enty like Mandy Moore she has been in some crap movies, she sings

  35. I'm guessing The Romantics. Anna Paqin for the almost A-lister with the great voice. Adam Brody for the well-behaved former big drug user. Elijah Wood for the asshole former A-lister.

  36. I'm going to guess Tiptoes 2004
    Kate Beckinsale
    Matthew McCon
    Gary Oldman

    Even if it's not right you all should watch or just google tiptoes it's horrible

  37. I'm going to switch Josh Duhamel in for Adam Brody

  38. OK, here's my guess:
    A TV movie called "The Tin Star" last year.
    Karen Allen was in it - big eyes, great voice, almost A lister in her "Raiders" and "Starman" days.
    Cam Gigandet, well behaved, have no idea if he was a former drug user.
    Keith Carradine was in it too - former A list, and I've seen recent photos of him looking very rough with a very ugly mutton choppy mustache.
    Here's the IMDB link:

  39. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @Smah- I was thinking either "Valentines Day" or "New Years Eve" or whatever that shit was called..

  40. Definitely NOT Kathleen Turner - she has Rheumatoid Arthritis and has been an advocate for RA in the Arthritis community. She is very outspoken about her healthy lifestyle, etc. No way would she touch drugs.

  41. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Michelle Pfieffer/Zac Effron?

  42. Yeah i was trying to make The Romantics work too , but the director was a woman and a bet she could whip Elijah's ass anyday.

  43. The only movie I can think of from the past few years that has A -> C list trainwrecks (that isn't American Pie) is 2006's "Bobby". Lohan, Shia, Sharon Stone, Demi, Ashton.... but I can't make it fit


  44. My next hint is to pay attention to the ratings when Enty says the former A lister is now doing tiny low-budget movies. He has kept busy since his A list days, but probably not in anything you've heard of in the last several years. It's someone who you never hear about anymore, but has very good name recognition.

  45. Replies
    1. Keanu is a great guess! I remember he used to have a beard.

  46. @Karen - can you rule out Val Kilmer?

  47. one can either solve this or do something constructive. I suggest something constructive.

  48. How about Endure? Joey Lauren Adams, Tom Arnold, and Judd Nelson

    1. @purbear I like this guess.

    2. Thanks! It is my very first post after reading for years:)

    3. @Purbear If you're right, way to hit it out of the park with your first comment!!! This is a hard one!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I can't seem to make it work, but this reminded me of a movie preview I recently saw on On Demand for 'Hansel and Gretel Get Baked.' It has Lara Flynn Boyle (eyes and voice) and Cary Ewles with a horrible mustache (the true disaster.) Yancy Butler is in it too who would totally fit as the former big drug user, but is says male, not female.

  51. What about Movie 43? Or New Years Eve? Tons of A to C listers in both.

  52. Thumbsucker? maybe too long ago.
    Tilda Swinton/Benjamin Bratt/Keanu Reeves

  53. Could this be involving members of the brat pack? Like Andrew Mccarthy, Emilio Estevez, etc?

  54. I like the Endure guess. Joey Lauren Adams has a very distinct voice and I know some people who lived close to her in Oxford, MS. She definitely will get high. Tom Arnold is a former drug user who seems to be well behaved these days. And you know Juds Nelson has got to be pissed about doing crappy movies after he was a member of the Brat Pack (plus he has a mustache in the movie, which would fit the clues)

  55. Lots of great guesses! @S*, Movie 43 is what Enty is referring to in the first line (a bunch of A list actors).

  56. I'm getting Christian Slater out of this but can't name the movie.

  57. aha! Really Good Bread I think you got it! Movie is "Freaky Deaky" with Christian, Andy Dick, ??? I tried to watch it. It was terrible.

  58. Maybe Thora Birch for actress with the eyes? She did a movie called Winter of Frozen Dreams with Keith Carradine, who had a mustache in it.

  59. What about The Joneses. Demi more, David Duchovney and Gary Cole (he has a mustache)

  60. License to Wed? JK the ahole RW former addict MM high as a kite

  61. Movie 43 was such a tossed salad of a cast/movie I doubt anyone was on any set for any significant period of time.

    I like the Breathless guess with Val Kilmer as the super former-A list douche. SUCH A SHAME ABOUT KILMER. He could still be rocking the hotness like Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise but he isn't.

    Say what you want about Cruise, at least he looks good.

  62. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hints. Former A lister over or under 35.
    Hair color on the great voiced girl.

  63. Huh. I think I like the ENDURE guess. Well-played, Purbear! (Even if you're wrong...nice deduction skills.)

  64. You can also see Judd Nelson in a mustache when he guest starred on Psych....

  65. I like the Breathless guess. Come on Karen, more hints ;)

  66. I was thinking Rosie Perez and Cuba Gooding Jr.? Were they in anything together? Or w/ Gary Cole in Pineapple Express?

  67. What about the Expendables (2)?

  68. Hmmm Gary cole did an episode of Pysch

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Sparkle, or whatever that movie Whitney Houston was in before she passed away.

  71. I'm counting @Karen's Judd Nelson mustache comment as confirmation tha @Purbear got it right! Great job!!!! (And @Karen, feel free to correct me if I read to much into your comment)

  72. DING DING DING! Heheheheh.

    (I was hoping it wasn't Andrew McCarthy. That might just break 12-year-old AKM's little heart.)

  73. Oh my gosh! I am ridiculously excited!! It was the voice clue that helped--I love her in Dazed and Chasing Amy.

  74. So I ran to IMDb to check up on Judd. Forgot that he was on "Two and a Half Men" a few times. Now I'm picturing him hitting the pipe with Charlie. Yowsers.

  75. Was Judd Nelson ever *truly* A List, though?

  76. OH, yeah. Those Brat Packers in 1985? RULED the town.

    At least I would say so.

  77. I am just so confused here! I want it to be a former A lister that I will be glad to hear about again, but sad if it's a bad blind, which I was so excited to see it's a real blind that I forgot all the details and got caught up in the fact that it's real AND it's possibly solvable!
    That, my friends, leaves me with absolutely no guesses, but I'd love to hear what Judd Nelson is up to these days. He's totally my Breakfast Club we'd-be-hitting-it crush!

  78. No way Elijah Wood is an asshole. He's a sweet gentle soul. I won't hear it!

  79. ENDURE joey lauren adams for the crush devon swana for the nice mess and judd nelson

    1. @littlemanwhatnow, I think the friendly former druggie is Tom Arnold, but I'm not sure. My source told me that both were really friendly and I never heard of Devon Sawa being a druggie. Apparently Tom Arnold is a Christian now (or maybe always was?).

      Anyway, she liked JLA and the other two guys, but her father wouldn't let her meet Judd Nelson because he was so awful.

  80. As soon as I saw the word "voice" I thought of Joey Lauren Adams.

  81. As soon as I saw the word "voice" I thought of Joey Lauren Adams.

  82. This is the BEST kind of blind! Thanks Karen!! It's like a really fun game. Better than waiting for reveal day. I wish Enty played with us like Karen did

  83. Thanks Karen! How fun to have the person in the know follow the comments and help out. I loved Judd back in the day, but I'm not surprised by the behavior.

  84. Okay Karen...there are now 100 comments..Care to tell? ;)

    1. @Sherry, I pretty much confirmed up above, but I'll say for sure that Purbear got it. :)

    2. Thanks Karen. That was excellent! But see how clueless I am? I never understood that Purbear got it. Duh on my part.

  85. I'm in beautiful South Central LA and I didn't feel anything. But I'm upstairs in an old building at USC and the major construction on the bldg next door causes ours to shake all the time. :)

  86. Thanks for the fun blind @Karen!

  87. I'm gonna guess Super.

    Liv Tyler plays a drug addict in it (Former A list, great voice and eyes) and seems like a hippy stoner type.

    Kevin Bacon's got a mustache in it.

    Ellen Page and Rainn Wilson both in it.

    And it's a small budget indy film.

  88. What a great read to come home to! Karen, thanks so much for the great blind, and the support along the way, so fun!
    And Purbear, you rock! Great job!

  89. Thanks @Karen!!!

    High Five Purbear! Home tuning your first at bat! Woo Hoo :)

  90. I met Judd Nelson years ago. He was AWFUL

  91. Interesting to hear that the "behaved" one may have been Tom Arnold. I know someone who had to deal with him for events surrounding a movie premiere in his hometown (in Iowa) who said he was pretty much the Worst Person in the World. Maybe in Hollywood he knows his place, but in Iowa, he thinks he should be regarded as the biggest thing ever; I don't know.

  92. I'm way late to the party, but thanks Karen! It was awesome reading through the comments with your guidance. :)

    1. I second that Colleen. That cat and mouse game was great fun. I remember Enty saying he loved JLA too. Yay Karen. That was way more fun than normal

  93. Damn and I was really hoping it was Adrien Brody because I am SO offended by the YouTube clips of that InAPPropriate Movie POS he's in. It's truly horrible and I thought he must be on crack to do that travesty of a movie.

    You know, I think I read somewhere once that Judd Nelson's mother was a judge.

  94. @WUWT?, maybe Tom Arnold cleaned up his act since then? I mean, this was the director's cute college-aged daughter so maybe he was just nice to her and her dad?

    Anyway, I'm glad that people enjoyed this. I was thrilled to be able to contribute something given that I don't live anywhere near Hollywood or California.

  95. That was awesome, thanks Karen... And *high five* to Purbear!

  96. Kathleen Turner in the Perfect Family?
