Today's Blind Items - Like A Black Widow
You would never know it by looking at her, but she definitely has some destruction in her blood. No one knows if she intends to destroy, but she does. Any man who has ever had a relationship with her has been left in shambles and some of them have not been able to recover. She is an actress. Not a great one. More of the Jessica Biel type when it comes to acting but without that A list recognition. She is still gorgeous and fairly young and would probably be considered a C list mostly movie actress who used to be a B at her peak. For the most part she has dated celebrities. She has spent most of the money she has made on drugs, but she also has steered so much business towards her drug dealer that she lives pretty well off what he pays her and some other endeavors. You can definitely hire her for the night. She has such a drug problem that she invariably snares her boyfriends into her web. They want to be with her. She has a way of making them lust after her and do anything for her and she loves when they join her in being dependent on drugs. Her most famous conquest is this almost A list celebrity who had never really even experimented with hard drugs until he met her. By the second date she had him doing his first line and he says that because of her he almost lost his job and his career and his life and has still not been able to recover. A lesser celebrity boyfriend she turned on to drugs lost a wife and all of his money to drugs after she got him hooked and has finally just reached a point in his life where he does not have to sleep on the couches of friends.This was a guy who once made millions per year.