Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

#1 - This A+ list aging, but still gorgeous supermodel has donated every penny she has made in the past 20 years to charity. It amounts to nearly $10M.

#2 - This model is A+ list and surprisingly young for the amount of time she has been in the public eye. A great name and a great giver. She paid for an apartment building and had it remodeled and converted it into a shelter for battered women which can house 20 women and their kids.

#3 - This almost A list foreign born male singer from a very famous family has spent almost $1M in the past year financing a job training center where teenagers who have been forced to work the streets as hookers or been homeless can learn skills to get them jobs and a way out.


  1. #1 makes no sense. What kind of A-list supermodel only makes $10m over 20 years?

    1. She donated 10 million over a 20 year period

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It makes sense that an aging model would be making that.

  2. #1 - Christie Brinkley?
    #2 - Gisele
    #3 - I have no clue, but wish I did

  3. Enrique Iglesias for 3?

  4. #3 Enrique Iglesias?

  5. I think #1 is Christy Turlington.

  6. 1. Cindy Crawford. Gives to charity for illness that killed her baby brother.

  7. This is nice to hear about.

  8. Christie Brinkley LOL you have got to be kidding...

    3.Julio lglesias Jr.

    not sure on 2

  9. more of these, please Enty.

  10. Well, God bless all three of them, whoever they are.

  11. I was thinking Iman for #1 since she is married to David Bowe and doesn't need the extra money.

  12. These are my favorites. How awesome they are...

  13. thanks Enty. these are wonderful. I have no guesses, but they made my day.

  14. #1 Nikki Taylor
    #2 Coco Rocha
    #3 ?

  15. 1. cindy crawford
    3. seal

  16. I thought Christie Brinkley for #1 (because of her endorsement for that home gym thingy with Walker Texas Ranger), but could it be Kathy Ireland with the $ coming from her home furnishings line? She makes a TON from that

    I thought Enrique for number 3 as well

    And yea for kindness blinds. Definitely needed that today

  17. Although it doesn't seem like Christie Brinkley needs needs the money either, I actually love the Iman guess better

  18. Yeah for kindness blinds!

    I was thinking Christie Brinkley for #1.

  19. #1 Iman
    #2 Gisele
    #3 Enrique

  20. I think it is Iman for #1. Is she not involved in alot of African charities of various kinds? And being married to Bowie would allow her freedom to give as much money as she wants.

  21. Oh lordy, I badly needed a kindness blind today. I love them.

    I thought Iman for #1 and Enrique Iglesias for #3, but don't have a darn clue for #2.

    Yay for these people! =)

  22. No way #1 is Kathy Ireland. She has gone from millionairess to BILLIONaire in the last 10 years because of her furnishings lines.

  23. Jessica - you're right! I change my #1 guess to Lauren Hutton. Good guess CDAN Luvah

  24. My first thought for #1 was also Iman.
    #2 Christy Turlington
    #3 Iglesias

    @Hollywood Dime..Why did you think Seal? Does he come from a famous family though? Just curious if you had some inside scoop.

  25. I'd say #1 *is* Christie Brinkley. According to her wiki, all she does pretty much is charity work.

    Awards and achievements
    December 1999, during a Christmas visit to the USO

    Top Picks, in 1993 by Rolling Stone Magazine for the artistic work Brinkley did on the cover of Billy Joel's album River of Dreams.[11][14]
    2001 Merit Award, given by USO-The United Service Organizations Inc.. Brinkley traveled with the USO on goodwill missions to Sarajevo, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Italy entertaining the peacekeeping forces and visiting aircraft carriers and refugee camps. After participating in USA Secretary of Defense William Cohen’s Christmas tour to Kosovo, she was given the award in Washington DC for her efforts on behalf of American troops.[11][14]
    Spirit of Achievement Award, at 2003 by "The Women’s Division" of Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University presented Brinkley for her charity work.[11][14]
    Christie Brinkley Scholarship, at February, 2007 by The Ross School in Easthampton, Long Island, New York. This scholarship allow students interested in art or environment sciences get four free years at Ross High School.[53]
    Heart Award, special honor from the American Heart Association in the "12th Annual Heart of the Hamptons Gala" for her commitment to helping children live healthier lives. Brinkley said she was very honored to receive the award from the AHA being convinced that the research from the organization made it possible for her mother to be alive after suffering five strokes.[54]
    Smart Cookie Award, April 21, 2008, honored her and three other amazing charitable mothers in New York at the "Second Annual Smart Cookie Awards Gala", voted by Cookie Magazine readers.[55]
    Humanitarian Award, given by March of Dimes. This organization is dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality through research, community services, education and advocacy.[56]
    Merit Award, by the non-profit USA national organization Mothers Voices which mission is strengthens family communication about sex, sexual health and HIV/AIDS/STD prevention through education and awareness, mobilize parents and caregivers to become their child’s frontline sexual health educator.[11][57]
    Mother of the Year, given by The National Mothers Day committee at a ceremony held in New York City.[14]
    Merit Award, given by Make-A-Wish Foundation in New York. They work granting the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.[11][56]
    Americas Mothers and Shakers, named by Redbook Magazine for her involvement in "STAR — Standing for Truth About Radiation".[14]
    HBA's Positively Beautiful Award, named by HBA Global Expo on behalf of her work with the international charity Smile Train.[58][59]
    Mothers Who Make A Difference Award, given by Love Our Children USA on the 2011 Sixth Annual edition, recognizing and supporting four celebrity moms for balancing motherhood, work and causes.[60]
    Broadway Beacon Award for her her portrayal of Roxie Hart in the hit musical Chicago (June 4, 2012).[61]
    Honour by the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center for her many years of work to raise awareness about nuclear radiation and the safety of the oceans.(June 16, 2012).[62]

  26. #1 would have to be someone married or with a partner that makes a good living to support them if she is giving a penny away.

  27. Iman makes sense for #1. She married Bowie 21 years ago, and she'd already aged out of most modelling by then. She started her cosmetics line in 1994, and she could well donate the net profits from that to charity.

  28. I love kindness blinds!

    I agree with Iman, Gisele and Enrique.

  29. Nice BI! I think the first is Christie Brinkley, Iman has a makeup line I believe so I think she would make more than 10 million.

    Number 2, can it be Petra Nemcova?

    Enrique Iglesias is a good guess for the last one.

  30. @sherry, I thought seal because i confused him with dijmon honsou, who was homeless when he was discovered, not a singer and seal isn't from a famous family...I'm an idiot who hasn't had her coffee as i recover from surgery. ignore me lol

  31. Hey - thank you for this post. I have no idea but I do know that I needed this today.

  32. I think it's Yolanda Foster.

  33. Isabella rosselini for #1?

  34. My first thought for #1 is Iman.

  35. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I think #2 is Adriana Lima. Definitely A-list material and according to Wiki, is very charitable:


    Lima does charitable work helping with an orphanage, "Caminhos da Luz" (Ways of Light), located in Salvador. She helps with construction to expand the orphanage, and buys clothes for poor children in Salvador, Bahia.[85] She appeared on Var mısın? Yok musun?, the Turkish version of Deal or No Deal, where her prize money went to a hospital in Istanbul for children fighting leukemia.

  36. #2 - I'm totally on board with the Christy Turlington guess. She seems like such a caring soul. The only think Gisele cares about is herself and her babies.

  37. These need to be revealed!!

  38. I want these revealed, but I also freakin' love that there are people in this world who do charity for charity's sake, not to bring glory to themselves. Yay yay yay! I love these!

  39. I distinctly recall now that Christy Turlington has mentioned domestic violence as an issue close to her heart. Pre-internet print interviews.

    I'll go for CT-B for #2.

  40. #1 Iman
    #2 Eva Herzigová (her name means 'to give')
    #3 I dunno. Iglesias?

  41. Again what does it mean to be an A+ model? Does it mean high fashion or that Victoria's Secret crap?

    I'll go with Gisele for #2 because of the "surprisingly young for the amount of time she has been in the public eye" part. I know she donates a lot for environmental causes so maybe this is her as well.

    #3 could be Enrique.

  42. I think #1 is Iman. It makes sense that she's 'only' made $10M over the last 20 years, as she doesn't work all that often, she's certainly permanently A+, and being married to David Bowie means you wouldn't miss it! :)

  43. My answer for every one of these is Janice Dickenson.
    Explains why she is broke ass and looks like a man these days.

  44. Iman makes sense. It's just over 20 years that she has been married to Bowie.

  45. Kindness blinds are the BEST blinds. THANK YOU.

  46. These are the best kind of blinds!

  47. #3 sounds like something Ricky Martin would do, but I don't think he comes from a famous family, does he? In that case, I agree with Enrique. Whoever these people are, thank god for them.

  48. Iman and Lauren Hutton both have product lines: Iman with makeup and fashion accessories; Hutton with makeup. They both hawk stuff on HSN.

    My guess would be Hutton because on her shows she talks about going to the Rainforest and places like that, really getting into the place.

    (I'm not sure if Hutton still sells makeup, it's been 2 years since I watched HSN. Iman still has her stuff, though.)

  49. Nice to see a kindness blind (3x) been a while

  50. Lauren Hutton

  51. Lauren Hutton

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. 1. Iman
    2. Mila Jovovich?
    3. Enrique

  54. I'm going to agree with the guess of Christy Turlington for #1. She's very active in women's issues and after she married Ed Burns has been devoting more time to parenting their kids than working, in the past 10 years, as far as I can tell. I think she's wonderful!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. The kindness blinds are always nice to read.
