Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Dumped Her

Talk about heart broken. For the past several years, this former almost A list mostly television actress who has an A+ look recognition but is probably a B- list when it comes to fame has been the mistress of a Hollywood legend. A+ actor. I wrote briefly about them a year or so ago and how she was in a relationship that was fake and that she was really getting tired of the false promises our actor had been making but didn't know what to do because she loved him. He said that he would leave his wife even though that would rock the tabloids for a year. She believed him. Last month he dumped her. After canceling plans for three straight weeks he dumped her. She found out he has someone new in his life. Now she is stuck with what she calls a wasted three years and a relationship with a guy who loves her and she can't stand so she is going to have to break up with him and people will ask her about the breakup and she doesn't care. She wanted her married A+ lister. There have been reports that she is talking about spilling the whole thing but then thinks she will have her reputation ruined because he is so squeaky clean and she will be the one who looks bad when it should be equal blame.


  1. I hope it's not him, though, because I like him so much.

  2. Or Matt Damon. Those are the only two squeaky clean guys I can think of.

    1. @ms snarky Well, I'm starting to believe everyone is right about this guy. And I guess his wife is a better actress than I thought. They certainly fooled me. I can understand vow renewal after 25+ years. It's cute then. But after less than ten years? That's suspect.

  3. Ginnifer Goodwin and Tom Hanks?

    Does she have A+ looks recognition, B- fame?

    1. Exactly who I was thinking of, too!

  4. This sounds almost the same as BI#1.

  5. I am iffy about calling Hanks a "Hollywood Legend" I tend to think along the lines of Douglas, DeNiro, Hoffman, Beatty.

  6. Yeah, but how scandalous would it be for Warren Beatty to have an affair?

    1. @HolidayinCambodia Thank you! I wouldn't give a hoot if Beaty, Pacino, or Nicholson had an affair.

  7. Maybe that's the reason Matt Damon and his wife are re-newing their vows.....I thought something smelled and maybe wifey found out...

  8. Before Annette not so much but after her it could very well be tabloid worthy.

  9. Not Hanks. He's A++.

  10. Hollywood legend - sounds older, like at least Tom Hanks age. Matt Damon is too young to be a "legend".

  11. I'm more curious about the girl.

  12. No clue who it is but I think she's right about her looking bad if she reveals what happened. She's no angel in all of this after stringing along a guy who loves her for years and working to break up the A+ List actor's marriage.

  13. I 2nd that @Sugar.

  14. Another nice guy legend Robert Redford?

  15. Time to Law and Order this shit out.

    i need names and Evidence, CDAN Detective.

    1. @dragon, that made me laugh! I miss that show. Briscoe and Greene made the best team!

    2. @dia. me too. Upset that it got cancel but at least we still have SVU.

  16. RR is a good guess Montana.

  17. Robert Redford hasn't been married all that long, though? 10 years at the most?

  18. Ok...this one is Tom Hanks.

  19. I doubt Robert Redford's marriage breakup would be tabloid covers for a year. Michael Douglas and CZJ would, though.

  20. Denzel as the legend?

    1. I remember a blind item that fit Denzel and Mila a couple of years ago. Maybe?

    2. I remember a blind item that fit Denzel and Mila a couple of years ago. Maybe?

  21. Matt Damon is not a legend yet. He's far too young. He's only 40.

    Tom Hanks has been around for a long time and has done far more and won 2 oscars. He's more of a legendary status...or at least, will be.

  22. I would call Tom Hanks "legend" material, relatively speaking. And also, the whole ++, +++, etc. thing... I feel like using the word "legend" is basically the same thing as adding pluses.

    But the lady? No clue.

  23. Denzel Washington and Nia Long?

  24. Does anyone have a link to the previous blind he's talking about? Maybe there are clues we can piece together from each blind?

  25. So the actress is A list for talent, A+ for recognition, and B- for fame? That sounds odd if she's talented and very recognizable, but whatever.

  26. I read a couple of years ago that Warren Beatty has fathered a child with a young woman and that his wife knows but won't leave or let him out of the marriage.

    There is also the Denzel/Sanaa Lathan situation where she reportedly has a child by him. Anytime you see Denzel taking Pauletta on a trip it's him apologizing. If I were here I'd take diamonds but every woman is different.

    Legend to me is someone who has been around awhile, been in a long term marriage by both Hollywood and regular people's standards, and if the marriage should break the tabloids would have a field day.

    I think the CDANer detectives have pretty much named the male legendary actors of Hollywood. I would include Tom Hanks though. His name is popping up a lot in weird places lately.

  27. If I were Pauletta Washington I'd take diamonds. Her not here.

    Fat fingers.

  28. It's Hanks or Damon. Warren Beatty screwed everything in Hollywood while he was able, so this wouldn't be shocking for him.

    Also - as Hanks has lately had a string of flops, his letter status has been tarnished somewhat (not for nothing is he currently doing a Broadway play). I'd put him at A, maybe A+, but only for past glories. Plus he's aging.

    Similarly, Washinton has a rep for cheating with his non-white co-stars and most everyone knows this, so this being about him wouldn't be a shock. Not squeaky clean, in other words.

    Damon's wife is Latina, and since cheating husbands are sort of a given in our culture, I'm sure she's fine with it as long as she has the house, bank account, kids, etc. And as for Hanks, haven't he and Rita Wilson been married for eleventy billion years? I'm sure both have looked elsewhere during their long Hollywood marriage.

  29. There's no way this someone black as the actor in this sitch. I'm black and I can't think of any brown person that tabloid publishers can use to sell flack for a year.

    1. Slim, Tiger Woods did. I think Denzel would too.

  30. who's A list tv actress? Jennifer Love, Tina Fey, Claire Danes, Julie Bowen, Julianna Margulies, i don't think any of thoes work

  31. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I'm starting to lean towards Matt Damon as well. I know he's not a legend in the true sense but enty always exaggerates. I like the idea that the recent vow renewal is a clue. However I'm not sure about the squeaky clean thing. I thought it was fairly common knowledge in the gossip world that he likes to bring women home for threesomes. I'm not saying the blind is true. I have somewhat limited connections in the celeb world and there is always tons of gossip. And just like junior high, maybe about 1/4 if it is true. I just like the game of seeing what fits a blind.

  32. Typo* no way this *is* someone. Carry on.

  33. How 'bout Bill Cosby for something different?

  34. Bill Cosby's past philandering negates current substantial interest. Again, I don't see him or any other black actor legend or no, selling mags for a year. As a gossip reader, would you care?

    1. For the record Slim, yes, tabloids report on black celeb business all the time. Will and Jada, Denzel,Kanye, Whitney Houston. The list is long. So spare us the it ain't nobody black bs, because you really don't know. And before you question it, yes I am black.

  35. this is tom hanks and goodwin.

  36. This sounds like the blind from a few weeks ago that everyone thought was Audrina? Celebrity trying to transition to actress? Wasn’t this person threatening to write a book and expose a supposedly squeaky clean married guy that she’d been banging for ages? Way to burn bridges, dumb ass! I think Audrina is C+ at best, but maybe B- is really C+? Anyway, now we have more clues. The Actress is B- mostly TV, drop dead gorgeous and in a relationship she hates, the ex is an A+ Actor (not just a Director/Producer) and has legend status:



    Douglas (but he’s been at death’s door for the past year)


    One of those girls I have never heard of except for CDAN: McCord, Grimes, Benson, etc.

    After all of that I’ve still got nothin’!

  37. "In the Hollywood Justice Blind items are considered especially heinous. In Blogger city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious Blind items are members of an elite squad, known as the CDAN Unit. These are their stories."

    Main Suspect: TOM HANKS. Evidence: Can be no Legend than this Mofo(still love u Hanks)


    Matt Damon. Evidence:IDK

    Denzel Washington. Evidence: He took a Flight in Sanaa Lathan's Vagina.(still love u Denzel)

    1. @dragon- LMAO! I love how Matt Damon's evidence is, "IDK." Seriously where did that name come from?

    2. @lotta lol I dont know our detectives kept mentioning him w/o evidence lol

  38. @dragon: the law & order CDaN intro is a winner! Hahahaha

  39. Hanks is considered squeaky clean now, but he did have an affair with Rita and left his wife for her. And is he really a legend? Denzel has a rep as a ladies man. Redford has been married like 3 times. Matt Damon is not a legend. I agree that it has to be someone older.
    I hate to even think it because I loooove him, but Daniel Day Lewis is squeaky and now considered a legend because he just became the first male to win 3 best actor Oscars.

  40. Good job Dragon!

    I'm more interested in the lady and curious about "a+ look recognition and b- fame"

    Tom Hanks keeps popping up for everything lately

  41. What about Harrison Ford? IDK about squeaky clean, but I remember being completely shocked the first time he played a bad guy (in that movie with Michelle Pfeiffer) - he's one you generally think of as being a good guy, and he and Calista were shot on the beach recently.

  42. @dragon - I heart you so much right now! That is awesome and I want to steal it! *dunh dunh*

  43. @dragon - I TOTALLY heard the voiceover on that one! lol!

    The Robert Redford guess seems like a good one. This one is tough!

    A few other married legends:

    Sean Connery
    Harrison Ford
    Samuel L Jackson (dunno about this one, does a legend do Snakes On A Plane?)
    Clint Eastwood
    Richard Gere

    I think Connery & Eastwood are known philanderers, but I don't recall hearing that rumor about Ford or Gere.

  44. This is juicy, I hope it comes out

  45. Problem with Goodwin, wasn't she the person for a blind about finding out their BF cheated on them (this was around an award show). If she doesn't like her BF, why would she be sad.

    Also, there was a past blind that was super similar that many thought was the girl from Revenge and the guy from Brothers and Sisters who cheated on his wife, but he's not a legend or squeeky clean.

  46. The comment about "a look recognition" makes me think of someone like Pauley Perrette, with the super black hair and makeup. With that said, though, I still don't know who the actress could be.

  47. Thanks guys. This is our theme. I mostly post them on Oh shit Blind Cases =p

  48. For the actress:

    Zooey Deschanel? Maybe this blind is dated from before she got divorced.

  49. CJ---I was JUST coming to say her, but i didn't know her name. Thank you.

    Pauley Perrette

  50. Hunch on the gal: Jennifer Love Hewitt.

    Mostly TV: check
    A+ looks recognition: (o) (o) Check
    B- fame: Check
    Squeaky clean image: check
    Dying to get married: Oh hell yeah.

    1. @Andy I remember reading that JLH sent a bed to Matt Damon right before he got married as a gift or something. He returned it. I always thought it was a weird gift.

  51. Alison Pill
    Jeff Daniels
    Jay Bachual????0

  52. Dint think ginnifer fits as the woman based on enty's ratings. Hanks is close to a legend. How about someone like Flint Eastwood as the legend?

  53. How about the girl with the boobs, from Mad Men?

  54. redford is not squeaky clean, nor is denzel. nor are nicholson, pacino or eastwood.

    to me the legend is debatable as its in enty's opinion, but the squeaky clean not so much.

    I think that hanks and damon would be considered legend in the enty world. hanks is a modern legend. it could be argued that damon is legend because of the oscar for good will hunting and his big career since then.

  55. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I hate to even think it but squeaky clean = Hugh Jackman? He is one of the most beautiful humans ever but probably not legendary, right??

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  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Eva Longoria for the actress?

  59. agree that redford, nicholson, pacino and eastwood are not squeaky clean. and tom hanks seems to be the go to name for anyone who is. i am going to go with one of montanamarriott's guesses.....dustin hoffman. the divorce settlement alone would be enough to fuel the tabloids for months.
    as for the woman, who has a bf who seems much more into her than she is into him?

  60. What about Mark Harmon? The blind does not specify movie actor, and Harmon certainly rates an A+. He's been married to Pam Dawber for a zillion years, with nary a rumor to tarnish his rep. Also played the hero and saved a man from a burning car a few years ago. Now has the biggest show on TV. A tawdry affair might well rock the boat with the show's fans.

  61. This is why no woman should get involved with a married man. The Brangelina scenario where the husband leaves his wife for you almost never ever happens.

  62. I couldn't remember the older blind until the last sentence then I immediately thought about Tom Hanks/Ginifer Goodwin. I believe they were our popular guess.

  63. The actor is a "legend" and is married to someone well known enough for a breakup to "rock the tabs" for a year. That narrows it IMO to Hanks, Douglas, Beatty, and maybe Denzel. If the Hoffmans or DeNiros split I just don't think it would garner that much coverage - didn't DeNiro and his wife already separate once before and reunite?

    The legend in question has a "squeaky clean" image so that eliminates Douglas and Beatty. That leaves Hanks and Denzel. I'm going with Hanks and agree with Goodwin as the spurned mistress.

  64. At the beginning i thought this blind was about Emily vancamp/Getty and the guy from revenge. Anyone else remember that old blind? Tv girl in love with ex costar dating current costar she can't stand??

    Obviously Getty ain't a legend so now I'm stumped about this and that old blind :(

  65. Hi Everyone! I'm a long-time lurker, first-time commenter who has finally decided to jump in...

    How about Ron Howard for the actor?

  66. Anonymous1:46 PM


  67. Harrison Ford is in today's Random Photos (and the DM for that matter). He and Callista had a sweet romance, especially with him becoming a father to her son. Gotta be him. No idea about the Angelina wannabe though.

  68. Anonymous1:57 PM

    How about Kevin Bacon for the squeaky clean A+ lister? Is he A+? It doesn't specify movies.

  69. Anonymous2:20 PM

    @Dragon you know this is a hard one when when you bring out the L&O guns! Makes me giggle every time. Agree the first blind Emily Van Camp was a guess as was Ginnifer Goodwin. What's the relationship between GG and Tom Hanks? The snarky comment Enty made yesterday regarding GG may be a hint.

    Agree Hanks and Damon look good for squeaky legends. There has to be a few more though......

  70. @Katydid. You know it.

    Now we have few evidence of the woman that was involve

    MAIN Suspect: Ginnifer Goodwin.

    Evidence: Once upon time she done stuff.

    Suspect: Jennifer Love Huge Tits. Evidence: I just love saying that name but some of our detective made some solid points.

  71. How about Sofia Vegara (sp) for the actress, it never makes sense why she's with the guy she's been dating...

  72. Dustin Hoffman has a good image as a family man and is a legend. It would be shocking if he divorced. I hope it's not him though.

    Tom Hanks falls in this category too. Hanks has a famous wife in Rita Wilson, who many say is a b!tch behind the scenes.

    I like Denzel Washington for this guess because he has a bad rep for dumping his mistresses.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Other legends?

    Anthony Hopkins

    Michael Caine

    Ben Kinglsey

    Martin Sheen

    Morgan Freeman

    Robert Duvall

    Gene Hackman

  75. I am aligned with the Harrison ford guess, he is an A+ legend who has kept his good rep i.e. married and adopted Calista's F kid. (pics of them trick or treating).
    However, most people don't know he has had affairs in the past, i.e. with Carrie Fisher during star wars. he broke her heart.

    Since his mistress has been with him for three years so I am going with Keri Russel (TV star with good rep) and they met in the set of Extraordinary Measures BAM FTW


  76. Don't know who he is, but she is Connie Britton.

  77. No guesses, but I second what @Phoenix said... she'll totally take all the flack if the affair comes out. Exhibit A: Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe.

  78. I think it's Hanks/Goodwin, but Alison Pill did just break up with Jay Baruchel ...

  79. Aniston and Hanks. I'm sure this was an awkward dinner: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2125513/Jennifer-Aniston-Justin-Theroux-enjoy-double-date-Tom-Hanks-wife.html

  80. I think the big clue here is about leaving the wife & it rocking the tabloids. Some other legendary actors to consider:

    Christian Bale
    Dare I say....RDJ
    Brad Pitt
    Robert Duvall
    William H. Macy
    Gene Hackman
    Mark Ruffalo
    Kevin Costner
    Sam Neill
    Kevin Kline

  81. Just for kicks, I'm going to guess:

    Sidney Poitier and

    Diahann Carroll

  82. Dammit, Sunnyhorse, you beat me to it! Pill did just break up with her bf! It sounds like someone who has a wife that is semi well known. The public would be more "appalled" if they knew of the woman being cheated on, which would mean more tabloid covers.

  83. Well, Ron Howard certainly would be shocking. I think he could be reaching legend status - really long career, acting, directing, producing. Certainly squeakly clean as far as I know.

    Kevin Bacon would also be a shocker.

  84. Hmmmmmm. The Little Woman may have a good guess with Kevin Bacon. Kevin is A+. We just don't talk about him very much because he and Kyra do a good job staying out of the limelight. They are a beloved couple, and it would really shock people if they split up
    Kevin Bacon and. . . . . . . . ?????

  85. I don't know why, but I'm thinking Debra Messing for the woman. Dustin Hoffman would be a big scandal, IMO. I hope it's not him because I heart Dustin.

  86. Maybe "legend" doesn't refer to an actual Hollywood legend like you think when you picture Pacino, DiNiro, etc. maybe "legend" is a clue....as in "I am Legend"....as in Will Smith.
    Enty doesn't specify A+ movie or tv. Just A+

  87. No clue who the girl might be though..just what I immediately thought when I read "squeaky clean" and "legend"

  88. @VK sorry VK due to MASSIVE Evidence about Will smith. He is automatically crossed out unless the person who gave us this Blind case confuse Duane Martin for woman. It happens.

  89. I thought Tom Hanks, too. You kind of can't blame him for not leaving his wife; he's probably terrified of Rita Wilson. Her temper is legen-- wait for it -- dary. She's a shrew. He'd rather break the heart of his love than deal with the fallout from Wilson's ire. No way does she want to be Hank's ex. She wants to be the Hollywood wife of an A+ Lister.

    I have no clue who the girlfriend is, but I just want to state for the record that I find Ginnifer Goodwin highly annoying.

    Oh, and I soooo don't want this to be Matt Damon.

  90. You know, I'm an exception to the rule here, but will smith doesn't ping my gaydar.


    A few more tv actresses with interesting features:

    Jennifer Tilly
    Martha Plimpton
    Megan Mullally
    Frances Fisher
    Cristina Ricci ** I kind of like this guess!
    Eliza Dushku

  91. Both Ford (as the poster wrote about Carrie Fisher) and Gere are almost exactly like Beatty: they all screwed around majorly on several wives (Gere with men AND women). Neither could be considered "squeaky clean."

    And I'm sorry, but in no universe could Jeff Daniels be considered A+ or a "legend." The idea actually makes me laugh.

    This is Hanks or Damon, no question.

  92. And OMG Daniel Day-Lewis has long been the biggest dog in the kennel. Dumped any number of women unceremoniously, has had relationships with multiple women at the same time, etc. Screwed nearly every one (and I mean EVERY ONE, including the married ones) of his leading ladies. Sorry; "squeaky clean" DDL is not - never has been.

  93. Wow. This makes me super jealous of Sally Field now.

  94. Oh - and the only way this blind would apply to Will Smith or Hugh Jackman is if the "actress" were turned to "actor."

  95. Based on what I've read above I pick Smith, Damon, and Jackman. Those are the only three I can think of who can carry a tabloid for a year. They all have solid careers. Age-wise, people in their 20s know who they are and have seen a handful of their movies. These guys have spent a considerable amount of time crafting squeaky clean images despite having questionable friendships and/or activities.

  96. Not sure if he's considered squeaky clean, but Jeff Bridges has one of Hollywood's longest marriages, and I think it would be shocking if it unraveled.

    Shocking enough that I don't think this is him.

    Still, he's a legend no one had mentioned yet.

  97. Doesn't Lainey allude to Matt Damon being the closeted actor with a boyfriend in Cuba (or a similar place)? I can't remember specifically what her blinds about this actor have been saying, but I think the general consensus is that it's Damon...

  98. C'mon! You gotta give us more hints on this one.
    ; ) This could be anybody.
    The best hint we have is that she is type of tv actress whose face you would recognize probably but don't know what her name is.

  99. Ron Howard is squeaky clean Opie and a legend. Please don't let it be him.

  100. I think I am, reluctantly, on the Ginnifer Goodwin/Tom Hanks train.

    Evidence: Mostly Google images, but especially this one http://bit.ly/W5dLMW and this one http://bit.ly/W5dQjJ from a Big Love premiere, and also the fact that I'm having a heck of a time finding a picture of either Ginnifer and Rita Wilson in the same picture, or Tom and Josh Dallas (Ginnifer's boyfriend of a couple of years). Telling?

    (Also in that series of Big Love images, there is a picture of him whispering in her ear as she smiles. I think it comes in between the one where she's looking at him adoringly and the one where they're walking off hand-in-hand. I wonder what he said? Except I don't really wonder.)

    Rita strikes me as the practical type (particularly since her own relationship with Tom started as an affair). Maybe they understand each other. Gosh, I hope so. Though *if* so, it would have been nice to be clear with Ginnifer about it, too.

    I wonder who his new girl is?

  101. Wow @Deryn, those are some very interesting pictures!! I didn't know she was only with Josh Dallas for a couple of years (dear me, he is the most boring man I've ever seen. If that's Prince Charming, send Hook over, please).

    They look really, really intimate and she looks like an adoring puppy. Hmmm.

    I was shocked to hear that Rita's a big b*. She seems so funny and down to earth in interviews and her movie roles.

  102. What about Ginnifer (dumb spelling) Goodwin and Ed Harris?? He's def a H'wood Legend (very well respected, showered w/ awards), is married (Amy Madigan, for years) and she has "looks recognition" (distinct cropped 'do) and they were on Big Love together. Bam!

  103. oh, wait...that wouldn't exactly ROCK THE TABS....

  104. Anonymous11:05 AM

    1st guess is Tom Hanks, 2nd guess is Matt Damon

  105. Ginnifer Goodwin? I do NOT understand the physical appeal of this woman. Hanks can do better. And it looks like he has.

  106. I vote Tom Hanks and Ginnifer Goodwin after seeing photos of them promoting their last project together. Uh....they look pretty darn cozy to me, just my opinion. How do you say "Ginnifer"? Gin as in the liquor? Hey gin and tonic...or is gin as in begin? Either way...yuck.

  107. Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Denzel Washington and Harrison Ford have a "good guy" image. Hanks and Washington would fit the bill as being a HW ledgend since they both have two Oscars each. The one person who has a "sqeaky clean" image is Ron Howard. He is a HW ledgend for being a rare child star who has had a successful career as an actor (The Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days) and as a successful producer and director. He fits the bill better than anyone.

  108. Mystikchic and I agree that it could be Ron Howard. I have one other guess: Mark Harmon, who is married to Mindy. I don't want it to be either one of those two.

    The A list actor didn't specify him as movies or TV. Harmon comes from a family of famous athletes and his has actor relatives. His niece and nephews are kids of the late Ricky Nelson by his sister Kristen - also a former wife of Mark Tinker.

  109. I think I have a lady crush on Dragon. Them's some funny stuff!

    Also, why can't Enty put some damn CLUES in the blinds - you know, like code words and stuff. I think he used to do that more. Just throw us a bone, Entward, jeeees.
