Monday, March 25, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Blame It On Drinking

This actor is probably C+. Definitely has A list name recognition although some may get him confused with others. He does have his own unique spin though. He is also a big drinker. Not uncommon with this group. It is the things he does when he drinks that sets him apart. Plus, he thinks he can get away with anything because of something important in his life. So, when he ends up in his daughter's room and passes out in bed with his daughter's friend, he blames it on the booze and knows everything will be ok. When parents don't let their daughters come over anymore because of this regular habit, he blames it on the booze and knows everything will be ok. Hitting his wife? Blame it on the booze. She does not press charges because she thinks it is his right because of their situation. Long time affair with an annoying A list celebrity who is way more starstruck than you would expect and would get some serious opposition from her countless detractors if they found out. Might have a tough time getting more bookings if her supporters found out too. She definitely is a divider that one. He likes to tell everyone he is sober but he is not even close. He counts in the months before he is at it again.


  1. One of the Baldwins?

  2. Michael J. Fox? "Unique spin" Spin City? Feels like his situation let's him get away with things?

    1. That would give me a serious case of the dads.

    2. Prefacing with not believing this could be Michael J Fox anyhow (and Enty would totally write that as an 'OMG you'll never think it') ... but it would give me a raging case of the sads too. Sads, gads, mads, cads, bads, etc - but no rads. @Shakira I typoed to this suggestion too :(

  3. I keep thinking this is a black comedian like Tracy Morgan. With the A list being Kim K who has a love for men of color.

  4. Stephen Baldwin. Bornagain Christian - asking forgiveness helps him "get away with it"?? Has two daughters.

    1. I like Amber's guess.

    2. I like the Stephen Baldwin guess too - with Omarosa as the annoying celeb....

  5. I like the MJF guess, but why would we confuse him with someone else?

  6. Chelsea Handler for the annoying A list celebrity? People generally love or hate her....

  7. @ethorne, that is a great guess! I felt like there were tons of clues but I couldn't think who fit.

  8. I was thinking one of the McDermots or Mullronys. Cant keep either straight.

  9. I swear, parts of these blinds are starting to sound like they are from a Nostradamus quatrain:

    Not uncommon with this group
    Set apart by drink
    The starstruck and detractors
    He counts in the months before he is at it again

  10. I feel like the annoying A list fits Taylor Swift. Sounds kinda crazy tho haha.

  11. One of the Bills? Like Paxton or the other one. Has two daughters born in '94 and '97.

  12. As a person who had a parent with Parkinson's the meds they are on are toxic if mixed with alcohol consumption so I find it really hard to believe MJF.

  13. S. Baldwin was also in a movie called Spider's Web. "Unique spin" > spinning a web. Or his super religiousness could be his unique spin that makes him different from his brothers.

    1. @Amber, I like your guess and Sarah Palin as the other woman

  14. I don't think Michael J. Fox is considered C+, though. Even as little as he's worked, he's beloved for what he has done, and struggled against in his personal life; and his turn on Curb Your Enthusiasm was genius.

  15. Michael J. Fox a C+ actor who gets confused with others? Seriously?

  16. Counts the months - TV actor between seasons?

    Associates with a group of known drinkers. Maybe they make wine? Tequila?

    I got nothin' !

  17. Annoying A list celebrity sounds like a politician or a woman with strong political ties: "supporters" and "detractors" and "bookings." Could fit someone like Sarah Palin.

  18. Daniel Baldwin. Did you ever read his BSC Twitter page? Gwyneth Paltrow is the annoying A list celeb because this would crack me up to no end lol

  19. I am so convincedthis is Dylan McDermott now that I have checked him out. Mother killed under suspicious circumstances when he was 5, has two daughters, and has claimed to be sober. His early life was screwy enough to make anyone drink.

  20. I read this as the wife lets him beat her because she's having an affair with an annoying A-lister and thinks she deserves it.

    I need more coffee.

  21. Doesn't it say that the wife has to get bookings? So is she a musician or a comedian?

  22. WTF? Enty needs a ghost writer. I can't make heads or tails of this.

  23. Off Topic I just wanted to say thanks to Xander Dyle for his brilliant new design of the Not Not, Iron Man. I ordered mine in red. You are the man.

    1. nevermindthat, the fundraising benefit for Ben's mom is extended until March 31. Burrito T shirt, haha.

    2. Cool Agent and I still think you're the shit. I brought two shirts already, The IM using the table of element and the AList. Next will be Shelly and another IM using your idea of NNIM.

  24. Sarah Palin as the annoying celebrity is absolutely delicious, regardless of the main subject of the blind.

  25. No way is MJF only C+.

    I was thinking of Alec but don't know what situation it would be. He doesn't live with his daughter and his wife is currently pregnant. So I just talked myself out of my own guess. Fucking Monday.

  26. I feel like Michael J. Fox is permanent A-List at this point, at least in TV (but Back To The Future is a very successful movie franchise) - the clues are numerous but I just can't think if who.

    And it is confusing whether or not the wife is not public ally well liked and having an affair or if the description is that of a mistress to the main guy...

  27. I'm with you Cleodacat.

  28. Does Kevin Bacon fit for this?

  29. Chris Rock or tucker?? Or Jamie foxx (blame it on the..)

  30. Chris Rock or tucker?? Or Jamie foxx (blame it on the..)

    1. I know blame it on the alcohol would fit Jamie Foxx b/c of his song by the same name but Jamie is not married and it says hits his wife.

  31. No clue on the dude, but as much as I hate to call Lindsay A list - she definitely has A list name recognition - I like her for the female because Enty refers to her "supporters" and getting "bookings"- not "work" or "roles"..

  32. and musicians get "gigs", and she is annoying as fuck. I agree Kim K could fit but if she is A list, I'm Emma Watson

    1. @groovy - ten points for Gryffindor then. Kim K is A-list no matter how little she deserves it.

  33. Is this someone who in public is a recovering alcoholic based on "he tells everyone he is sober"? Not that I have any idea who this is, but that might narrow it down.

    And I reallyyyy don't think this is MJF.

  34. Stephen is Sarah Palin's favorite BB....

  35. So Groovy is Emma Watson? Like really? For real? In real life?

  36. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Lonnnnnng time lurker, finally getting into the commenting game. Always enjoy reading all of your comments/guesses.

    I'm on the Stephen Baldwin train. People are always mixing up the Baldwins. I believe that the Baldwins are Irish Catholics - thus why drinking is not "uncommon with this group." Thinks he can get away with everything because Jesus will forgive him. Wife thinks he can hit her because Bible says wives must submit to husbands.

    Chelsea Handler is a good guess for the A list affair partner.

  38. I pick Anne Coulter as the annoying A list celeb who divides people. I know she likes to bang random inappropriate people for shock value or whatever. She dated the Penthouse guy Guccione and Bill Maher a while back and now she’s supposedly dating Jimmy Walker.

    I have NO idea who the married perv drinker could be. Gets confused with others, unique spin, not uncommon with this group and counts the months are major clues. It’s def someone who is blabbing about being sober, not someone low key.

    1. Not sure they are "dating" in the traditional sense, hard to say as she's always been very private in personal stuff, but they have been besties for a looong time. She has been taking care of him thru health crises and financial hardships.

  39. Bookings can mean getting paid to show up at a club or Middle Eastern milkshake shop's grand opening.

  40. "counts in the months before he is at it again" makes me think that he must get a period of time each year when he can drink, and a period when he can't. Maybe someone on a TV show? Who films part of the year and then is off for a bit?

  41. in what world is michael j fox C-list?

  42. Jennifer H that made me laugh!!!!!!

  43. Sam Neill has a vineyard/winery in New Zealand and a daughter who's in her late teens I think. But I don't believe he pretends to be sober since he's said that wine is a passion of his.

    But the winery bit would fit with counting the months and I think the rating of him fits.

    Oh, here's a list of celebrities with wineries & vineyards:

  44. I'm not saying these are awesome guesses, but I thought putting out a few names for each category could help.

    C+ list actor, A list name recognition, big drinker, unique spin, confused with others:

    Dermot Mulroney
    Dylan McDermott
    Steven Baldwin
    Billy Baldwin

    A list female celebrity, starstruck, divisive, countless detractors:

    Sarah Palin
    Ann Coulter
    Elisabeth Hasselbeck
    Rachel Ray

    I don't think Kim K is "divisive", as no one rushes to her defense, like they do for politicians.

  45. hold the phone. "In this group" = Scientology?

    Giovanni Ribisi. Unique name, easily recognized. Has a daughter who is 16 yrs old this year. Might be whacking Agyness Denn around, who accepts it because he's been a Scientologist longer than her (dunno, I think I might be reaching on this.) I can't find anything about him claiming he's super sober, though.

  46. Why would Irish Catholics know what the Bible says? I'm Irish Catholic & we leave all that up to the priests & Protestants. The Bible is still in Latin. Who speaks Latin anymore except for priests? (this is comedy, so please take it as such)

  47. How can I order one of the Not Now Iron Man tshirts?!?!

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Go to and type in gossipland. Make sure you turn off the safe filter in the left hand column to see all designs. I ordered mine yesterday! I know its been extended to the 31st that's great news but I'd love to see a post from Enty when its over showing how much was raised for Robot's family and maybe we can submit reader pics in our tees?
      A lot of colors were sold out yesterday so don't dilly dally.

    2. katydid, does this link show all the designs?

  48. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Didn't the creeper Baldwin have something weird going on with Miley Cyrus? Like got a tattoo for her or something? Perhaps she's the celebrity, she often elicits the responses of "ugh! Go away!!!!" or "leave her alone, she's just Miley!"

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      @di butler: yes. :)

  49. Wait, let me get this straight: his wife doesn't press charges because she thinks it's his right because HE is having an affair? Whaaaaa?????

  50. I don't think Dylan McDermott is C list. He's still riding high on "American Horror Story," I think.

  51. The first thing I thought of was the "Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney?" skit on SNL.

  52. The first thing I thought of was the "Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney?" skit on SNL.

  53. I like the Stephen Baldwin guess with Sarah Palin as the other woman.

  54. McDermott and Baldwin both have 17 year old daughters but McDermott is divorced.

    I'm gonna go with Amber's guess but I have no idea who the female A list celeb is. Not Chelsea Handler, tho', because she's a lot smarter than Stephen Baldwin and would hand his ass to him on a plate. With a little parsley on the side as garnish.

    1. @Mango, I can't stand Chelsea, but I totally agree. She'd even serve him the other side for dessert.

  55. @lazyday603 LOL, I went to mass 6 days a week in Catholic school and I have no idea what the bible says!

  56. I met Stephen Baldwin and his teenage (at the time) daughter about 4-5 years ago. They came into the store I was working in and despite being dressed like he was on his way to a hunting trip and took a wrong turn to the mall, he was a pretty shameless flirt. I had convinced my snarky manager to let his daughter continue shopping while we began closing and he was ever so thankful, in a creepy older uncle kind of way. My coworkers and I discussed after they'd left (she got about $500 worth of clothes in about 20 minutes time) how intoxicated he seemed, that there was something else at play on top of the booze. Anyway, Elizabeth Hasselback is nothing if not dividing, and no one would guess Miss Self-Righteous would ever stray to such an irresponsible degree. Political references obviously fit. And there are these too:

    Sorry can't make clicky

  57. More bookings... a model?

  58. I thought of Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith and Angelina Jolie. Rumor was that they actually did it when filming 'Original Sin.' Griffith is a hot mess with her drug addiction and She looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein. Banderas is all into being religious and their daughter is 17 years old.

  59. Sarah Palin did tell Alec Baldwin that Steven is her favorite Baldwin brother. Not surprising since he's a born-again Christian (has a for-profit ministry) and a Republican. He co-hosts a radio show syndicated on conservative radio stations, and he attends all the big Republican events. So I could well believe he and the infamous Sarah have crossed paths. Therefore, I'm going with the Steven Baldwin/Sarah Palin guess.

  60. @ CJ ... As I was reading this I kept thinking how can someone "get away with it"? Maybe it is someone in Scientology.

    I like the Stephen Baldwin guess, but this has to be someone with a substance abuse issue and a really, really good alibi to do what he's accused of.

  61. @lazyday603: You laugh, but many years ago, I had a roommate in college who came from a very strict Catholic French-Canadian-by-way-of-Manchester-NH family. At some point, she mentioned that their priests discouraged them from reading the Bible, and I pointed out that this was one of the big differences between Catholics and Protestants (I was raised Methodist), because we were always encouraged to read our Bibles and come to our own conclusions. At this, the most amazing look of pure horror crossed her face, and she began sputtering "But...but...but you might get it wrong!" I tried to explain that I really thought God would give me the benefit of the doubt on this one, assuming that my intentions were good to begin with and that I wasn't just looking for a loophole somewhere, but she wasn't having any of it. *sigh*

    1. With all due respect, I'm a Catholic and we were always encouraged to read our Bibles. Our mass readings and Sunday sermons come directly from the Bible.

  62. Can anyone tell me how to get a "Not now, Ironman" T shirt?!

  63. I thought it was Owen Wilson (Oscar Nom for something important in his life), he's confused with his brother. But he doesn't have daughters that we know of.

    So, Stephen Baldwin and Ann Coulter.

  64. The Stephen Baldwin born-again Christian thing got me thinking.

    Kirk Cameron was an 80s stud, could still have a recognizable name. He also has an adopted daughter who's about 14 now. He and his wife identify as fundamentalist Christians, and the Bible has plenty of material encouraging husbands to hit their wives, so I'd bet she's okay with it. There are no rules that say that Christians are teetotalers, either, so "in this group" could work with that.

    No clue on the A lister, though.

  65. AGC says it's this:

    Actor: Stephen Baldwin
    Unique spin: Born Again Christian
    Something important in his life: tax evasion
    "The Restoration of Stephen Baldwin"
    Annoying A list celebrity: Sarah Palin

  66. What about Dennis Quaid?

  67. Stephen Baldwin and Sarah Palan? How obsurd.

  68. Stephen Baldwin and Sarah Palan? How obsurd.

  69. Whoever this is WTF!! Get your old ass out of your daughters room. Wtf is wrong with you ass bag. A normal grown ass man has no fucking business passing out in his daughters friends bed. EVER. And how old is this daughter anyway. Omg, this gossip shits gonna give me a heart attack and have me home schoolin my babies ha ha

  70. Ashley Judd's been missed by a mile

  71. "Jennifer H. said...

    I swear, parts of these blinds are starting to sound like they are from a Nostradamus quatrain:

    Not uncommon with this group
    Set apart by drink
    The starstruck and detractors
    He counts in the months before he is at it again"

    I can't stop laughing at this! : D

  72. That being said...Crazy as it is, now that I reread this blind, I think the signs DO point to Sarah Palin.

    "A divider" -- that's a famous Bushism, "I'm a uniter, not a divider."

    "That one" -- McCain got all kinds of heat for referring to Obama as "That one" during a debate.

  73. Michael J way. He's an A list TV actor, formerly A list movie actor. Also, there's no one to mix him up with.
