Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Affair Queen

This actress used to be B list and is mainly known for her television work, although she does have a body of film work too. Now she is C list and would love to be hired for things, but no one really gives her a chance. At the height of her fame and beauty, our actress was the other woman in five marriages. All ended in divorce. She said that she preferred married men because they required less of her time and was way more fun for everyone involved. I gather this is excluding the wives and families that were affected.

Her first known affair was when she guest starred on a television show. Even though it was only one episode she ended up having a six month affair with the star of the hit network show and brought his marriage crashing down and in the process derailed the actor's career too. In one of her more famous roles, she ended up breaking up a relationship rather than a marriage. It took her a season or two of the show before she finally managed to sleep with the star of the show. Once he decided to go for it, it was white hot and lasted three months. His relationship and career soon tapered to nothing. One of her more notable film roles also was with a married man who she started sleeping with on the second day of filming. He has always been considered loyal to his wife and they did remain together, but only after years of therapy and the wife attempting suicide when she found out about the relationship our actress had with the then A list mostly movie actor who is still considered extremely good looking.


  1. Hmmm...thinking Antonio Banderas for the extremely good looking actor. Off to see if he fits!

  2. Betty White, you filthy whore!

  3. These are my favorite blinds: the hard ones! Thanks, Enty!

  4. Sounds like a real skank. Hope one of these wives knocks her out!

  5. What about Pierce Brosnan as the A-list mostly movie actor? He started in TV but by the time he did Bond he was all movie.

    1. @Lucas. That would depend on which wife we're talking about. I refuse to believe Pierce cheated on his first wife.

  6. You know, it takes two to tango. How many guys did she hit on who did not take her up? Only the ones you would want to be married to.

  7. Teri Hatcher popped in my head. At school so can't research it.

  8. And maybe Rene Russo as the affair queen?

  9. I think this is someone older; it says "at the height of her fame and beauty" which indicates that she isn't as beautiful anymore. Maybe someone with a jacked up face like Rose McGowan?

  10. Hmmm Rachel Bilson's IMDB fits the work history, but not sure of who on those shows was married that she broke up.

  11. Nevermind, Rene Russo doesn't fit at all.

  12. Carla Gugino. There was a lot of speculation around her sudden exit from Spin City after only 1 or 2 seasons, but Michael J. Fox is still married. Other than that I've got nothin'.

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Gillian Anderson?

    1. Blasphemy! Lol. Shes only done one tv show to date...

  14. I agree with Gayeld RE: Pierce. He was beyond devoted to Cassandra.

    This one's tough, yo. I have no guess.

  15. Carla Gugino fits pretty well. She guested on Quantum Leap in '92 and Bakula subsequently divorced. She was then on Chicago Hope, though I don't know whose relationship she might have ended. And she was in Spy Kids with Antonio Banderas.

    1. @Lucas and @CDAN Reader
      If we're thinking Carla Gugino, then I think @Lucas has the Scott Bakula price, for the one that took more than one season to seal the deal: Adrian Grenier/Entourage, and of course Antonio for the one who stayed married. I kind of like it! I think it all fits, right?

    2. This feels right to me, too. She was a big deal, briefly.

  16. I feel like if we start with some attractive older men we could go from there and find a co-star who also did a lot of tv. I looked at Pierce Brosnan.
    It's just hard because how old is old? Because RDJ is like 40-50 years and I don't think of him as old... But pierce and Harrison? Old.

  17. She sounds like a delightful lady whom I would love to be BFF's with.

    (This is my serious face)

  18. Older, but still attractive:

    Pierce Brosnan
    Liam Neeson
    Harrison Ford? (Idk, haven't seen photos in a while)

  19. That's quite a trail of destruction. I think this is an older blind and hopefully took place over a few decades.

  20. Rose McGowan is a great guess. Off to see if she did TV.

  21. What about Helen Hunt?

  22. But doesn't Enty really like Carla? I feel like she had at least one kindness reveal -- and it was pretty awesome. I really hope this isn't her.

  23. Anonymous10:52 AM

    man eater!
    which i dunno id hate it if it happened to me, but gosh it sounds so bad ass when you sleep with who you want and they all want ya.
    femme fatale!

  24. Yes, Enty loves Carla, and he hates cheaters. Unless he just found out about this, which seems unlikely, I doubt this is her.

  25. What about Terri Hatcher?

  26. I know Heather Locklear has been on a multitude of shows but dunno if the divorce carnage fits...

  27. Anonymous10:58 AM



  28. @ Terrier Rose was in the last few seasons of the TV show charmed.

  29. Eva Longoria. She hooke up with Michael Douglas on a film they did. She likes to go after married men because if the challenge and the fact that they will never talk.

  30. If it is Carla - the a lister could be antonio banderas, they both did spy kids.

  31. Carla seems plausible...but I don't know if she 'peaked'? She seems to simmer and just pop up looking rad with a lil work done now and then. Hmmmmm.

  32. Years ago I remember Michael K from the Dlisted posted that an actress was rumored to be joining a show I loved and that would not make the co-stars wife happy as she had a habit of sleeping with her married co-stars and caused more than 1 marriage to end.

    I want to say it was Rose McGowen, but can't be certain. Sicne my brain is not working today.

  33. Let's all keep in mind that the married men didn't have to take the bait. She's bad but they're worse. No idea who it is but I hope this one is revealed! Ha, at least her man eatin' ways has thwarted her in the career dept.

  34. Looking at their project lists, I'm not sure Carla or Rose are :TV with movies:, they seem more "Movies with some TV".

  35. What about Cybill Shepherd? Would have to look through TV and film history to figure out the men.

  36. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I was thinking Piere as well. Any other bond irks fit the bill? I hope he's not it though, he and Keeley seem to have a solid marriage.

  37. Cybill is on psych and the client list, this gal doesn't seem to be working very much if at all....

  38. Sounds like Shannon or Rose...

  39. I don't know how you can be a cdan reader and not know of enty's big love for carla gugino. maybe people who guessed that are relative newbies?

    he loves loves loves loves her. apparently, she is awesome and does alot of charity work.

    so, it can't be her.

  40. Carla was just on New Girl (three episodes, not one) and seems to have enough roles here and there. Political Animals, and then one movie in post and one in pre.

    Just in case, she did one episode of Justified. But her IMDB lists her as having at least one film or television project a year. Seems unlikely it'd be her.

  41. First time poster...I'm going with Teri Hatchet. She guested on Quantum Leap before his marriage broke up and Pierce as the married, older attractive actor fits...

  42. On a different note, how about Gina Gershon or Famke Janssen?

  43. Didn't rose break up robert Rodriguez marriage? I'm half awake but that seems to be what I'm recalling

  44. @J Sara, yes, Rose did break up Rodriguez's marriage. Although, if not her it would have been someone else. He's just a cheater. And what this woman did sucks, but hey, SHE'S not the one breaking a vow, the guys are worse.

  45. I have read that as someone a bit older, like Joan Collins. She guest starred on all kinds of programs, was on Dynasty.

  46. I just googled carla gugino and I still don't know who she is! However, she seems to have been working very steadily, so probably not her.

  47. I thought immediately of Lara Flynn Boyle and Sherilyn Fenn for this but don't have time to get research to back my thoughts up.

  48. Carla Gugino has had two Kindness reveals.

    Enty loves her. Unlikely to be her.

    Wasn't Daphne Zuniga the one that gave up acting for JFK Jr?

  49. I'd agree with Terri Hatcher if it weren't for her own marriage breaking up because she pretty much refused to have sex with her husband except on very rare occasion (this is by her admission)

  50. I've been here for years and had no clue about Enty's Carla G. love. *shrug*

    I don't believe that ANY sex/affair BI is EVER about Teri Hatcher because of what Ol Cranky pointed out. The poor woman has had severe PTSD from being molested and clearly does not enjoy sex at all.

  51. I agree with Kirstie Alley she is a know husband chaser..she used to be so popular when she was on cheers. She is known for that but she is also know for some of her movie roles.

    For the second Actor I def think it is Ted Danson on cheers.

    For her A-list Actor, I am still trying to figure that out?

  52. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Julia Roberts?

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Kirstie Alley was an A list TV actress though...and even had her own show at one time. The actress in question was known, but not HUGE.

  55. ... and now for something completely different: Joan Collins?

  56. I say Kirstie Alley! She was the first one who popped up in my mind after readin maybe 2 sentences; she's a pretty good fit, right? The only thing is that I was born in the early 90's, so I actually have no idea if she only was B-list at the height of her fame. But I can't think of anyone else, and she did do a guest spot at The love boat in '83 - also she did a movie with Tom Selleck according to IMDB. But I can't get the timeline to fit!

  57. Cybill Shepherd. Gorgeous looking woman not known for being nice.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Nicolette Sheridan is who came to mind for me....

  60. I can't even begin to guess but we should all submit emails to Enty asking to reveal this one. I wonder if Enty would be willing to take a weekly poll to see which one of the juiciest blinds we want revealed.

  61. A friend of mine nannied for Don Henley's kids in Dallas. I was a fan until I heard what a dick he is. We call him Douche Henley now.

  62. Wasnt Crystal Bernard sorta known for that.

  63. Wow so weird. I don't recognize Carla Gugino at all, yet she looks like she should be famous. She's beautiful...a combo of Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon, Zooey D. I dunno, in photos she looks like she's got mega charisma as well as beauty.

  64. Kristin Davis ?
