Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Tim McGraw Has A Secret Son - Kind Of

It makes a great headline, but it is probably not as juicy as The Enquirer makes it sound. Back before Tim McGraw was with Faith Hill he was engaged to Kristine Donahue. She had a son and Tim helped raise that son while they were together. fast forward to when Tim and Kristine broke up and Tom continued having a relationship with Kristine's son including financial support and seeing him as often as possible but never told the world and until recently, never told Faith Hill. I think far too often, when people break up, previous kids suffer. Look at when Halle Berry was with Eric Benet. She promised to keep seeing his daughter after spending so much time together. She hasn't. Sandra Bullock and Jesse James' daughter? Same thing and same result.


  1. Oh man, I was hoping this would be juicier! It's nice to see gossip about celebs who aren't usual suspects, ie Kartrashians, Blohans, Swifty, Bieber & Rihanna.

  2. Well good for him then!

  3. Wow that was unexpected. He did the right thing but I wonder why he never mentioned it to Faith before they got married.

  4. Saw him as often as possible, but didn't tell his wife for years? That's great that he stayed in the kid's life, but why all the secrecy?

  5. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I'm very suspicious of people keep secrets. He should have definitely told Faith.

  6. Why keep that a secret?

    I thought it was a secret love child. Oddly enough, Tim was a love child from a baseball player.

  7. I wonder if he had talked with Faith about the boy but she was unreceptive to the idea of him maintaining contact with the ex - so he kept it a secret from her. I like him a little more because of it.

  8. What happened with Jesse James' kid is one of the reasons I turned off to Sandy. She really just lost interest in that kid.

  9. Well, that kinda explains why Faith Hill (okay how do I say this without sounding uber bitchy?!) Looked not so great at the Oscars.

    I cannot believe he didn't tell Faith before getting married. This I imagine, is quite the shake up for the girls as well.

    Tim.. you gots some splaining to do!

  10. It is sad..I think Halle even adopted Eric's daughter now that I think about it

  11. I heard from a friend who worked the rodeo that Tim has a ego problem. Apparently he is another who doesn't like to be talked to by his own crew. He had a rule that he ate when he decided and wouldn't let the crew eat until he was finished and out of the dining area. Also wouldn't give autographs to rodeo staffers. This was a few years ago and it happened at one of the biggest rodeos in the country.

  12. Rednecks love raising their illegitimate kids--when theyre sons. If the illegitimate child has the misfortune of being a girl, then its bye-bye beeyoutch. My father had a one night stand with my mother then another woman a few days later. Both women got pregnant and guess which woman my father married? Damn sure wasnt the one who gave him me, the lousy daughter. I hate rednecks.

  13. This is not Tim's biological child! It's his ex-fiancé's son from a previous relationship. I respect him for helping the child out even after he broke up with his mother. The secrecy is very strange, I don't understand that...

  14. Anonymous7:39 AM

    So... No? He doesn't have another child but he's helping out a friend because he's close with the kid? Scandalous!!!!! Today is kind of a slow day around here.

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    @scratchy: perhaps it's because your mother is also scratchy? Or also harbors loathing towards him? He can't have chosen both women to marry

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This is grandfather had a son from a first marriage....HIS OWN SON who he didn't see after the divorce, some people are just lousy parents.

  18. My grandfather had two families at the same time, in the same city! After his first wife found out, she split and he never saw his two kids. Its so fudged up because my dad and his half sister are the same age, she is maybe a month or two younger. My dad found out about it when he was in high school and asked his mother why the girl in front of him had the same last name. His kids from his first marriage did not attend his funeral, nor were they even mentioned in his obit. I agree @Misch- some people are lousy parents.

  19. I'm sure it happens when mature people are involved but how naive to think you can continue a relationship with a child of someone you had a failed relationship with. Sandra and Halle may have had the best of intentions but if the parent refuses to let the kid see the ex to get back at them then it's never going to happen.

    1. @the black cat - i broke up w/my fiance of a yr back in late 09. He had 3 children and I stayed w/him a lot longer, due to those children. Fast forward 3 years. I have seen him once since then, but I have stayed in touch w/those kids and they still come visit and spend the night. I am also friends w/their mother. As I told the children, I may have closed the door on their father, but I will never close it on them. Not the norm for sure.

      Sandy is a private person. If Jesse still owns his Austin home, I am sure she still sees Sunni. Have no use for Halle, but plenty of stars are able to live private lives w/o phone calls to the paps to make sure they stay relevant.

  20. Enty - do you know for a fact that Halle and Sandra do not see their former step children? You make these blanket statements and no facts to back them up.

  21. Found Tim McGraw ex-GF Kristine here and her son Tyler that media called McGraw secret son here

  22. Ah, family secrets...My mother was 17 when I was born and my grandparents legally adopted me. No big deal, except EVERYBODY knew but me...

    Tim and Faith have always had some deep issues based on blinds from everywhere.

  23. The story in N'ville is that they're major cokeheads. I'm sure there are other rumours, too. I have just always thought that they're not nearly as squeaky-clean as they want us all to believe. (What celeb IS, though, right?)

    And yeah, Enty, like Roxy said, how would YOU know whether Sandra and Halle are seeing those kids, and if they're not, you don't necessarily know the whole story behind it. And like Black Cat said, the fathers could have forbidden it just to hurt their exes. I'm not judging those situations unless I read/hear hard evidence.

  24. Hey Rejected..Was your grandfather a Gemini? I was teasing with VIP that Gemini's are known for having two familes.

    Look how damn skinny he is!

    I can't fault him if he's been helping someone financially raise a child. It is odd that he keep it to himself however. That's pretty hurtful to the current wife.

    That happened to a friend of mine but she was his girlfriend at the time when she found out he had a child with another woman..WHILE they were together. I still can't believe she married him but the marriage has lasted a long time and they're about to retire in another state.

    1. Sherry- he was born on 3-3-33, so that makes him a pisces? I forgot to add he started another family after my father and his 3 siblings. Honestly, he could have more kids. I'm very careful about who I date now. Since he kept all his families in the same city

  25. Faith seems pretty scary to me. Remember that video of some awards show where she lost "favorite artist" or something to Taylor Swift and she went ape-shit (and then said she was "joking" when she found out it was caught on tape). I could see her cutting a bitch, so I'd probably hide that information from her, too.

  26. Props to him for staying in the young man's life. He probably remembers his own childhood issues, and didn't want this boy to have to go through it..

    Faith doesn't seem like the type to me to go along with something like that, so I can see why he didn't tell her, even though I think he should have.

  27. no child deserves to be hid. to be kept a secret as if they are a reason for shame or embarassment.

  28. This makes me like him. A lot.

  29. This is such an admirable thing- maybe now that the secret is out Faith will let the kid hang out more openly around them?

    In a world where plenty of men dump their own offspring for their new families and replace their old I applaud this. Not that I know anything about that..;)

  30. It's hard to believe that Faith didn't know about the boy. I mean, it's not as if he's Tim's bio son. What's the big secret?

    @ JoElla - Faith looked weird because she's a if not thee cokemom.

    @ Della - I don't know one country music song from another but I really liked him in The Blind Side. It's a shame if he's a jerk.

  31. Anonymous3:27 PM

    why would that even be a secret?
    biological or not. I would love to see that you cared and were involved, he could have been a part of his family with faith...unless he was still fucking her?

  32. As someone who dropped contact with an ex's kid, it is not YOUR kid. Frequently, you are reduced to absolutely NO influence on the child's life and are chewed out for exhibiting any concern or expressing an opinion. It is extremely stressful to know what a child may be going through and be unable to do anything.

    My ex screwed up their kid's life irrevocably in their teens and I couldn't take the pain of seeing it happen or the kid (now adult) have a life I NEVER wanted for them and not be able to do anything. I became yet another person for this poor, failed, child to lash out at. I had to step away and pray for the best.

    Seriously, looking at Jesse James and the crap he pulled after his marriage. Hell, look at the little girl's Mother. You think that Sandra Bullock should continue being involved in that?

  33. This makes me like him more.

    I think he kept it hid from Faith because of the financial part of it. I can see her being upset about him giving money to a woman for a kid thats not his. He kept away from everyone so Faith wouldn't find out.

    I don't think Sandra Bullock was the one to cut the kid off. Both of that kids parents are f*'d up badly.

  34. Within the last year Tim McGraw took a secret visit to a Nashville plastic surgeon after hours to get some unsightly stds taken off of his penis area.

  35. Sounds like Tim's overcompensating for his Dad NOT being there for him. Leave the guy alone and yeah, he's HOT in a bald but always hatted kind of thing.

  36. It's nice to hear that because I remember when Tim and Kristine got together (I know the person who introduced him). He was soooo good to her son. I felt bad when he and Faith fell in love on the Spontaneous Combustion Tour (I saw them on it, it was undeniable they were in love, even though both were in committed relationships; Faith was engaged).

  37. Well, Sandra Bullock is a full fledged phoney anyway. Nothing about her seems true.
    I dated a guy for 4 years who did the same thing. His past long term cohabitating GF had a 6 year old. He kept supporting the kid cause he was really all she had in terms of any paternal figure. He waited quite some time before letting me know ...thought I wouldn't like it cause his friends thought he was crazy, but I actually supported him doing this. He could afford to, so why not really? Children need as many reliable adults in their lives as can fit.

  38. Isn't Faith adopted? You would think she would happy that Tim is trying to be a decent man and help this kid out, financially and emotionally.

  39. Jesus, these two need to split a sandwich or something.
