Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tilda Swinton Wants You To Watch Her Sleep

For the third time ever, Tilda Swinton has decided to display her art piece called "Maybe." It involves Tilda sleeping inside a glass box for 8 hours. Throughout the next month she will be sleeping in said glass box at the Museum Of Modern Art in NYC. It won't be everyday, but will take place during random days and judging by the crowds so far, people really enjoy watching a celebrity sleep. I would love to know the thought process behind her art. Did she wake up one day and tell herself that it would be really fun to have people stare at her? Was she not sleeping well at home and figured that she could sleep at a museum by convincing them it was a work of art? Is something like this for sale? Will there be a day where she is jammed in with David Bowie and Conan O'Brien?


  1. This sounds incredibly boring and narcissistic.

  2. I was thinking creepy & hilarious.

  3. So, what's the difference between what she's doing and what David Blaine does?

  4. Reminds me of when Carrie and Charlotte go see an "artist" who doesn't speak or eat while in a similar display on SATC.

    1. And then she takes the ballet dancer in the middle of the night to see if it's really true!

  5. And she continues to make me stabby.

  6. But the light is too bright, it would really bother my eyes. She can't really be sleeping unless she takes a pill or something, that light is too damn bright.

  7. As someone who suffers insomnia, I think it is an art to be able to sleep anywhere, comfortably, with an audience.

    And she's batshit crazy and I love her.

  8. Now if Criss Angel materializes next to her with an extra pillow, that I would watch!

  9. I'm envious if she can sleep during the daytime - maybe she's really jet lagged?

  10. Performance art is still fart art to me. Madonna and Gaga have based their entire careers on it and laugh all the way to the bank(s). Saying "fart art" with a New England accent is a beautiful thing.

    1. Lol @Agent- now I can't stop & it sounds like I'm saying fart with a stutter.

    2. ethorne, "faht aht" is the correct pronunciation:)

    3. Anonymous10:36 AM

      I'm hearing Julianne Moore in her 30 Rock character say it, golden!
      Thanks Agent

  11. Right there with ya @Reno!

    I think it's creepy. She's like a caged animal in there.

  12. so "déjà vu" so unoriginal so lame

  13. I would totally watch her sleep. She is glorious! And it's really hard typing that so it doesn't look skeevy, stalkerish.

  14. I used to think she was cool...

  15. Have any of you ever had a dream & got off while asleep? Could you imagine waking up after that with 50 people watching you?

  16. How can she sleep like that? How awkward! I wonder if she snores, drools, or farts in her sleep. And does her mouth hang open or is she able to keep it closed? So vulnerable when you're sleeping.

    1. And can someone that lives there go and answer my questions? I'm kinda fascinated.

  17. This takes stupid to a whole new level. I wonder if she farts and snores.

  18. I'm kind of artsy and I dig it. I don't think she's sleeping, which is the beauty of it. It would be incredibly physically and mentally challenging to lie perfectly still for 8 hours. I would guess that is why the piece is called "Maybe". You know the first question people would ask when the come up to it is "Is she sleeping?".

  19. This is pretenious bullshit, which I hate.

  20. I don't get it, but I'm not that artsy. I think it would be more provocative if a couple slept in that same space. Not doing anything sexual, but the body language between two people when they lay next to each other would be a much more interesting concept to explore.

    But, then again, I'm not artsy.

  21. From this angle it doesn't look like she has room to stretch out, I can't imagine she can actually sleep with her legs bent up so far that long.

    And I used to respect her but this is just flat-out stupid.

  22. I would watch Tilda Swinton sleep. If only I lived closer. Love her!!! Besides, I would rather watch her sleep than watch movies that are constantly being remade over and over again. You go girl! You....sleep.

  23. My problem is the shoes. I can't wear shoes and sleep. I need socks though. Does she walk on the street with those shoes then lie down? Yuck!

  24. I think she should then bathe in the fountain and pick up the change people throw into it to use to get her dinner out of the vending machines, while solving the mystery of the Michelangelo sculpture.

    (My apologies that I don't know how to make it clicky:)

    1. Topper! That is brilliant. Who wouldn't want to see that?!

  25. she is a human work of art, i'd watch her

  26. Yes, I have had very shameful dreams involving Warren Beatty (really? this is what I get off on when I lose consciousness??? I don't even find him remotely attractive in real life, but boy is he good in my dreams.) and would never want people watching me sleep. I probably pick my nose while sleeping, too, so...NO.

  27. Lol @Madlyb-Hope it's Bonnie & Clyde era.

  28. Stupid beyond belief.

  29. If you listen very carefully she is also playing John Cage's "4'33" while she sleeps. And she is painting copies (or "homages" if you will) of Yves Klein canvases.

    And it only requires a minimalism of effort on her part. Genius.

  30. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I second the incredibly boring and narcissistic. We get it your famous, yawn.

  31. I cannot handle even hearing her name. Ugh.

  32. Consider having the opportunity to BE a piece of art? She might be doing an experiment. She might be testing her self worth, her confidence, issues with intimacy, how it feels simply to have people watching you UP CLOSE. She's a actor--we know her characters but we don't know her. And she doesn't know us. Maybe this is as close as she can get to people--pretending to be asleep inside a box. It could be a metaphor for how she feels she has to be in public. It's quite beautiful, and as is the case with art--if you don't like it, don't see it. But, even if you don't like it, it's still art.

  33. Consider having the opportunity to BE a piece of art? She might be doing an experiment. She might be testing her self worth, her confidence, issues with intimacy, how it feels simply to have people watching you UP CLOSE. She's a actor--we know her characters but we don't know her. And she doesn't know us. Maybe this is as close as she can get to people--pretending to be asleep inside a box. It could be a metaphor for how she feels she has to be in public. It's quite beautiful, and as is the case with art--if you don't like it, don't see it. But, even if you don't like it, it's still art.
