Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Duggars Are Willing To Adopt

Yesterday I tweeted that the Duggars had announced that they are willing to adopt more children rather than just continue to have them naturally. In what is probably a relief for Michelle, the couple said that after their recent trip to China they could see themselves adopting children. I'm actually surprised they didn't think of this before. Instead of limiting themselves to one child every year or so, now they could potentially adopt several at once and really add to the kids that believe what they believe. I watched an episode of the show when they were in Asia and if you ever want to see an hour of American travel stereotypes than this is the show for you.


  1. I guess they need more help around the house?

  2. Read: Michelle's doctors said no more babies, you might die the next time, or risk losing another baby *and* die. The uterus really can only take so much.

  3. Sure, adopt more kids. I'm sure your older ones won't mind, they already take care of your younger brood.

  4. She needs to go on My Strange Addiction for an intervention

  5. Yeah, cuz what that family desperately needs is MOAR children.

  6. Well, thats who they are, they dont pretend to be otherwise. Wouldnt it be great if they adopted a kid that gave them a run for the money? Like, " dinosauers lived same time as people?i dont think do!" Lol, throwing whole family into chaos!!

  7. She's had 723 children and only now she's worried about her uterus? LOL

    1. Lol @Reese- #723 was the straw that broke the cootchie's back.

  8. Having that many children is child abuse.

    I sometimes struggle providing adequate parenting to just two children.

    There is NO WAY in hell nearly twenty children can each receive adequate parenting for their needs.

    You are looking at future sociopaths (or at the very least, several counseling patients).

    1. @evil kumquat: I couldn't agree more. There aren't enough hours in the day for them to properly bond with each of their kids and be there for them.

  9. I truly believe that there is something very, very mentally wrong with these people. I mean, aside from the general ignorance and stupidity. If it's not psychosis that drives them, then I'm afraid to find out what is...

  10. Something else to think about - they are heavily invested in this as a lifestyle (the quiverfull movement, even though they claim they're not part of it). Having kids is crucial to that lifestyle, so you get them however you can. If you read the original statement, they keep going on and on about God opening doors and they're seeking His will and whatever path He wants - it's all about fulfilling the quiverfull promise. This is an interesting article about the Duggars and their ideology - basically, having a gazillion kids is building a spiritual army for God (with not just a little bit of patriarchal pride thrown in - "look at all of my quivers!"). If

  11. Well I'd rather see an unwanted child adopted by a family like this, where they're taken care of and loved rather than a home where the child is beaten, starved or otherwise abused. As long as they can support the children, it's none of my business. We bitch about poor parenting but here are some people who are willing to take care of these kids and you guys say THEY'RE mentally ill? I'd rather have a kid with this family rather than these parents who sell their kids, or starve them, or sexually or physically abuse them.

  12. We need term limis for politicians and these people. They can adopt in 20 years, after brood #1 is out of the house.

  13. Thanks for the link Izzie. I wonder at people who interpret God's will.

  14. Regardless of what we think about them adopting or having a million kids, it's going to be up to the adoption authorities to decide whether the Duggars can provide a healthy normal home for a baby or child (assuming they actually apply to adopt one.) I'm actually kind of interested to see what officials have to say about them and their ability to care for a kid...

  15. They're gonna do what they're gonna do whether I agree or not. That being said, when the hell do these people sleep?

  16. @SusanB--Does it have to be one or the other? I think people are suspect of them having more kids because maybe right now their children seem so well adjusted, but you don't know how they'll end up in 10 or 20 years. I agree with others about how they can't possibly get adequate attention from their parents with so many siblings or really have a childhood at all when the older ones are pretty much raising the younger ones. I don't think they're bad people, and you're right, they're better options than a lot of other adopting parents, but I don't many children can you have under one roof before they say "hey, maybe we should pay attention to the kids we have NOW." There's a thought. :)

    At first I thought they had so many kids because they didn't believe in any kind of contraception, now I feel like they're hoarding them like some people hoard cats.

  17. They aren't remotely a good candidate to adopt either stateside or in China. Unless they find a knocked up teen they can pay off and have a private adoption there's no way they'd get a kid. If they do go the private adoption route then is question if its not the husbands biological child.

  18. @Jolene - I understand what you're saying, but I've seen a lot of horrific stories here in Florida where foster parents treat their charges badly - abused, locked up, starved, etc. and I'm not even going into parents who beat their kids, abuse them, etc. There aren't enough good foster homes or adoptive parents out there. At least in this home you know they would be fed and housed, and I think loved by the rest of the family. Until there's a better system to take care of mistreated kids, this may be a good bet for some child.

  19. As an adoptive mother, I've BTDT, and while I'm not discounting that they can make it happen, adoptions from a foreign country have some pretty strict rules on how many kids you can have in the family (usually no more than 4-6, depending on the country), and that would eliminate them right there. There is also the age situation - the Duggars will be considered too old to be able to adopt infants (again, from foreign countries), and older children typically have special needs, which it could be questioned whether the Duggars could adequately meet those needs with 20 other kids. They could always do a private, US adoption, but they still have to be home-study approved. I would have loved to adopt another child (I have been blessed with only one) but unfortunately $$ prevented me from doing so.... still, it's not an easy route to take. So many celebrities throw out "Oh, we'll just adopt!" like they can go down to the local shelters like they do a puppy or cat, and bring home a kid... they really don't have a clue what's involved. It can take months - years - and a LOT of invasion into your personal life before it happens.

  20. Thanks sue for insight, and kisses to you and your little one. Alot of people commentd on 20 kids, but less than half if them are under 10. Mb they wkd hv to let older girls adopt. Plus adoption agency may not want child in such religious family.

  21. I always thought they - the Quivers - were against adoption because you don't know what kind of sin the babies are carrying - or something like that. The babies are not pure.

  22. Lately I have tried to take the saintly view towards this family. If I want zero kids, or if I want an abortion, I want people to respect my decision. I am trying to respect their decision to have 723 children. It is their choice and I am trying to practice both sides of the "pro-choice" school of thought.

    They are making it difficult. FSM help us all.

  23. How about adopting out of foster care? Superdad and I plan on it one day. Maybe I would like them..but probably not.

    1. Your intentions are super noble, but i know personally of 4 families who had HUGE problems adopting from foster care. These children, thru no fault if their own, have serious long term problems. One family adopted 3- 2 boys and a girl. Oldest gurl, now 15, lies, sreaks and nothing you can do to her stops her, because she doesnt care about anything. She bullies sibling mercilessly. Older boy is 14 with mentality of 3 yr old. At age 8 he regressed back into diapers. He will hv to eventually live in group home. Youngest, 9, has adhd, no impulse control. I take no pleasure in relating this, but you shld be aware. Good luck.

  24. Please tell me what they did that was so stereotypical! I used to watch this show, but after the episode where Jim Bob was proselytizing to the guy in Scotland, he lost me. Yuck.

  25. @Virginia Squatch, LOL! Well said.

    I can't wait to see which of their kids turn out to be gay and/or throw off the shackles in some way or another. I think a loving supportive religion is great, but not when your kids are given no choice about how they are allowed to live. I get the feeling that any kids who strayed far from the Duggar Path would be shunned, Amish-style.

  26. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I'm really on the fence about this family. On the one hand: there are waaaay too many people in this world and the only way the earth is going to be able to sustain present ways of living is if we all back the hell off having children. The fact that this one couple is becoming one of those statistics like a feral cat population (one couple will produce 200 humans within their lifetime). On the other hand: at least they are financially responsible for them and if they NEED another child adoption won't pollute the world anymore. Problem is they wil indoctrinate that kid with their crazy ideas of using up all the resources.
    On second thought, nah, no more kids for you. Sit down before your uterus runs down your leg.

  27. I wish they would have started doing this years ago, instead of birthing 20 or however many children they have!

  28. @ethorne is on fire today! I just snorted at that!

  29. Lets hook them up with October-mom's litter. That would be one hell of a reality show!

  30. I nevery truly understand why so many people are against the duggars. I get that having so many kids is unnatural in our culture but they take great care of the kids, own a home big enough to raise the children in comfortably, besides the show have plenty of income that does not require government assistance like octomom and since all the kids are home schooled they don't have to worry about paying for crappy education, crappy lunches, bullying, buying whatever gadget is in style for coolness points, etc. Those kids have a great sheltered life and so many people can learn a thing or two from them. On another note, Anna bugs me. It's like she's always trying to imitate Michelle and steal her thunder.

  31. My grandfather was one of 26 kids. (There were a few sets off twins)

    My father is one of 11 and my mama is one of 11.

    No sociopaths among them, despite being brought up in extreme poverty. They all have done well in life...4 doctors, many nurses, teachers, etc. and lots of military service.

    I had plenty of babysitting and chores to do as a kid and it didn't hurt me a bit.

    I'm childless by choice, and I cannot imagine wanting to have that many kids, but coming from a big family doesn't mean you're going to be crazy, for God's sake.

  32. They didn't think about it because they are part of the Quiverful movement and that is all about making more little people who believe what you do.

    I think they have had a lot of backlash since they had Josie, their preemie and then Michelle announced she was willing to have more babies--a LOT of negative response to risking her child's health and her own at this age, so this is a way for them to keep adding to their brood and keep the kid a year thing going that keeps them on TV and keeps those TLC checks coming in.

    I think there needs to be some kind of intervention to free those older girls. They are slaves --they do all the kid minding, the housework, and no chance to get an education or any life of their own.

  33. Wait, seriously? They say they aren't part of the Quiverful movement? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Please wiki the Quiverful movement if you haven't, it's pretty wackadoo. Let's make lots a childrens so we can have little brainwashed uber-Christian armies! Well, the boys will be armies, the girls will be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen submissive and obeying their man. Uh... no thanks.

    I wonder how great their life is going to continue to be once their show is off the air. The dad had a car dealership or something right? Well, you don't have to worry about paying for college for the girls, but what about all the other expenses? Hope they saved a lot of that TV money.

  34. Sue in Mo thanks for speaking about how hard adoption can be. I always wondered how celebrities got little babies so quickly because the people I have known adopting have waited years. And you stay in that country for some time before they release the child to you..Like months I mean.

    I am concerned as to their compulsion for yet more children. They don't seem like bad people and as Tammy pointed out a large family doesn't mean you're creating psychopaths either but when will enough be enough? That's the question they should address.

  35. If you can take care of your kids without relying on the government, it really is no one else's business how many kids you have.

    Kids born in large families have no more or less issues than only children or two kids raised to be spoiled brats as in the case in many families or kids raised by the growing number of single and divorced parents.

    And the comraderie offered by siblings is invaluable.

    In the old days you had grandparents and spinster aunts and all the kids and mom and dad living under the same roof.

    How about kids that want to go to college get scholarships or make the money themselves? Because college overrated. North America needs skilled trades people and if kids were smart they would see that is where the money is if you aren't a computer nerd.

    With the Duggars I see sweet normal kids who looked very much loved. I may not agree with the religious aspects and I do believe girls should be educated to the highest level of their abilities like boys but rather have these kids running around than kids who grab rifles and slaughter people because they are pissed off about something.

    1. @Tina. "And the comraderie offered by siblings is invaluable."

      You obviously didn't grow-up with any of my siblings. Although the free baby was nice.

  36. I think there is a woman who adopted something like 35 special needs kids. Power to the people who have that kind of love and patience.

  37. @Virginia Squatch - you're exactly right. Pro choice means being for ALL choices, whether you think they're correct or not. Kind of like being for free speech - I'm for it whether or not I agree with what's being said.

  38. I actually love this family. Their kids are refreshingly acceptable beings, (actual angels compared to the trash beings we've become accustom to), and I LOVED when he was saying, "gracias," to the japanese people.

    I also noted how the kids really aren't angels per say, (though they are very well behaved beings), just the parents don't yell at them as I would for things such as putting your shoeless feet up on the train seat in front of you, or being a bit rambunctious at the table. Sadly, the bulk of my heathens are almost grown now, because it certainly made me re-evaluate my parenting skills.

  39. Well, a lot of people want the kids taken away from Octomom. While the Duggars make me crazy, I do believe they'd manage to give those 14 children more love & attention than Octomom ever could.

    I'm half serious.

  40. I'm sorry, Tina Mallette, WHAT? College is overrated?


  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @Jolene Jolene - Tina is actually right. The state agency I work for does workforce development and while there is no shortage of people with 4 year degrees (and let me tell you how many unemployed people I know with MFA degrees) they are having a VERY hard time finding people with the kinds of skills you learn in a trade school. Did you know that a skilled machinist can make over $50,000 a year? I think college is wonderful, and I wouldn't trade my college experience for anything, but for a lot of people it isn't the right answer. Soft skills can be outsourced, but you can't call a plumber in from India.

    1. As a business owner who deals with several other countries, daily, I cannot begin to tell you have useless Eng/Arts degree is, as a thing. I'd kill to have gone to a trade school and learned business mgmt. Or building, or any general hands on trade. In the future, I think there will be 10 plumbers, we all share. :)

  43. Anonymous2:26 PM

    there goes the child army again

  44. These people are insane.

  45. I think the Duggars just like the publicity they get from saying stuff like this. This is what keeps their name in the blogs and people talking.

  46. If they choose to love and take care of a child who is in need of a loving home, then so be it. Leave them alone. At least all of their children seem happy and well adjusted.

  47. I'm sure the 25 other kids are cool with raising another sibling.

  48. Anonymous7:17 PM

    why not start a small country? what the hell is wrong with these people? those poor kids must be crying for some one on one actual attention.

  49. I can safely say that I have never wanted to see an hour of American travel stereotypes.

  50. It may not be my style of living but it sure beats the hand dealt to the thousands of poorly and barely parented children in my city. That isn't even counting the abused ones.
