Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Brangelina Wedding License

Various tabloids in Europe are reporting that Brad Pitt picked up a wedding license at the end of last month and that they must get married within 90 days. They make it seem like it is the end of the world if the couple don't get married within those 90 days. Umm, couldn't they just get a new license? Yeah, they could, but then the stories about how a Brangelina wedding will clash with a Jennifer Aniston wedding would not be as much fun, now would they? Considering that each of them don't know the date of the other's wedding, they would just be guessing. The Sun seems to think that Jennifer Aniston is invited to Brad Pitt's wedding. Can you imagine the tabloid headlines if Jen has already been married? Jen Marries Wrong Man - Having Baby With Brad


  1. UGH! I wish these three would go away

  2. I'm very excited for this to unfold. If Brangelina try to steal Jenn's thunder, you KNOW that she's going to have a revenge baby just to be in the tabloids forever--though I imagine it'll be through a surrogate because the girl is OLD now (for baby-making).

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Angelina is 37. Not quite ready for her pension.

    2. I think she's like 43.

    3. Anonymous6:44 AM

      I think Karen was talking about JA and I think she's 40 or 41

    4. Jen is 44. Sad that I know this.

  3. Don't know why they're even bothering, I have the feeling they can't stand each other at this point.

  4. This storyline is the dingleberry on the butt of gossip.

  5. I thought the COUPLE had to get the license ? Has that changed ?


  6. The weddings will be very different, probably. Jen will have more celebs, Brange kids & family.

    I don't think the Brange wants 'thunder', but I can see Aniston pissed if someone 'steals it'.

    Just my impression, obviously.

  7. Sorry, I like SAYING the word 'Brange'. I know it's not appealing, sorry to all.

    1. Hey libby, I like 'Brange' too. Cuz you know he doesn't call her Angelina, she's an 'Ange'

  8. I love Brad and Angie but who the hell cares if they get married or not? They have been together for almost 9 years;so what if he Beyonce her and put a ring on it.

  9. It's kind of funny how out of all the years Brad & Ang have been together, they chose the Year in Jennifer Aniston(in her mind of course) to get married.

  10. @Syko, sorry, I was unclear. I meant that Jenn would be having the revenge baby, not Angelina (though she probably would, too). Jenn is mid-40s and that's old (but not impossible) for baby-making.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Karen, thanks for the clarification. I'm not too awake yet. You're right, 44 is a bit old to be broody.

  11. If the tabloids are saying it, it must be true!

  12. In NY both parties have to be present to get the license. I don't know how they do it in France but I also heard there's no marriage license in France so why would he be going to get something that a country don't have. Must be some other type of document or this story is just BS.

  13. This picture makes me laugh because it looks like his glasses don't have lenses. Oh, the irony of trying too hard!

    1. Hi robit!!!!!!! Long time no see!!

    2. Hi Robot! Did you have the baby?

    3. Hi y'all! :) I've been lurking a lot but I'm still around. Baby Girl will be here on 4/8 if I can make it that long! Fingers crossed! :) Thanks for thinking of me. <3

  14. Angie was along there to pick up the license too, she signed out in blood.

  15. Brad needs a haircut and a shave. He looks like a scraggly hobo off the street and has really let himself go lately.

  16. Yay for Brange! And, to be snarky, I wish wish wish they'd get married on the very day that JenJust get married...to steal the thunder! :D

  17. Jennifer Aniston just turned 44 last month...she just looks younger.

  18. Yawn, same story different day.

  19. Amazing how uninteresting brange has become.

  20. @Meanie Reese - I secretly hope so too! The same anniversary forever! Well until the first divorce, that is. But neither couple will ever break up bc who wants to be the first to admit defeat in this war.

    And who knew this would still be a thing 10 yrs later? Revenge, drama, intrigue!!! Frankly, best PR machine ever.

  21. Yawn...but it does serve to keep all three names in the news, of course. I'm sure they all laugh about it together.

  22. I think it would be funny if Brad and Angie had a courthouse wedding with the kids.

  23. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Jen Aniston reads this story! Her head is going to explode!!!

    I don't feel bad for her anymore about Brad leaving her, she's milked this for all it's worth! Every so often she will talk about it in her interviews, about how the press won't let it go but the thing is by her talking about it she's adding fuel to the fire, she could very easily say she won't talk about it and not to ask questions about it but she chooses not to.

  24. angie looks like an alien & Brad-lose the glasses, they are not flattering, nor will they make you smarter. not sure why these two are bothering to get married, if the rumors are true.

    As far as Jen, she got the best end of the deal, she keeps looking better, can't say the same of these two.

  25. I send the man out for ice cream and look what he comes home with. :b

    Good for them and yeah, Brad, seriously needs a shave and a haircut. I do not like scraggly Brad. Fight Club Brad, that's my yummy. Mr & Mrs Smith Brad, oh yes. Homeless goatee scruff Brad, not so much.

  26. I am a closetted bragaloone and I LOVE this story i hope they get married on the same day maniston weds her paid piece AND that she pops another set of twins right then and there !!!!! Too much ? :)

  27. Gypsy..best. comment. ever. I have a friend named Gypsy..is that you?

    I sooo hope they both have their weddings on the same day. That would be awesome!

  28. I wish Brad and Angie all the best. I just don't care about Jennifer Aniston; never did, sorry to say, but Brad was always the most interesting thing about her. However, I DO give her credit for not having a baby when it's quite clear she really doesn't want one (although she loses points for lying non-stop about it...)

  29. To be fair I think the Brange was reported to get married last August before Jen got engaged. I love the report the Jen asked John Mayer to sing at her wedding. What's next? Goopy as Angie's matron of honor?

    However or whenever all this goes down the paps and tabloids are going to go crazy.

  30. @ ethorne - Does it matter tho that Ang used Billy Bob's blood to sign the license from that vial around her neck? Or technically does she have to use Brad's blood if it him that she's marrying? Details, details.

  31. They look so damn haggard.

  32. At this point, who gives a rat's ass? Look, people ("people"=Brange & JenJust), either get married or don't, I don't particularly care--just shut up and go away! If any of you really wanted to simply be married, you'd have done it quietly by now--yes, it IS possible--but obviously you all want a big wedding whoop-de-do and all the accompanying press coverage...AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH....

  33. The Jolie-Pitts and the Aniston-Therouxs should have each other at their prospective weddings. Seriously, it would be an epic, "go eff yourselves!" to all the rags that have drummed up drama over the years. Minds will be blown but, in the end, it will all blow over and they can always point back to the attendance at each other's weddings as the ultimate, "nah, we're cool".

  34. Anonymous11:54 AM

    they look homeless chic'

  35. I thought the announcement of Jen's engagement came out shortly after the rumour mill went into overdrive about the Brange's (I'm with you Libby - I like this way of describing them), imminent wedding, which I think was supposed to happen last summer after the Olympics.
    I can see Jen getting married, but I'd be surprised if the Brange do, the only reason I think they would at this point would be for their kids more than anything. I'd find it hilarious if after all this anticipation, they ended up having a very quiet and understated wedding, where as I can see Jen going all out to top it. I mean if her engagement ring was any indication, I think this is what she'll do.
    Good luck to all of them. But especially the Brange, because I do have a soft spot for Ange.

  36. I don't get all the Jen hate. She didn't do anything wrong.

    Angie is such a classless jealous freak. I doubt Brad will ever marry her, I don't even think they are still a couple.

  37. All this needs now is during the vows for Brange, for Brad to say "I take thee Jennifer"...

    That'd be just like from a sit-com!

  38. I want them to have a dual wedding. Styled by Gypsies.

  39. Oh I dunno. I don't really like brad, but I like Angie and Jen. I think brad is way over rated, and very .... Generic looking. Sure he's good looking but he is boring looking at the same time. Te only movies I liked him in we're 13 monkeys and fight club.

    I like Angie too but more for her acting roles, though I'm glad she is not acting as much anymore. Her crying pout or angry pout was kinda her only arsenol.

    I love Jen cuz she is hilarious, I loved horrible bosses and I loved her on friends. I don't think she is the most talented, but I sure do think she has comic timing down pat.

    As for the whole triangle thing... I bet at this point she doesn't read up on brad and Angie, and vice versa. Like who cares. She's found a man she loves, and we've all been there when we fall in love again. You forget about the past...

  40. I can't believe the tabloids are still talking about the three of them.

    Holy hell, I just laughed out loud at this quote, which came from the florist who leaked their wedding plans:

    "In addition to the octet of elephants, the florist reportedly said the wedding will feature a two-mile drive leading to the ceremony's location that will be punctuated with leaping Shetland ponies and elaborate fountains."

    ^Leaping Shetlands!? Is Kim Kardashian planning this one?
