Monday, March 11, 2013

Taylor Swift Visits Cancer Patient

Despite our obsession with all things Taylor Swift when it comes to her dating life and whether she is a stalker, it is easy to forget there are people out there, millions of them, who love and worship them. No, she does not write songs about them, but she does see them. Taylor to this day has the best giveaway of any celebrity I have ever heard when she gave away tickets to a show for four friends on her private jet and she would fly with them. That does not happen often. On Saturday, Taylor visited Lauren Hacker. She is 10. She also has cancer. Social media was how Taylor heard about Lauren. It is good to see that Taylor can do more than just churn through relationships.


  1. Am I supposed to like her now? Coz I don't. Love the kids, though. Don't get me wrong.

  2. Children still love her and don't know about all the gossip. I love to see any celebrity showing children affection. It is a special moment so don't shit all over it chris : /

    1. I'm not shitting on ANYTHING, simply saying that the occasional good deed isn't going to change my opinion of her.

    2. She probably wouldn't care if she knew your opinion b/c I doubt she does good deeds to impress.

  3. That's lovely of her! I think she's basically a nice girl. Maybe we should all give her a break once in a while?

  4. Now THAT is a celeb hospital visit that was well thought out. Look at the little girls smile. Poor baby. Good for Taylor.

  5. She's still batshit cray cray. Just one who is doing s good deed. Hopefully nor giving dating tips to the children.

  6. I still cannot stand her (you did not just call Tina Fey & Amy Poehler woman haters!), but smash makes a good point - Lauren Hacker probably has no clue about Swiftalker's true colors. Let's let the kiddo have her day.

  7. She's got teen mentality when it comes to dating and is a bit 'boy crazy.'
    Her charitable side and good deeds are awesome and separate issues.

  8. Nor=not
    I hate you autocorrect!

  9. Yeaaah that is great but I still don't like her. Philanthropy has nothing to do with my issues with this girl so this doesn't impact my opinion of her.

  10. I think what she did was great. I like celebrities that do good things from their hearts.

  11. She has always been very charitable and actually Enty, she did write a song about a cancer patient called "Ronan" (don't listen if you don't want to cry). But I agree with above posters. She's still absolutely batshit but I'm glad she can make kids who don't know about her crazy ways happy.

  12. I agree that charitable acts are separate from other parts of their lives. I still wouldn't want to be near Charlie Sheen (okay, that's a lie, I would totally go high five him if I saw him in real life) and I don't like him as a person, but I can appreciate the money that he donates to people who need it.

  13. I admit to being overly cynical, but why is it that every time a celebrity gets bad press you see them photographed with a cancer patient? I mean, I'm sure the fan with cancer is very happy to get a visit, so in the end, it's all good, but some of us aren't impressed.

    It's kind of like every time Chris Brown gets bad press, he drags out the Lord.

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    visitin cancer patients...the new adopting a baby (african perferably) why is there always a PICTURE..its the picture that gets me. noone has to know just that happy lil girl

  15. Don't get all of the Taylor hate. She is doing way better that any other teenager who has grown up in the spotlight. Guess people would like her more if she was high and canceling shows due to "exhaustion".

  16. She's very generous with her fans and always does things like this. I know she's boy crazy but hopefully it's just a matter of maturing.

  17. Yeah I'm with you Christopher, she get on my last nerve! she has that rodent-looking squirrel-ish face but I'll give credit where credit is due and she is great to her fans and donates a lot to charity.

  18. Maybe sometimes it's the kids who want the pictures taken and shared, so they can show everyone, no?

    Not saying Ms Swift isn't the one who published it, just that for a 10 year old, what's the fun of meeting a celebrity if you can't have a picture to share with all your lil peeps?

  19. @nudibelle, there is probably always a picture because if you're 10 and meeting one of your favorite singers, you're going to want a photo of it. Just because we see a picture doesn't mean the celeb released it, it could have been posted by the mom on facebook and shared and shared and shared, eventually finding it's way here. Just sayin'...

  20. Remember when reddit tried hijacking that one competition by sending her to perform a concert for a school of deaf children? She offered the kids concert tickets and donated money to the school. I like her, stalker or not.

  21. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Those who hate Taylor will continue to do so, no matter how nice Taylor is to her fans and sick children.

    When you want to rag and wail on someone, you find reasons to do so.

    Screwed if you do, fucked if you don't.

    But that's life. Can only make a precious few happy.

  22. she's batshit cray cray who occasionally does very nice things. People aren't totally one dimensional, and in any case, it's nice that the sick kids who are her fans are the recipients of her nice-ness and the not the cray-cray.

  23. Or maybe it's the kids who know her true colors and we only know what gossip sites choose to tell us. But that couldn't be it, could it?

  24. I think it's great when ANY celebrity pays back some of the good things they have gotten from fame by sharing a little of their time and attention with the fans--especially kids or someone who is ill like this.

    Good for Taylor--it's a good use of her time and money and can only do her good.

  25. She later taught the little girl how to boil a rabbit live.

  26. Absolutely Nudibelle. But Tammy and Vanessa make a good point. MAYBE, just maybe it was someone else who sent the picture. The picture is labeled only Twitter. I do however, hate those posed photo ops off celebs doing something nice so everyone can see. Otherwise I truly believe they couldn't give a green goddamn. That being said giving them a plane ride is above and beyond and that is very generous. You don't have to love the person just the act.

  27. You are so right. Any celeb who we dislike should immediately be loved and worshiped when they do charity work, past behavior be damned! How could I dislike someone who gives back so much!? Charity nixes crazy, right?

    Taylor is a nice, giving person for doing the philanthropy that she does, but that doesn't mean that she isn't still crazy/ people can't still dislike her. FFS why don't people understand that not everyone is going to want to kiss the rays of sunshine streaming from Taylor's ass because they simply do not like her music, personality, PR image, etc. I just get so aggravated with the "why don't you stop hating Taylor?" "people will hate her no matter what" "you just hate her to hate and rag on someone". No, I just don't fucking like her! Just like you probably don't like the Spice Girls. But I accept that and don't feel the need to constantly question why not everyone in the world doesn't wear SG underpants and pray to the SG gods before bed every night.

    Get the fuck over it, people don't like Taylor Swift because she is a crazy and delusional woman hater who does nothing but constantly use others with the sole purpose to put them down.

    Sorry for the rant, I just don't understand why people can't comprehend that not everyone is going to like everyone.

  28. There's a difference between being a screwball and a motherfucker.

    Taylor's a nut, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have good intentions or isn't a sweet kind person. She just happens to suck at relationships.

    There's a big difference between her and Wilmer Valderamma, who gets his partners hooked on drugs to abuse them easier.

    I reserve the hate for the people who really deserve it.

  29. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Hey, JSierra, when you get off your high horse to be among the little people, DON'T let us know.

    No one gives a rat's fucking ass who you like, love, hate, or want to kill. That's your business, Heaven knows you ALWAYS make that clear.

    But what makes you think the rest of us are going to agree with YOU. You're such a hypocrite. You scream at folks on a damed entertainment blog over it. WTF? Do you think your pissy attitude going to make us see it from your side?

    What gives you the almighty right to tell the rest of us to get over something? Has it ever occurred to you on your fucking pedestal that that most of us have nothing to get over? What can't YOU see that we don't have to share your POV?

    You don't know what anyone likes unless they've mentioned. That's presumptive of you. No one is telling you who to like. Hate away, you're good at it.

    And it's got nothing to do with any particular celeb. Hell, I don't own a single Taylor Swift song. No Spice Girls song, either. Maybe it's just fucking annoying to read the same two-bit complaints about the celebs. Just like you get tired of stuff, so do the rest of us with you tripe.

    I don't understand why not everyone is going to waste their energy hating some screwy celebrity who's likely no more crazy that half the folks we know in our real lives. But again, do you.

    You may be a nice person in real life, but you can be a real shrew around here, with your nose up in the air.

    And I'm not sorry for my rant. Bitch deserves bitch.

  30. Shit just got real.

  31. Whatever Taylor's motivations for something like this (and I do think they're basically good), it's very kind of her to spend time with these kids and make them happy; God knows, when you're a kid with cancer you need all the fun and happiness you can get. People aren't all good or all bad; most folks are complicated and contradictory characters, but let's at least give credit and praise where it's due here. I may shake my head over some of Taylor's antics, but I'll reserve my disdain for people like Wilmer who really do appear to be a waste and haven't ever done anything good or worthwhile that I've ever heard of. Hopefully she'll grow up and wise up, but he's been an asshole and ruined too many lives at this point to really redeem himself.

  32. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Heavens, there are typos galore in my post. But I think it makes sense, on the whole.

    Again, hate and love who you like. That's your choice. But don't get your panties in a twist when the rest of us speak up on it.

    Most celebrities are crazy. Hell, it's why gossip rags and blogs were created, so we could read about their exploits. I can't imagine how many of them are sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, anti-Semetic. So why hold one to some standard and leave the others alone? Hate them all, if their obtuse looks on life is what motivates you to hate even one.

    But we all have our 'give a pass' people. Which is cool. But let's not pretend that we're not being hypocrites on that front. We're picking and choosing, even when two people have the same shortcoming yet one gets to slide by because they have better PR or we liked their lastest movie more.

    Eh, fuck it. People ultimately choose who they like or hate for the flimiest of reasons. That ain't changing anytime soon.

    As always, damned if you do, fucked if you don't. It is what it is.

  33. Anonymous5:59 PM

    And nothing has gotten real. I'm not even that mad--contrary to what my post may indicate.

    I just don't like the smug attitude that SOME--not everyone, but SOME--have in the "It's my opinion, FFS, LEAVE ME AND THOSE WHO THINK LIKE ME ALONE!" debate.

    Whoop-de-damn-doo, you've got an opinion. You've got an asshole, too, want a prize for that?

    We've all gotta shit because we're all full of shit.

    Now excuse me while I go wipe my ass. ;-D

  34. I've always liked Taylor. She maybe a little boy crazy, but for someone who achieved so much fame so fast she seems to have a good head on her shoulders and a say in the direction of her career. I like a lot of her songs and think she's a decent lyricist for pop music. From what I've heard she's nice to her fans and she seems like s genuinely decent person.

  35. Layna I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you from all the way up here.

  36. Anonymous8:13 PM

    RAINBOW SOCK MONKEY! That's what I said. RAINBOW SOCK MONKEY! Living until he's dead.

  37. Aw, wasn't this super-well-timed, too, what with all the backlash/negative press over her hissily dissing Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in Vanity Fair for their low-key (but true!) GG joke about her.

    But look! Taylor is a GOOD PERSON who loves sick children! She's not just a boring auto-tuned boy-crazy humorless bint who takes herself much too seriously!

  38. Rill*
    Shit just got rill. Like, rilly rill.

  39. I think it was a very nice thing for her to do, considering how unbelievably busy she is. Am just thinking about how happy it made that little girl and smiling. And echo everything Robin the Mad Photographer said.
