Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Taylor Swift Talks In Song Titles

Vanity Fair has decided to put Taylor Swift on the cover of their next issue. I hope they used a photo she liked or they are going to have a song written about them. The magazine published some excerpts from the upcoming interview and one thing that is very clear is that Taylor Swift is kind of like a politician. They are trained to talk into quick little sentences that can be used in the news to get more publicity for themselves while still trying to sound like they are actually saying something. Taylor talks in song titles. It really is scary how she talks. She probably thinks that way too. These are actual quotes from the interview. No editing. They are also the titles of the songs on her new record.

"Katie Couric is one of my favorite people.”
"There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women."
"He wore me down."
"You're amazing."
"I want to be with you."
"He disappeared one night."
"He was looking at every girl."
"I want to do this."
"They were making out."
"He was awesome."
"That hurt-this won't."


  1. Ugh. This bitch. I received Elle magazine in the mail, and Squinty was on the cover. I promptly threw it in the recycling bin. I did the same to the Vogue I had with Beyonce on the cover. Can't stand either of them.

    Anyway, good morning fellow CDANers!

    1. Good morning!!!
      Bugs-Bunny-in-drag needs to just go away.

    2. @Christopher - I never noticed but, now I do see the Bugs Bunny resemblance. I can't stand her!

  2. Ugh. I would never ever buy a Taylor Swift album

  3. "I Wanna Be With You" is already a Mandy Moore song. NICE TRY, ENTY.

  4. As creepy as I think Taylor is, I don't think any of these quotes are THAT dramatic.

  5. Before the innernets, I subscribed to VF. Then I just kept it going, until they put Paris Hilton on the cover. I cancelled my subscription the day I got that. I still like their many articles online, but seeing that KNOWN skank ho in my house put the kibosh on my subscription.

  6. I know I'm the unpopular opinion, but I like her. I think shes a great role model for young girls. Everyone has their opinion though.

    1. Please elaborate, coz I'm not seeing it. If anything, she teaches girls to be bunny boilers, and write shit lyrics/poetry about evil boys or whatever else she likes to whine about. She needs to start acting her freakin' age.

  7. God, pop culture sucks a@# nowadays. This is worse than when Paula Abdul was treated like an actual singer...yeah, I'm old.

    Libby - ITA. I used to love VF, I remember when they first infected the world with the Hilton's in a David LaChapelle shoot. They were both in their teens and they're parents were going on about what wonderful parents they were because they took their little skanks on the stroll. That's when I started to seriously rethink my standing subscription to VF.

    Why do people bother promoting anything? They never go away!

    1. @pini Yes! I remember that! Who knew what was to come...

    2. @pini Yes! I remember that! Who knew what was to come...

  8. Turtle I agree. She is much better than the other little poptarts out there.

    I would rather hear a million Swifty songs than one Beiber song coming form my 13 year old daughter's room.

    1. I cosign on that JoElla! I have an 8 yr old daughter. I told her 'No more Beiber' because he started to have his ass hanging out of his pants. My #1 rule, NO SAGGERS!

  9. @Turtle - I met her when she was just coming up. My mom and I were shopping in BH at BCBG, and she was with her mom trying on dresses for some sort of event at the same time I was trying stuff on and the 4 of us were chitchatting. They were both super sweet, and her mom gave us a little "advertising" card of Taylor's so we could remember to find her music.
    You're not totally unjustified :)

  10. I promptly canceled my subscription to Glamour when they put all 3 K's on their cover. I long for the days where we will be all "what ever happened to...." with that family.

  11. I sing her songs on karaoke coz they're fun. And I think it's unfair that most people find her drama cute but easily judge Miley Cyrus as a slut.

  12. Here is a song title for her next album: "Call me crazy... Stop saying that voice in my head".

  13. Pini--YES! I do remember seeing Paris and Nicky in VF, but that was before we all knew she is a skank, you know? Her VF cover was right in the midst of her 'fame' and shenanigans. yuck.

    It would be like Reader's Digest putting Tracy Lords on the cover. VF 'misunderestimated' their demographic. I actually saw an interview years later, with the guy who approved that cover mentioning it as a gross misstep. hahaha...Paris Hilton Schadenfreude is sweet indeed.

  14. There's something off about her.

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I actually don't find her that annoying. Immature yes, but no where near as toxic a role model as many of the Disney kids that are now her age. She dresses conservatively, doesn't make the news being shitfaced in public places, or getting DWI's, or wrecking cars or stealing stuff. She as far as I know has never been arrested or in a bar fight. And, very one I know who has met her says she is very sweet. She's immature and bad at relationships. Weren't we all at one time?

  16. I think her songs are crazy catchy.

  17. People still have magazine subscriptions? I'm a bit surprised by that.

    1. God i have so many!!!! When i get the tax refund, im going kindle- or ipad. What do u guys recommend?

  18. Did anyone here see the episode of the new normal when shania was pretending to be taylor swift?


  19. @Agent*it - I still get Entertainment Weekly & Time (although Time is running out and I'm not renewing). I like laying on the couch and flipping through it as opposed to reading it online.

  20. Enty, this is dumb, even for you. Half those quotes are even quotes from Taylor. They're in the article, but she didn't say them.

    I don't understand people's huge problem with this girl. Everyone writes songs about their love life.

  21. Agent---I kept up EW as a kind of a charity thing, even after the internet. And VF until Paris.
    The magazine I get now is "Birds and Blooms" which probably owes its existence to the fact that it's perfect for doctors' offices. hahha. That's one way People survives, fo sho.

  22. Agent - I dropped VF for good after the Paris cover and felt completely justified when I was in De Gaulle and saw a Jessica Simpson cover on the French version and then the U.S. mag a month later.

    I find Paris Hilton to be a despicable, nasty piece of work. But people like Jessica Simpson and this girl are pretty much filler for me. But I don't want to pay to read about them.

    I know that Taylor Swift has built her career around kissing and telling, but when will these girls be more careful about being seen in public with certain guys?

    John Mayer, he's a 'come over late, don't tell anyone his name' kind of guy. You don't take him to the Oscars!

    I just wish some of these celebrities would give people a chance to say 'Wow, I haven't seen _____ in a while.'

  23. I used to subscribe to VF, too. Man those glossy mags could pile up, and I would hoard them until I would read them all (or finally give up) and then cart them to the library to donate. I finally quit my subscription after Christopher Hitchens died. I miss that guy.

    I still think Taylor Swift is as cute as a button (if I'm allowed to say that about someone who's seven inches taller than I am).

  24. I dont care about her one way ir the other, but what is she doing thats so awful? Billy joels songs are about his life, and everyone lauds him as an artiste. Just cos shes younger and a female its all wrong? I dont get it

  25. auntliddy - I don't think its because she's female, but because her shtick is getting old. I basically don't hear her music at all, so I don't know her voice or anything. I heard that Never Getting Back Together song and was struck by how insipid it was. Then I realized this was the song that everyone talks about so much.

    Do I think that 'You're so Vain' is a virtuoso of musical artistry? No. It would probably have been forgotten if not for the 'who is she talking about?' angle. But Carly Simon didn't make 'You're so Vain' parts 1 - 6.

  26. I honestly never had a problem with T Swift, but her quote "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women" was about the quote that Tina Fey said to her at The Golden Globes about not dating Michael J. Fox's son. Now, now, Taylor, that was a BAD move. Those two women have done more for women than your scrawny girl-bashing ass could/would/will ever do. Perhaps they know that it's good to take time off from dating, and not jump vag-first into new relationships every 5 seconds. Back the fuck off.

  27. auntliddy---I think it's more that she has NO subtlety, no filter. Beautiful poetry/lyrics can be written from life, but you don't have to put his coded name in the liner notes---especially when her exes themselves rely on public perception for their careers. She seems to smear EVERY guy, EVERY critic, and so prolifically.

    'Piss me off and I'll tell stories about you'---Isn't that a real high school maneuver? and over & over she does this. EVERY one deserved it? Really? Then she needs choosing lessons.

    1. No doubt she's a tad immature, but hey, all of life us a learning experience. Im sure in her 40's she may ll shudder at some of her songs. Idk, i really have no horse in this race.

  28. @Gabby, that's not true. If you read the article, it was a general quote (from Katie Couric) that Taylor appreciated, and the subject it came up in was about how women cut each other down generally.

    And how has she "vag-jumped" into a new relationship every 5 seconds? She says in this article she's dated 2 guys in 2 years. She's 23. That's completely normal.

    Most of her album are not angry songs about ex's. The song she wrote about Jake Gyllenhal was rather sweet and positive.

  29. She is such a manufactured image. I can't believe she has legit fans.

    Read the excerpts with her ragging on women putting down other women, and cursing the tabloids for following her in her "relationships."

    This from the girl who called US Weekly to have a pap photograph her and Jake Gyllenhaal posing in some obscure Brooklyn Park ON THANKSGIVING.

    This from the girl who called Camille Belle a SLUT in a song.


    1. Extremely over-manufactured. Nothing about her is real. My friend still works with her first management people, and dies laughing when people call her, real, genuine, honest."

  30. Is there a special place in hell for a trivial little girl with no sense of humor?

  31. I would rather her songs on the radio than some others. Thanks to that damn "Last Friday Night" song by Katy Perry I got asked by 4 10 year olds I was driving to the beach what a ménage a trios was. Awkward!!

    1. Umm, i live in a not fancy citified area, and my daughter in law was helping her friend with her 6 yr olds birthday party. It was a spa party, and all the girls could talk about was boys!!!!!! And how my 8 yr old grandson was so "hot and sexy"!!!!!!!!!!!! They are SIX!!!!!!! And his mother was right there!!!! Hope its just a stage for them!!

  32. Auntliddy and others make perfect sense.

    Rihanna's song- rude boy for example or S&M from her, both played on local radio stations frequently, I much rather hear a Swift song about young love and innocence then hear some chic talk about actually SEX!

  33. Swift just makes herself appear innocent. Talking about what a girl does on a mattress, she sings plenty about sex but calls it being used because she is such an innocent victim. I wouldn't want any little girl getting that message either. First she sings about falling hard, again completely powerless in all of it.

    You are not helpless and just because you are attracted to someone does not mean you have to sleep with them. Not every crush is love. If you see a guy break a bunch of hearts then line up that does not make you a cute little lamb. That is not the type of woman I want to see out there either. Instead of empowering a woman, this trash is no better. I hope no one encourages this thinking for girls/young women.

  34. I like her album so im aint going to say NADA!

  35. Huh. To me, this girl is just meh, but she has written a few catchy tunes. Its just that the more she is talked about one way or the other, the more amped people get in wanting to defend /oppose opinion. Boil it down, though, and she is still just plain yogurt. And still pretty young. I can't imagine HS dating on a global scale. She makes her living turning her pubescent girl's diary into songs... That's her shtick- same as John Mayer writes his off Cosmo and young miss covers, spoon feeding young girls what they want to hear. Same coin, different sides... Nothing in what either say in song is novel. But, I do agree with the above post- if the hell comment related in any way to Tina Fey... You be in danger, girl... Tina's funny. Laugh once in a while. You might even write a happy profem song out of it.

  36. Auntliddy you should get an IPAD. You can get a kindle app for it. You can read, listen to music, and surf the net.

    1. Thanks, thats the way im leaning

  37. I'm gonna wait 3-5 more years. If she's still doing this shtick, then I'll write her off. I really think she's someone with an extreme amount of talent who got famous too young, before she could grow up a bit and hone her lyrical craft more. She could have used a hungry early 20s before breaking out big. She could have been like another Joni, instead of just wanting to be one.

  38. Auntliddy, we have an iPad and a Kindle. I highly recommend the kindle for reading books. It is smaller & fits in a medium size hand bag -I bought bags that would fit my Kindle when we travel.

  39. There is also the iPad Mini. Which is the same size as the kindle and only a little more money.

  40. I can agree that she is a great role model for young girls, minus the whole serial dating thing. You have to remember though, her little girl fans aren't reading the same stuff we are, they aren't on these websites, reading these mags, they are seeing her in TeenBeat, Seventeen, Nickelodeon, etc. They haven't learned that celebs are contrived and everything is one huge game.

    That being said. she I do read all the entertainment sites, I do know that all of this is a game, and I am tired of her whole schtick shit. I don't buy it, I think she is nuts, and I don't think that it is good that she is showing young girls that they should go from boyfriend to boyfriend and have 14 bf's in 3 years. She should be showing girls that they can be happy by themselves and significant others are a bonus, not a necessity.
