Monday, March 18, 2013

Steubenville Rape Suspects Found Guilty - 16 More People To Be Charged

Yesterday, the two men accused of raping a 16 year old girl who was drunk were convicted of raping her. The boys were tried as juveniles which means that no matter what, they will be released when they turn 21, if not sooner. After the verdict was reached, prosecutors then said they planned on charging an additional 16 people in the case with various crimes from failure to report a felony to failure to report child abuse. I'm just glad this trial is over. I have been so disgusted with what the defense was trying to accomplish and feel like if it had been a jury trial they might have got away with raping this poor girl.


  1. Pieces of shit.

  2. I have to say, 18 people all together in the case. Not one lifted a finger to help this poor girl. 18! They all should be put away. This case disgusts me to no end. What the fuck is wrong with people?

    1. Are you familiar with small towns that are BIG in football? It's DISGUSTING. Wait until good ol Johnny Football Manziel's history of being a thief comes to light, if it ever does. He's a POS, too. The things people will excuse for money...

      And I've been wondering when everyone who testified and tweeted and face booked were going to come under fire. They implicitly facilitated everything that happened. They're just as guilty if you ask me.

  3. +1 Puggles. I'm just furious. Not one fucking person at any point during that night thought to call the police? Not one person thought to say, "Hey! That's not right?" Not one person...ugh, ugh, ugh!!!!!

    And, her so-called friends are scum, too.

  4. Agree with all the above, and also think the judge is an idiot - not having these kids charged as adults and giving such a lenient sentence. And may the Lord damn those who refused to testify or help this girl with the miserable lives they deserve.

  5. Bad enough they raped her but then they mocked her later on social media and as many do portray her as some sort of wanton slut who asked for it. I am so happy they were found guilty and I hope the ADULTS who knew about it after and tried to cover it up get some jail time too.

  6. The almighty football program. Same reason Sandusky got away with so much for so long.

    1. Example 972 of why i f*cking hate the jock culture. May they suffer mightily every day in prison. Scum.

  7. I just hope this young woman seeks therapy. Her rape was out for anyone to see online. The community, adults, were siding with the rapists. This girl deserved so much better. I could not imagine being in her position, but she must be going through hell. My heart breaks for her.

  8. what i want to know is whose house did this girl wake up in? she woke up naked and didn't even know where she was. where were the PARENTS of these kids? they were at SOMEBODY'S home drinking. who bought the alcohol?

  9. Lots of reason to be angry. Then, I think, it's time to turn inward and ask why the youngest generation is like this. Seriously, not a single person in this young girl's social environment even cared that she was being dragged around and molested and raped. It's horrid.

    1. This is not a "youngest generation" issue, as a blanket indictment. I follow my early 20s kids on FB, and many many of their peers, who have been posting on this constantly,male & female, horrified. This is a culture issue, in that they all were led to believe there would be no ramifications, and a failed parent/teacher/ coach/mentor failure, as well. Why they thought this was ok, and why they thought it was amusing & consequence free, that's the real core problem.

  10. The one looks bored and the other looks smug.

    Good grief, what a bunch of a*holes. I was telling Mr the other day how glad I am that we didn't grow up in the time of social media with all of our idiot drama going viral. Imagine something as horrific as you being raped by a gang of unrepentant football players & their buddies going nationwide. :(

    1. @Izzie
      I was talking about this with my husband yesterday. First, I don't think anyone who I ran around with in high school would ever treat a girl like that (I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Second, there is NO WAY any of my friend, guys or gals, would EVER let something like this happen. We were young and dumb and definitely had way too much to drink at times to the point that we did not going on, but I know of no one who would not have stood up and stopped this situation. It's just disgusting...I know teens are dumb, I was one once, but with all this social media stuff it just blows my mind that they are that dumb. Granted, it helped the case, which is awesome, but so dumb. I'm so glad these guys were found guilty! (Sorry for my long rant, I could go on because this who thing infuriates me).

  11. CNN are equally disgusting for portraying the attackers so sympathetically.

  12. Ugh, CNN was awful.

  13. So glad these boys are being punished, cuz no matter how young they are, the damage they've done to that young lady will be with her forever.

  14. I read about the CNN sympathy (I don't have TV so didn't see it) this morning and gahd, isn't that just despicable? Those 'poor boys' and their ruined lives.

    1. F.*ck them!!! They ruined their own lives.

  15. It seems there is way more sympathy for these idiots in the media than the victim. Stuff like... Ok they raped a girl...but do they really have to go to jail for it? They are young and have promising careers in sports ahead of them....but who cares about that trampy seductress huh?... I hope karma isn't kind to anyone of the 18 entitled pieces of shit involved in this.

  16. I'm with RustyJ - I hope the adults involved here get stern punishment and public shaming. 16 year old boys obviously deserve punishment too, no question about it, and I have intentionally not read much about this case, so I don't know anything more about it than what I've just read here. Where were the adults who were/are responsible for these heathens? They all need to face justice.

  17. Question, because I'm not inclined to google the answer (because I really don't need any more shit about this in my brain): how old are these two rapists? The victim was 16; how old are these dudes?

  18. @Frufra. I believe they are/were 16 and 17.

    1. Thanks, Reese. I'm wondering why they weren't charged as adults. I'm usually the first person who advocates erring on the side of caution and trying juvenile offenders as juveniles, but in this case, I wonder. In a small town, I always wonder whose daddy knows what judge or prosecutor or whatever. And of course, I have no factual info about this case in particular - just thinking out loud. I truly hope I'm wrong.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If this happened in Michigan, I guarantee they would've been. 17 is an adult here

  19. This kills me a little inside. It also makes me glad that my parents wouldn't let me go to parties when I was in high school.

    When are people going to learn that there are ZERO excuses for rape? No girl is "asking for it" if she was drinking, wearing sexy clothing, etc.

    Ugh. I was going to do a long rant, but I'm too sad and disgusted. And I'm preaching to the choir. You all know this already. It's those boys who I want to scream at.

    1. @Karen: we know. *pats on arm* sigh. It's so fucking infuriating that these things are happening like this. As if rape isn't bad enough, they had to piss on her and take pictures? I don't get it. How does this happen?

      I love America and Americans, but it's times like this that I'm happy I live in this small, quiet, European country.. Not that crime is unheard of here, mind you - bad people are everywhere - but things like the Steubenville case or the Sandy Hook shootings or the death of poor Trayvon Martin... America as a society has to deal with so much bullshit on an everyday basis; it has to be incredibly frustrating to the good people on this board and across the USA to have to share your home, history and heritage with these vile assholes. I'd hate to call these people my fellow anything.

    2. Nicely put. Thank you.

  20. I wish they were charged as adults but I'm glad they were at least found guilty. Pretty much the same exact thing happened to me about a decade ago when I was in high school.. house party, football players. It was the first time that I ever REALLY drank (I'd had alcohol before but not more than 2 or 3 beers). I was completely blacked out drunk and only knew something had happened when I woke up because I was in pain. My so-called "bff's" turned on me and I also heard conflicting stories about whether or not there was a videotape.. but if there was, it thankfully never got posted for the world to see. I can't even imagine that.. it must feel like being raped all over again.
    Unfortunately, I wasn't brave enough to do anything about it. Before it happened, I used to think it was crazy that women sometimes didn't report rape. So even though I can now understand all the reasons that rapes aren't reported, I hope the publicity of this girl's story gives even one girl the strength and courage to face her attacker and make him pay for what he did. Even though I've been able to move past it, I still have regrets about not reporting it.. mostly because I doubt that I was the first or the last girl that these scumbags did it to.

  21. Ugh, lalaland, I'm so sorry. :(

  22. Hey, lalaland. I'm so sorry for what you went through. I, too, am a survivor.

    Frufra, I seem to recall a defendant's mother works in the prosecutor's office, possibly a prosecutor. The whole thing just reeks!

  23. I was raped in 1986 when I was 13, by several 18/19 year old "friends" at a party. Obviously 1986 was before the internet, it happened on the first day of Spring vacation and I didn't know who knew what, what they thought, I didn't have anyone to talk to about it, never went to a doctor, and certainly never went to the police. When I got back to school EVERYONE knew, and I was a horrible slut, I had gone from being a virgin to a whore in one night. I cannot tell you how great it is for me to see they are at least prosecuting people for this now. Sometimes I think if what happened to me then happened to me now, everyone would still know but maybe I would've gotten justice and the support of my friends that turned on me and the support of my family that I never told. I hope they take this child and start over somewhere else.

    1. So sorry that happened to you.

  24. I hope CNN and other media never recover from the disgrace of worrying about these boys' "promising future".

    1. Their promising futures as what? Cellblock captains? Save ur sympathy for someone whi deserves it, not these animals.

  25. Okay, living 20 minutes from all this I watched the verdict and the aftermath live yesterday. Trent Mays apologized for the pictures being taken and sent, the texts...not for what he'd done. Ma'Lik did break down in front of the victim.

    (Also watched the closing arguments Saturday night; the victim's testimony was never shown, her name was never revealed...but I did hear it in the closing arguments, which were pretty graphic.

    I also watched AG DeWine's press conference and the reason the boys weren't tried as adults (as the original prosecutor petitioned for) was because those boys essentially gave the impression that they could be rehabilitated. So that's why. They'll have to go to court at the end of their respective sentences to see if they're rehabbed, and if they have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

    I can tell you that neither of those two boys showed any remorse until they were found delinquent (guilty in juvie court).

  26. And those two families also have to pay court costs.

  27. @portlandjewel - OMG. I feel for you and anyone else who has had to go through something like this. No one should EVER have to go through that. :(

    I know this girl has a lot of sympathy and empathy out there. Our culture needs a change. Parents need to teach their sons that it is not okay to put your hands on a woman without her consent. These boys didn't know this was rape? They damn well knew what they were doing was violating someone without their consent (RAPE). I hope every single person involved or who just stood by and let this happen is punished.

    1. You said what I was trying to say so much more succinctly. Cheers to you too Madlyb.

  28. The culture of boys having more value than girls keeps perpetuating. How I wish girls were worth more in the eyes if American society. This is why rapes and abuse are undereported.

    One thing we can do is raise our children to value themselves and respect others. Try to raise boys to understand that they are not entitled to everything at their whim, notably sex. In this rape culture, that education starts at home and is a big mountain to climb when the media portrays everything as the opposite of what it should be.

    Sorry for long winded rant. Here's to you survivors. May the injustices we've suffered be of use in instilling better values in the next generation.


  29. Thank you Enty for showing the before shot of these two. Their sobbing pics (especially Mr. Smug Pants) and the story of the child rapist/Mom murderer (AFTER she heard him raping her 10 year old) getting his ass beat in jail was a bright, warm spot on a cold Sunday.

  30. "May the injustices we've suffered be of use in instilling better values in the next generation"


    Hugs to Meanie & portland & everyone else who is a survivor!

  31. That POS cried like a baby because he finally got busted for what he did. NOT because he was sorry.

    The girl's mom gave an excellent statement and really took the high road in her comments.

  32. This is the case that was going nowhere fast until that Anonymous group started putting previously unreleased info and video online. Then the case finally moved forward.

    I hope everyone they can find who was aware of what was happening, but did nothing, are rounded up and prosecuted. This was planned. She was coaxed to come out to a party, was picked up and drugged immediately in the car on the way there. The rape gang stopped at several homes that night, a couple of them were the homes of coaches. They should lose their jobs. At the end of it all when they dumped her off in the street, they urinated on her. I have not an ounce of sympathy for them.

  33. Yeah, I saw their pansy - asses crying after being found guilty - you weren't crying while you were getting your fucking nut off were you? Will you be crying when someone needs "sexual attention" in lockup?

  34. My heart to you Lalaland, Meanie and Portland. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering you have felt all these years.

    Glad these two got some punishment!

  35. @Jennifer H, yes, lets all tip our hats to Anonymous for posting the videos. I'm shocked at CNN. Shameful.

  36. Why are some of you blaming SOCIAL MEDIA for this?? Are you kidding? THE PARENTS are the ones to blame here after the kids. Yes, kids' lives are different today because of Facebook and the desire for fame, exhibitionism, etc., but if you watched any of those videos that Anonymous posted, you would know that these are punks who were not raised to treat women with respect. These are kids who were raised to treat women with nothing more to offer than holes, and that's exactly what they did. PERIOD.

    Raping her had nothing to do with social media. They did that because they're pieces of shit who were not raised well. If anything, social media is what brought them down. Just like Jennifer H. said above, if it weren't for Anonymous posting the videos of these kids BRAGGING about what they did to this girl and then the photos of them dragging around her lifeless body, this case would've gone no where.

  37. @Jolene - Not blaming social media at all, just pointing out that it's harder on the victim to have the information disseminated worldwide.

    I agree, social media helped bring the bastards down, but the leaks of the pics of that poor girl being dragged around and the texts must be humiliating for her as well. It's a devil's bargain. :/ But again, NOT blaming social media for these a*holes.

    @Portland, Reese, Lalala, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your deeply personal stories.

    @Victoria, thanks for the inside scoop! Shameful, indeed!

    @rex, AMEN!

  38. Jolene - I don't see where anyone is blaming social media, but they are indicting a portion of society that seems to see nothing wrong with this behavior. Social Media is a tool used by society and this case has shown us a side of our society that some of us may not have realized was so entrenched.

    Just as you cited Anonymous' posting of their bragging so did others. All of us are here using social media and are united in our disgust over this case, so its pretty safe to say we are burning the torches yet. I think its just upsetting to realize how many effed up people share this world.

  39. She was drugged, not just "drunk."

  40. Unfortunately, it's not a given that anyone else will be charged in this case.

    From the prosecutor yesterday:

    On Sunday, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said he would ask for a grand jury to investigate whether there would be further charges.

  41. "Incredibly difficult, even for an outsider like me, to watch what happened as these two young rapists that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart,"


  42. I am so grossed out by how the media is going on and on about these poor boys and their lost futures. blah blah blah

    I hate rape culture.

    And I don't believe for one second that any of these boys would have done anything but talk shit about this girl if it wasn't a police matter. They would have NEVER felt the least bit guilty or sorry.

  43. I applaud Anon and hope they keep some heat of these POS for years to come. Lest their crimes be expunged and forgotten once their sentence has been served.

    I don't believe for a second that the parties involved in a planned rape and drugging of a girl won't spend their lives' mistreating and degrading women. Shameful!

    As a parent of children (including a daughter) and survivor of sexual violence you can bet if this happened to ANY of my children I'd go vigilante and then some. They are all SCUM! Including the coaches, admin and parents who excused away their boys.

  44. Hugs to all survivors. So pervasive is rape that i have 3 close friends who were raped/gang raped. And others i know of. F*cking frightening.

  45. I commented to a friend yesterday how fortunate I am- I did a lot of drinking in college, where I was the only girl in a room with guys. However, these guys WERE my FRIENDS, and never exploited me- in fact, they protected me. I am sure there was more than one occasion they could have taken advantage.

    This poor girl. I am enraged that anyone would empathize with the RAPISTS, or the ones who never did anything to HELP her.

    Much love to the survivors who posted their stories here.

  46. I sympathize with the victim. My mother was raped when she was younger by her half brother.

    Whomever is actually insinuating that these guys are 'innocent' can go burn in hell. They knew what they were doing. Drunk or not, they had enough sense to record it, that means they were in their 5 senses to know that they were doing it and had no remorse for it.

  47. They're animals. Simple. They should've been locked up and the key thrown away. The friends at the party who did nothing should never have a moment in their lives this doesn't haunt them.
    You never put your hands on another human without their consent. Yeah, I saw them crying on tv. Punks.

  48. Unfortunately this is the culture of a lot of today's teens. The densensitizing of our youth is shameful.

  49. @Parissucks: Totally off topic but how did Christina the Hoff die? I know everyone on Dlisted was curious and some asked but I never read an answer. Thanks for letting me highjack for just a moment friends.

  50. @Sherry, out of respect for Christine The Hoff, and her family, I am not going to tell. I do not have many details, even though I knew her outside Dlisted. No one was telling how, so I have to keep my mouth shut too.

    But thank you for caring. :)

  51. @ Barton...

    You ask why? My experience is that this is the generation of not my fault. These kids refuse to accept any accountability or responsibility for what happens in there lives.

    If failing something in's the teachers fault. If having a tough time at a's the bosses fault..etc. I see all the time and it's scary!!!!!

  52. @ Barton...

    You ask why? My experience is that this is the generation of not my fault. These kids refuse to accept any accountability or responsibility for what happens in there lives.

    If failing something in's the teachers fault. If having a tough time at a's the bosses fault..etc. I see all the time and it's scary!!!!!

  53. @Paris: Thank you. I can understand and respect that. My sincere condolences for your loss.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Its true, this generation thinks nothing is their fault. But i wanted to, they say, but SHE wanted me to. I dint think they can distinguish btwn real and fantasy life.

  56. @ aunt, how can they when they spend an awful lot of time in front of a tv or a game system????

    And parents don't help the situation...I totally agree. Houston...we have a problem. We are in big trouble.

  57. Yes and yes and oh, I was incoherent with rage yesterday when I saw CNN (and others) trying to make the perpetrators into victims. NO.

    A Letter To My Sons About Stopping Rape should be required reading for all parents, not just parents of sons. Because girls and women should be emboldened to speak up when something's not right.

    Also: this woman is a hero, IMHO: I AM THE BLOGGER WHO ALLEGEDLY “COMPLICATED” THE STEUBENVILLE GANG RAPE CASE -- AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING (title is in all caps, sorry for the apparent shouting)

    Hugs and warm thoughts for all who have had to suffer through such an assault.

  58. "It felt like a dead body" , I wish this guy was dead. They are crying because they will be labeled as sex offenders. What kind of parents do they have? I would love to read those profiles.

  59. I think all of us who have commented are united in our disgust at this crime and the mentality that inculcated and condoned it. My only concern is that there seems to be a generational division being mentioned. I do think that people of a certain age have different norms from those who are older, but that older generation has shaped those norms.

    First, I am in NO WAY excusing these beasts, I am only linking what I see as 'cause and effect'. I grew up in the days before camel toe and deliberate flashing.

    Its funny, you have someone like Madonna who goes on and on about not letting her children watch Television, but she helped popularize this 'lets walk down the street naked and make out to get attention' tactic.

    I have felt sorry for girls because of the constant attacks on their self-esteem and sense of worth. Now, to see Men here and abroad making real-life gang-rape porn films, makes me pity ALL of our children. The pressures that decent young men must have on them to roll around in the muck and filth just boggles the mind.

  60. A bit late in the day:

  61. I'm almost as disgusted at the reporting of this case by the media as I am by the actions of these sickos. CNN is worried that their promising lives are ruined? Fox "News" and MSNBC reporting the name of the victim? Ugh.

  62. these" promising futures, star football players, very good students,..." (Thank you Maja with a J) Sums it up. Football/Sports/MONEY. That team OWNED that town.
    Every transgression ever perpetrated by those team members was swept under the rug or aided and abetted by the coaches and the law.. ...sigh
    They were Young Gods, as such, they did as they pleased and took what they willed. No one told them NO...ever.Not without payback. Her crime? She didn't want to date a team member anymore. So she was lured out by a girlfriend of a teammate Drugged, raped in every orifice, pissed on and tossed on her parents lawn like trash. Of course they had to Tweet and Face about it, go to let everyone know "you don't mess with us and get away with it."
    Rot in Hell, you little bastards.
    And Stuebenville? F*** YOU! You ALL turned a blind eye and this Pretense of a punishment "while you consider filing charges against the others?" is just an empty threat. Meanwhile the head coach still has his job.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Big hugs to all that have shared stories today. As for these 2 pieces of trash I hope they rot. I'm sorry but if you are 16/17 you know better. You know how horribly wrong/evil/sick it is to put your fingers inside a passed out underage drunk girl. And if you don't know how horrific your actions are then you need to be in a cell with all the other monsters we as a society keep locked up. And not just till you hit 21 either

    And this is pretty common behavior in small towns that hero worship their high school athletic clubs.

  65. Sickening.

    I just don't get how people even exist, that believe it's the girl's fault. Like somehow wanting to have sex with an unwilling participant is OK. Passed-out drunk doesn't make it OK. Drugged doesn't make it OK. Great at football doesn't make it OK.

  66. It may be common in small towns that worship their high school athletic clubs, but that doesn't mean that the news media has to bow down to those standards too. Blame the victim and make victims out of the convicted asses--I would have expected a little less gender biased from big city based media outlets.

  67. Just saw this on CNN (this is part of the article):

    "But the emotions inflamed by the case echoed past Sunday's verdict, with sheriff's deputies and state investigators arresting two teenage girls Monday for threatening the victim over Twitter. The girls -- one 15, one 16, both from Steubenville -- were in a juvenile lockup Monday night, awaiting an appearance before a judge Tuesday morning, Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said."

  68. Just going to leave this here...

    Anyone else having major issues posting? About to be forced back into lurking soon...

  69. I'd really like to reach into that picture and smack the smirk off that smug punk's face.

  70. This is why I love Cdaners. Not one assh*le blaming the girl or empathizing with the rapists. This dangerous nonsense perpetuated by CNN is irresponsible and disgusting. The players saw their lives ruined? It totally escapes the commentor that a justified and well earned verdict was the only thing that harmed them, not their actions, not remorse, not penance, even- just the verdict. What judge thinks of them, not what they think of themselves or houw their friends, family, town or world see them(heroes, gods, etc.), just the judge. F*cking idiot CNN. You f*cking reckless piece of SH*T. That verdict didn't ruin their lives, heir careers, their future, their deliberate intentional sick f*ck behavior ruined that innocent girl's life. Their sick decision to break the law, then idiotically, proudly publicize it, and shamelessly destroy a young girl's soul, battering her body- THAT is what lead to their lives being changed. They did this, They chose this. Heir parents even chose this by pledging support of abusing that girl all over again, calling her deserving,, wanting, asking for it. I hope they all rot in hell with Sandusky. And to the girls who turned their backs on this young woman and ridiculed her and bullied and threatened her, I hope to God you are prosecuted and learn a morality outside the city limits of your f*cked up, morally bankrupt town.
