Tuesday, March 19, 2013

***Spoilers**** Biggest Loser Winner Announced

I did not watch every episode of this season's Biggest Loser, but I did watch enough to know this was going to be close between Danni Allen and Jeff Nichols, but one pound? I didn't even see that one coming. Can you imagine going through this for so long and then coming up on the short end by a pound? All you would do is second guess everything you did along the way and wondering what you could have done differently or if you had worked out 15 minutes longer everyday or ate one less of something. Or remembered to go pee before the weigh in. Danni Allen was crowned the champ last night after dropping 121 pounds and beating Jeff by one pound. Jeff did lose 181 pounds, which is amazing.


  1. Ain't that a bitch.

  2. they're both winners!! Keeping it off is the next challenge. Amazing transformation.

  3. I knew dani was going to win but the when she beat jeff by one pound I got the feeling this was rigged.

  4. Good for her! To be fair, it's easier for men to lose a lot of weight than it is for women. Her 121 is probably equal to his 181, proportion-wise.

    I saw her pics in the DM, she looks great. Good for them both!

  5. The picture on the left has to be midway through, right? She does not look 121 pounds heavier there.

  6. I was really happy for her that she won. She had a great attitude through the whole show, won tons of challenges, and didn't get involved in any "strategizing." She knew she was a threat and just killed it the entire time so she'd never be at risk for getting kicked off. Also, I remember her saying she is struggling to live and pay off student loans, so I'm excited for her because I have a TON of them myself. :-)

  7. Not to be rude, and good for her and all that jazz, but not looking particularly good in either photo.

  8. Jeff is from my hometown. We were all rooting for him and are so proud!

  9. I want to know why they make them wear those hideous outfits when they start out. It's humiliating enough to be overweight but they don't have to make them stand there barely dressed too. Look at HIS before. he wasn't even wearing a shirt. But congrats on losing all the weight. Keeping it off is the challenge.

  10. Looking forward to the Complete Biggest Loser Reunion Show, but that will never happen because so many of the contestants have gained the weight back, and even more in some cases. It all seems like such a sham to me, I can't support it.

    1. @FS

      I agree, too many of these people end up exactly where they were when they came on the show, if not worse. I would love for it to be a different outcome, but from what I have read it usually is not.

  11. Auntliddt are you kidding? She looks amazeballs! Sherry, I think they want everyone to see that they're not padded in any way.

  12. This show is crap, 90% of them gain the weight back- so bad for their hearts.

    I hate Jillian Michaels.

  13. " auntliddy said...
    Not to be rude, and good for her and all that jazz, but not looking particularly good in either photo."

    give me a break, you must know that is absolute bullshit? She looked fine before and fantastic after.

  14. That picture looks a little skewed. She looked absolutely gorgeous on the finale though, supermodel gorgeous!

  15. Question: do these people have surgery before the final airing to remove the loose skin? Most people who lose weight that quickly have lots of loose skin.

  16. That is NOT true that they always gain back. From what I've read and heard, these people keep the weight off more than the usual. There are many, many of these people that make their living off of the weight they lost and this show by touring and speaking. I bet you all tutting tutting it haven't even watched and don't read up on it. *Don't mess with me, I'm a huge BL fan!* :)
    Happy for Dani! I knew she'd win, she's a beast!

  17. It sucks that they don't learn much about how to lose weight in the real world. Sure, you can do it when your day is built around exercise, and you have trainers yelling at you! But go home, and you don't have time for that.

    Cracked did an article about this and other reality shows with depressing realities, post-show:


  18. I'm proud of all the contestants for making positive changes, but I can't help but think this result was rigged. Danni worked hard and had a great attitude, but Jillian (yuck) loses her entire team, yet her sole contestant won by a pound? Something seems fishy.

    I couldn't care less about the kids on the show. Lindsay and Sunni were fine, but Biiiiiiingo was like a male Honey Boo Boo.

    I can't stand Jillian. Bob needs to get over himself. Dolvett needs a chance to shine.

  19. I'm so happy we get to chat about BL. I love this show.

  20. Renoblondee - Have you seen Ali Larter's show? She won a season, and now she has a half-hour show on the Live Well Network. She goes to a viewer's house, teaches them exercises they can do and how to eat. I like it a lot better because it's sustainable.

  21. @ Zeeky - I think you mean Ali Vincent.

    Ali Larter is an actress who's always been in excellent shape.

  22. I hate Jillian Michaels too!

    I never thought this was rigged until this show, especially after the shit Jillian put her team through. And then that thing with the hug?

    Totally rigged!

  23. @FlirtyChick74, I want to know the same thing. She looks amazing! Maybe she's just young and doesn't have to worry about saggy skin.

  24. I got the feeling there was something going on between Jilian and Danni.

  25. I've probably watched every episode and not until last night did I think something was a little off. I'm glad Danni won, but why did she have the most dramatic makeover? I used to love Jill, but I'm sick of her crap. It's gotten too fake. Maybe the majority of people gain the weight back but some don't. At this point I'd be happy if Dolvett was the only trainer, he's hot.

  26. RenoBlonde, I have read the articles. I didn't say all of them gain the weight back, I said 'so many' of them do. Most of the former contestants who have been interviewed have admitted that the weight loss they achieve during the show is not sustainable in real life because of the extremes they go to in such a short amount of time.

    Ali Vincent has gained weight too but only to the point where she is at a more reasonable, sustainable size for her age and body type. She looks great, I see her new show a lot and I really like it.
