Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shocker - Pot Found On One Of Rihanna's Tour Buses

I know it might be hard to believe, but some pot was found on one of Rihanna's tour buses. At the US/Canada border in Detroit, officers smelled pot coming from one of the buses, so they sent in drug sniffing dogs and one person was found with pot and given a ticket. Yep, that is it. Numerous buses and only one person had any. I bet they had one heck of a hot boxing party on the way to the border though to make sure they smoked it all before they got here. That is the only way I can imagine that just one person was found with any.


  1. What?! This is shocking!!! OMG, do you think Snoop has pot on his tour bus too?!

  2. I refuse to believe it.

  3. She's really lucky it wasn't in that Texas county that keeps arresting all the music folks who come through their territory!

  4. Not Rihanna! It was just seasoning for her ho-made Barbados spaghetti sauce.

  5. This is the shit that gives smokers a bad name. Just quit it when you know the popo will be around. Like you really can't put the bowl away when going thru the border? Dummies. Control yourselves. That just annoys me.

    1. After working w/ famous people, I cammn tell you there's a lot of stupidity, but arrogance is the reason for stuff like this. They really believe they are special and above stuff regular peons have to deal with. Except for a handful, that I dealt with, that were cool people.

  6. I've been through that crossing more times than I can count. They should have taken the tunnel; it's way faster than the bridge.

    1. @Cathy- totally OT but I was browsing the DM and they have a story up that Ashley Benson dyed her hair back to blonde... LOL I'm confused

  7. I thought they all had medical marijuana cards? Or are those only for certain states. Like you can only get "sick" in certain states.

  8. Call 60 Minutes!

  9. Now, now, people...just because someone on that bus was caught does NOT mean Miz Rhianna partakes! ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That person was probably the only one on that bus who already didn't have a felony or a misdemeanor so they took the blame.

  12. I don't think they could take the Tunnel.. I know that there are no trucks allowed in the tunnel. Maybe she just paid off Matty maroun and went on her way.

  13. Ah, good point, Amy. I didn't think about that - I always just take the tunnel and think that the bridge is for suckers!

  14. Somebody needs to break it to the border patrol that they are the last law enforcement professionals left who thing of weed possession as a criminal act. There's the one inspection station on I20 in Texas that seems to bust every tour bus passing through. I wish Congress would just legalize it already.

  15. Kevin Smith tells a really funny story about crossing the Canadian border in a bus and getting caught with weed. Tried to find the clip but I can't.

  16. Yeah Canada is not too kind on people with any previous (drug) arrests either. My friend works big tours and it's always a hassle cuz someone on the tour has a petty misdemeanor and they have to sneak in or stay behind. This is problematic when someone in the band is that person.

  17. Hey, don't forget about my boy, Willie Nelson !

  18. she truly is an idiot who makes the most idiotic choices (chris brown, not the M. Jane...)...who's lightbulb failed to blink up when approaching the CA border?

    i'm all for lighting up (legitimate medicinal card colder here) but i'm not down w/ dead brain cells, RIRI

  19. but she wasn't even on the bus. how is this making headlines? I could see if it was like 100 pounds of weed or crystal meth or something but this is just bullshit.

  20. I'd be shocked if it wasn't found. I mean, really? Having the police raid tourbuses is like giving candy to a baby. In the meantime, people are being killed, robbed and raped, but by all means, bust someone because of a plant. (I am on one today. :( )

  21. Seriously how much pot was found and id it actually have anything to do with her? She probably flew in and this was crew. And it's just pot FFS. Like MadLyb said if it was crystal or a lot I can see an issue but with a ticket it couldn't have been much.

  22. Not a fan by ANY stretch but c'mon... WEED?!?!?! Don't they have something better to look out for?

  23. RiRi never inhaled. I know this for a fact, because she told me. It's a total set up.

  24. Oh FFS. I met a mean drunk at a function the other day and it reminded me that I've never met a mean stoned person. Huh.

  25. I think they stop all busses at the stupid bridge. I once went on a function in college and we got stopped and the agent interrogated everyone, asking to see IDs and quizzing us on our personal details. It was crazy.

  26. Canada is hardly hard on people with drugs. Haha. They are quite plentiful and decriminalized in many provinces. I'm surprised they didn't just toss it all out the window and buy more after they crossed! It would be cheaper and more potent!
