Shocker! Lindsay Lohan Is Still Drinking
Sometime in the next six weeks, Lindsay Lohan is going to rehab and will be there for 90 glorious days. I honestly can't wait. I'm really hoping we don't hear one word from her over the course of that period, but I get the feeling we will. I don't know if she can handle being out of the public eye for that long. I don't know what her family is going to do without the money she earns from her various friends. I think there will be complaints about the facility. Maybe an attempt at leaving. I suppose there will be stories about her from other patients who leave and they will come out and sell their stories. Lindsay has been spotted a clubs drinking vodka. Lots of it. I don't understand why she just does not just drink at home. It is like she goes out of her way to drink in public. But, she wants you to know that despite all her problems that have been associated with her drinking, that she does not have a problem and that rehab is just not for her. This of course means that when she gets out she will go crazy with the drinking.