Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sean Penn's Son Is Just Like Dad

Hopper Penn is 19. While out yesterday with his a-hole father, Sean Penn, Hopper decided to go crazy on an African-American photographer. Specifically, Hopper called the man the n word and also called him a f*g. Although later in the day Hopper apologized, when that combination of words is your go to, then chances are you use them pretty much everyday. I wonder what would happen if Hopper decided to use those words in Haiti. Do you think he would have got away with it? What is shocking to me is that the pap decided to not press any kind of charges or make a police report despite police right there when it happened and ready to assist. For a video of the incident, you can click here.


  1. The apple does not fall far from the stinky tree

  2. I'm not in any way surprised that Sean Penn's son is a raging hateful asshole (like father, like son). I'm more curious about why the two of them were going into a medical building together. You don't usually bring a family member for just your yearly physical...

  3. Not so Hahahahaha

  4. Money exchanged hands. Re Haiti, there is no clear audit trail of that money he "raises". Red flags on that project. my2¢.

  5. Wow. Look at the body language on those two. Tense much?

  6. Penn didn't seem angry as he mouthed off, more tense and preoccupied then hateful. I THink Cathy is right, Somethings up and it's not good.

  7. Kid looks like he's about to start crying in the picture. Of course, if Sean Penn was my father I'd probably want to cry to.

  8. Is Sean wearing a rattail these days?! Omg, no. LOL

  9. Remember the blind about the well known star battling cancer? Did I assume it was "She"? Any one remember?

  10. Well, as a parent ,I wld be SO disappointed if my child behaved like that or said those awful things, but with sean, who knows, mb he's proud. I think its awful. No charges pressed because pap wants to live to annoy another day.

  11. Not to condone those words, but you can't press charges on someone because they called you a name. 1st amendment cuts both ways, unfortunately.

  12. I do sympathize with celebrities when they are going through something tough and the paps are on them. BUT when your go-to threat is a racial slam and the F word? You probably suck always. If he just yelled then it would be somewhat understandable. But no...he had to be a pig...

    1. Yup. As much as it's a necessary evil that drives our insatiable desires for news, my experience is that, if they would have said said the pap, hey, this is a private health matter-please give us some space, and we'll talk to you off record and let you put out the info in a classier manner. Amazing how many would say yes, but they sometimes do. Worth a shot, and way better than call someone a f*g ni&&er. Ugh, and double ugh, these jerks!

  13. Prob taking him to his regular STD test appointment. Father son bonding, its so special.

    1. Serendip- hilarious and prob right on!!!! Lololol

  14. @Catherine, he body-slammed the pap and was shoving him - that's assault. And using racial slurs at the same time adds verbal assault to it in some areas (I'm not a lawyer, I only play one on CDAN comments. ;b)

  15. Even if it were posdible to press charges, celebrities buy as much justice as they can afford. Similar with how my husband and his families money hired a super expensive criminal defense lawyer to get him off dom violence charges. Asshole skated, again.

  16. @ Serendipity, I am so sorry that you didn't get the justice you deserve.

  17. Thanks @Steamjazz. He aldo hired most expensive divirce atty in county, and is trying turn my sons against me. The only language these type of guys know is douche. isorry to be a downer cdan' peeps. #toughest time

  18. Losers, The Next Generation...

  19. @Serendippity, uppers, downers, that's what friends are for. I *hate hate hate* when a parent or other relative tries to turn a child against the other parent. That's horrible.

    1. Agree serendip. No mstter how annoyed or upset i may get with my grandchildrens parents, never say word one to kids, and ALWAYS tell them mom/ dads are the boss and thats the way it goes, end of story. And yes, 2 of thise parents are my children, lol

  20. Hang tough, Serendipity! =)

  21. The paps are relentless, and annoying, I would mumble something as well, we're all human

  22. Thanks Izzie and Meanie! It means alot when people are supportive. CDAN ers rock! I try nit to say any bad stuff about ex to my kids. I don't want to hurt them, its not cool to do that.

  23. @ Serendipity, sometimes the high road can seem F**king lonely. :( Hire your own lawyer on Spec % based on how much they can get from him (or find his second set of books,lol)

  24. Thanks @steampunk! I hope my current atty will take a % of payout. Money sitch is really bleak right now. Plus he wants his atty fees paid. I say good luck with that one! #nevermarryagain

  25. @Serendipity, Screw what he wants. If He had any luck with getting his way through ability, he never would have laid a hand on you! He had to resort to violence to try to get his way, so Remember that and stay strong.

  26. Thanks @steampunk! I am def going to stay strong. Nay have some sad moments but this shit will soon pass. On to start the next chapter! (Oh no, I sound like that damn Unwritten song from The Hills;). Your encouragement means alot! Have a terrific day!

  27. As for Penn in Haiti, I feel he only goes there for underage prostitution.

  28. That sounds awful Serendipity. Hang in there. Maybe your lawyer can ask for court-ordered counseling? To help with the children?

  29. Blech. Is that a son he had with Robin Wright? If so, that's especially disappointing.

  30. I once went on a date with a man who told me his favorite actor was Penn and I asked why he was so angry and he couldn't explain. Red flags galore! Biggest and ugliest self righteous douche on the planet hands down.

  31. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Yes, I'd hope Buttercup is embarrassed and dresses him down, don't expect his father to do it.

    Sorry Serendipity, hope you get out clean and maintain a relationship with your kids.

  32. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I am positive that there is at least ONE blind about a racist actor that's got to be about Sean Penn. since his son pretty much let us all know that the N-word is in the daily vocab of the family, can u reveal??

  33. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I am positive that there is at least ONE blind about a racist actor that's got to be about Sean Penn. since his son pretty much let us all know that the N-word is in the daily vocab of the family, can u reveal??

  34. His comments should be condemned for going to the n and f words, but:

    Anyone who has been on the other end of those &**hole paparazzi will know what f***heads they are. I had the misfortune of working at an event where they were swarming around and they screamed the most disgusting, insulting, mean things to me if I got anywhere near their shot. They are the scum of the earth, at least the ones I've been around, and I kind of think it's justice when a celeb confronts them.

  35. Serendippity, hang in there & bravo for taking the high road, you are setting the example for your children to follow. Also, good on you for taking him to court, even though he got off you did the right thing. Best of luck with the divorce, please keep us posted.

    Eve, I find it hard to have sympathy for paps. I have read that they say foul things to celebrities in order to get a reaction & they don't care if they are scaring children or harassing people.

  36. Serendipity: Sending support to you as well. Visualize the positive outcome you desire. At the very least it can balance you when the going gets tough.

    Eve: I agree. The paps can be so intrusive and literally ram a camera in your face. There is no such thing as personal space and you can't even see where you're going. That shit would get old very soon. However, gotta watch your words because the camera is on YOU and not on the paps so you'll always be the one on display.

    Agent**it: There is so much controversy surrounding the distribution of donations to the people of Haiti. There is zero organization for the multiple NGO's and the people are getting none of the money. It almost makes one NOT want to donate because apparently the lions share ends up in the pockets of the workers and not the people who need a new place to live. Is sick and heartbreaking. NYTimes had a long expose on this very issue.

  37. anytime someone comes out so easily with the, "N" word, towards a person of've got to know it's already an acceptable stance (the "white being one up") in their mentality.

    AND, it's usually acceptable to them because their parents feel the same way.

    //I also wouldn't be so quick to blame robin wright for this mess. I also got the quasi abused wife vibe from her in regards to this pos penn. But what the hell do I know?? really

    1. Agree omama, these racial slurs are Never my go to s, and probably arent for most of us. I know growing up i never heard ONE prejudice word from either one of my parents, and i thank them for that. And i just knew if i EVER even thought if saying stuff like that, it wld be the equivilant of yelling the f curse at christmas dinner.

  38. Izzie, he did not touch him. It was a verbal altercation according to the photog.

  39. Thanks for your resonses Feraltart and Sherry!

    And Serendipity, stay strong, sister. Statistics are on your side and hopefully it will be obvious that you're the one telling the truth!

  40. @Jax- watch the video - he checked the guy. It wasn't a full on bodyslam, but he definitely checked him.

    The pap was being a jerk, too. Not excusing lil' Penn's mouth, but I can see losing my s* if some guy was in my face like that.

  41. Anonymous1:36 PM

    idk abt this one. Your with your dad (whats up with the ratail?!?!) have respect watch your mouth. When you are with your parents you dont act a fool like that

  42. @Serendipity - hang in there girl. Keep your head held high and don't stoop to his level. Karma does have a way of coming back (sometimes it just takes a while and hopefully you will be able to witness it). This is coming from someone who is in a similar situation.

    As for Penn Jr - the apple doesn't fall far from the bush (I can't call it a tree because it is Sean Peen). If he had assaulted the pap (and I agree that most paps aren't the nicest people on the earth either) and used those words it could be considered a hate crime.

  43. Anonymous7:24 PM

    those are every day words for that person, if you use them that readily. What does anyone expect? If you're raised around douche, genetically half douche, and Penn is really the douchiest douche emperor of the douchelords, then what DO we expect of penn jr.?????? thoughtful eloquent wisdom?

  44. But I thought Sean Penn is a liberal. You know, tolerant of gays and minorities. Can you imagine the uproar if Mel Gibson's son had said the same things as Hopper? But I'll bet the Penns will never be shunned by Hollywood.

    1. Mb their being liberal is a liad of shit. I think hes pretty much shunned anyway, cis of temper and uber liberal rants. He went to chavezs funeral, didnt he? Thats some bullshit there.
