Monday, March 25, 2013

Sean Lowe Is A Pain In The Butt

The latest Bachelor, Sean Lowe is being again in the butt on Dancing With The Stars. Yes, I know you can't tell any of them apart and they all blur together like sweat during an old Whitney Houston performance, but Sean is convinced he is different. He is convinced that he is the star of DWTS. The only thing he has going for him is that he is a born again virgin which means he is scared of doing it again because he probably had some type of performance issues. Ohhh, someone just told me that it is because he is a born again Christian and has nothing to do with disappointing any women in the past. So, yes, I guess I can see why he is being such a pain to everyone on the set and causing drama. He needs sex. Does this whole born again virgin thing also apply to you know, sitting around the hotel room and watching spank-o-vision?


  1. "Sean Lowe Is A Pain In The Butt" (insert "anal sex doesn't mean you're not a virgin jokes" here)

  2. "Sean Lowe Is A Pain In The Butt" well then, no more ass to ass activities for Sean.

  3. So my friend dated a pastors son in HS and he was convinced sex before marriage would led him straight to hell but he still got my friend to have anal with him.

    Then the whole school found out. Everyone asked her how her bum was doing.

  4. ^^very sharp this am!

    The re-virgin talk makes me roll my eyes. Just STFU!

  5. The Bachelor and DWTS, 2 of the things on my Top Ten Things I Don't Give A Shit About!

  6. He's not a pain, he's just 'being' again in the butt. Like, he's just in there hanging out.

  7. The first line reads, "The latest Bachelor, Sean Lowe is being again in the butt on Dancing With The Stars." Being WHAT again in the butt? What is Enty trying to hint around at?

  8. I bet he has a bigass dookie bubble. Someone needs to peg his born-again ass. Just for record: I am not volunteering.

  9. @Reese-You get an A+ for CDAN vocab usage.

  10. When are these Bachelor shows going to stop?!!

  11. Ug, has anyone from this stupid franchise ever gone on to stardom after their run was over? The only one I can think of is Travis Stork, who is on that Doctors show. Other than that, when will these people realize they are not talented or interesting and are possiblcontesting a new mega strain of mouth herpes?

  12. So you have sex and you now stop having sex you are CELIBATE not a born again virgin...can't be done.


  13. Adding another eyeroll.

  14. Paint his face like the Joker and he Might be worth a dance, butt retro virginity is just bass ackward.

  15. I wouldn't know this guy if I tripped over him...PLEASE! I don't even think he is that good looking. Your 15 min are almost up John err I mean Sean.

  16. I hate the bachelor. And revirginated people annoy me. Yes I'm in that Monday kind of mood

  17. The question is, is he a born-again virgin in the butt?

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM

    He's a born again virgin because he's gay. I swear I won't touch a woman ever again! No problem!

  19. A re-virgin? Get the f*ck over yourself Sean. No one cares that you had sex. Nothing kills a lady boner faster than a guy saying he's a virgin. I like a guy that knows what he's doing.

    1. But he's so purty with the waves lapping at his delicate re-virgin nethers! So very purty!

  20. You can't be a born again virgin. What a load of manure. As Me said you're NOT a virgin. you're just celibate. But we all know that if someone came along with the right offer he'd celibate to them.

  21. So if I read between the lines, this guy likes anal. Right? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  22. Oh yeah Camembert..He's probably a bit ole bottom.

  23. He's hot...but I guess the 15 min of fame went to his head. It's a shame...he seemed like such a nice boy, being a born again virgin and all. Only problem is...if he's not putting out, I don't care how hot he is. Mama needs some lovin.

  24. This self imposed celibacy is a bunch of bullshit. Have sex and stop torturing youself. It doesnt make you a better person; it just makes you ridiculous.

  25. I watched DWTS, frankly he shouldn't be a pain anywhere much longer because he is a terrible dancer.

    It's clear he's very fond of himself,
    what a pouf!

    He is rather like the male Kate Gosslin, stiff as a plank and lead footed.

  26. Too freakin' funny. I wish I'd read this thread first. Not a good day, but you guys are on a roll & turning my day around. :-)

  27. why not just be a grown up and say "Im celibate for the time being. I feel good about that choice."

    I get the skeethies whenever some douche (more often some high on Christian 'coke'); I don't need to hear about your intimate personal life.

    for me, the time to share the 'virgin' talk is when ;;; well you know!! "Do you have a condom?"


  28. Sheesh! Maybe he is or isn't a pain in the butt. But I applaud him for wanting to wait - even if he has had sex previously. Just because someone doesn't want to have sex outside of marriage, that doesn't mean they hate sex or are prudes. Different strokes for different folks!!

  29. Agree w/@Me. You've been there and done it. If you don't want to go there again until you're married?

    You're celibate. NBD and STFU. TMI if you feel you have to tell others.
