Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rob Kardashian Accused Of Robbery

Rob Kardashian is being accused of robbery by a pap who claims that Rob took the pap's camera and then removed the memory card before handing the camera back and stating he would buy them another card later. You can't do that. According to TMZ, the pap filed a police report. Rob is going to get in trouble for this one. That is robbery and he might end up with just a ticket or probation or if he is good to have the whole thing removed from his record, but if it is true he is going to end up being arrested and a mug shot taken. Apparently, the pap took photos of Rob in a public place. The photos show Rob without his shirt on so he went berserk. Huh. How about keeping your shirt on then or working out at home.


  1. That outfit. I can't. I have no words

  2. Are those weed socks? LMAO

  3. omg those socks are awful. i can see how his sock empire will never happen, even kanye must have better taste than that.

  4. Those might be the ugliest shoes I have ever seen.

  5. @FSP. And yet, I totally want them. *hanging head in shame*

  6. He looks like KFed has been his work out coach.

  7. I'm a member of the ugly shoe club so I have no comment on that. But...those socks! Why not just walk up to a cop and blow a big ol' cloud of weed smoke in his face? Because either way you're screaming "arrest me". The blacked-out Range Rover doesn't help either.

  8. Replies
    1. @FSP, hahahaha I remember the first time I spotted someone with those when I went Houston 2 years ago. Could not believe my eyes.

    2. @Lotta, you saw them in person? I'm jealous!

    3. @FSP- it was at a rodeo of some sort. How have you not seen them in person?

    4. @Lotta, I guess I need to get out more.

    5. FSP - that is crazy! I'll watch for those. At least those guys pull up their pants!

    6. I'm in Central Texas, married to a Hispanic man from San Antonio. Unfortunately I've seen my fair share of the roach killers. They are hideous. They tend to be mostly from a certain group of Hispanic men.

  9. If he's that insecure about his body, why did he have his shirt off in public? P.S. Those shoes hurt my eyes.

  10. The whole thing hurts my eyes.

  11. @gypsy, I laughed out loud. :)

  12. I won't lie..I'd wear the fuck out of those weed socks. But never with short pants on!

  13. The shorts! Ugh, I hate that length. Why not just wear jeans? I like the shoes and the weed socks though. Well, not together.

  14. Can we arrest him for those socks instead?

  15. Aw, I love those socks.

  16. @curlyhairslacker, long shorts are what all the teen boys at my son's middle school (grade 8) are wearing. Just below the knee, sometimes to mid-calf. All year round. It's 30 degrees out, they pull their socks up. Pouring rain, they don't care. It's relatively harmless (they're cargo-type shorts and not worn down around their a*es) so it's a battle I don't pick. Bieber pants, no way in hell would that fly.

  17. @Izzie - same with my son. I can't pay the kid to actually wear pants but at least I got him to upgrade to cargo shorts from the basketball shorts he had been wearing. It helped that I advised him that gym shorts would offer no protection in the case of random boner.

    1. @Lucas You are such an awesome dad. That priceless comment is being tucked away in my little pea brain for future ammunition. :-)

  18. Geez, the K-Trash PR team have been busy as this week. Ratings must be down. Yippee!

  19. Fatty fatty boom-a-latty!

  20. Is he grabbing himself? Are his clothes dirty? He's gross.

  21. Sorry but I think that's awesome. He didn't break the camera or punch the photographer, he took the memory card, and I feel like he should have every right to do so. He didn't want his picture taken, end of story.

  22. Dam did his socks line went out of business already

  23. @Lucas, hahahaha! Cargo shorts are WAY better than the basketball shorts.

    @Izzie-I can excuse the kids if they aren't below the butt. I was certainly guilty of bad fashion then too ;) But Rob is what, 26?

  24. That picture would've made me lose my smoothie if I were a lesser individual.

  25. I feel so sorry for whoever has to make their living by following this asshole around taking pictures.

    1. I dont. They have douchbag "job" they chose. Screw them.

  26. @Lucas, heh, great reasoning. I wouldn't even have thought of that (of course).

    @curly, gah, 26?! Yeah, time to start acting like a grownup, Beavis!

  27. seriously, can't these people please just go away?

  28. Danielle, he had absolutely no right to do so. He was in public, and that memory card is the photographer's property. WTF? That's like saying he had absolutely every right to take the battery out of your cell phone if he thinks you might use it to photograph him in public. Or hell, the lenses out of your eyeglasses if you might look at him.

    1. So a person has no say in whether or not his picture is taken? I dont know about that. Interesting.

  29. Keep your fucking shirt on in public! What an asshole.

  30. Look, personal style is all 'to each his own' but fashion choices aside, no amount of PR, hip hop promotion, or public manipulation will make those long shorts anything but culottes. Just like the kids these days, my grandmother loved them!

  31. @Amy, you're right. I feel a teeeeeeeeensy bit sorry for him because he's obviously living in his sisters' shadow(s?), and seems literally miserable. But then I remember that I am working two jobs to pay rent, so then I don't feel sorry for him haha.
    @Lucas LOL it's true! When I was in high school, this kid had to lay on the floor as part of drama class and he had the hugest boner and he was wearing gym shorts and the teacher didn't do anything. I felt so bad for the kid, we all tried to look away and pretend nothing happened. Sometimes I'm glad I'm a girl

  32. @Lucas: Hahaha...The bane of all teenagers -random boners.

    This guy looks a mess! Nothing matches with that outfit and it looks filthy too. Get a job and grow up, loser.

  33. Is Rob prego or is Kim? I wouldn't be surprised if she paid him to be her surrogate to make sure she didn't get fat.

    Or maybe he ate her baby. Has anyone seen Mason or Penelope lately?

  34. I know its kool to hate on the Kartrashians, but this guy just doesn't bother me. Its not like he's on National TV sniffin his sister's coochies.

  35. Yea I don't feel sorry for people who make their living following other people around with cameras. I don't care if it's Paris Hilton or Brad Pitt. (I know Paris WANTS her pic taken). If they don't want their picture taken then they should be able to have the right to some privacy is all I'm saying.

  36. No, he just publicly called his ex-girlfriend a whore. Klassy.

  37. If it were someone who tried to stay out of the spotlight, I'd have some sympathy, but you can't beg for paparazzi attention and then get angry when they give it to you.

  38. @Mookshi--Exactly! Anyone else but fame whores who verily beg to be photographed could expect not to be snapped in public. It kills me the same way when rich & famous people get DUIs. If you have that much money and you "don't" want to be noticed, stay home on your sprawling estate when you get blitzed or take your shirt (or panties) off. Otherwise, thinking you can control the world outside your delusion illusion speaks to a severe case of cognitive dissonance.
    And he had no right to steal anything, that speaks of a detestable level of self entitlement. Oh, he'll just buy another card? That is some straight up bullshit. Having said that, I'm not sure why anyone would choose to make a living chasing photos of this piece of shit family.

  39. @ Lucas - LOL @ "random boner"! What a great name for a band!

    Jeez, I wonder who weighs more these days, Rob or Kim?

  40. I'm so pathetic. I refuse to watch anything Kardashian, but I read about Rob's potential sock empire on this site.

    When I looked at his socks, I kept trying to make out a "K" & thinking this guy can't even create a decent "K" design for his socks.

    Then I read the comments. They're weed socks! :facepalm: Gawd, I'm so embarassed.

  41. are those socks part of his failed collection? he's a damn idiot

  42. He's overweight, a douche bag and living off his whore sister's fame.
