Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Justin Bieber gets undressed in the car so he can walk naked to his hotel.
James Franco somehow got Petra Nemcova to canoodle with him.
Jennie Garth and a huge chocolate bunny. It is chocolate right? Not some bunny they dyed in gold and wrapped with a ribbon in some kind of sick joke?
Today is Katniss' turn for a Capitol portrait.
The funny thing is that this pro tennis player standing next to Jeremy Piven is only 5'1".
Redfoo makes an interesting tennis player.
Jason Segel makes another woman laugh. Michelle Williams must miss that a little right?
Alison Williams and Katy Perry tease John Mayer about the 20 pounds he has put on in the past few months.
Kristen Stewart heads out to a concert.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Maybe John Mayer is not joining Katy Perry in her daily Coke-a-thon.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    oooooohhhhhhhh. I was first I was first. But hopefully not first to die of the sinus infection from hell.

    1. Feel better, they are a misery.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. jeremy piven is standing on his tippy toes in both photos.

  5. lmao @ Jeremy P standing on his tiptoes in pic with Redfoo.

    is that Allison Williams from Girls??

  6. Katniss looks so beautiful! Cinna's is equally fab :)

    Hahahah @ The Pivert.

  7. I love Jason Segel.....or at least I love Marshall!

    Bieber, GO AWAY.

  8. What is Justin doing? Was there a penis around?

  9. LOL- at tippy toed Piv!
    KStew and her date? they look cozy..and as for the Beibs? was he changing. did the diaper pants have a full load or was he into some back seat shenanigans?

  10. OMG if you google "Jeremy Piven height" they have him listed as 5'10"..... LMAO!!!!

    1. @Lotta 5'10"?! That's optimistic!

    2. @VIP- maybe they added that last zero by mistake!

  11. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Petra Nemcova dated/screwed Sean Penn. Franco is a huge step up.

  12. I see Jeremy standing on his tip toes in BOTH photos. How freaking short is he?

  13. So is that K Stew pic proof that she prefers tacos over burritos?

  14. I love Marshall too!

    I'm dying over these Pivert photos. On his tip toes?!? Dude, just accept the shortness.

  15. I love that Piven is so self conscious of his shortness! bwahahahaahah

  16. Oh Enty, it's a Lindt chocolate bunny, as in Easter is coming just around the corner.

  17. Okay, now I have the 'tippy toes' doll song in my head. So I googled the commercial. It's a bit pedo-licious at the end.

    (I'm a dumb hick, who don't know how to make it click.)

    1. @libby That's so 80's commercial. I miss them

  18. Hahaha..Pivert looks so schlubby next to everyone but the standing on his toes is priceless.

    Yeah this looks like a more natural pairing for KStew.

  19. I hope that chocolate goes straight to Kelly Taylor's hips for stealing Dylan from Brenda.

    Haha Jeremy Piven! He's so tiny.

    I must admit that I like LMFAO. Sexy and I Know It always gets me going at the gym, even if I'm wearing a schlubby T shirt and no makeup.

    I never thought Petra Nemcova was that good looking.

  20. I don't know why but I love RedFoo. LOL at Piven!

  21. GROSS top photo!! I do not want to see teenage boy tighties!

    Gah, Franco turning up the smarm.

    Enty, that's not Jessica believing they ground up Peter Pan to make peanut butter, y'know.

    Katniss borrowed Amy Adams's dress! Damn, I can't wait for that movie.

    Snerk at the Piv. Embrace your shortness, dude. It's all good.

    I'm glad Marshall has moved on and is smiling. I have a not-so-secret crush on him.

    Kristen Stewart has already changed her hair color. I'm really surprised that any of these stars have hair after all the coloring & styling they do to it.

  22. @VIP, I had the same thought about Kristen's pic.....

  23. jeremy piven is standing on his tippy toes in both photos.

    This is too funny! What a tool.

  24. I know it's a side pic but Jason looks hot!
    Marry me.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I love funny men! Jason, you can do better than pole up the butt Michelle! You need a girl who likes to laugh and pal around. Call ME!

  27. Anonymous1:49 PM

    The Pivs still has that gray face that indicates coke abuse in my personal opinion. If he was playing tennis he should look rosy and healthy. Not grey and sweaty all the time.

  28. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I also think that Jason Segel is awfully sweet and cute, with the self deprecating, self consciousness. I would date him in a heartbeat.

  29. Anonymous2:17 PM

    he really is tiptoe-ing i wonder if he thought it was going to be cropped lol

    all those models look like their doing the lean away from these men

    good to see jason smiling again

    kristen is just s dirtbomb to me, everything abt her

  30. I googled the height of the tennis player and she's listed as being 5'11" not 5'1", pive is still short and in no way 5'10, but did think I should point that out. The tippy toes are hilar.

  31. Jason needs a regular, non-famous girl who appreciates him. Hopefully he can find one (I'm sure he can).

    I thought Mayer was humping on Allison Williams on the side?

  32. does anyone notice that jeremy piven is standing on his tip toes in both photos. esp. noticeable with red-foo...

  33. Bitch, please - Petra got on Sean Penn. Even James Franco is a huge step up.

  34. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I love that everyone caught the tippy toes thing with Piven. Hilarious! I agree he probably thought the pictures would be cropped.

    Love the Katniss shot. Whereas that dress annoyed the hell out of me on Amy Adams it fits perfectly for the Capitol Portrait. She looks great.

  35. If anyone is wondering, that is Daniela Hantuchova w the pivert

    And I think that's a chick on top of the nasty Biebs

  36. I would tear Jason Segal up. Also, Piven is standing on his toes in both pictures. Douche.

  37. Anonymous4:12 PM

    All the gossip sites are saying Taylor Lautner is Kristen's "date" for the concert. But those pix tell a different story. I'm surprised the tabloids didn't pick up on that.

  38. The girl with Kristen is Tamera. I forgot her last name. She's Katy perry's assistant and they are always together. There are whispers about those two. They were at Katys bday party together.

  39. Mmmm, Lindt! Now that's some good chocolate!

    Onyx, next time maybe you should google the definition of "joke" instead. ;)

    1. @mooshki, lol did go over my head, but you have to be fair enty has a crapload of typos, I just thought it was that :)

  40. This might sound weird, but when I look at Kristen Stewart's feet in that picture, in those gross little 80s shoes, she looks like the kind of girl who has stinky feet. Like Britney. Dirty, and not in a good way.

  41. Justin needed his diaper pants changed. He had a full load in there. Not surprising since he is a little shit

  42. OMG, Jeremy Piven... TOO FUNNY.

  43. Give me the chocolate bunny and Jason Segel and I'll be a happy girl.

    LOL! @ the tippy toes! I hadn't noticed!

  44. That is fair, lol.

  45. It seems weird to me that Franco's hand is ALL the way around her with his hand on her stomach. A much more natural, less forced pose would be hand on the hip, no? Just seems like strange body language IMO. And it looks like she's leaning away from him. But, shit, after Sean Penn beggars can't be choosers.

  46. What gets met. Jacq, is that she's so slender he can wrap his arm so much around her. I think Petra is lovely and James ain't no slacker in the looks department either IMO.

  47. Omg i canNOT stop laughing about the Piven tiptoe pictures!! Hahahaha oh that is priceless!

  48. Hantuchova is 5'11" not 5'1"

  49. The tennis pro standing next to Jeremy Piven is (if I can see right) Daniela Hantuchova.

  50. Haha, the tennis player's name is even funnier in context with Piv's tiptoes. I read it really fast as "huntch-a-tova" and thought hunching over and thought I'm a mean girl.

  51. Bieber feeling a little hot 'n sweaty from all the coke? Bad habits die hard.
